
Fricke, Ronald, Allen, Gerald R., Andréfouët, Serge, Chen, Wei-Jen, Hamel, Mélanie A., Laboute, Pierre, Mana, Ralph, Hui, Tan Heok & Uyeno, Daisuke, 2014, Checklist of the marine and estuarine fishes of Madang District, Papua New Guinea, western Pacific Ocean, with 820 new records, Zootaxa 3832 (1), pp. 1-247 : 156-172

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Plazi (2016-04-12 09:29:10, last updated 2023-10-26 06:29:30)

scientific name



Gobiidae View in CoL View at ENA

Acentrogobius janthinopterus (Bleeker, 1853) —Green-spotted goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on AMS and USNM material (AMS I.16670-015; USNM 260668).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Indonesia east to Philippines and New Guinea, north to southern Japan, south to northern Australia. Mud bottoms of estuaries and reefs near mangroves, 1– 5 m. Transitional water and marine.

Acentrogobius suluensis (Herre, 1927) —Sulu goby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Parenti & Allen (1991: 318). A specimen collected at St. PD 11. AMS, CAS and WAM material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Eastern Indonesia east to Philippines, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to New Guinea, 1– 15 m. Transitional water and marine.

Amblyeleotris fontanesii (Bleeker, 1852) —Giant shrimpgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Allen & Erdmann (2012: 863). Specimens observed and photographed at St. CTR 14, CTR 24, and by Tan H. H. at St. PR 15 on 10 Nov. 2012.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Andaman Sea and Indonesia east to Philippines, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to Queensland ( Australia) and New Caledonia. Found on sand patches near lagoon and sheltered inshore coral reefs, associated with an alpheid shrimp, 3– 28 m. Marine.

Amblyeleotris guttata (Fowler, 1938) —Spotted shrimpgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens photographed at St. CTR 23, CTR 35, and by Tan H. H. at St. PR 10 on 8 Nov. 2012. BPBM and WAM material (BPBM 32662; WAM P.30350-007). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Indonesia east to Marshall Islands and Samoa, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found on sand patches adjacent to coastal and seaward coral reefs, associated with an alpheid shrimp, 4– 40 m. Marine.

Amblyeleotris gymnocephala (Bleeker, 1853) —Naked-head prawn goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen photographed by A. Berberian. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Indonesia east to Marshall Islands, south to northwestern Australia. Found on sand patches adjacent to coral reefs, associated with an alpheid shrimp, 5– 35 m. Marine.

Amblyeleotris randalli Hoese & Steene, 1978 —Randall's shrimpgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen photographed by P. Laboute on 4 Dec. 2012, and another by A. Berberian. WAM material (WAM P.30350-005).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Indonesia east to Fiji, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia. Found on ledges on steep seaward coral reef slopes, associated with an alpheid shrimp, 15– 48 m. Marine.

Amblyeleotris steinitzi (Klausewitz, 1974) —Steinitz' shrimpgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen photographed by Tan H. H. at St. PR 53 on 17 Nov. 2012; another specimen photographed by A. Berberian. USNM material (USNM 264383). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea and Mauritius east to Marshall Islands and Samoa, north to Yaeyama Islands, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found on sand bottoms near coastal and seaward coral reefs, 1– 43 m. Marine.

Amblyeleotris wheeleri (Polunin & Lubbock, 1977) —Barred shrimpgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens photographed at St. CTR 14; also photographed by G. R. Allen.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea and East Africa east to Marshall Islands, north to Ryukyu and Ogasawara islands, south to northern Australia. Found on sand patches adjacent to coral reefs, associated with an alpheid shrimp, 5– 28 m. Marine.

Amblygobius decussatus (Bleeker, 1855) —Crosshatch goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen photographed by A. Berberian. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Cocos-Keeling Islands (eastern Indian Ocean) east to Philippines and New Guinea, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found on silt, mud or fine sand bottoms of bays and lagoons, 3– 25 m. Marine.

Amblygobius esakiae Herre, 1939 —Snoutspot goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on WAM material (WAM P.29595-032). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Central Indonesia east to Philippines and New Guinea. Found on silt or sand bottoms of estuaries or sheltered bays, 2– 15 m. Transitional water and marine.

