Petrobia (Tetranychina) hispaniola, Martínez, Leocadia Sánchez, Flechtmann, Carlos H. W. & De Moraes, Gilberto J., 2014

Martínez, Leocadia Sánchez, Flechtmann, Carlos H. W. & De Moraes, Gilberto J., 2014, Plant mites of the Dominican Republic, with a description of a new species of Petrobia (Tetranychina) Wainstein, 1960 (Acari, Prostigmata, Tetranychidae) and a key to the species of this subgenus, Zootaxa 3846 (4), pp. 547-560 : 550-554

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Plazi (2016-04-12 13:46:59, last updated 2023-10-26 17:02:34)

scientific name

Petrobia (Tetranychina) hispaniola

sp. nov.

Petrobia (Tetranychina) hispaniola n. sp. Sánchez & Flechtmann (Figs 1–8)

DIAGNOSIS. A Petrobia (Tetranychina) with long body setae; legs I twice as long as idiosomal length (not including gnathosoma); peritreme ending in anastomosing chambers forming a globular structure; tibia of leg I in males with seta b trichobothrium-like and with 41 solenidia.

FEMALE (holotype + 8 paratypes). Idiosoma (Fig. 1A) broadly oval 638 (638–820); 545 (358–600) wide. All dorsal setae robust, finely pilose and set on strong tubercles (Fig. 1B). Dorsopropodosomal setae: v2 100 (85–110), 85 (78–85) apart; sc1 145 (120–153), 125 (118–130) apart; sc2 88 (73–88). Hysterosomal setae: c1 190 (188–200), 163 (175–188) apart; c2 183 (163–188); c3 88 (65–83); d1 208 (190–213), 83 (50–75) apart; d2 193 (165–190); e1 195 (173–200), 58 (50–88) apart; e2 185 (163–188); f1 195 (175–203), 30 (25–50) apart; f2 153 (125–163); h1 115 (85–113), 90 (75–112) apart. Integumental striae irregularly transverse, tending to longitudinal between bases of setae e1; striae granulated (Fig. 1C). Prodorsum punctated centrally and outlined by striae. Gnathosoma: stylophore rounded anteriorly (Fig. 1D). Peritreme ending in anastomosing chambers forming a globular structure (Fig. 1E). Palp robust ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 A); trochanter and femur indistinctly separated; genu with one posterolateral seta, tibia with a dorsal “claw” and three setae; tarsus with seven setiform structures.

Venter: integument transversally striated to setae 3a (intercoxal 3); posterior striae irregularly longitudinal with a small transversely striate rhomboid area posterior to setae 4a (intercoxal 4) ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 B). Pseudanal setae: h2 11 (9–14), h3 10 (11–13).

Legs: legs I approximately twice as long as idiosoma not including gnathosoma. Legs I 1327 (1042–1340), II 570 (518–595), III 645 (577–677), IV 1017 (767–1055).

Leg chaetotaxy, from coxae to tarsi (solenidia shown in parentheses, eupathidia shown in square brackets):

I: 2 – 1 – 9 – 4 – 15 (+11) – 16(+7)[+3] + 2 duplexes ( Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 B, C)

II: 2 – 1 – 7 – 5 – 11 – 11(+1)[+3] + 2 duplexes ( Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 D, E)

III: 1 – 1 – 5 – 5 – 10 – 14(+1) ( Figs 3 View FIGURE 3 A, B)

IV: 1 – 1 – 5 – 5 – 10 – 14 (+1) ( Figs 3 View FIGURE 3 C, D)

Variation in leg I chaetotaxy: tibia I: three specimens with 15(9); one specimen with 15(13) and one specimen with 14(12); tarsus I: four specimens with 18(8) + 2 duplexes.

Empodia I–IV clawlike, distally recurved, with two rows of 12 tenent hairs directed ventrally; claws (true claws) padlike, about one third length of uncinate empodium, with tenet hairs ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 A).

MALE (n = 1 paratype) Much smaller than female, 325 long not including gnathosoma, 365 long including gnathosoma, 175 wide ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ).

Most dorsal idiosomal setae much shorter and broader than those of female ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ): v 2 31, 35 apart; sc1 61, 77 apart; sc2 40; c1 38, 58 apart; c2 37; c3 27; d 1 25, 36 apart; d2 33; e 1 20, 28 apart; e2 20; f 1 22, 10 apart; f2 25; h 1 39, 30 apart. Palp robust ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 A); trochanter and femur indistinctly separated; genu and tibia also indistinctly separated, with four setae; tarsus with seven setiform structures.

FIGURE 1. Petrobia (Tetranychina) hispaniola Sánchez & Flechtmann n. sp., female. A. Dorsal idiosoma dorsal; B. Seta sc1; C. Detail of integument; D. Dorsal outline of stylophore; E. Peritreme.

Legs: relative lengths similar to female. Leg I 1235, II 532, III 585, IV 863. Leg chaetotaxy, from coxae to tarsi, solenidia in parentheses:

I: 2 – 1 – 9 – 4 – 3(+41) + 5 duplexes + b (a trichobothrium-like seta) – 10(+15)[+2] + 5 duplexes ( Figs 6 View FIGURE 6 A, B, C)

II: 2 – 1 – 8 – 5 – 11 – 13(+2)[+2] + 1 duplex ( Figs 6 View FIGURE 6 D, E)

III: 1 – 1 – 5 – 5 – 10 (+1) – 14(+1) ( Figs 7 View FIGURE 7 A, B)

IV: 1 – 1 – 5 – 5 – 11 – 14(+1) ( Figs 7 View FIGURE 7 C, D)

On tibia of leg I seta d has the typical aspect of a trichobothrium. Tarsus I with four duplex setae.

