Ablabesmyia diversa Neubern, 2013

Oliveira, Caroline Silva Neubern De, Silva, Mário Antonio Navarro Da & Gessner, Alaíde Aparecida Fonseca, 2013, <p> <strong> Neotropical <em> Ablabesmyia </ em> Johannsen (Diptera: Chironomidae, Tanypodinae) – Part I </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3733 (1), pp. 1-123 : 39-41

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Felipe (2021-08-25 21:00:40, last updated 2021-08-26 17:34:51)

scientific name

Ablabesmyia diversa Neubern

sp. n.

Ablabesmyia diversa Neubern sp. n.

( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 20 )

Type material. Holotype: ♂, Brazil, São Paulo, USP , Monte Alegre pond, 47°81`03``W–21°17`75``S, 23.iii.1997, H.F. Mendes – LEIA . Paratypes: ♂, same data as holotype, 21.ix.2000, H.F. Mendes – LEIA ; ♂, same data as holotype, 30.v.1997, H.F. Mendes – DZUP ; 3 ♂♂, same data as holotype, 07.vi.1999, H.F. Mendes – DZUP ; ♂, Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, Nova Mutum, Buriti farm, 56°05`16``W – 13°05`04``S, 30.i.1997, H.F. Mendes – LEIA GoogleMaps .

Diagnostic characters. aedeagal complex with 2 dorsal lobes, both with fringe, grooved aedeagal blade and with membranous blade lateral to aedeagal blade will separate the male of A. diversa sp. n. from all other species.

Etymology. From Latin, diversae, meaning different.

Male (n = 5, unless otherwise stated): Dimensions: Total length 4.65–5.74 mm. Wing length 2.46–2.77 mm. Total length/wing length 1.69–2.13. Wing length/length of profemur 2.31–2.69.

Coloration ( Fig. 20A, E–G View FIGURES 20 ): abdomen follow figure 20H. Legs: P I, P II, P III –femora with 1 band, tibiae with 3 bands. Ratio of bands, related tibiae and tarsomeres 1 follow table 16. Hypopygium yellow.

Head: antenna with 14 flagellomeres; AR 2.71–2.91; apical flagellomere 123–125 µm and subapical seta 35– 48 µm long; temporals 35 postoculars 7–8; coronal triangle 135–142 µm long and base 110–127 µm; clypeus bearing 37–50 setae, 123–137 µm long and 113–138 µm wide; labrum with 5 setae, 115–125 µm long and 75–85 µm wide; tentorium 185–227 µm long; cibarial pump 310–360 µm long and orifice 54–58 µm from apex; palpomeres 1–5: 58–65; 106–125; 135–175; 170–195; 330–365 µm long; palpomere 3 with sensilla capitata 43–53 µm from base.

Wing: width/lenght 0.26–0.28; VR 0.80–0.86; C 2.15–2.53 mm long; Sc 1.12–1.43 mm long; m-cu 38 µm long and 660–770 µm from arculus; fr 830–900 µm from arculus; R 3 apex close to C; brachiolum with 3 setae; squama with 48–53 setae.

Thorax: antepronotals 18; humerals 4–9; prealars 74–93; supraalar 1; scutelars 30–32.

Legs ( Fig. 20E–G View FIGURES 20 ): P I –apex of tibia 73–90 µm wide and with apical pectinated spur 73–88 µm long, spur ratio 0.57–0.58; tarsomeres 1–3 with 1 or 2 pseudospurs 67–75 µm long. P II –apex of tibia 63–70 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 68–78 and 60–68 µm long, spur ratio 0.57–0.60 and 0.53–0.67 respectively; tarsomeres 1–2 with 1 or 2 apical pectinated pseudospurs 65–77 µm long. P III –coxa with 5 central microsetae; apex of tibia 70–80 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 65–83 and 65–73 µm long, spurs ratio 0.51–0.59 and 0.55–0.59 respectively; tarsomeres with 1 pseudospur 66–69 µm long. Lengths and proportions of leg segments table 17.


Hypopygium ( Fig. 20A–D View FIGURES 20 ): tergite IX with 6 central setae; anal point completely covers the aedeagal complex; phallapodeme 80–108 µm long; sternapodeme 170–188 µm long; gonocoxite 186–210 µm long and 148–163 µm wide; gonostylus 218–238 µm long, with 10 apical teeth; tapered megaseta; HR 0.82–0.92; HV 2.11–2.65. Aedeagal complex: grooved aedeagal blade 38–47 µm long, base 10–12.5 µm, 9/10 8 µm; dorsal lobe with fringe, 10–15 µm long, base 13–18 µm; membranous blade, lateral lobe and basidorsal lobe present.

Female and immatures. Unknown.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 20A–H. Ablabesmyia diversa sp. n.: adult male. (A) Hypopygium: dorsal aspect; (B, C) Hypopygium: ventral aspect; (D) Aedeagal complex; (E–G) P1 (E), P2 (F), P3 (G); (H) Abdomen.


University of the South Pacific


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure











