Ommata (Ommata) buddemeyerae, Clarke Abstract, 2010

Clarke Abstract, Robin O. S., 2010, Bolivian Rhinotragini Iii: New Genera And Species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 50 (16), pp. 239-267 : 247-249

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492010001600001

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scientific name

Ommata (Ommata) buddemeyerae

sp. nov.

Ommata (Ommata) buddemeyerae View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs. 4A, 4B View FIGURES 4‑5

Holotype male: 6.5 mm. Deposited at MNKM.

Diagnosis: This is the only species of Ommata (Ommata) sensu stricto known to occur in Bolivia. Separation of O. (O.) buddemeyerae from the other, true, species of the subgenus was kindly supplied by Dr. Santos-Silva, and is as follows: metatarsus pale chestnut (in O. (O.) elegans it is yellowish white); prothorax not notably narrow in both sexes, and antennae more than twice as long as elytra (in O. (O.) tibialis prothorax narrow in both sexes, and antennae about twice as long as elytra); brush of metatibiae less dense; prothorax of male black (in O. (O.) hirtipes brush of metatibiae dense; prothorax of male reddish).

Separation of this species from the only other one in the subgenus found in Bolivia, O. (O.) quinquemaculata , is given under the description of the latter.

General colour: opaque. Body almost entirely shining black to blackish chestnut. Antennae: scape and pedicel shining black; rest of antennomeres duller, III-VI blackish chestnut, VII, VIII, base of IX and XI chestnut; apical two-thirds of IX and all of X creamy white. Scutellum black. Elytra translucent testaceous, suffused brownish for basal third and apical fifth; base, sides and sutural borders dark chestnut. Legs chestnut, tibiae darker, claves, pro- and meso tarsi slightly rufous, metatarsus pale chestnut, meso- and metafemoral peduncles mostly yellow.

General pubescence: the following with fine, moderately long setae-like hairs: sides of submentum, pronotum, base of elytra, and centre of metasternum. Underside of antennomeres III-VI with shorter, thicker setae. The following moderately densely to densely clothed with short, white, recumbent pubescence, the exceptions more or less glabrous: frons; prothorax except front third of prosternum and disc of pronotum; apical quarter of sutural margin of elytra; base and sides of urosternites I-IV, and all of V; meso- and metasternum, these, and centre of prosternum, with longer pubescence; and metepisternum with short, erect pubescence. Legs: coxae of front and middle leg, and profemora clothed with long, unruly hairs, on profemora organised into two rows. Mesofemora fimbriate, the hairs rather short. Metafemoral claves with a few fine setae; metatibia sparsely setose for basal half, with chestnut brush covering apical half, apical 1/5 of brush white; metatarsus with long, white pubescence, not dense enough to be notable.

Surface ornamentation: puncturation just visible as mixture of small and larger, dense punctures on vertex, in front of prosternal process and sides of pronotum; and scattered small punctures on frons, meso- and metathorax, the surfaces of these reticulate. Pubescent areas of abdomen minutely, and not densely, punctured. Glabrous areas of: mentum-submentum smooth and shining, lacking carination, with few scattered large punctures, denser at sides; front of prosternum finely carinate with scattered punctures; disc of pronotum with moderately close large and slightly smaller punctures surrounding calli and midline, these punctures denser and small towards sides of basal depression. Elytra smooth and shining (including apices), almost uniformly punctured, the punctures well spaced, consisting of smaller and moderately larger ones, only denser at base, and a single line from base to apex of epipleuron and adjacent to suture.