Venter: setae h2 13, h3 14 ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 B).

Aedeagus similar to those of other species for which the male is known: lanceolate, narrowing gradually and apically rounded; with two lateral acicular appendices.

ETYMOLOGY: The name hispaniola refers to the island shared by Haiti and Dominican Republic.

TYPE MATERIAL: Female holotype and five female paratypes from orange ( Citrus sinensis Osbeck ; Rutaceae ) leaves, and three female and one male paratypes from rose ( Rosa sp.; Rosaceae ) leaves, all from Río Seco, La Vega, Dominican Republic (Caribbean), collected by a group of undergraduate students in Nov. 2010; all deposited at Departamento de Entomologia e Acarologia (ESALQ-USP), Piracicaba-SP, Brasil.

REMARKS: Petrobia (T.) hispaniola n.sp. resembles P. (T.) harti Ewing, 1909 sensu Pritchard & Baker (1955) and Baker & Tuttle (1994), in the aspect of the dorsal body setae and length of female leg I, but it is distinguished by the different peritreme (straight, ending in a simple chamber in P. (T.) harti ). It also resembles P. (T.) kleptes Kamran & Afzal, 2004 by having dorsal setae long and inserted on tubercles; however, it is distinguished by the different peritreme (distally hooked and ending in a simple chamber in P. (T.) kleptes ).

In this new species, tibial seta d has a trichobothridial aspect, which is found only in some Bryobiinae ; in those cases, that seta is denoted by db ( Grandjean, 1943; Lindquist, 1985). In the new species here described, that type of seta is only found in the male. This is the first species of Petrobia (Tetranychina) reported from roses and the third from Citrus [together with P. (T.) harti and P. (T.) kleptes ]. Although Lindquist (1985) had mentioned the number of solenidia on tibia I of male to be up to 30, in the species here described the number is much higher (41).

Baker, E. W. & Tuttle, D. M. (1994) A guide to the spider mites (Tetranychidae) of the United States. Indira, Michigan, 347 pp.

Ewing, H. E. (1909) New species of Acarina. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 35, 401 - 418 + 4 plates.

Grandjean, F. (1943) Les trichobothries pedieuses des Acariens er leur priorite chez les Bdelles. Comptes Rendus de la Societe de physique et d'histoire naturelle de Geneve, 60 (3), 241 - 246.

Kamran, M. & Afazal, M. (2004) A new species of the genus Petrobia (Acarina: Tetranychidae) on citrus from District of Layyah, Punjab. Pakistan. Pakistan Entomologist, 26 (1), 121 - 123.

Lindquist, E. E. (1985) 1.1. Anatomy, Phylogeny and Systematics. 1.1. 1. External anatomy. In: Helle, W. & Sabelis, M. W. (Eds.), Spider Mites. Their Biology, Natural Enemies and Control. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Vol. 1 A, pp. 3 - 28.

Pritchard, A. E. & Baker, E. W. (1955) A revision of the spider mite family Tetranychidae. Memoirs of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society, 2, 1 - 472.

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FIGURE 2. Petrobia (Tetranychina) hispaniola Sánchez & Flechtmann n. sp., female, legs. A. Empodium; B. Tarsus I; C. Tibia I; D. Tarsus II; E. Tibia II. Tactile setae unmarked; solenidia, eupathidia and duplex setae indicated by ω, ξ and Δ.

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FIGURE 3. Petrobia (Tetranychina) hispaniola Sánchez & Flechtmann n. sp., female, legs. A. Tarsus III; B. Tibia III; C. Tarsus IV; D. Tibia IV. Tactile setae unmarked; solenidia indicated by ω.

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FIGURE 4. Petrobia (Tetranychina) hispaniola Sánchez & Flechtmann n. sp., female. A. Palpus; B. Genito-anal region.

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FIGURE 5. Petrobia (Tetranychina) hispaniola Sánchez & Flechtmann n. sp. Male. Dorsal idiosoma.

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FIGURE 6. Petrobia (Tetranychina) hispaniola Sánchez & Flechtmann n. sp., Male, legs. A. Tarsus I (tactile setae unmarked; solenidia, eupathidia and duplex setae indicated by ω, ξ and Δ, respectively); B. Tibia I (tactile, duplex and trichobothrium-like setae indicated by T, Δ and b, respectively); C. Detail of seta b; D. Tarsus II (tactile setae unmarked; solenidia, eupathidia and duplex setae indicated by ω, ξ and Δ, respectively); E. Tibia II (all tactile setae).

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FIGURE 7. Petrobia (Tetranychina) hispaniola Sánchez & Flechtmann n. sp., Male, legs. A. Tarsus III; B. Tibia III; C. Tarsus IV; D. Tibia IV. Tactile setae unmarked; solenidia indicated by ω.

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FIGURE 8. Petrobia (Tetranychina) hispaniola Sánchez & Flechtmann n. sp., Male. A. Palpus; B. Detail of genital area and aedeagus.











