Lathrobium (s.str.) brunnipes ( Fabricius, 1793 )

Ryvkin, Alexandr B., 2011, On new and poorly known Lathrobium (s. str.) species from Siberia and the Russian Far East (Insecta: Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae), Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 11 (2), pp. 135-170 : 136-142

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13204329

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scientific name

Lathrobium (s.str.) brunnipes ( Fabricius, 1793 )


Lathrobium (s.str.) brunnipes ( Fabricius, 1793) View in CoL

Staphylinus brunnipes Fabricius, 1793: 537 Lathrobium brunipes [sic!]; Gebler, 1830: 72 Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Gebler, 1848: 113 Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Heyden, 1881, Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1880-1881, Suppl.: 76 Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Eppelsheim, 1893, Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1893(1): 51 Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Heyden, 1898: 34 Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; J. Sahlberg, 1899, Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 32: 340 Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; J. Sahlberg, 1900, Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, 19(4): 27 Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Jakovlev, 1902, Memoires de la Société des Naturalistes de Jaroslaw, 1: 111 Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Lebedev, 1906, Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 37: 373 Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Poppius, 1908, Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, 31(6): 12 Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Poppius, 1909, Öfversigt af Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Förhandlingar, 51(A4): 22

Lathrobium (Lathrobium) brunnipes View in CoL ; Jakobson, 1909: 493

Lathrobium (s.str.) brunnipes View in CoL ; Horion, 1965: 72 Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Kryzhanovskiy et al., 1973, Ekologiya pochvennykh bespozvonochnykh: 149

Lathrobium (s.str.) brunnipes View in CoL ; Tichomirova, 1973: 179

Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Kurcheva, 1977: 70 Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Bordoni, 1980, Frustula Entomologica (Nuova Serie), 2(15): 20 Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Babenko, 1981, Fauna i ekologiya nazemnykh chlenistonogikh Sibiri: 25 Lathrobium (s.str.) brunnipes View in CoL ; Coiffait, 1982, Nouvelle Revue d’Entomologie. Suppl., 12(4): 374 Lathrobium (s.str.) brunnipes View in CoL ; Tichomirova, 1982, Pochvennyie bespozvonochnyie Moskovskoy oblasti: 215

Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Babenko, 1982, Poleznyie i vrednyie nasekomyie Sibiri: 56

Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Razumovskiy et al., 1984, Zhivotnyi mir yuzhnoy taygi: 108, 114 Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Ryvkin, 1984, Zhivotnyi mir yuzhnoy taygi: 123

Lathrobium (s.str.) brunnipes View in CoL ; Boháč, 1986, Acta entomologica bohemoslovaca, 83: 385

On new and poorly known Lathrobium (s.str.) species from Siberia and the Russian Far East ...

Lathrobium brunnipes ; Gusarov, 1989, Vestnik Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Seria 3, 1989(3) (17): 8

Lathrobium brunnipes ; Sch ülke, 1990, Novius(10): 224

Lathrobium (s.str.) brunnipes View in CoL ; Veselova & Ryvkin, 1991, Biological resources and Biocenoses of Yenissey Taiga: 192 Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Shavrin, 1998, Entomological problems of Baikalian Siberia: 84 Lathrobium (s.str.) brunnipes View in CoL ; Ryabukhin, 1999: 52

Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Shavrin et. al., 1999, Proceedings of the Biology and Soil Department of the Irkutsk State University, 1: 35 Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Shavrin, 2001, Proceedings of the Biology and Soil Department of the Irkutsk State Univ ersity, 5: 86 Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Shavrin et al., 2001, Proceedings of the Biology and Soil Department of the Irkutsk State University, 5: 103 Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Shavrin, 2006, Biodiversity of the ecosystems of Inner Asia, 1: 199

Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Shavrin, 2007a, Trudy Pribaikal’skogo natsional’nogo parka, 2: 136 Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Shavrin, 2007b, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology, 7(2): 174 Lathrobium brunnipes View in CoL ; Assing, 2008, Linzer Biologische Beiträge, 40(2): 1269

Staphylinus punctatus Geoffroy, 1785: 168 View in CoL Lathrobium punctatum View in CoL ; Fauvel, 1873: 341 Lathrobium punctatum View in CoL ; J. Sahlberg, 1876, Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, 1: 38 Lathrobium punctatum View in CoL ; J. Sahlberg, 1880, Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, 17(4): 74

Lathrobium punctatum View in CoL ; Mäklin, 1881, Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, 18(4): 13, 24

Staphylinus dentatus Marsham, 1802: 515 View in CoL Staphylinus fabricii Turton, 1802: 523 View in CoL Lathrobium fuscum Gravenhorst, 1806: 130 View in CoL Lathrobium luteipes Fauvel, 1873: 342 View in CoL Lathrobium brunnipes luteipes View in CoL ; J. Sahlberg, 1899, Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 32: 340 Lathrobium brunnipes laticolle Machulka, 1923 View in CoL , Sborník entomologického oddělení Národního

