Neotrops darwini, Grismado & Ramírez, 2013

Grismado, Cristian J. & Ramírez, Martín J., 2013, The New World Goblin Spiders Of The New Genus Neotrops (Araneae: Oonopidae), Part 1, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2013 (383), pp. 1-150 : 8-29

publication ID 10.1206/819.1


persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Felipe (2021-08-30 17:12:02, last updated 2024-11-26 03:54:27)

scientific name

Neotrops darwini

sp. nov.

Neotrops darwini View in CoL , new species

Figures 1–19 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig , 26A–B View Fig ; map 1

TYPES: Male holotype from Argentina: Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur , Canal de Viamonte , - 34.60458 °, - 58.35008 °, Sept. 15, 2008, A. Mamani, P. Turienzo ( MACN-Ar 21925 PBI_OON 14971 ) GoogleMaps ; same reserve, Tessaria integrifolia forest, - 34.60444 °, - 58.35000 ° Apr. 13, 2009, A. Mamani, L. Zapata, 1 female paratype ( MACN-Ar 21604 PBI _ OON 14957), same locality, Oct. 27, 2008, A. Mamani, 1 male paratype ( MACN-Ar 23585 PBI _ OON 15010), 1 male and 2 female paratypes ( MACN-Ar 26077 PBI _ OON 30641), all deposited in MACN-Ar.

ETYMOLOGY: This specific epithet is a patronym in honor of Charles Darwin (1809– 1882), in commemoration of the recent 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species and the 200th anniversary of his birth. A substantial and fruitful part of Darwin’s expedition took place in Argentina.

DIAGNOSIS: N. darwini males are very similar to those of N. tucumanus by the elongated bulb, but differ by the embolus being more strongly curved, and the conductor slightly bent upward at the apex and distally widened (fig. 26B). Females also resemble to those of N. tucumanus but the anterior receptacle is distally widened (fig. 26A).

DESCRIPTION: MALE (holotype, PBI_OON 14971).Total length 1.74. Cephalothorax: Carapace pale orange, ovoid in dorsal view, pars cephalica strongly elevated in lateral view, anteriorly narrowed to between 0.5 and 0.75 times its maximum width, cuticle surface with small platelets (as in fig. 3A), iridescent under light microscope; lateral margin undulate; nonmarginal pars cephalica setae absent; nonmarginal pars thoracica setae dark, needlelike; marginal setae dark, needlelike. Clypeus setae present, dark, stout, many stout erect setae reaching the ocular area. Eyes on a dark area, ALE largest, circular, PME oval, PLE oval; posterior eye row almost straight from front and recurved from above; ALE separated by more than their diameter, ALE-PLE separated by less than ALE radius, PME touching throughout most of their length, PLE-PME separated by less than PME radius (fig. 11C). Sternum longer than wide, yellow, anterior margin unmodified, posterior margin not extending posteriorly of coxae IV; setae sparse, evenly scattered (fig. 11B). Mouthparts: chelicerae, endites, and labium yellow, cheliceral setae light, evenly scattered. Labium anterior margin indented at middle, with six or more setae. Endites distally not excavated, with a lateral expansion, membranous, with scalelike micosculpture, with a bunch of modified setae directed inward (fig. 12B). Abdomen: Dorsum white. Epigastric and postepigastric area with dark, needlelike setae. Postepigastric scutum yellow. Spinneret scutum absent. Dorsum with dark, needlelike setae. Colulus represented only by setae. Spinnerets (fig. 13C–F): ALS: one major ampullate gland spigot and three piriform ones; PMS: with three spigots; PLS: with four spigots. Legs: Yellow; femur IV not thickened, same size as femora I–III, tibia IV with specialized hairs on ventral apex (fig. 12H). Leg spination: leg I: femora d1-1, pv0-0-1-1-0, tibiae v2-2-2-2-2-0, metatarsi v2- 2-2; leg II: femora d1-1, pv0-0-0-0-1-0, tibiae v2-2-2-2-2-0, metatarsi v2-2-2, leg III: femora d1-1, tibiae d1, p1-1, v1ap, metatarsi p1-1, v1- 1ap; leg IV: femora d1-1-1, tibiae d1, p1-1, r1- 1, v1ap, metatarsi d1-0-1, p1-1, r1-1, v1-1ap. Tarsal organ (only those examined under SEM are reported): I with three sensilla, IV and palp, both with two sensilla visible (fig. 14E–G). Genitalia: Palp (figs. 15, 17B– D, 20B): proximal segments pale orange; femur normal size, two or more times as long as trochanter; cymbium pale orange, ovoid in dorsal view, not fused with bulb; bulb pale orange, more than two times as long as cymbium, slender, elongated, distal part with a forward-directed conductor, slightly curved apically, a flattened tip, and a narrow basal opening on its prolateral side (fig. 15C–F), probably for discharging the internal vesicle of the conductor. Embolus light; strongly curved, with a flattened opening (fig. 15F).

