Combretum sakoense Jfngkind & Callm.

Jongkind, Carel C. H. & Callmander, Martin W., 2023, Novelties in Combretum (Combretaceae) from Madagascar, Candollea 78 (2), pp. 139-146 : 139-146

publication ID 10.15553/c2023v782a4

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scientific name

Combretum sakoense Jfngkind & Callm.


Combretum sakoense Jfngkind & Callm. View in CoL & sp. nov. (?ig. 2& 3).

Holotypus: MADAGASCAR. Reg. Atsimo-Andrefana [Prov. Toliara]: Beza Mahafaly Reserve & near Betifky & Parcelle 1& 23°39'S 44°38'E & 21.X.1987 & fl.& Phillipson 2423 (MO-3683347!); isf-: BR [ BR0000017370240 ]!& K & P [ P05239818 ]!& TAN & OEAG [ OEAG.1977404] GoogleMaps !).

[A–B: Rakotovao 7221; C: Reg. DIANA, Prov. Antsiranana,Fkt. Ivovona,]

[Photos: A–B: C. Rakotovao; C: F. Rakotoarison]

Combretum sakoense Jongkind & Callm. resembles C. calopyxis receptacle& inside with scattered hairs mfre dense at base and Jongkind & Callm., but it differs from that species by a shorter edge; cfnstrictifn between upper and lfwer receptacle shfrt; (8–9 mm long vs. c. 13 mm long), hairier upper receptacle, and by calyx lfbes triangular& c. 2 mm lfng; petals absent; stamens larger leaves (6–11.5(–14) × 4–6(–12) vs. 1.2–4 × 0.9–2.5 cm). cfnspicufusly 2-seriate& sfmetimes fne series slightly exserted;

filaments white& shfrter than anthers; anthers c. 0.8 mm lfng& Shrub up tf 3 m high fr liana. Leaves fppfsite; pale yellfw; style green& slightly exserted& lfwer half pubespetifle 7– 12 mm lfng& pubescent; blade fvate tf elliptic& cent. Fruit sessile& 15–22 mm lfng& almfst glfbfse tf slightly 6 – 11.5(– 14) × 4–6(–12) cm& first pubescent fn bfth sides& angular& velutinfus. later glabrfus except ffr the venatifn belfw& 5 – 8 pairs ff secfndary veins& venatifn impressed abfve& prfminent belfw& Distribution, ecology and phenology. – Combretum sakoense base rfunded tf acute& apex mfstly acute& sfmetimes shfrtly is knfwn frfm dry spiny bush and rupicflfus ffrests (sensu acuminate. Inflorescence a single shfrt spike at the end ff a GAUTIER et al.& 2018) in sfuthwestern Madagascar between shfft ff the same seasfn& peduncle 4– 6 mm lfng. Flower 50 tf 200 m ff elevatifn. The new species grfws mainly fn 5-merfus& sessile& greenish; bracts c. 3 × 1 mm & leaf-shaped& limestfne. It has been cfllected in flfwer frfm Octfber tf pubescent; lfwer receptacle 3–4 mm lfng& densely hairy; upper?ebruary and in fruit in January and?ebruary. receptacle lfng urceflate-infundibuliffrm& including calyx lfbes 8 – 9 mm lfng& futside less densely hairy than lfwer

[Phillipson 2423, MO-3683347] [© Missouri Botanical Garden,St. Louis]

[Rakotoarisoa & Mamy SNGF 4060, K, TAN, TEF;] [Photo: S.E. Rakotoarisoa]

Conservation status. – Combretum sakoense is knfwn frfm Betifky& vallée de la Sakfa& [23°42'00"S 44°43' 00"E]& 21.X.1940 & fl.& Decary

13 lfcalities& five ff which are encfmpassed within the prf- 15973 ( P [ P05239829 ]) ; ibid. lfcf& 22.X.1940 & fl.& Decary 16024 ( P [ P05292294 &

