Aerva lanata (L.) Juss. ex Schult. in Roemer & Schultes, Syst. Veg. 5: 564. 1819

Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2023, A critical inventory of the family Amaranthaceae s. str. in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 626 (4), pp. 223-246 : 230

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.626.4.1


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scientific name

Aerva lanata (L.) Juss. ex Schult. in Roemer & Schultes, Syst. Veg. 5: 564. 1819


2.3. Aerva lanata (L.) Juss. ex Schult. in Roemer & Schultes, Syst. Veg. 5: 564. 1819 View in CoL

Achyranthes lanata L., Sp. Pl.: 204. 1753 ≡ Illecebrum lanatum (L.) L., Mant. Pl.: 344. 1771 ≡ Ouret lanata (L.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 544. 1891.

Lectotype (designated here): — [icon] “ CHENOPODIUM incanum racemosum , folio majore, minori opposito ” in Burman 1737: t. 26, fig. 1 (image of the lectotype available at

Revised typification of Achyranthes lanata :— Iamonico (2014: 406) described the protologue of the Linnaean name Achyranthes lanata by citing correctly Burman’s reference to the illustration “t. 26, f. 1” ( Burman 1737, Linnaeus 1753: 204). However, in the taxonomic treatment, Iamonico (2014: 407) indicated Burman’s “AMARANTUS spicatus Zeylanicus, foliis obtusis, &c in Burman 1737: t. 5, fig. 3” as the lectotype of the name (also publishing a figure; Iamonico 2014: Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ; image available at This latter Burman’s polynomial, however, is part of the original for A. aspera L. var. indica L. (Iamonico 2014: 405). Burman’s “t. 26, f. 1”, reported by Linnaeus (1753: 204) for A. lanata , actually refers to “ CHENOPODIUM incanum racemosum , folio majore, minori opposito ” which relevant illustration is designated here as the lectotype of A. lanata , thereby revising the inadvertently wrong typification by Iamonico (2014: 407).

Chorology:― Native to tropical Africa and Asia, and the Arabian Peninsula ( POWO 2023).

Occurrence in Saudi Arabia :― ʿAsīr ( Miller & Cope 1996, Alwadie 2005, Al-Namazi et al. 2022), Jazan and Makkah ( Miller & Cope 1996), Riyadh ( Collenette 1999).

Specimina visa selecta:— SAUDI ARABIA . Jazan, Fayfa, 06 march 2012, s.c. KFSU331 (PNUH!).

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