FEMALE (paratype, PBI_OON 14957). Total length 2.10. As in male except as noted. Cephalothorax: Carapace broadly oval in dorsal view, cuticle surface with small platalets (fig. 3A) and with iridescence under light microscope. Stout clypeal setae not as erect as in male. Eyes: ALE, PME subequal, larger than PLE; ALE separated by their radius to diameter (fig. 1C). Abdomen: Epigastric and postepigastric area setae dark, needlelike. Spinnerets (fig. 4A–D): ALS: with one major ampullate gland spigot and four piriform ones; PMS: with 10 spigots; PLS: with 14 spigots. Legs: Patella plus tibia I nearly as long as carapace, tibiae III and IV with specialized setae ventroapically (fig. 6A– B). Leg spination (fig. 5A, C, D): leg I: femora d1-1, pv0-0-1-1-0, tibiae v2-2-2-2-2-0, metatarsi v2-2-2-2; leg II: femora d1-1, pv0-0- 1-1-0, tibiae v2-2-2-2-2-0, metatarsi v2-2-2-2, leg III: femora d1-1, tibiae d1, p1-1, r1, v2ap, metatarsi p1-1, v1-2ap; leg IV: femora d1-1-1, tibiae d1, p1-1, r1-1, v1-2ap, metatarsi d1-0-1, p1-1, v0-1-1-2ap. Tarsus I superior claws with four teeth on lateral surface of proclaw. Tarsal organ legs I–II with three sensilla, III–IV and palp with two sensilla visible (fig. 9B–F). Genitalia: Ventral view: anterior receptacle with rounded tip, visible through cuticle (fig. 18H). Dorsal view: anterior receptacle gradually widened anteriorly, with accessory glands along its base (fig. 10B, F). Posterior plate nearly oval (fig. 10A, C, E), transversal, not covering totally the anterior receptacle in dorsal view.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: ARGENTINA: Chaco: 100 km (the label says 1000!) NW Resistencia , Chaco NP, Dec. 12, 1990, to Dec. 17, 1990, S. J. Peck, 1♂ ( AMNH PBI _ OON 1862 ) . Corrientes: Capital: Bella Vista, Dec. 22, 2005, Ávalos and Rubio G., 1♂ (CARTROUNNE PBI _ OON 15029). Entre Ríos: Departamento Colón: Parque Nacional El Palmar: - 31.86534 ° - 58.23745 °, stones, in grassland with palms and low forest, 22 m, Aug. 06, 2011, to Aug. 08, 2011, Ramírez et al., MACN-Ar, 1♂ ( MACN-Ar 27994 PBI _ OON 42107), 2♂ ( MACN-Ar 27996 PBI _ OON 42120) ; same collectors, Arroyo El Palmar, - 31.893078 ° - 58.238468 °, stones and grassland with palms and riparian forest; 10 m, Aug. 07, 2011, 1♂ ( MACN-Ar 28161 PBI _ OON 42004) ; same collectors, - 31.893078 ° - 58.238468 °, stones and grassland with palms and riparian forest, 10 m, Aug. 07, 2011, 1♀ ( MACN-Ar 27987 PBI _ OON 42119) ; same collectors, - 31.88461 ° - 58.23927 °, flooded grassland, in Panicum prionitis , 24 m, Aug. 07, 2011, 1♂, 1 juvenile ( MACN-Ar 28162 PBI _ OON 42007) ; same collectors, - 31.86539 ° - 58.24008 ° (flooded grassland, in grassy tussocks and Cortaderia ), 28 m, Aug. 07, 2011, to Aug. 08, 2011, 1♀ ( MACN-Ar 28158 PBI _ OON 42001), 2♂, 2 juvenile ( MACN-Ar 28157 PBI _ OON 42005), 1♀, 7 juvenile ( MACN-Ar 28010 PBI _ OON 42008), 1♀ ( MACN-Ar 28012 PBI _ OON 42009), 1♀ ( MACN-Ar 28011 PBI _ OON 42010), 1♀, 2♂ ( MACN-Ar 28013 PBI _ OON 42011), 6♀, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 28006 PBI _ OON 42012), 7♀ ( MACN-Ar 28007 PBI _ OON 42013), 6♂, 7 juvenile ( MACN-Ar 28007 PBI _ OON 42013), 1♀, 1♂, 3 juvenile ( MACN-Ar 28016 PBI _ OON 42014), 1♀ ( MACN-Ar 28009 PBI _ OON 42104), 1♂, 4♀ ( MACN-Ar 27997 PBI _ OON 42111), 1♂, 5 juvenile ( MACN-Ar 28002 PBI _ OON 42113), 1♀ ( MACN-Ar 28002 PBI _ OON 42113), 1♂ ( MACN-Ar 28015 PBI _ OON 42115), 1♂ ( MACN-Ar 28014 PBI _ OON 42123) ; same collectors, - 31.88484 ° - 58.23930 °, grassland close to marsh, in grassy tussock, 25 m, Aug. 07, 2011, 2♀ ( MACN-Ar 28160 PBI _ OON 42002), 1♂, 1♀, 1juvenile ( MACN-Ar 28159 PBI _ OON 42006), 1♀, 1♂ ; 2 juvenile ( MACN-Ar 27999 PBI _ OON 42099), 1♂, 1♀, 1 juvenile ( MACN-Ar 27988 PBI _ OON 42110) ; same collectors, Sector Sur , - 31.88768 ° - 58.31186 °, grassland and low forest with palms, 30 m, Aug. 07, 2011, 2♂, 1♀ ( MACN-Ar 28008 PBI _ OON 42116), 1♀ ( MACN-Ar 28000 PBI _ OON 42118) ; Dept. Uruguay: Ruta Nac. 14, 7 km E Concepción del Uruguay, - 32.483128 ° - 58.308484, 26 m, Aug. 08, 2011, Ramírez et al., MACN-Ar, 1♂ ( MACN-Ar 28018 PBI _ OON 42102). Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur, - 34.59638 °, - 58.36000 °, Mar. 30, 2009, A. Mamani, P. Turienzo, 1♂, 2♀ ( MACN-AR 20507 PBI _ OON 14940), Apr. 13, 2009, L. Zapata, A. Mamani, 1♀ ( MACN-AR 20506 PBI _ OON 14941) , Sept. 29, 2008, P. Turienzo, A. Mamani, 1♂ (MACN-AR 21603 PBI _ OON 14956) , Feb. 16, 2009, A. Mamani, P. Turienzo, 1♂ (MACN-AR 21926 PBI _ OON 14972) , Mar. 16, 2009, A. Mamani, P. Turienzo, 1♂ (MACN-AR 21928 PBI _ OON 14973) , Apr. 13, 2009, A. Mamani, L. Zapata, 1♀ (MACN-AR 22172 PBI _ OON 14978) , Feb. 16, 2009, A. Mamani, P. Turienzo, 1♂ (MACN-AR 22175 PBI _ OON 14977), Sept. 26, 2008, P. Turienzo, A. Mamani, 1♂ (MACN-AR 21923 PBI _ OON 14970), Mar. 30, 2009, A. Mamani, P. Turienzo, 1♀ (MACN-AR 22414 PBI _ OON 14987), Oct. 13, 2008, P. Turienzo, 1♀ (MACN-AR 22413 PBI _ OON 14988), Oct. 27, 2008, A. Mamani, 1♀ (MACN-AR 23121 PBI _ OON 14994), Jan. 19, 2009, A. Mamani, P. Turienzo, 1♀ (MACN-AR 23122 PBI _ OON 14996), Nov. 10, 2008, A. Mamani, P. Turienzo, 2♂ (MACN-AR 24297 PBI _ OON 15012), Sept. 29, 2008, P. Turienzo, A. Mamani, 1♂ (MACN-AR 21927 PBI _ OON 14974); same locality, Tessaria integrifolia forest, - 34.60444 °, - 58.35000 °, Sept. 29, 2008, P. Turienzo, A. Mamani, 5♀ (MACN-AR 21602 PBI _ OON 14955), Feb. 16, 2009, A. Mamani, P. Turienzo, 1♂ (MACN-AR 21924 PBI _ OON 14969), Mar. 30, 2009, A. Mamani, P. Turienzo, 1♀ (MACN-AR 22173 PBI _ OON 14975), Apr. 27, 2009, P. Turienzo, L. Zapata, 1♀ (MACN-AR 22174 PBI _ OON 14976), Nov. 10, 2008, A. Mamani, P. Turienzo, 1♀ (MACN-AR 23120 PBI _ OON 14997), Oct. 27, 2008, A. Mamani, 1♀ (MACN-AR 23583 PBI _ OON 15007), Nov. 24, 2008, A. Mamani, L. Zapata, 1♂ (MACN-AR 23584 PBI _ OON 15008), Oct. 27, 2008, A. Mamani, 1♀ (MACN-AR 24302 PBI _ OON 15011); same locality, Área Fuego, Parcela Norte, Apr. 08, 2011, H. Sirolli and L. Zapata, 1♂ (MACN-AR 27554 PBI _ OON 43198); same locality, Camino de los sauces: mirador al Canal Sur, 34.61694 °, 58.34722 °, Oct. 24, 2011, L. Zapata, G. Rubio, M. Izquierdo, M. Guala, y C. Grismado, 2♀ (MACN-Ar 28195 PBI _ OON 42021), 1♂ (MACN-Ar 28190 PBI _ OON 42025); same locality, Canal de Viamonte, forest, - 34.60458 °, - 58.35008 °, May 01, 2008, to Apr. 01, 2009, Lorena Zapata, 1♀ (MACN-AR 25816 PBI _ OON 30549), Sept. 29, 2008, P. Turienzo, A. Mamani, 3♀ (MACN-AR 25817 PBI _ OON 30550), Nov. 24, 2008, forest soil and litter, A. Mamani, L. Zapata, 1♀ (MACN-AR 25961 PBI _ OON 30687). Buenos Aires: Berazategui: Hudson, F.C.G.R., May 01, 1984, M. Ramírez, 1♀ (MACN-AR 15371 PBI _ OON 14799); 1♂ (MACN-AR 15371 PBI _ OON 14799). Campana: Reserva Natural Otamendi, grassy field, in ‘‘dipsacal,’’ Feb. 07, 1992, Fuentes, B. and Di Iorio, O., 1♂ (MACN-AR 27485 PBI _ OON 43192); Reserva Natural Otamendi, Entrance to ‘‘Sendero de la laguna,’’ grassland, 21 m, - 34.22611 °, - 58.90111 °, May 19, 2007, to June 09, 2007, C. Grismado, I. Crudele, S. Trivero, and N. Olejnik, 1♂ (MACN-AR 12632 PBI _ OON 14925). San Pedro: Reserva Municipal Vuelta de Obligado, barranca del Paraná, Grassland, - 33.59722 °, - 59.80944 °, Oct. 11, 2009, N. López, C. Grismado, N. Olejnik and I. Crudele coll, 1♀ (MACN-AR 24303 PBI _ OON 15013). Tigre: Tigre, Oct. 01, 1953, Viana, 1♀, 1♂, 3 juvenile (MACN-AR 15366 PBI _ OON 14763); Tigre, Aug. 01, 1956, Viana, 1♂ (MACN-AR 15368 PBI _ OON 14803). Zárate: Atucha, May 10, 1987, M. Ramírez, 1♀ (MACN-AR 15367 PBI _ OON 14798). URUGUAY: Río Negro: Fray Bentos, - 33.11305 °, - 58.25138 °, Dec. 20, 2007, no data of collector, 3♂, 3♀, 2 Juveniles ( FCE 2315 PBI _ OON 42194).