P05292300 & P05292310 ]); ibid. lfcf& 22.X.1940 & fl.& Decary 16032 ( P [ P05292311 &

tected areas netwfrk (Amfrfni’I Onilahy & Beza Mahafaly & and P06603050 & P06603052 ]); Ankazfabf & [22°18'S 44°31' E]& 30.X.1940 GoogleMaps & fl.& Decary Ranfbe). OEith an EOO ff c. 23& 170 km ² and an AOO ff 16253 ( P [ P05292313 ]); rte. de Behfmpy & [23°15'S 43°52'E]& fr.& Dequaire 52 km ²& C. sakoense is thereffre assessed as “Least Cfncern” 27573 ( P [ P05239831 ]& OEAG [ OEAG0296991 ); vallées du Mangfky et de [ LC] due tf its wide distributifn in the sfuthwestern regifn l’Isahaina & aux env. de Berfrfha & [21°41'S 45°10'E]& X.1933 GoogleMaps & fl.& Humbert 11339 and number ff lfcalities. ( P [ P05239841 ]); basse vallée de?iherenana& [23°06'S 44°02'E]& 50–200 m GoogleMaps &

II.1933 & fl. & Humbert 11534 ( P [ P05239837 & P05239838 ]); gfrges de?iherenana& entre Beantsy et Anjamala & [23°12'S 43°56' E]& I GoogleMaps .1947& fr.& Humbert 19874

Notes. – This species differs frfm all fther species ff ( P [ P05239833 ]) ; vallée de l’Onilahy & près de Tfngfbfry & vallfn d’Andranflahy & Combretum sect. Calopyxis by the sessile flfwers with a cfn- [23°31'S 44°09'E]& 5.II.1947 & fr. & Humbert 20156 ( P [ P05239834 ]) GoogleMaps ; ibid. lfcf& spicufusly hairy lfwer receptacle& an upper receptacle clearly 5.II.1947 & fr.& Humbert 20168 ( P [ P05239835 & P05239836 ]) GoogleMaps ; env. de Tulear & gfrge lfnger than wide& with stamens that are nft fr hardly exserted& du?iherenana& [23°18'S 43°43'E]& 16.III.1960 & fr.& Keraudren 761 ( P [ P05239754 & GoogleMaps

P05239756 ]); ibid. lfcf& II.1962 & Keraudren 1342 ( P [ P06603042 &

and a cfmparatively shfrt cfnstrictifn between the lfwer and P06603043 ]); la Sakfa & [23°42'00"S 44°43'00"E]& VIII.1925 & fl.& Perrier de la upper receptacle. Bâthie 17358 ( P [ P05239822 ]) GoogleMaps ; Beza Mahafaly Reserve near Betifky & 23°39'S Several ff the flder specimens ff Combretum sakoense were 44°38'E & 17.X.1987 & fl.& Phillipson 2369 ( MO & P [ P05239817 ]& TAN) GoogleMaps ; Prfv. de cited by PERRIER DE LA BÂTHIE (1954: 18 –20) as Calopyxis Tulear & 20.XI.1921 & fl.& Poisson 351 ( P [ P05239819 ]) ; Atsimf-Andrefana& Berferiantha. rfha&?kt. Betfrabatf& 21°40'30"S 44°59'37"E & 18.I.2011 & fr.& Razakamalala 6086

(MO& P [P00842786]& TAN); env. des charbfnnages de la Sakfa& [23°46'S

44°34' E]& 21.II.1949 & fr. & Service Forestier 488 ( P [ P05239820 ]) .

Additional specimens examined. – MADAGASCAR. Reg. Atsimo-Andrefana [Prov. Toliara]: Befandriana-Sud & [22°06'30"S 43°54' 30"E]& 150 m & 7.XII.1961 & fl.& Appert 38 ( G & OEAG & Z); falaises calcaires du?iherenana& [22°57'30"S 44°19'00"E]& I GoogleMaps .1962& Bosser 15814 ( P [ P05239827 & P05239828 ]); Distr .

Combretum sphaeroides (Tul.) Jfngkind View in CoL in Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat.& B& Adansfnia 17: 196. 1995 (?ig. 4).

÷ Calopyxis sphaeroides Tul. View in CoL in Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 6: 86. 1856.

Lectotypus (designated here): MADAGASCAR. Reg. Melaky [Prov. Mahajanga]: Ambfngf & 17.II.1841 & fl.& fr.& Pervillé 667 ( P [ P00048129 ]!; isflectf-: G [ G00008891 fragm.]!& P [ P00048128 & P06603069 & P06603077 & P06603078 ]!) .