Amblygobius nocturnus (Herre, 1945) —Nocturn goby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Parenti & Allen (1991: 318). Specimens photographed at St. CTR 23, and by A. Berberian. AMS, CAS and WAM material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Persian Gulf east to Tuamotu Islands, north to Ryukyu and Ogasawara islands, south to Lord Howe Island and Rapa. Found on silt, mud or fine sand bottoms near coastal reefs, 1– 30 m. Marine.

Amblygobius phalaena (Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837) —Calico goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens observed at St. CTR 0 2, CTR 23, CTR 26; photographed by A. Berberian. Previously reported as Amblygobius albimaculatus (non Rüppell, 1830) by Parenti & Allen (1991: 318). USNM material (USNM 211220, 211221).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Cocos-Keeling Islands (eastern Indian Ocean) east to Marquesas and Tuamotu islands, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia and Lord Howe Island. Found on sand-rubble bottoms of reef flats and in sheltered bays, 0– 52 m. Marine.

Amblygobius sphynx (Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837) — Sphynx goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens observed at St. CTR 23; a specimen collected by W.-J. Chen, St. PD 49. NTUM and USNM material (NTUM 10104; USNM 339467, 339475). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea and East Africa east to Palau and New Guinea, north to Yaeyama Islands, south to Queensland ( Australia) and New Caledonia. Found on sheltered sand bottoms including seagrass habitats, 0– 20 m. Transitional water and marine.

Ancistrogobius dipus Shibukawa, Yoshino & Allen, 2010 View in CoL —Doublefoot goby STATUS AT MADANG. Reported from Madang in original description by Shibukawa et al. (2010: 75). WAM material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Eastern Indonesia east to New Guinea and Solomon Islands, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to Queensland ( Australia). Found on sand-mud bottoms along rubble of sheltered coral reefs, 15– 35 m. Marine.

Ancistrogobius yoshigoui Shibukawa, Yoshino & Allen, 2010 View in CoL —Yoshigou's goby STATUS AT MADANG. Reported from Madang in original description by Shibukawa et al. (2010: 83); specimens photographed by A. Berberian. WAM material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Eastern Indonesia east to Philippines and New Guinea, north to Ryukyu Islands. Sand bottoms, 5– 30 m. Marine.

Asterropteryx bipunctatus Allen & Munday, 1995 View in CoL —Twinspot goby

STATUS AT MADANG. Originally described from Madang by Allen & Munday (1995: 99, figs. 1–2); photographed by A. Berberian. WAM material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Sabah ( Malaysia), Kalimantan ( Indonesia) and Papua New Guinea. Solitary, on sandy ledges of steep lagoon and seaward reef slopes, 12– 38 m. Marine.

Asterropteryx semipunctata Rüppell, 1830 —Starry goby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Parenti & Allen (1991: 318). Specimens observed at St. CTR 26. AMS material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea, East and South Africa, Madagascar and Mascarenes east to Wake Atoll, Hawaiian and Tuamotu islands, north to southern Japan and Ogasawara Islands, south to Western Australia, Lord Howe Island and Rapa. Found on algal-coated reef rock and rubble of inner flats and turbid coral reef lagoons, 0– 12 m. Marine.

Asterropteryx senoui Shibukawa & Suzuki, 2007 —Senou's goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on WAM material (WAM P.31213-018). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Eastern Indonesia east to Papua New Guinea, north to Ryukyu Islands. Found on mud or mud-sand bottoms, 15– 65 m. Marine.

Asterropteryx striatus Allen & Munday, 1995 View in CoL —Striped goby

STATUS AT MADANG. Originally described from Madang by Allen & Munday (1995: 101, figs. 3–4); photographed by A. Berberian. AMS and WAM material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Central Indonesia east to Palau and Fiji, north to Philippines, south to New Guinea. Found on coral rubble bottoms of sheltered coastal reefs, 6– 30 m. Marine.

Awaous guamensis (Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837) — Guam river goby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang as Trichopharynx crassilabrus by Parenti & Allen (1991: 318). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Mariana Islands and New Guinea east to Hawaian Islands and Fiji, south to New Caledonia. Found in freshwater rivers and streams, larvae in adjacent marine habitats, 0– 5 m. Freshwater, transitional water and marine.

Bathygobius cocosensis (Bleeker, 1854) —Cocos frillgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen photographed by A. Berberian. CAS material (CAS 63604).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. East Africa, Madagascar and Mascarenes east to Hawaiian and Pitcairn islands, north to southern Japan and Ogasawara Islands, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found in in tidal pools and on intertidal reef flats, 0– 2 m. Freshwater, transitional water and marine.