Structure: forebody (3.9 mm) 1.4 longer than abdomen (2.8 mm). Head: apical segment of maxillary palp normal (cylindrical with truncate apex); rostrum broad (0.75 mm), and short (0.20 mm) about 0.28 length of inferior lobes; labrum short and moderately wide, front margin broadly excavate; eyes very large, convex and round, distal margin of inferior lobes on frons, proximal margin oblique, lobes longer than wide, moderately confluent, interocular distance 0.10 mm, width of lobe 0.50 mm; interocular V-shaped, moderately shallow; superior lobes of eyes separated by 0.30 mm, about twice width of one lobe. Antennal tubercles rather low and rounded, separated by 1.5 width of scape. Antennae very long, passing apex of abdomen at apex of antennomere VII; III-VII filiform, VIII-X uniformly thickened, slightly lobed at apex; XI with short apical cone; scape pyriform (0.60 mm), much shorter than antennomere III; III (1.00 mm) slightly longer than IV (0.90 mm); V (1.10 mm) slightly longer than III, shorter than VI (1.35 mm) which is the longest; VII (1.10 mm) thicker than II-VI; VIII (0.90 mm); IX-XI subequal (0.80 mm); X the shortest. Prothorax: subcylindrical, 1.3 longer (1.4 mm) than wide (1.1 mm), widest distinctly behind middle; basal constriction moderately strong but narrow, apical one hardly discernible; sides slightly rounded for middle third; apical (0.9 mm) and basal margins (1.0 mm) subequal, the former with smooth border. Pronotum moderately convex, slightly depressed to either side of midline, the latter smooth, broad for basal half and narrowing to apex; and disc with four, shallow, rounded, impunctate calli to either side of depressions: one pair situated at middle, the other just inside apical third. Prosternum with broad transverse depression centred on middle and apical third, base of prosternal process arched, very narrow, apex almost vertical and bilobate; coxal cavities closed laterally and just closed behind. Mesothorax: mesosternal declivity steep but not abrupt; mesosternal process almost completely hidden by pubescence, wide (ca. 0.2 mm), about half the width of coxal cavity, the latter open to mesepimeron. Scutellum quadrate, cordiform. Elytra around area of scutellum moderately strongly convex, with strong, and complete humero-apical costa to apical 1/8, the apical half narrow and keel-like; the rest of elytral surface flat towards apices, the latter not lobate but appear so, more convex, slightly widened, rounded separately and darker in colour; elytral apex reaching base of urosternite V, long (4.10 mm), 3.28 longer than width of humeri (1.25 mm); humerus covering base of metepisternum, wider than base of pronotum, not projecting, outer angles square; elytra narrowing behind humeri; suture straight, not at all dehiscent, bordered but not raised; apical half almost parallel-sided; epipleur sloping behind humeri, steep-sided adjacent to keel of humero-apical costa, double bordered laterally. Metathorax: metasternum moderately convex (mesocoxae planar), longitudinal suture almost reaching base (where it is narrow), deeply inset and wider towards apex; metepisternum narrow and rectangular, base not widened, apex only modestly acuminate. Abdomen: convex, cylindrical, parallel-sided, and narrow; urosternite I slightly wider (0.75 mm) than II-IV; V not much narrower than II-IV; length of urosternites subequal; sides of V rounded to apex, apical margin with rounded excavation at middle; abdominal process slightly inclined to abdomen, narrow and triangular, not deeply inserted between metacoxae, long (0.25 mm), apex blunt. Legs: long, especially hind leg (8.0 mm), and slen- der; ratio of length from front to hind leg 1.0:1.9:3.4. Pro- and mesofemora with large claves and shorter peduncles, mesofemoral clave longer (1.30 mm) and fusiform; metafemoral peduncle, narrow, about 1.5 length of clave (1.50 mm), the latter fusiform and entirely passing apex of abdomen; metatibia (4.0 mm) equal in length to metafemora, cylindrical and almost straight, gradually thickening to apex. Metatarsomere I (0.45 mm) equal to II + III, onychium (0.40 mm).

Variation: antenna may be shorter, passing apex of abdomen at apex of antennomere VIII. White areas of antennomeres IX-XI variable; IX may be all chestnut, or almost entirely white, and X only white for basal half and XI may be white for basal third. Metatibial brush may be black. Urosternites II and III may be widest.

Female ( Fig. 4B View FIGURES 4‑5 ): moderately strongly dimorphic. Head, scape and prothorax entirely rufous-orange, antennomeres IX and X entirely, and basal half of XI, creamy white, urosternites broadly orange-yellow at middle, duskier laterally. Longer pubescence generally absent, replaced by thicker, denser pubescence; brush on metatibia larger, black with apical third white. Submentum delimited by slightly raised borders which are completely absent in the holotype. Forebody (8.4 mm) 1.23 longer than abdomen (6.8 mm). Frons almost glabrous, between eyes almost flat, with mixture of moderately close large and small punctures, and micro-punctate. Rostrum not much shorter (0.35) than length of inferior lobe of eye (0.45). Eyes smaller and less convex; inferior lobes distinctly longer than wide, widely separated, width of interocular (0.45 mm) greater than width of one lobe (0.35 mm). Antennae passing apex of abdomen at middle of antennomere IX, II-VII setose, the setae thicker and denser. Prothorax 1.1 longer than wide; pronotum more densely punctured, but calli still smooth; prosternal process almost flat; mesosternal declivity shallower. Elytra with area surrounding scutellum not more convex and humero-apical costa not as strong, apices of elytra not widened. Abdomen fusiform, widest at apex of urosternite I, the latter the longest, the rest incrementally shorter to apex; urosternite V undifferentiated, apex broadly rounded; abdominal process flatter and blunter. Ratio of length from front to hind leg 1.0:1.7:3.3; metatarsomere I 1.25 longer than II + III.

Measurements (mm): 7 males / 2 females: total length 5.80-7.90/7.50-7.75; length of pronotum 1.20-1.60/1.55-1.60; width of pronotum 0.90-1.20/1.20-1.25; length of elytra 4.00-4.30/4.50-4.75; widthathumeri 1.10-1.50/1.40.