Musea v Praze, 1: 73 Material. RUSSIA: CHELYABINSK AREA: 1 female (AR): 20 km S Asha, nr Viliay, old Quercus View in CoL + Tilia View in CoL forest with Acer View in CoL & Ulmus View in CoL . 15.06.1991. S.Golovatch, L.Penev, A.Vasilev, et al. leg.— TYUMEN AREA: 2 females (AR): Tarko-Sale, birch forest. 23.07.1984. N.Poryadina leg.— 1 female (AR): Armizonskoye, forest-steppe. 30.06.1985. N.Poryadina leg.— 2 males (AR): Yarkovskiy District, 70 km S of Tobolsk, Mazurovo. Birch forest. 30.06.1982. N.Poryadina leg.— 2 males, 2 females (AR): same locality and collector. 02.07.1985.— K HANTY -M ANSI AUTONOMOUS REGION: 2 females (AR): 1 male (AR): Surgutskiy District, near Ugut, Ugutka River basin. Mosses and litter at afforested swamp with Sphagnum spp. , Pleurozium schreberi View in CoL , Hylocomium splendens View in CoL , Pinus sylvestris View in CoL , Betula sp. , Pinus sibirica View in CoL , Ledum palustre View in CoL , Oxycoccus sp. , Rubus chamaemorus View in CoL , Vaccinium myrtillus View in CoL , V. vitis-idaea View in CoL , V. uliginosum View in CoL , Carex sp. etc. 12.07.1998. A.B.Ryvkin leg.—Surgutskiy District, near Ugut, Ugutka River. Steep river bank: drift with pine needles, bark of trees, withered grass, silt, etc. 04.07.1998.A.B.Ryvkin leg.— 1 male (AR): Surgutskiy District, Yuganskiy Nature Reserve, Nyogus’yakh River, Bisarkina cordon. Parching rill near cordon: mosses and litter in rill-bed and on banks ( Abies sibirica View in CoL , Picea obovata View in CoL , Salix sp. , Padus sp. , Betula sp. , Populus tremula View in CoL , Linnaea borealis View in CoL , Trientalis europaea View in CoL , Oxalis acetosella View in CoL , Polytrichum commune View in CoL , Carex spp. , Equisetum sylvaticum View in CoL , Sphagnum? riparium View in CoL , Sph.? girgensohnii etc.). 22.07.1998. A.B.Ryvkin leg.— 1 female (AR): same locality and collector. Mosses and litter at forest lake shore: Carex spp. , Filipendula ulmaria View in CoL , Poaceae View in CoL gen. sp., Equisetum spp. , ferns, Plagiomnium sp. , Climacium dendroides View in CoL , Sphagnum squarrosum View in CoL , Tomenthypnum sp. etc. 26.07.1998.— 1 female (AR): same locality and collector. Tussocks with Carex spp. , Poaceae View in CoL gen. sp., Filipendula ulmaria View in CoL , Plagiomnium sp. , Tomenthypnum sp. etc. at flood-plain lake shore. 30.07.1998.— 3 females (AR): same locality and collector. Parching rill near cordon: mosses and litter in rill-bed and by banks ( Carex spp. , Equisetum sylvaticum View in CoL , Sphagnum? riparium View in CoL , Sph.? girgensohnii , Polytrichum commune View in CoL ,

Filipendula ulmaria , Poaceae gen. sp., Veratrum

Ryvkin A.B.