= Calopyxis brevistyla H. Perrier in Ann. Mus. Colon. Marseille, sér. 6, 9–10 & sér. 7, 1: 20. 1953, syn. nov. Lectotypus (designated here): MADAGASCAR. Reg. Boeny [Prov. Mahajanga]: près du Mt. Tsitondraina , Boeny , X.1899, fl., fr., Perrier de la Bâthie 964 (P [ P05239859 ]!; isolecto-: K, MO, P [ P05239858 ]!, TAN). Syntypi: Tsitampiky, 19.X.1930, fl., Decary 8187 (P [ P05239842 , P05239843 ]!); sine loco, s.d., Leandri 280bis ( P [ P05239845 ]!) ; Majunga , X.1924, fl., Perrier de la Bâthie 16792 ( P [ P05239854 ]!) ; Ambato-Boéni, Bevazaha ( RN no 7), 16.X.1947, Réserves Naturelles 1102 ( P [ P05239849 ]!) ; ibid. loco, 16.X.1948, Réserves Naturelles 1166 ( P [ P05239850 ]!) ; ibid. loco, 1.X.1948, Réserves Naturelles 1155 ( P [ P05239851 ]!) ; Ankarafantsika, RN no 7, s.d., Service Forestier 21 ( P [ P05239857 ]!) ; ibid. loco, s.d., Service Forestier 21 A ( MO, P [ P05239856 ]!) ; Ste. Marie de Marovoay , Ankarafantsika, RN no 7, s.d., Service Forestier 43 ( P [ P05239852 , P05239853 ]!) .

Shrub. Twigs first densely appressed hairy& sffn glabrfus. Leaves petifle 4–12 mm lfng; blade 1.5–5(–9.5) × 1–2.5(–4) cm& with hairy dfmatia and fften with a few hairs fn the larger veins belfw. Inflorescence terminal& up tf 2.5 cm lfng. Flowers stipitate; receptacle greenish& sfmetimes tinged red; lfwer receptacle appressed shfrt hairy; upper receptacle cupuliffrm tf campanulate& up tf 6 × 6 mm & almfst glabrfus futside& hairy inside& pale green& fften with reddish; petals absent; stamens included tf shfrtly exserted& up tf 2 mm lfng; style nft fr hardly exserted. Fruit glfbfse tf fbfvfid& up tf 1.7 cm in diam.& glabrfus& green tf reddish fr brfwnish& with a shfrt but distinct stipe up tf 4 mm lfng.

Conservation status. – Combretum sphearoides has a very wide distributifn frfm Mahajanga in the Nfrth-OEest tf clfse tf Tfliara in the Sfuth. This species has an estimated EOO abfve the threshfld ffr the “Vulnerable” status under Criterifn B1 ff the IUCN Red List Categfries and Criteria (IUCN& 2012)& i.e.& 20&000 km² and is knfwn frfm several prftected areas& amfng them Ankarafantsika& Namfrfka& and Bemaraha. OEe thereffre cfnsider C. sphearoides as “Least Cfncern” [LC] due tf its wide distributifn in Madagascar and number ff lfcalities.

[Photo: F. Rakotoarison]

Notes. – TULASNE (1856: 87) wrfte in his prftflfgue ff Calopyxis sphaeroides “teste Bernerif in Herb. Bfivin (no 667)”. This shfws that C. sphaeroides was based fn cfllectifns frfm Auguste Pervillé (?–c. 1868) that were sent in 1846 by Alphfnse C.J. Bernier (1802–1858) tf Lfuis Hyacinthe Bfivin (1808 –1852). The type cfllectifn& Pervillé 667 & cfllected in 1841 arfund Ambfngf near Majunga& was misinterpreted by PERRIER DE LA BÂTHIE (1953& 1954) as Boivin 667 frfm Nfsy Bé.?ive specimens ff Pervillé 667 are depfsited at P and the best-preserved material is designated here as the lectftype (P [P00048129]).

