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Plazi (2019-03-26 07:47:27, last updated 2023-10-31 00:46:54) |
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Carcharhinus albimarginatus (Rüppell 1837)
Gulf of Suez: ¯
Gulf of Aqaba: Israel ( Baranes 2013).
Red Sea main basin: Egypt (Rüppell 1837, as Carcharias albimarginatus ), Sudan ( Ninni 1931), Saudi Arabia ( Spaet & Berumen 2015).
General distribution: Red Sea, Indo-Pacific: East Africa east to Panama.
Carcharhinus altimus (Springer 1950)
Gulf of Suez: ¯
Gulf of Aqaba: Egypt ( Baranes & Ben-Tuvia 1978a), Israel ( Baranes & Golani 1993).
Red Sea main basin: Saudi Arabia ( Spaet & Berumen 2015).
General distribution: Circumglobal in tropical and warm temperate seas.
Carcharhinus amboinensis (Müller & Henle 1839)
Gulf of Suez: ¯
Gulf of Aqaba: ¯
Red Sea main basin: Saudi Arabia ( Spaet & Berumen 2015).
General distribution: Circumglobal in tropical and warm temperate seas, but not eastern Pacific.
Carcharhinus brevipinna (Müller & Henle 1839)
Gulf of Suez: Egypt ( Gohar & Mazhar 1964, as Aprionodon brevipinna ).
Gulf of Aqaba: ¯
Red Sea main basin: Egypt ( Gohar & Mazhar 1964, as Aprionodon brevipinna and Carcharhinus maculipinnis ), Saudi Arabia ( Spaet & Berumen 2015).
General distribution: Circumglobal in tropical and warm temperate seas, but not in the eastern Pacific.
Remark: Not a Lessepsian migrant as previously reported by Ben-Tuvia (1966) (see Golani et al. 2002).
Carcharhinus falciformis (Müller & Henle 1839)
Gulf of Suez: ¯
Gulf of Aqaba: ¯
Red Sea main basin: Egypt ( Gohar & Mazhar 1964, as Carcharhinus menisorrah ), Saudi Arabia ( Klausewitz 1959a, as Carcharhinus menisorrah ; Spaet & Berumen 2015).
General distribution: Circumglobal in tropical seas.
Carcharhinus limbatus (Müller & Henle 1839)
Gulf of Suez: ¯
Gulf of Aqaba: Egypt ( Baranes 2013).
Red Sea main basin: Egypt ( Klunzinger 1871, as Carcharias ehrenbergi ), Eritrea ( Tortonese 1956), Saudi Arabia (Spaet et al. 2015).
General distribution: Circumglobal in tropical and warm temperate seas.
Carcharhinus longimanus (Poey 1861)
Gulf of Suez: ¯
Gulf of Aqaba: Israel ( Baranes 2013).
Red Sea main basin: Egypt ( Gohar & Mazhar 1964).
General distribution: Circumglobal in tropical and warm temperate seas.
Carcharhinus melanopterus (Quoy & Gaimard 1824)
Gulf of Suez: ¯
Gulf of Aqaba: Egypt ( Botros 1971, as Carcharias melanopterus ).
Red Sea main basin: Egypt ( Klunzinger 1871, as Carcharias melanopterus ), Sudan ( Botros 1971, as Carcharias melanopterus ), Eritrea ( Pellegrin 1912, as Carcharias melanopterus ), Saudi Arabia (Forsskål in Niebuhr 1775, as Squalus carcharhias minor ; see Fricke 2008; Gladstone 2002).
General distribution: Red Sea, Indo-West Pacific: East Africa east to Hawaiian Islands and Pitcairn Group.
Remark: Not a Lessepsian migrant as previously reported by Steinitz (1967) (see Golani et al. 2002).
Carcharhinus obscurus (LeSueur 1818)
Gulf of Suez: Egypt ( Baranes 2013).
