Erythrura trichroa eichhorni Hartert, 1924

LeCroy, Mary, 2013, Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History Part 11. Passeriformes: Parulidae, Drepanididae, Vireonidae, Icteridae, Fringillinae, Carduelinae, Estrildidae, And Viduinae, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2013 (381), pp. 1-155 : 111-112

publication ID 10.1206/832.1


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scientific name

Erythrura trichroa eichhorni Hartert


Erythrura trichroa eichhorni Hartert View in CoL

Erythrura trichroa eichhorni Hartert, 1924b: 274 View in CoL (St. Matthias Island).

Now Erythrura trichroa eichhorni Hartert, 1924 View in CoL . See Mayr et al., 1968: 364; Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 399; Dickinson, 2003: 733; and Payne, 2010: 348–349.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 722157 About AMNH , adult male, collected on Mussau (5 St. Matthias) Island, 01.30S, 149.40E ( PNG General Reference Map , 1984), St. Matthias Islands , New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea, on 5 July 1923, by Albert F. Eichhorn (no. 8635). From the Rothschild Collection. GoogleMaps

COMMENTS: In the original description, Hartert designated as type of eichhorni Eichhorn’s specimen no. 8635 and listed his type series as six adults and two immatures from Mussau and two specimens from Squally (or Storm) Island. The nine paratypes, all collected by Eichhorn in 1923, are: Mussau Island, AMNH 722158–722164 About AMNH , three adult males, two adult females, two immature females, 25 June–18 July ; Squally Island , AMNH 722165 About AMNH , male, AMNH 722166 About AMNH , immature male, 19 August .

Hartert (1924b: 261–275) reported on Eichhorn’s collection on Mussau, and in a separate paper, he ( Hartert, 1924c: 276–278) reported on the collection from Squally Island, which he described as a raised coral reef between Mussau and New Hanover, but closer to Mussau, where Eichhorn was marooned for some time in 1923. The birds from the two localities did not differ.

Erythrura trichroa woodfordi Rothschild and Hartert Erythrura trichroa woodfordi Rothschild and Hartert in Hartert, 1900a: 7 (Aola, on Guadalcanar). Now Erythrura trichroa woodfordi Hartert, 1900. See Hartert, 1919a: 142; Mayr et al., 1968: 365; Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 399; Dickinson, 2003: 733; and Payne, 2010: 348–349. LECTOTYPE: AMNH 722168, female, collected at Aola, 09.31S, 160.30E (Times atlas), Guadalcanal (5 Guadalcanar) Island, Solomon Islands, on 30 June 1887, by C.M. Woodford. From the Rothschild Collection. COMMENTS: No type was designated in the original description, but reference was made to two females in the Rothschild Collection collected at Aola. Hartert (1919a: 142) listed as the type the female collected there by Woodford on 30 June 1887, thereby designating it the lectotype. The paralectotype is AMNH 722169, female, collected at Aola on 5 June 1887 by Woodford. This name, like E. t. papuana (below), is usually attributed to Hartert alone. But Hartert (1900a: 6) clearly stated that both Rothschild and he separated the species into geographical forms, and later, Hartert (1919a: 142) he attributed the name to both.

American Museum of Natural History














Erythrura trichroa eichhorni Hartert

LeCroy, Mary 2013

Erythrura trichroa eichhorni

Payne, R. B. 2010: 348
Dickinson, E. C. 2003: 733
Mayr, E. & J. M. Diamond 2001: 399
Mayr, E. & R. A. Paynter, Jr. & M. A. Traylor & African 1968: 364

Erythrura trichroa eichhorni

Hartert, E. 1924: 274
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