sp., Linnaea borealis , Maianthemum bifolium, TERRITORY : 1 male (AR): Turukhanskiy District, Trientalis europaea , Tomenthypnum sp. , Yeloguy Refuge, Yeloguy River 6 km below Tyna Plagiomnium sp. etc.). 31.07.1998.— 1 male (AR): River mouth, sandy-argillaceous bank of rill with Surgutskiy District, Yuganskiy Nature Reserve, Carex spp. and Sphagnum sp. : in litter, dry sedge Nyogus’yakh River basin, forest road, 3 km ENE debris and moss. 21.07.1992. V.B.Semenov leg.— of Bisarkina cordon. Moss and litter in forest 1 male (AR): 1 female (AR): same locality and with Picea obovata , Pinus sibirica , P. sylvestris , collector, Sphagnum spp. , Vaccinium uliginosum , Betula sp. , Equisetum pratense , Eq. sylvaticum , yernik, Oxycoccus sp. , Empetrum nigrum , Rubus Pleurozium schreberi , Hylocomium splendens , chamaemorus , Ledum palustre , Pinus sylvestris . Vaccinium myrtillus , V. vitis-idaea , Sphagnum 23.07.1992.— 1 male (AR): same locality and russowii (here and there). 28.07.1998. A.B.Ryvkin collector, in mosses and litter on swamped rill bank leg.— 1 male (AR): Surgutskiy District, Yuganskiy with Betula sp. , Alnus sp. , Sphagnum sp. Nature Reserve, near Vuya-Yany River mouth. 24.07.1992.— 1 male (AR): same locality and Moss and litter on hummocks at bank of old collector, in litter on swamped shore of forest lake channel with Carex spp. , Comarum palustre , with Filipendula ulmaria , Ribes nigrum , Alnus Filipendula ulmaria , Poaceae gen. sp., sp., Betula sp. 27.07.1992.— 1 male (AR): Plagiomnium sp. etc. 12.08.1998. A.B.Ryvkin Turukhanskiy District, Yeloguy River, 3 km upleg.— 1 female (AR): same locality, date and stream of Kellog River mouth, Pinus sylvestris , collector. Mosses and litter under Pinus sibirica , Picea obovata , Betula sp. , dwarf birch (yernik), Picea obovata , Abies sibirica , Betula sp. with Ledum palustre , Andromeda polifolia , Carex sp. , Maianthemum bifolium , Trientalis europaea , Sphagnum spp. 03.09.1993. V.B.Semenov leg.—1 Vaccinium vitis-idaea , Pleurozium schreberi , male(AR): Turukhanskiy District, Yeloguy River, Climacium dendroides etc.— 2 males, 1 35 km below Kellog, 5 km below Kushnya River female(AR): same locality and collector, moss mouth, Pinus sylvestris , Betula? nana , Ledum and litter in flood-plain forest with Abies sibirica , palustre , Andromeda polifolia , Oxycoccus sp. , Picea obovata , Betula sp. , Pinus sibirica , Carex sp. , Sphagnum spp. 10– 11.09.1993. Sorbus sibirica , Vaccinium vitis-idaea, V.B.Semenov leg.— 1 female (AR): Turukhanskiy Equisetum sylvaticum , Eq. pratense , District, Yeloguy River, 35 km below Kellog, 5 km Hylocomium splendens , Pleurozium schreberi , below Kushnya River mouth, sandy river bank, Polytrichum commune , Ptilium crista- under mosses among bushes of Salix sp. castrensis, Climacium dendroides , 12.09.1993. V.B.Semenov leg.— 1 male (AR): Maianthemum bifolium , Trientalis europaea, Turukhanskiy District, Yeloguy River basin, 65 Veratrum sp. , etc. 15.08.1998.— 1 female (AR): km below Kellog, Sigovaya River near mouth, Surgutskiy District, Yuganskiy Nature Reserve, bank of rill with Alnus sp. , Salix sp. , Abies sibirica, Malyi Yugan River basin, Koimlor Lake. Mosses Carex spp. , Sphagnum spp. 21.09.1993. and litter at lake shore and under pines: V.B.Semenov leg.— 1 female (AR): Turukhanskiy Sphagnum spp. , Vaccinium uliginosum , V. vitis- District, Yeloguy River 125 km below Kellog, 15 idaea, Ledum , Chamaedaphne calyculata , km below Altus River mouth, 35 m a.s.l., in willow Andromeda polifolia , etc. 10.08.1998. leaf litter and under mosses at dried old channel A.B.Ryvkin leg.— ALTAI TERRITORY: 3 with Salix sp. , Carex sp. , mosses. 27.09.1993. females(AR): Altai Mts., Chelyush. 17.06.1987. V.B.Semenov leg.— 2 males, 3 females (AR): V.V.Belov leg.— 2 males, 2 females (AR): Altaiskiy Turukhanskiy District, Nizhnyaya Sarchikha River Nature Reserve, Teletskoye Lake, Chiri cordon. near Kamenka River mouth, 150 m a.s.l., on 14– 20.06.1987. V.V.Belov leg.— 1 male (AR): tussocks with Carex sp. , Sphagnum sp. , Altaiskiy Nature Reserve, Teletskoye Lake, Polytrichum strictum , P. commune in swampy Atkichu River bank, shingle bed. 10.07.2002. forest with Betula sp. , Larix sibirica , Pinus A.V.Matalin, S.S.Demidov leg.— KEMEROVO sibirica , Salix sp. , undergrowth of Abies sibirica . AREA: 1 female (AVSh): Berikul’. 08– 16.08.1980. 11.07.1992. V.B.Semenov leg.— 3 males, 9

V.G.Shilenkov leg. [‘ Lathrobium brunnipes (F.) females(AR): Turukhanskiy District, upper V.I.Gusarov det. 1997’]— K RASNOYARSK reaches of Nizhnyaya Lebedyanka River, river

On new and poorly known Lathrobium (s.str.) species from Siberia and the Russian Far East ...