Gulf of Aqaba: ¯
Red Sea main basin: Egypt ( Gohar & Mazhar 1964), Saudi Arabia ( Roux-Estève & Fourmanoir 1955).
General distribution: Nearly circumglobal in tropical and warm temperate seas.
Carcharhinus plumbeus (Nardo 1827)
Gulf of Suez: ¯
Gulf of Aqaba: Egypt ( Baranes & Ben-Tuvia 1978b), Israel ( Baranes & Golani 1993), Jordan ( Khalaf & Disi 1997).
Red Sea main basin: Egypt ( Baranes & Ben-Tuvia 1978b; Baranes & Wendling 1981), Saudi Arabia ( Spaet & Berumen 2015).
General distribution: Circumglobal in tropical and warm temperate seas, possibly absent from eastern Pacific.
Carcharhinus sorrah (Müller & Henle 1839)
Gulf of Suez: ¯
Gulf of Aqaba: Egypt ( Baranes, 2013), Jordan ( Khalaf & Disi 1997).
Red Sea main basin: Egypt ( Klunzinger 1871, as Lamna spallanzanii ; Gohar & Mazhar 1964), Sudan ( Bamber 1915, as Carcharias bleekeri ), Saudi Arabia (Spaet et al. 2015).
General distribution: Red Sea, Indo-West Pacific: East Africa east to Solomon Islands and northern Vanuatu.
Carcharhinus wheeleri Garrick 1982
Gulf of Suez: ¯
Gulf of Aqaba: ¯
Red Sea main basin: Egypt ( Debelius 2007, as Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos ), Sudan ( Krupp 1990, as Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos ), Eritrea ( Garrick 1982), Saudi Arabia ( Garrick 1982; Spaet & Berumen 2015, as Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos ).
General distribution: Red Sea, western Indian Ocean: East Africa to Maldives and Chagos Archipelago.
Remark: This species is probably distrinct from C. amblyrhynchos (see Naylor et al. 2012); previous Red Sea records of Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos (non Bleeker 1856) are probably based on this species.
Galeocerdo cuvier (Péron & Lesueur 1822)
Gulf of Suez: ¯
Gulf of Aqaba: Israel ( Tortonese 1968, as Galeocerdo cuvieri ), Jordan ( Khalaf & Disi 1997, as Galeocerdo cuvieri ).
Red Sea main basin: Egypt ( Klunzinger 1871, as Galeocerdo obtusus ; Gohar & Mazhar 1964), Saudi Arabia ( Spaet & Berumen 2015).
General distribution: Circumglobal in tropical and warm temperate seas.
Loxodon macrorhinus Müller & Henle 1839
Gulf of Suez: Egypt ( Baranes, 2013).
Gulf of Aqaba: Israel ( Baranes, 2013).
Red Sea main basin: Egypt ( Klunzinger 1871), Saudi Arabia ( Spaet & Berumen 2015).
General distribution: Red Sea, Indo-West Pacific: East Africa east to New Guinea.
Negaprion acutidens (Rüppell 1837)
Gulf of Suez: Egypt ( Kossmann & Räuber 1877, as Carcharias munzingeri ; Baranes 2013).
Gulf of Aqaba: Egypt ( Botros 1971, as Carcharias acutidens ).
Red Sea main basin: Egypt ( Klunzinger 1871, as Carcharias acutidens ), Eritrea ( Picaglia 1895, as Carcharias acutidens ), Saudi Arabia (Forsskål in Niebuhr 1775, as Squalus carcharhias gersch ; see Fricke 2008; Spaet & Berumen 2015); Yemen (Forsskål in Niebuhr 1775, as Squalus carcharhias gersch ; see Fricke 2008).
General distribution: Red Sea, Indo-West Pacific: East Africa east to Marshall Islands and Society Islands.
Rhizoprionodon acutus (Rüppell 1837)
Gulf of Suez: Egypt (Klunzinger 1877, as Carcharias acutus ).