DISTRIBUTION: Argentina, in Chaco, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, and northeast of Buenos Aires province (including Buenos Aires city), near the Paraná and La Plata rivers, and Uruguay (Río Negro). Probably also in intermediate localities along the Paraná coast (map 1).

NATURAL HISTORY: The largest series was collected by pitfall traps at the type locality, an urban ecological reserve near the Río de la Plata, in Buenos Aires city. These specimens were found in forests of Tessaria integrifolia ( Asteraceae , ‘‘aliso de río’’), but other individuals were also collected in highly disturbed neighboring areas, or in the bases of Cortaderia selloana (‘‘pampas grass’’) and other Poaceae . At El Palmar, many individuals were caught on the base of grasses ( Cortaderia and others), especially in swampy areas with diverse vegetation (both in grassland and forest formations). In Vuelta de Obligado, a female was collected during the night in the bank of the Paraná river, close to the entrance of a nest of the tiny ant Wasmannia auropunctata , suggesting that the spider could prey on them. Interestingly, another Argentine oonopid (the hard-bodied Gamasomorpha wasmanniae Mello-Leitão ) was collected in association with this ant species under stones, in Córdoba Province ( Birabén, 1954). Some specimens from the type locality and from Hudson are hosts of parasitoid acrocerid larvae (Shaun L. Winterton, identification from photographs). This could be the first report of the parasitoid relationship between acrocerids and oonopids. Most of the larvae were found inside the anterior part of the abdomen, near the booklungs (fig. 19B), although a few specimens are clearly visible in the cephalothorax (fig. 19C).