bank with forbs ( Urtica sp. , Trollius asiaticus , Caltha palustris , Filipendula ulmaria ): dead grass, mosses and birch-spruce litter. 18.06.1992. V.B.Semenov leg.— 1 female (AR): same locality and collector, mosses and litter in forest with Pinus sibirica , Abies sibirica , admixture of Betula sp. , Hylocomium splendens , Pleurozium schreberi , Polytrichum commune . 19.06.1992.— 7 males, 5 females (AR): same locality and collector, in Sphagnum spp. on swamp with Betula sp. , Abies sibirica , Pinus sibirica , Oxycoccus sp. , Ledum palustre , Vaccinium uliginosum . 19– 20.06.1992.— 1 male (AR): same locality and collector, on tussocks with last year’s grass in swampy forest with Betula sp. , Abies sibirica , undergrowth of Pinus sibirica , Picea obovata and Larix sibirica . 25.06.1992.— 1 female (AR): Turukhanskiy District, right side of Yenisei River 15 km S Komsa, near cordon at S border of Central Siberian Biosphere Reserve, 40 m a.s.l., mosses and litter at swampy bald mountain slope with Carex spp. , Poaceae gen. spp., ferns etc. 09.08.1988. A.B.Ryvkin leg.— 1 female (AR): Turukhanskiy District, near Bor, 40 m a.s.l., in leaf litter on bottom of dried lake channel with Rosa sp. , Padus sp. , Ribes sp. in forest with Picea obovata , Pinus sylvestris , P. sibirica , Betula pendula , Abies sibirica , Larix sibirica . 13.06.1993. V.B.Semenov leg.— 1 male (AR): Turukhanskiy District, Kamennyi Dubches River 3 km below Teulches River mouth, under mosses in forest with Pinus sibirica , Larix sibirica , Abies sibirica , Betula sp. , Vaccinium vitis-idaea , Vaccinium myrtillus , Hylocomium splendens , Pleurozium schreberi , Cladonia spp. 18.09.1992. V.B.Semenov leg.— 1 female (AR): Turukhanskiy District, Kamennyi Dubches River, 60 km below Teulches River mouth, near hut, 150 m a.s.l., lake connected with the river through a rill, with Ñarex tussocks, Filipendula sp. , Sphagnum spp. , Mnium sp. , and in willow litter. 22.09.1992. V.B.Semenov leg.— 1 male (AR): Turukhanskiy District, Bakhta River basin: near Keteollo Lake, 330 m a.s.l., among Carex spp. , Poaceae gen. spp. etc. with hydrophilous mosses on rill sides near foot of rocky slope. 20.08.1992. A.B.Ryvkin leg.— 3 females (AR): Turukhanskiy District, Central Siberian Biosphere Reserve,

Bol’shaya Varlamovka River basin, middle reaches of Bol’shaya Raskosaya River, drift of straw and needles at river bank. 23.05.1992. V.B.Semenov leg.— 1 male, 4 females (AR): same locality and collector, swamp with Sphagnum spp. , Oxycoccus sp. , Betula? nana , dead grass. 23– 24.05.1992.— 1 male (AR): same locality and collector, Pleurozium schreberi , Hylocomium splendens etc. in forest with Picea obovata , Betula sp. , Pinus sibirica , Abies sibirica , Juniperus sp. , Larix sibirica , Vaccinium vitis-idaea and Vaccinium myrtillus . 24.05.1992.— 2 males (AR): same locality and collector, edge of swamp with Sphagnum spp. , Pleurozium schreberi and Hylocomium splendens among Picea obovata and Betula sp. 25.05.1992.— 3 males, 5 females (AR): same locality and collector, in Polytrichum commune , Hylocomium splendens , Pleurozium schreberi , as well as in birch leaf litter in forest with Betula sp. , Abies sibirica , old trees of Pinus sibirica , undergrowth of Picea obovata , Vaccinium vitis-idaea , Vaccinium myrtillus , Empetrum sp. 27.05.1992.— 1 female (AR): Beryozovskiy District, left confluent of Yenisei River, near Divnogorsk, litter in forest with Betula sp. and Pinus sibirica on slope. 01.06.1988. A.B.Ryvkin leg.— 1 female (AR): ‘Stolby’ Nature Reserve, Bazayskoye Forestry, Bazaikha River, 1 km below Synzhul cordon, mosses, litter, drift, shingles among Poaceae gen. spp., Carex spp. , Filipendula ulmaria , Padus sp. , Salix spp. at banks of river and its channel. 14.08.1994. A.B.Ryvkin leg.— 1 male (AR): ‘Stolby’ Nature Reserve, Bazayskoye Forestry, Bol’shoy Synzhul Rill 2 km up-stream of mouth, mosses and litter in flood-plain and at rill bank. 15.08.1994. A.B.Ryvkin leg.— 1 female (AR): Sayanskiy District, East Sayan Mts, Idar Mt. Ridge, Kerzha River. Flood plain: mosses in swampy depression with Sphagnum squarrosum , Plagiomnium spp. , Filipendula ulmaria , Comarum palustre , sparse Poaceae gen. sp. and Carex sp. 29.07.1993. A.B.Ryvkin leg.— EVENKIA AUTONOMOUS REGION: 1 female (AR): Baykitskiy District, Central Siberian Biosphere Reserve, Stolbovaya River basin: Birapchana River, 5 km below confluence of Levaya Birapchana and Pravaya Birapchana rivers, 480 m a.s.l., stony slope with small rills:? Heracleum sp. , Poaceae gen. spp., Carex spp. ,