Gulf of Aqaba: ¯
Red Sea main basin: Egypt ( Klunzinger 1871, as Carcharias acutus ), Eritrea ( Springer 1964), Saudi Arabia (Rüppell 1837, as Carcharias acutus ).
General distribution: Circumglobal in tropical and warm temperate seas.
Scoliodon laticaudus Müller &Henle 1838
Gulf of Suez: Egypt ( Gohar & Mazhar 1964, as Scoliodon palasorrah ).
Gulf of Aqaba: ¯
Red Sea main basin: Eritrea (Tortonese 1935, as Scoliodon palasorrah ).
General distribution: Red Sea, Indo-West Pacific: East Africa east to Philippines.
Triaenodon obesus (Rüppell 1837)
Gulf of Suez: ¯
Gulf of Aqaba: Israel ( Baranes 1973, 2013).
Red Sea main basin: Egypt ( Klunzinger 1871), Saudi Arabia (Rüppell 1837, as Carcharias obesus ).
General distribution: Red Sea, Indo-Pacific: East Africa east to Panama.
Bamber, R. C. (1915) Reports on the marine biology of the Sudanese Red Sea, from collections made by Cyril Crossland, M. A., D. Sc., F. L. S. XXII. The Fishes. The Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology, 31 (210), 477 - 485, pl. 46.
Baranes, A. (1973) Taxonomy and behavior of the genera Mustelus and Triaenodon (Triakidae, Pisces) of the Mediterranean and Red Seas. Part 1 - 3. M. Sci. Thesis, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalam, 98 pp. [Part 1: pp. i-ii + 1 - 67; Part 2: pp. 69 - 83 & Part 3: 94 - 108]
Baranes, A. & Ben-Tuvia, A. (1978 a) Note on Carcharhinus altimus (Springer, 1950) from the northern Red Sea. Cybium, 4, 61 - 64.
Baranes, A. & Ben-Tuvia, A. (1978 b) Occurrence of the sandbar shark Carcharhinus plumbeus in the northern Red Sea. Israel Journal of Zoology, 27, 45 - 51.
Baranes, A. & Wendling, J. (1981) The early stages of development in Carcharhinus plumbeus. Journal of Fish Biology, 18 (2), 159 - 175. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1095 - 8649.1981. tb 02811. x
Baranes, A. & Golani, D. (1993) An annotated list of deep-sea fishes collected in the northern Red Sea, Gulf of Aqaba. Israel Journal of Zoology, 39, 299 - 336.
Baranes, A. (2013) The Red Sea Sharks: Taxonomy, Biology and Ecology. Pensoft, Sofia and Moscow, 241 pp.
Ben-Tuvia, A. (1966) Red Sea fishes recently found in the Mediterranean. Copeia, 1966 (2), 254 - 275. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 1441133
Botros, G. A. (1971) Fishes of the Red Sea. Oceanography and Marine Biology, Annual Review, 9, 221 - 348.
Debelius, H. (2007) Red Sea reef guide. Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Arabian Peninsula. Richmond, Surrey, Circle, 1 - 321.
Fricke, R. (2008) Authorship, availability and validity of fish names described by Peter (Pehr) Simon Forsskal and Johann Christian Fabricius in the ' Descriptiones animalium' by Carsten Niebuhr in 1775 (Pisces). Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde A, New Series, 1, 1 - 76.
Garrick, J. A. F. (1982) Sharks of the genus Carcharhinus. NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Technical Report NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) Circular, 445, 1 - 194.
Gladstone, W. (2002) Fisheries of the Farasan Islands (Red Sea). Naga, 25 (3 - 4), 30 - 34.
Gohar, H. A. F. & Mazhar, F. M. M. (1964) The elasmobranchs of the north-western Red Sea. Publications of the Marine Biological Station Al-Ghardaqa, 13, 3 - 144, pls. 1 - 16, 2 maps.
Khalaf, M. A &. Disi, A. M. (1997) Fishes of the Gulf of Aqaba. Publications of the Marine Science Station, Aqaba, 8, 1 - 252.