Biraben, M. 1954. Nuevas Gamasomorphinae de la Argentina (Araneae, Oonopidae). Notas Museo de La Plata 17: 181 - 212.

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Fig. 1. Neotrops darwini, new species, female. A–C, E (PBI_OON 14976), D (PBI_OON 15008). A. Carapace, dorsal view. B. Same, anterior view. C. Ocular region, dorsal view. D. Cephalothorax, ventral view. E. Mouthparts, ventral view.

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Fig. 2. Neotrops darwini, new species, female (PBI_OON 14976). A. Chelicerae, anterior view. B. Same, ventral view. C. Same, detail of the venom outlet. D. Endites and labium, ventral view. E. Serrula, ventral view.

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Fig. 3. Neotrops darwini, new species, female A–D. (PBI_OON 14976), E–F. (PBI_OON 23584). A. Platelets on carapace, dorsal view. B. Cephalothorax, posterior view. C. Pedicel, posterior view. D. Same, ventral view. E. Abdomen, ventral view. F. Epigastric region, ventral view.

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Fig. 4. Neotrops darwini, new species, female. A–D. (PBI_OON 23584), E–H. (PBI_OON 14976). A. Spinnerets, posteroventral view. B. Same, anterior lateral spinneret. C. Same, posterior median spinneret. D. Same, posterior lateral spinneret. E. palp, retrolateral view. F. Leg I, prolateral view. G. Leg II, prolateral view. H. Leg IV, retrolateral view.

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Fig. 5. Neotrops darwini, new species, female A–C, E–F. (PBI_OON 14976), D (PBI_OON 15008). A. Tibia I, prolateral view. B. same, platelet with pore. C. Metatarsus I, prolateral view. D. Tibia I, dorsal view. E. Tarsus I, prolateral view. F. Same, anterior view.

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Fig. 6. Neotrops darwini, new species, female (PBI_OON 14976) A–C. Tibia III. A. Retrolateral view. B. Same, detail of modified setae on the ventral apex. C. Same, dorsal view. D. Metatarsus III, dorsal view. E. Tarsus III, retrolateral view. F. Same, detail of sensory seta. G. Tibia IV, dorsal view. H. Tarsus IV, retrolateral view.

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Fig. 7. Neotrops darwini, new species, female tarsal claws (PBI_OON 14976). A–C. Leg I. A. Claws, rolateral view. B. Same, anterior view. C. Same, detail of tenent surface of hair of the claw tuft. D. Leg II, claws, prolateral view. E–F. Leg III. E. Claws, retrolateral view. F. Same, anterior view. G–H. Leg IV. G. Claws, retrolateral view. H. Same, oblique anterior view.

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Fig. 8. Neotrops darwini, new species, female trichobothria (PBI_OON 14976). A. Palpal tibia. B. Tibia I. C. Tibia II. D. Tibia III. E. Tibia IV. F. Metatarsus I. G. Metatarsus II. H. Metatarsus III.

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Fig. 9. Neotrops darwini, new species, female trichobothria and tarsal organs (PBI_OON 14976). A. Trichobothrium on metatarsus IV. B–F. Tarsal organs. B. Palp. C. Leg I. D. Leg II. E. Leg III. F. Leg IV.