Bathygobius cyclopterus View in CoL (Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837) —Roundfin frillgoby STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Parenti & Allen (1991: 318). AMS, CAS and USNM material (the latter labelled Bathygobius crassiceps ).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea, East and South Africa, Madagascar and Réunion east to Mariana and Samoan islands, north to southern Japan, south to Western Australia and New Caledonia. Found on intertidal seaward reef flats and adjacent reefs including tidal pools, in habitats with coralline rock adjacent to gravel or sand, 0– 10 m. Marine.

Bathygobius fuscus (Rüppell, 1830) —Dusky frillgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens photographed at St. CTR 23. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea and East Africa, Madagascar and Mascarenes east to Wake, Gambier and Marquesas islands, north to South Korea and southern Japan, south to northern Australia, Norfolk Island and Tonga. Found in shallow rocky areas, often in tidal pools; also in estuaries, and ascending into freshwater streams, 0– 6 m. Freshwater, transitional water and marine.

Bryaninops erythrops ( Jordan & Seale, 1906) —Coral whipgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens photographed by A. Berberian. WAM material (WAM P.30626-018).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea and Chagos Archipelago east to Marshall Islands and Samoa, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia. Commensal on hard and soft corals, 3– 45 m. Marine.

Bryaninops loki Larson, 1985 Loki whipgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen photographed by A. Berberian. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Chagos Archipelago east to Line Islands and Samoa, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia. Commensal on gorgonian fans and whips, 6– 45 m. Marine.

Bryaninops tigris Larson, 1985 —Black-coral whipgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on WAM material (WAM P.30631-010). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Oman; Chagos Archipelago east to Hawaiian and Tuamotu islands, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to Queensland ( Australia). Commensal on branches of black coral ( Antipathes sp.), 15– 53 m. Marine.

Bryaninops yongei Davis & Cohen, 1969 —Common whipgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen photographed by A. Berberian. LACM material (LACM 44841.001).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea east to Hawaiian and Tuamotu islands, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Commensal on seawhips, 3– 45 m. Marine.

Cabillus lacertops Smith, 1959 —Lizard cabillus

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on USNM material (USNM 313500). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. East Africa east to New Guinea, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia. Found on sand bottoms, 1– 9 m. Marine.

Cabillus tongarevae (Fowler, 1927) —Tongareva cabillus

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens collected at St. CTR 17. MNHN material (MNHN uncat.).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Aldabra and Mascarenes east to Hawaiian, Line and Phoenix islands, north to southern Japan, south to Western Australia, Chesterfield Islands, and Tonga. Found on sandy bottoms of lagoon and seaward coral reefs, 1– 9 m. Marine.

Callogobius centrolepis (Weber, 1909) —Centrescale goby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Allen & Erdmann (2012: 963). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Chagos Archipelago and Maldives east to Wallis and Futuna, north to Philippines, south to New Guinea. Found in coral reefs, 10– 30 m. Marine.

Callogobius clitellus McKinney & Lachner, 1978 —Saddled goby

STATUS AT MADANG. Originally described from Madang by McKinney & Lachner (1978: 211, fig. 5); a specimen collected by W.-J. Chen, St. PR 221. NTUM and USNM material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Central Indonesia east to Palau and Solomon Islands, north to Philippines, south to New Guinea. Coral rubble and sand in coral reef lagoons, 1– 20 m. Marine.

Callogobius hasseltii (Bleeker, 1851) —Hasselt's goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens collected at St. CTR 17. MNHN and USNM material (MNHN uncat.; USNM 341182).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Indonesia east to Marshall Islands, Fiji and Tonga, north to southern Japan, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found in sheltered bays and lagoons, 0– 15 m. Freshwater, transitional water and marine.

Callogobius hastatus McKinney & Lachner, 1978 —Spearfin goby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Parenti & Allen (1991: 318). CAS material. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Philippines east to Palau and Yap, north to Yaeyama Islands, south to New Guinea. Found on coral rubble bottoms, on silty slopes and in seagrass habitats, 1– 10 m. Marine.

Callogobius maculipinnis (Fowler, 1918) —Ostrich goby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Parenti & Allen (1991: 318). AMS, CAS and USNM material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea and East Africa east to Marshall Islands and Samoa, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia and Lord Howe Island. Found in crevices of coral reefs, 1– 37 m. Marine.