mosses etc. 03.07.1989. A.B.Ryvkin leg.— 1 male ( AR): Central Siberian Biosphere Reserve ,

Ryvkin A.B.

Stolbovaya River basin: lower reaches of Birapchana River near mouth of Kruten’kiy Stream, 110 m a.s.l., loamy river bank with Salix sp. , dead Poaceae gen. spp. etc., in drift. 23.06.1993. V.B.Semenov leg.— 1 female (AR): same locflity and collector, 120–140 m a.s.l., litter and moss on slope with Picea obovata , Betula sp. , Juniperus sp. , Vaccinium uliginosum , V. vitis-idaea , V. myrtillus , Empetrum nigrum , Hylocomium splendens , etc. 29.06.1993. V.B.Semenov leg.— 1 male (AR): Central Siberian Biosphere Reserve, Stolbovaya River: 6 km below mouth of Malaya Dulkuma River, 70 m a.s.l., litter, withered grass, and moss on loamy bank of rill with Padus sp. , Ribes sp. , Poaceae gen. sp., Mnium sp. 05.07.1993. V.B.Semenov leg.— 1 female (AR): Baykitskiy District, Bol’shoy Baykitik River, 1–3 km up-stream of Baykit, 150 m a.s.l., mosses at stony river bank. 21.09.1993. A.B.Ryvkin leg.— 1 male (AR): Baykitskiy District, Bol’shoy Baykitik River, 3 km up-stream of Baykit, 160–170 m a.s.l., river bank with hummocks: mosses, litter and drift among Salix spp. , Alnus sp. , Betula? fruticosa [ = divaricata ] with Calamagrostis sp. , Carex spp. , Filipendula ulmaria , Equisetum sp. etc. at bottom of stony slope. 26.09.1993. A.B.Ryvkin leg.— KHAKASSIA REPUBLIC: 1 male, 1 female (AR): Tashtypskiy District, near Abaza, Abaza–Ak-Dovurak road, canyon of Abakan River confluent, 650 m a.s.l., mosses and litter under Pinus sibirica , Larix sibirica , Abies sibirica , etc. 16.06.1990. A.B.Ryvkin leg.— TUVA REPUBLIC: 2 females (AR): Todjenskiy District, upper reaches of Bol’shoy Yenisey (Biy-Khem) River basin: Serlig-Khem River near mouth, 1030 m a.s.l., mosses and litter in forest at swampy bank of a rill: Carex spp. , Poaceae gen. sp., Betula sp. , Picea obovata , etc. 16.06.1992.A.B.Ryvkin leg.— 1 female (AR): same locality, date and collector, mosses and litter in flood-plain forest with Picea obovata , Larix sibirica , Pinus sibirica , Betula sp. , Pleurozium schreberi , Hylocomium splendens , etc.— IRKUTSK AREA: 1 male (AVSh): Tayshetskiy District, 3 km N of Akul’shet. 03.07.1999. A.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium brunnipes F. Shavrin det. 99’]— 6 males, 11 females (AVSh): Tayshetskiy District, Biryusa River valley near Patrikha. 24.06.1998.