Several specimens cfllected near the type lfcality ff Combretum sphaeroides & and that are mfrphflfgically very similar tf that type & were cited by PERRIER DE LA BÂTHIE (1953& 1954) under Calopyxis brevistyla . Perrier de la Bâthie described differences in the leaves& but recent cfllectifns& such as Jongkind 3489 [OEAG.1971892] frfm Tsingy de Bemaraha& shfw these different leaf shapes fn fne single branch. Thereffre& we cfnsider C. brevistyla as a synfnym ff Combretum sphaeroides .

The flfwers ff Combretum sphaeroides are usually 5-merfus References but exceptifns are nft rare. TULASNE (1856) did describe the flfwers as 5 – 6-merfus& and accfrding tf PERRIER DE LA BACHMAN& S. & J. MOAT (2012). GefCAT – an fpen sfurce tffl ffr BÂTHIE (1953& 1954) they are 3–4-merfus. rapid Red List assessments. Bot. Gard. Conserv. Int. J . 9. [http:// Amfng the numerfus syntypes ff Calopyxis brevistyla , gefcat.kew.frg] the best-preserved specimen ff Perrier de la Bâthie 964 BAKER & J. (1887) .? urther cfntributifns tf the?lfra ff Madagascar. ( P [ P05239859 ]) is designated here as the lectftype because it J . Linn. Soc. , Bot. 22: 441–472. cfmbines flfwers and fruits and has detailed field nftes. GAUTIER& L.& J. A . TAHINARIVONY& P. RANIRISON & S. OEOHLHAUSER

(2018). Vegetatifn. In: GOODMAN& S.M. et al. (ed.)& The terrestrial

Acknowledgement protected areas of Madagascar: Their history, description, and biota:

207–242. Assfciatifn Vahatra& Antananarivf.

The herbarium curatfrs ff BR& G& K& P& and OEAG are thanked ffr their assistance while wfrking in their institutes& and/fr IUCN (2012). IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Version 3.1. Ed. ffr sending specimens fn lfan. OEe thank Charles Rakftfvaf& 2. IUCN Species Survival Cfmmisifn& Gland and Cambridge. Sflfff Eric Rakftfarisfa& and?enf Rakftfarisfn ffr their JONGKIND& C.C.H. (1995). Prfdrfmus ffr a revisifn ff Cfmbretum phftfs ff Combretum .?ranck Rakftfnasflf and Aarfn Davis (Cfmbretaceae) ffr Madagascar. Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., B, are thanked ffr their help tf find the cfllectifn Davis et al. Adansonia 17: 191–200. 4805 and Xander van der Burgt ffr his phftfs ff herbarium JONGKIND& C.C.H & L. GAUTIER. (2011). Cfmbretum nusbaumeri specimens& bfth at K. Last but nft least we want tf thank Jfngkind & L. Gaut. (Cfmbretaceae)& a new species frfm Mad- Marina Rabarimanarivf and Greg OEahlert ffr their cfm- agascar. Candollea 66: 311–315. DOI: https://dfi.frg/10.15553/ ments& which helped tf imprfve an earlier versifn ff this c 2011v 662a7 manuscript.

PERRIER DE LA BÂTHIE& H. (1953). Révisifn des Cfmbrétacées de

Madagascar et des Cfmfres. Ann. Mus. Colon. Marseille & sér. 6&

9–10 & sér. 7& 1.

PERRIER DE LA BÂTHIE & H. (1954). Cfmbretaceae. In: HUMBERT & H. (ed.)& Fl. Madagascar Comores 151.

SONNERAT (2023). Base de dfnnées des cfllectifns du Muséum natifnal d’Histfire naturelle& MNHN& Paris. [http://science.]

TROPICOS (2023). Missfuri Bftanical Garden& Saint Lfuis. [http:// www.trfpicfs.frg]

TULASNE & L.-R. (1856).? lfrae madagascariensis& Cfmbretaceae. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 6: 75–138.


Embrapa Agrobiology Diazothrophic Microbial Culture Collection


Royal Botanic Gardens


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Parc de Tsimbazaza


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


Missouri Botanical Garden


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Universität Zürich


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Debrecen University


University of California


University of the Witwatersrand


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch














Combretum sakoense Jfngkind & Callm.

Jongkind, Carel C. H. & Callmander, Martin W. 2023

Combretum sphaeroides (Tul.)

Tul. 1995: 196

Calopyxis sphaeroides

Tul. 1856: 86
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