Neococcidencyrtus drysus Noyes, 1008

Noyes, John Stuart, 2023, ENCYRTIDAE OF COSTA RICA (HYMENOPTERA: CHALCIDOIDEA), 4 Subfamily Encyrtinae: tribes Arrhenophagini, Habrolepidini, Cerapterocerini, Cheiloneurini, Trechnitini, Cercobelini, Polaszekiini, Protyndarichoidini, Gahaniellini and Syrphophagini (part), mainly primary parasitoids and hyperparasitoids of Coccoidea and Psylloidea (Hemiptera), Taxonomic Monographs on Neotropical Hymenoptera (Oxford, England) 2 (11), pp. 1-921 : 131-132

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Neococcidencyrtus drysus Noyes


Neococcidencyrtus drysus Noyes View in CoL

( Figs 304-310; Hab. E 51)

Neococcidencyrtus drysus Noyes, 1987:1006-1008 View in CoL . Holotype E, FML, Argentina, not examined.

DIAGNOSIS. Female (length about 0.6-1.3mm): head generally orange; occiput without a brown spot above foramen; face ( Fig. 309) with a distinct dark brown band above toruli level with top of interantennal prominence and another level with lower parts of toruli; maxillary palpus white; funicle orange with F1-F3 dusky, clava dark brown; mesoscutum orange with a faint metallic sheen; tegula pale orange, apex dusky; scutellum orange; all coxae orange; fore femur and tibia mostly pale orange; mid femur mostly pale orange; hind femur mostly orange; mid and hind tibia with a pair of dark brown bands; fore wing ( Fig. 310) with an infuscate pattern, a hyaline band distad of venation with widest point about 2X as wide as narrowest point, apex subhyaline; gaster orange, with Gt1-Gt4 laterally brown; head ( Fig. 309) about 4.1-4.5X as wide as frontovertex; funicle with longitudinal sensilla on F4-F6; clava ( Fig. 305) with outer suture incomplete and dorsally oblique; mandible with three teeth; scape about 3.5X as long as broad; thorax as in Fig, 204; fore wing ( Fig. 310) about 2.4X as long as broad, venation as in Fig.306; linea calva interrupted by 2-4 setae; ovipositor as in Fig. 308, exserted part about 0.6X as long as mid tibial spur; gonostylus shorter than mid tibial spur; posterior margin of hypopygium ( Fig. 307) biconvexly curved with a moderately deep median invagination. Male: length about 0.8- 1.0mm: head mostly metallic green; scape yellow; flagellum testacecous; thorax dark brown with mesoscutum brassy and coppery and scutellum metallic green; wings hyaline; legs mostly dark brown; fore and mid tibia yellow, tibia with incomplete dark brown rings; frontovertex slightly less than half head with; scape about 2.5X as long as broad; funicle segments about 2.5-4X as long as broad, clothed with long setae, the longest of which is about 6X as long as width of segment; phallobase about 4X as long as broad, digitus nearly 3X as long as broad, with a single apical hook; parameres developed, each with an apical seta; aedeagus about half as long as mid tibia.

DISTRIBUTION. Argentina ( Noyes, 1987) , Costa Rica (new record).

HOSTS. Recorded as a parasitoid of Acutaspis paulista (Hempel) ( Hemiptera Diaspididae ) on Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco Schldtl. ( Gentianales : Apocynaceae ) and Maytenus Molina ( Celastrales : Celastraceae ) ( Noyes, 1987).


Type material. Paratypes: ARGENTINA, 1E, 1G, Tucuman, Tapia, ex Melanaspis paulistus on C. coccinea , i.1975 (P. Fidalgo); 2G, Tucuman, Tapia, ex M. paulistus on A. quebracho blanco , 3.iv.1975 (P. Fidalgo). Material in NHMUK.

Non type material. COSTA RICA, 1E, Heredia, Est. Biol. La Selva , 10°26’N 84°01’W, 75m, ii.2003 (J.S. Noyes); 1E, Puntarenas, PN Piedras Blancas, Est. El Bonito, 8°43’N 83°13’W, 100m, 13-14.ii.2012 (J.S. Noyes). Material in NHMUK GoogleMaps .

COMMENTS. See comments under cyclope (p, 133) and grias (p. 131).


Natural History Museum, London














Neococcidencyrtus drysus Noyes

Noyes, John Stuart 2023

Neococcidencyrtus drysus Noyes, 1987:1006-1008

Noyes, J. S. 1987: 1008
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