A.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium brunnipes F.’]— 3 males, 2 females (AVSh): Nizhneudinskiy District, Ryabinovyi (uninhabited), 1000 m a.s.l. 25– 26.06.1998. A.Shavrin leg.— 1 female (AVSh): Nizhneudinskiy District, 5 km S of Vodopadnyi. 22– 23.06.1998. A.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium (s.str.) geminum Kr. det. Shavrin A. 99’]— 2 females (AVSh): Nizhneudinskiy District, Uda River valley, 5 km S of Vodopadnyi. 04– 05.07.1999. A.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium brunnipes ’]— 1 female (AVSh): Nizhneudinskiy District, Yaga River valley, 2 km E ofYaga. 30.06.1999.A.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium brunnipes ’]— 1 female (AVSh): Nizhneudinskiy Distr., 70 km NW of Trud. 28.06.1999. A.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium brunnipes ’]— 2 females (AVSh): Ziminskiy District, 3 km SE of Pereyezd, Oka River valley. 20– 21.06.1998. A.Shavrin leg.— 1 female (AVSh): Cheremkhovskiy District, Sredniy Bulay. 01.07.2006. A.V.Shavrin leg.— 1 male, 1 female (AR): Zhigalovskiy District, interflew of Chichapta River and Orlinga River (right confluents of Lena River), h= 700 m. 26.08.2002. M.B.Mostovskiy leg.— 4 males, 6 females (AVSh): NE of Shumilovo, N 56°02.969`E 103°17.437`, 493 m a.s.l., Abies sibirica & Pinus sibirica forest with Milium effusum . 24– 25.06.2008. A.Shavrin & I.Enushchenko leg.— 1 male, 1 female (AVSh): Shumilovo. 24.07.2008. A.Shavrin & I.Enushchenko leg.— 1 female (AVSh): Ust’- Kutskiy District, Yarakta. 10.08.2008. A.Shavrin & I.Enushchenko leg.— 2 males (AVSh): 18th km of Ust’-Kut–Magistral’nyi road, right side of Lena River, N 56°38.375`E 106°03.572`, 391 m a.s.l., forest with Pinus sylvestris , Larix gmelinii , Betula sp. at foot of slope and aspen forest with osier-bed. 26– 28.07.2008. A.Shavrin & I.Enushchenko leg.— 1 male, 1 female (AVSh): right side of Nizhnyaya Tunguska River near mouth of Yuktakon River, 2 km below Yerbogachen, swampy side of flood-plain lake with Carex acuta , C. rostrata , Acorus calamus (about 400 m off Nizhnyaya Tunguska River). 18, 26.08.2008. A.Shavrin & I.Enushchenko leg.— 2 males, 2 females (AVSh): 15th km of Kirensk-Podvoloshino road, left side of Lena River, N 57°49.309`E 108°17.019, 252 m a.s.l., flood-plain meadow with Bromopsis inermis & B. sibirica , and sedgy bottom of dried ephemeral reservoir at flood-plain meadow near edge of spruce-birch forest. 04– 09.08.2008. A.Shavrin & I.Enushchenko leg.— 1 male, 1 female (AVSh):

On new and poorly known Lathrobium (s.str.) species from Siberia and the Russian Far East ...

Kazachinsko-Lenskiy District, Yukhta. 06– 11.06.2007. E. V. Tolstonogova leg.— 1 male (AVSh): Vitimskiy Nature Reserve, Oron Lake , mouth of Labaznyi Stream, Oron cordon. 27– 30.07.2000. A. V. Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium brunnipes F. A.V.Shavrin det. 2000’]— 1 female (AVSh): Talzy, Angara River valley . 01.10.2006. A. V. Shavrin leg.— 1 male, 1 female (AVSh): Irkutsk. 28.06.2006. A. V. Shavrin leg.— 1 male (AVSh): near Irkutsk, 17th km by [...]. 07.07.1994. A.Shavrin leg.— 1 male (AVSh): near Irkutsk, Dzerzhinsk. 18– 20.04.2007. D.Fominykh leg.— 1 female (AVSh): Shelekhov, 02.06.1998. A.Shavrin leg.— 1 female (AVSh): [Shelekhovskiy District] Orlyonok station . 30.04.1999. A.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium brunnipes F.’]— 1 female (AVSh): Shelekhov. [...] plant debris. 16.05.1992. A.Shavrin leg.— 1 male (AVSh): Shelekhov. 01.05.1993. A.Shavrin leg.— 2 males (AVSh): [Shelekhovskiy District] Orlyonok, Ol’kha River valley . 05.06.2006. A.Shavrin leg.— 1 male (AVSh): Shelekhovskiy District , Orlyonok, Olkha River valley . 02.08.2005. A.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium brunnipes F. ‘]— 1 female (AVSh): Khamar-Daban Mt. Ridge, upper reaches of Slyudyanka River valley . 15– 16.06.2008. A.Shavrin leg.— 1 female (AVSh): Baikal Lake , Tyomnaya. 01.05.1996. A.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium brunnipes F. Shavrin det. 97’]— 1 female (AVSh): S Baikal, Verbnyi st. , Kultuchnaya River valley . 18.06.2006. A. V. Shavrin leg.— 1 female (AVSh): Olkha River valley , Olkha. 15.09.2006. A. V. Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium? elongatum Shavrin A. det. 2006’]— 2 females (AVSh): Khamar-Daban Mts. , Burovshchina. 17.06.2006. A. V. Shavrin leg.— 1 male (AVSh): Khamar-Daban Mts. , Babkha River valley . 08– 14.05.1999. A. V. Shavrin leg.— 1 male (AVSh): Khamar-Daban Mts. , middle reaches of Babkha River . 10– 12.05.1999.A. V. Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium brunnipes F.’]— 1 female (AVSh): Khamar-Daban Mts. , middle reaches of Babkha River . 27.06.2006. A. V. Shavrin leg.— 1 female (AVSh): Khamar-Daban Mts. , valley of Kharlakhta River . 17–18.06.200[?]. A. V. Shavrin leg.— 1 male (AVSh): Baikal Lake , Marituy. 20– 24.07.1994. A.Shavrin leg.— BURYATIA REPUBLIC: 2 males (AVSh): Tunkinskaya valley , Malyi