Callogobius sclateri (Steindachner, 1879) —Tripleband goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on WAM material (WAM P.30629-023). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea and East Africa east to Marshall and Tuamotu islands, north to Ryukyu and Ogasawara islands, south to northern Australia. Found in sheltered reef and rubble habitats, 1– 35 m. Marine.

Cristatogobius aurimaculatus Akihito & Meguro, 2000 —Tripleband goby STATUS AT MADANG. Recorded from Madang in original description by Akihito & Meguro (2000: 251). AMS material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Ryukyu Islands; Papua New Guinea; Fiji. Found in river mouths and mangrove habitats, 0– 1 m. Transitional water.

Cryptocentrus caeruleomaculatus ( Herre, 1933) View in CoL —Blue-speckled shrimpgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Parenti & Allen (1991: 318). Specimens observed at St. CTR 23.AMS, CAS and USNM material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Andaman Sea and Indonesia east to Marshall and Solomon islands, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to Queensland ( Australia) New Caledonia. Found on sand bottoms near lagoon or sheltered coastal reefs, associated with alpheid shrimps, 0– 20 m. Marine.

Cryptocentrus cinctus (Herre, 1936) —Banded shrimpgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen photographed by A. Berberian. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Andaman Sea and Indonesia east to Caroline Islands and New Guinea, north to Yaeyama Islands, south to northern Australia. Found in lagoon and sheltered shoreline reefs, associated with alpheid shrimps, 2– 15 m. Marine.

Cryptocentrus cyanospilotus Allen & Randall, 2011 View in CoL —Bluespot shrimpgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. Reported from Madang in original description by Allen & Randall (2011: 558). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Indonesia east to Palau, Yap and Solomon Islands, north to Yaeyama Islands, south to Papua View in CoL New Guinea. Found on sand bottoms near lagoon or sheltered coastal reefs, associated with alpheid shrimps, 1– 20 m. Marine.

Cryptocentrus cyanotaenia (Bleeker, 1853) View in CoL —Bluedashed shrimpgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens observed at St. CTR 23. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Eastern Andaman Sea and Indonesia east to New Guinea. Found on sand bottoms near lagoon or sheltered coastal reefs, associated with alpheid shrimps, 1– 20 m. Marine.

Cryptocentrus fasciatus View in CoL (Playfair in Playfair & Günther, 1867) —Barred shrimpgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens observed at St. CTR 26. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea and East Africa, Madagascar and Mascarenes east to Indonesia and New Guinea, south to Queensland ( Australia) and New Caledonia. Found on sand near patch reefs, in burrows with alpheid shrimps, 1– 20 m. Marine.

Cryptocentrus leptocephalus Bleeker, 1876 View in CoL —Pink-spotted shrimpgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens observed at St. CTR 23, CTR 26. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Indonesia east to Philippines and Tonga, north to Yaeyama Islands, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found on sand bottoms near lagoon or sheltered coastal reefs, associated with alpheid shrimps, 0– 18 m. Marine.

Cryptocentrus leucostictus (Günther, 1871) View in CoL —Saddled shrimpgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens observed at St. CTR 26. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Andaman Sea and Indonesia east to Palau, Tonga and Samoa, north to Yaeyama Islands, south to Queensland ( Australia) and New Caledonia. Found on sand bottoms near lagoon or seaward coral reefs, associated with alpheid shrimps, 0– 25 m. Marine.

Cryptocentrus sericus Herre, 1932 View in CoL —Ventral-barred shrimpgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen photographed by A. Berberian. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Andaman Sea and Indonesia east to Palau, north to Yaeyama Islands, south to Papua View in CoL New Guinea. Found on sand/silt bottoms near coral reefs, associated with alpheid shrimps, 1– 10 m. Marine.

Cryptocentrus strigilliceps View in CoL ( Jordan & Seale, 1906) —Target shrimpgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens observed at St. CTR 0 6, CTR 23, CTR 26; photographed by A. Berberian.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. East Africa and Oman east to Marshall Islands and Samoa, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found on sand bottoms near patch reefs and shallow shorelines, associated with alpheid shrimps, 1– 15 m. Marine.

Ctenogobiops aurocingulus (Herre, 1935) —Gold-streaked shrimpgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Allen & Erdmann (2012: 876). Specimens observed at St. CTR 17, CTR 23, CTR 26; photographed by A. Berberian.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Sri Lanka; Indonesia east to Marshall Islands and Samoa, north to Taiwan, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found on sand bottoms near coastal or seaward coral reefs, associated with alpheid shrimps, 2– 44 m. Marine.