Type material: Holotype male, BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz: Hotel Flora & Fauna, 5 km SSE of Buena Vista , 17°29’96”S/ 63°39’13”W, 440 m, 06.IX.2007, R. Clarke & S. Zamalloa col., on/flying to flowers of “Sama blanca chica” ( MNKM).

Paratypes with same data as holotype : 1 male 11. IX .2007 ( MZUSP) ; 1 male 11. IX .2007 ( MNRJ) ; 1 male 11. IX .2007 ( RCSZ) ; 1 male 18. IX .2007 ( RCSZ) ; 1 female 29. IX .2007 ( RCSZ) ; 1 male 15. IX .2009 ( RCSZ) ; 1 female 21. IX .2009 ( RCSZ) .

Paratype with different data from holotype: Cochabamba, 1 km E Villa Tunari , 1 female, 08-12.X.1992, E. Giesbert col. ( FSCA) .

Paratype with different locality and host plant: 1 km W of Candelaria village, 5 km W of Buena Vista , 440 m, on/flying to flowers of Gomphrena vaga Mart. , 1 male 15.VIII.2007, R. Clarke & S. Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ) .

Discussion: legs long and slender. Mesofemora gradually and moderately clavate. Elytra moderately narrowed posteriorly. Elytra narrowed and rounded at tip. Antennae elongate and thickened at apex (not serrate). Elytra shining or vitreous. These are the characters, in the order given by Bates (1873) to define the “subgenus” Ommata . Since the species described above conforms to all these characters there is no reason to doubt its placement in the subgenus Ommata .

Ommata (Ommata) buddemeyerae View in CoL is most closely related to: the type species, Ommata (Ommata) elegans White, 1855 View in CoL , Ommata (Ommata) hirtipes Zajciw, 1965 View in CoL and Ommata (Ommata) tibialis Fuchs, 1961 View in CoL .

Zajciw (1966) provided a key to the subgenus in which O. (O.) hirtipes View in CoL and O. (O.) tibialis View in CoL (and, now, O. (O.) buddemeyerae View in CoL ) are readily separated from O. (O.) elegans View in CoL by the white (or partially white) colour of antennomere X (in the latter it is entirely dark coloured), and (incorrectly, as O. (O.) elegans View in CoL has a modest brush) by the presence of a metatibial brush; and O. (O.) tibialis View in CoL (and O. (O.) buddemeyerae View in CoL ) separated from O. (O.) hirtipes View in CoL by the more elongate pronotum (1.3 longer than wide), in the latter about 1.1 longer than wide; and O. (O.) buddemeyerae View in CoL would separate from O. (O.) tibialis View in CoL by the brushes on metatibia occupying half its length, in the latter more than half.

Fuchs (1961) provided a good description of the female holotype of O. (O.) hirtipes with which it is possible to add the following differences from O. (O.) buddemeyerae : abdomen blackish brown ( O. (O.) buddemeyerae urosternites broadly orange-yellow at middle); interocular twice width of scape at base ( O. (O.) buddemeyerae almost three times width of scape), sparsely and heavily punctured ( O. (O.) buddemeyerae with somewhat close, large and small punctures); pronotum not widened ( O. (O.) buddemeyerae distinctly widened behind middle), disc sparsely punctured ( O. (O.) buddemeyerae rather densely punctured); elytra 2.5 longer than pronotum ( O. (O.) buddemeyerae 3.0 longer), with isolated punctures ( O. (O.) buddemeyerae relatively closely punctured). And from Fuchs’ short description of the male paratype: antennae pass apex of abdomen at apex of antennomere VIII ( O. (O.) buddemeyerae apex of VII). Fuchs does not refer to the metatarsal pubescence, implying that it is not noticeably dense (as in O. (O.) buddemeyerae ); but is very dense in O. (O.) elegans and O. (O.) hirtipes .

Etymology: this species has been named for Cheri A. Buddemeyer in recognition of her contribution to the establishment of Amboró National Park.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology














Ommata (Ommata) buddemeyerae

Clarke Abstract, Robin O. S. 2010

Ommata (Ommata) buddemeyerae

Clarke Abstract 2010

O. (O.) buddemeyerae

Clarke Abstract 2010

O. (O.) buddemeyerae

Clarke Abstract 2010

O. (O.) buddemeyerae

Clarke Abstract 2010

Ommata (Ommata) hirtipes

Zajciw 1965

O. (O.) hirtipes

Zajciw 1965

O. (O.) hirtipes

Zajciw 1965

Ommata (Ommata) tibialis

Fuchs 1961

O. (O.) tibialis

Fuchs 1961

O. (O.) tibialis

Fuchs 1961

O. (O.) tibialis

Fuchs 1961

Ommata (Ommata) elegans

White 1855

O. (O.) elegans

White 1855

O. (O.) elegans

White 1855
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