Zanginsan River. 24.08.2007. A.V.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium brunnescens Shavrin A. det. 2007’]— 1 male, 1 female (AVSh): Khamar-Daban Mts, Tankhoy, Osinovka River. 24.07.1995. A.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium brunnipes (F.) V.I.Gusarov det. 1997’]— 5 males, 5 females (AVSh): Khamar-Daban Mt Ridge, Snezhnaya River valley. 05– 08.06.2007.A.Shavrin leg.— 1 male, 1 female (AVSh): Khamar-Daban Mt Ridge, Snezhnaya River valley. 19– 25.05.1997. A.Shavrin leg.— 1 female (AVSh): Khamar-Daban Mt. Ridge, Komarinskiy Mt. Ridge, Podkomarnaya River valley. 16.06.2008.A.Shavrin leg.— 2 males, 5 females (AVSh): Khamar-Daban Mt Ridge, 25 km S of Babushkin. 20.09.2005. A.V.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium brunnipes F. Shavrin A. det. 200[?]’]— 4 males, 3 females (AVSh): Khamar-Daban Mt Ridge, upper reaches of Talzinka River (confluent of Snezhnaya River). 05– 08.06.2007. A.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium brunnipes F. Shavrin A. det. 2007’]— 1 male (AVSh): Khamar-Daban Mts., mouth of Vydrinaya River. 13.08.2006. A.V.Shavrin leg.— 2 males (AVSh): Khamar-Daban Mts., Tayozhnyi. 15– 16.08.2006. A.V.Shavrin leg.— 1 female (AVSh): Selenginskiy District, Temnik River valley. 16– 17.08.2006. A.V.Shavrin leg.— 1 male (AVSh): 3 km NE of Ilyinka, bank of Selenga River. 14.08.1997. A.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium brunnipes F. Shavrin det. 97’]— 1 male (AVSh): 5 km N of Mostovka, bank of Selenga River. 31.07– 01.08.1997. A.Shavrin leg.— 1 male (AVSh): Ilyinka, bank of Selenga River. 01.08.1997. A.Shavrin leg.— TCHITA AREA: 1 female (AVSh): Krasno-Chikoyskiy District, 42 km W of Yamarovka (Mogzon). 24.08.1998. A.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium brunnipes F.’]— AMUR AREA: 1 female (AR): near Zeya Town, Soktakhan Mt. Ridge. 17.07.1978. S.A.Kurbatov leg.— 1 female (AR): Mazanovskiy District, Nora River mouth, 205 m a.s.l., mosses, leaf litter, plant debris by the side of flood-plain small lake: Carex spp. , Filipendula palmata , Poaceae gen. spp., Fabaceae gen. spp., Spiraea spp. , Rosa sp. , etc. 04.08.2006. E.M.Veselova & A.B.Ryvkin leg.— KHABAROVSK TERRITORY: 1 male, 1 female (AR): Verkhnebureinskiy District, Niman River basin, Pavlovskiy stream, 1035 m a.s.l., under and among stones with partly silted organic drift and undergrowth of Salix sp. 18.08.2008. A.B.Ryvkin leg.— 2 females (AR): Verkhnebureinskiy District, Dublikanskiy Nature Refuge, right side of

Ryvkin A.B.

Dublikan River, 1 km below cordon, 330 m a.s.l., mosses and litter in flood-plain forest with Ulmus spp. , Picea ajanensis , Abies nephrolepis , Populus sp. , Acer ukurunduense , Swida alba , Padus spp. , Betula platyphylla , Salix spp. , Alnus sp. , Duschekia sp. , Eleutherococcus senticosus , Filipendula palmata , etc. 28.08.2008. A.B.Ryvkin leg.— JEWISH AUTONOMOUS AREA: 1 male (AR): Obluchenskiy District, Pashkovo. 1978. S.V.Toms leg.— 1 male (AR): Dichun, Amur River, 130 45' E, near Radde. 12.08.1978. V.V.Belov, S.A.Kurbatov leg.— 2 females (AR): Dichun, Amur River, 130 45' E, near Radde. 17.08.1978. V.V.Belov, S.A.Kurbatov leg.— 1 female (AR): Dichun, Amur River, 130 45'E, near Radde. 13.08.1978.V.V.Belov, S.A.Kurbatov leg.— MARITIME PROVINCE: 1 female (AVSh): S Maritime Prov., flood-plain of Poyma River. 30.07– 06.08.1999. A.Anishchenko leg. [‘ Lathrobium brunnipes F. Shavrin A. det. 99’]— 1 female (AVSh): Lazovskiy District, Sokolovka. 13– 17.07.2002. Yu.Sundukov leg.— KAMCHATKA AREA: 1 male (AR): Kozyrevsk. 20.06.1975. B.A.Korotyayev leg.— 5 males, 1 female (AR): nr Paratunka, cca 30 km S of Yelizovo, Betula forest: in litter. 20.09.1992. S.I.Golovatch leg.— 2 females (AR): Yelizovo (airport). 12– 13.06.1975. B.A.Korotyayev leg. [one specimen without head and pronotum]— 1 male (AR): Mil’kovo, flood-plain of Kamchatka River. 29.08.1974. B.A.Korotyayev leg. [without head, pronotum and most part of legs].