Klausewitz, W. (1959 a) Fische aus dem Roten Meer. I. Knorpelfische (Elasmobranchii). Senckenbergiana Biologica, 40 (1 / 2), 43 - 50.
Klunzinger, C. B. (1871) Synopsis der Fische des Rothen Meeres. II. Theil. Verhandlungen der K. - K. zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 21, 441 - 688.
Kossmann, R. & Rauber, H. (1877) Fische. Wissenschftliche Reise in die Kustengebiete des Rothen Meeres. Verhandlungen des Naturhistorisch-Medizinischen Vereins zu Heidelberg, 1, 378 - 420, pls. 3 - 4.
Krupp, F. (1990) Sanganeb - ein Unterwasser-Nationalpark im Roten Meer. Natur und Museum, 120 (12), 405 - 409.
Muller, J. & Henle, F. G. (1838 - 1841) Systematische Beschreibung der Plagiostomen. Veit und Comp., Berlin, xxii + 200 pp., 60 pls. [pp. 1 - 28 published in 1838, reset pp. 27 - 28 + 29 - 102 in 1839, pp. i-xxii + 103 - 200 in 1841]
Naylor, G. J. P., Caira, J. N., Jensen, K., Rodsana, K. A. M., White, W. T. & Last, P. R. (2012) DNA sequence-based approach to the identification of shark and ray species and its implications for global elasmobranch diversity and parasitology. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 367, 1 - 262. https: // doi. org / 10.1206 / 754.1
Niebuhr, C. (1775) Descriptiones animalium avium, amphibiorum, piscium, insectorum, vermium; quae in itinere orientali observavit ... Post mortem auctoris edidit Carsten Niebuhr. ex officina Molleri, Hauniae, 20 + xxxiv + 164 pp., map.
Ninni, E. (1931) Relazione sulla campagna esplorativa di pesca nel mar Rosso. Bollettino di Pesca, Piscicoltura e Idrobiologia, Roma, 7 (2), 252 - 253.
Pellegrin, J. (1912) Poissons du Musee de Naples provenant des expeditions du Vettor Pisani et du Dogali et de la mer Rouge. Annuario del Museo Zoologico della Universita di Napoli, New Series, 3 (27), 1 - 11.
Picaglia, L. (1895) Pesci del Mar Rosso pescati nella campagna idrografica della Regia Nave Scilla nel 1891 - 92; coll' aggiunta delle specie del Mar Rosso e del Golfo di Aden ... Atti della Societa dei Naturalisti di Modena, Series 3, 13, 22 - 40.
Roux-Esteve, R. & Fourmanoir, P. (1955) Poissons captures par la mission de la Calypso en Mer Rouge. Annales de l'Institut Oceanographique Monaco, New Series, 30 (7), 195 - 203.
Spaet, J. L. Y. & Berumen, M. L. (2015) Fish market surveys indicate unsustainable elasmobranch fisheries in the Saudi Arabian Red Sea. Fisheries Research, 161, 356 - 364. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. fishres. 2014.08.022
Springer, V. G. (1964) A revision of the carcharhinid shark genera Scoliodon, Loxodon, and Rhizoprionodon. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 115 (3493), 559 - 632, pls. 1 - 2.
Steinitz, H. (1967) A tentative list of immigrants via the Suez Canal. Israel Journal of Zoology, 16, 166 - 169.
Tortonese, E. (1956) Spedizione subacquea italiana nel Mar Rosso. Ricerche zoologiche. IV. Plagiostomi. VI. Plettognati. Rivista di Biologia Coloniale, 14, 5 - 21 + 73 - 86.
Tortonese, E. (1968) Fishes from Eilat (Red Sea). Bulletin of the Sea Fisheries Research Station, 51, 6 - 30.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Golani, Daniel & Fricke, Ronald 2018 |
Carcharhinus wheeleri
Garrick 1982 |
Scoliodon laticaudus Müller &Henle 1838
Muller & Henle 1838 |