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Fig. 10. Neotrops darwini, new species, female genitalia (A–D, PBI_OON 14976, E–H, PBI_OON 42013). A. Dorsal view. B. Same, oblique lateral view. C. Same, anterior view. D. Detail of the posterodorsal plate, posterior view. E–H. Longitudinal sections (right halves, lateral view). F. Detail of the glands of the anterior receptacle, lateral view. G. Another specimen with transverse ridges slightly separated, showing the anterior-posterior locking area. H. Same, slightly inclined to show the orifice of the anterior receptacle (arrow). Abbreviations: ar, anterior receptacle; ef, epigastric furrow; pp, posterodorsal plate; tr, transverse ridge; asterisk (*) 5 lateral projection.

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Fig. 11. Neotrops darwini, new species, male. (A, C, PBI_OON 14977, B, D, PBI_OON 15008). A. Carapace, dorsal view. B. Cephalothorax, ventral view. C. Ocular region, dorsal view. D. Cephalothorax, lateral view.

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Fig. 12. Neotrops darwini, new species, male. (A–D, F, PBI_OON 15008, E, G–H, PBI_OON 14977). A. Mouthparts, ventral view. B. Detail of the tip of the left endite, ventral view. C. Abdomen, ventral view. D. Epigastric region, ventral view. E. Leg I, prolateral view. F. Metatarsus I, dorsal view. G. Same, prolateral view. H. Tibia IV, distal part, retrolateral view.

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Fig. 13. Neotrops darwini, new species, male. (A, PBI_OON 14977, B–F, PBI_OON 15008). A. Leg I, tarsal claws, prolateral view. B. Leg IV, tarsal claws, dorsal view. C. Spinnerets, ventral view. D. Anterior lateral spinneret. E. Posterior median spinneret. F. Posterior lateral spinneret.

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Fig. 14. Neotrops darwini, new species, male. (A–D, F, H, PBI_OON 15008, E, PBI_OON 14977, G, PBI_OON 14969). A. Leg IV, platelet on metatarsus. B–D. Trichobothria. B. Tibia II. C. Metatarsus IV. D. Metatarsus II. E–G. Tarsal organs. E. Leg I. F. Leg IV. G. Palp. H. Male palp, oblique retrolateral view.

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Fig. 15. Neotrops darwini, new species, male. (A, B, H, PBI_OON 14969, C–D, PBI_OON 14940, E–G, PBI_OON 42013). Male palp. A. Dorsal view. B. Same, detail of embolus and conductor. C. Same, apical view (arrow to slit on the base of conductor). D. Detail of the slit on the base of conductor. E. Longitudinal section of the bulb, dorsal view. F. Detail of the vesicle of the conductor. G. Detail of the internal basal part of the bulb. H. Embolus tip. Abbreviations: co, conductor; e, embolus; te, tendon; tra, tracheole; v, vesicle of the conductor.

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Fig. 16. Neotrops darwini, new species, male. (A–C, PBI_OON 14971, D–F, PBI_OON 14799). A. Habitus, dorsal view. B. Same, ventral view. C. Same, lateral view. D. Carapace, dorsal view. E. Cephalothorax, ventral view. F. Same, lateral view.

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Fig. 17. Neotrops darwini, new species, male. (A, PBI_OON 14799, B–D, PBI_OON 14971). A. Carapace, anterior view. B–D. Palp. B. Dorsal view. C. Prolateral view. D. Retrolateral view.

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Fig. 18. Neotrops darwini, new species, female. (A–D, H, PBI_OON 14957, E–G, PBI_OON 14799). A. Habitus, dorsal view. B. Same, ventral view. C. Same, lateral view. D. Carapace, dorsal view. E. Cephalothorax, ventral view. F. Same, lateral view. G. Habitus, anterior view. H. Epigynum, ventral view.

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Fig. 19. Neotrops darwini, new species. A. Living female, dorsal view (PBI_OON 15013). B. Preserved male with an acrocerid parasitoid larva inside the abdomen (PBI_OON 14799). C. Preserved female with an acrocerid parasitoid larva inside the carapace (PBI_OON 14955).

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Fig. 26. Neotrops spp. genitalia, cleared. A–B. N. darwini, new species, C–D. N. tucumanus (Simon). A. Internal female genitalia, dorsal view (PBI_OON 14798), B. Male palp, retrolateral view (PBI_OON 14763), C. Internal female genitalia, dorsal view (PBI_OON 14766), D. Male palp, retrolateral view (PBI_OON 14759). Abbreviations: ar, anterior receptacle; co, conductor (asterisk: internal vesicle); e, embolus; pp, posterodorsal plate; tr, transverse ridges.


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