Additional material. MONGOLIA: 1 male ( AR): E Aimak, Somon Sumber, Khingan Major, Bayankher Mts. , in forest. 01.08.1985. K.Ulykpan leg.

I have this species in my regular collection also from RUSSIA: KARELIA REPUBLIC (Kivach Nature Reserve), PERM AREA (Predural’ye Nature Refuge), NOVGOROD AREA (Sokolovo ca. 15 km NW of Valday), YAROSLAVL’ AREA (Darvinskiy Nature Reserve), MOSCOW AREA (Pushkinskiy District, Gorenki; Solnechnogorskiy District, Peshki; Odintsovskiy District, Zhavoronki; Podolskiy District, Malinskoye Forestry; Usady), KOSTROMA AREA (Manturovskiy Distr., nr. Shilovo)[see Ryvkin 1984], SAM ARA (= KUYBYSHEV) AREA (Right side of Volga River nr.

Kuybyshev), BRYANSK AREA (25 km SW Sevsk, nr. Khinel), N OSETIA REPUBLIC (Tsey Canyon),

MOLDAVIA (3 km N Brichani ) , AZERBAIDJAN ( Murovdag Mt. Ridge, Gyoygyol’ Nature Reserve, 1900 m a.s.l.), GEORGIA (Mariamdjvari Nature Reserve, 1150-1250 m a.s.l.) .

Remarks. One of the most common species in temperate Palaearctic, known from ‘Europe, Caucasus, Siberia, Far East’ ( Tichomirova 1973). It seems to be absent in Mediterranean subtropics ( Coiffait 1982: ‘Semble manquer dans les parties chaudes de la région méditerranéenne’). The remark by Boháč (1986), who restricted the Asian distribution of L. brunnipes to W Siberia, may be regarded as a misprint. Within the region under discussion, the species has been reported for Altai ( Gebler 1830, 1848; Babenko, 1981), Tyumen Area and Tomsk Area (J. Sahlberg 1880), Krasnoyarsk Territory (J. Sahlberg 1880; Mäklin 1881; Veselova & Ryvkin 1991), Irkutsk Area (Eppelsheim 1893; Poppius 1909; Shavrin 2001, 2007a; Shavrin et. al. 2001), Buryatia ( Shavrin 1998; Shavrin et. al. 1999), Magadan Area: N Cisokhotia ( Ryabukhin 1999), Maritime Province ( Kryzhanovskiy et al. 1973). The material listed above makes it possible to register the species for some additional territories for the first time. The remark by Tikhomirova (1982) concerning the bionomics of L. brunnipes is generally confirmed by our data: this species really seems to be a quantitative indicator of mesotrophic hydroseries in plant succession systems. To my knowledge, it is much more rare in occurrence in the Far East than in other territories of Eastern Palaearctic. Though the species is one of the northernmost representatives of the genus, it is unlikely to be distributed in spacious areas of the northern taiga and tundra, from the Yamal Peninsula to the internal territories of Magadan Area, being replaced there with numerous small members of the sibiricum group.


Pomor State University


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


South African Museum














Lathrobium (s.str.) brunnipes ( Fabricius, 1793 )

Ryvkin, Alexandr B. 2011

Lathrobium (s.str.) brunnipes

Tichomirova, A. L. 1973: 179

Lathrobium (s.str.) brunnipes

Horion, A. 1965: 72

Lathrobium (Lathrobium) brunnipes

Jakobson, G. G. 1909: 493

Staphylinus dentatus

Fauvel, A. 1873: 342
Gravenhorst, J. L. C. 1806: 130
Marsham, T. 1802: 515
Turton, W. 1802: 523

Staphylinus brunnipes

Heyden, L. von 1898: 34
Gebler, F. A. 1848: 113
Gebler, F. A. 1830: 72
Fabricius, J. C. 1793: 537

Staphylinus punctatus

Fauvel, A. 1873: 341
Geoffroy, E. L. 1785: 168
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