Ctenogobiops feroculus Lubbock & Polunin, 1977 —Fierce shrimpgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens observed at St. CTR 23. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea and East Africa east to Marshall and Solomon Islands, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found on fine sand and rubble bottoms near sheltered coral reefs, associated with alpheid shrimps, 1– 20 m. Marine.

Ctenogobiops maculosus (Fourmanoir, 1955) —Silverspot shrimpgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens observed at St. CTR 23. AMS and USNM material (AMS I.17089-039; USNM 258780).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea and Seychelles east to Philippines and New Guinea, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia. Found on coral and rubble bottoms near coral reefs, associated with alpheid shrimps, 1– 15 m. Marine.

Ctenogobiops pomastictus Lubbock & Polunin, 1977 —Gold-speckled shrimpgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens observed at St. CTR 0 2, CTR 23. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Andaman Sea and Indonesia east to Mariana and Solomon islands, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found on sand bottoms near coral reefs, associated with alpheid shrimps, 0– 15 m. Marine.

Ctenogobiops tangaroai Lubbock & Polunin, 1977 —Tangaroa shrimpgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens observed and photographed at St. CTR 11, CTR 23.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Indonesia east to Palau, Guam, Tonga and Samoa, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found on sand bottoms on lagoon and seaward coral reef slopes, associated with alpheid shrimps, 2– 40 m. Marine.

Echinogobius hayashii Iwata, Hosoya & Niimura, 1998 —Cheekstreak goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens observed at St. CTR 23; another photographed by A. Berberian.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. New Guinea east to Palau, north to Yaeyama Islands, south to northwestern Australia. Found in burrows on open sand bottoms, 1– 20 m. Marine.

Eviota atriventris Greenfield & Suzuki, 2012 View in CoL —Orange dwarfgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens observed at St. CTR 23; specimens photographed by A. Berberian. WAM material (WAM P.P.31213-050). This species was previously confused with E. pellucida Larson, 1976 View in CoL (see Greenfield & Suzuki, 2012: 55).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Ryukyu Islands, Marshall and Gilbert Islands, New Guinea and New Caledonia. Associated with mushroom corals, 0– 30 m. Marine.

Eviota bifasciata Lachner & Karnella, 1980 View in CoL —Twostripe dwarfgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens photographed at St. CTR 0 4. AMS and USNM material (AMS I.20800-001; USNM 219273).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Indonesia east to Palau and Solomon Islands, north to Philippines, south to Queensland ( Australia) and New Caledonia. Found in groups hovering over branched or tabular corals, 0– 15 m. Marine.

Eviota distigma Jordan & Seale, 1906 —Twospot dwarfgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens collected by W.-J. Chen, St. PB 34. NTUM material (NTUM 10141).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea east to Marshall and Tuamotu islands, north to Ryukyu and Ogasawara islands, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found on inshore coral reefs, 0– 10 m. Marine.

Eviota guttata Lachner & Karnella, 1978 —Spotted dwarfgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens photographed by A. Berberian. WAM material (WAM P.30619-008).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea east to Mariana Islands and Samoa, north to Ryukyu and Ogasawara islands, south to Queensland ( Australia) and New Caledonia. Found in coastal and seaward reefs, 0– 15 m. Marine.

Eviota herrei Jordan & Seale, 1906 —Herre's dwarfgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens collected by W.-J. Chen, St. PB 34. NTUM material (NTUM 10145).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Eastern Indonesia east to Samoa, Tonga and Rapa, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to Queensland ( Australia) and New Caledonia. Found on inshore coral reefs, 0– 6 m. Marine.

Eviota indica Lachner & Karnella, 1980 View in CoL —Indian Ocean dwarfgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens collected at St. SB 0 8. WAM material (WAM P.29624-085).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Islands in the Indian Ocean; New Guinea. Found on and among live corals in lagoon and seaward reefs, 0– 5 m. Marine.

Eviota lachdeberei Giltay, 1933 —Lachdebere's dwarfgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Lachner & Karnella (1980: 105). CAS and USNM material. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Central Indonesia east to Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands; Timor Sea reefs (northern Australia). Silty inshore reefs, 3– 20 m. Marine.

Eviota nigriventris Lachner & Karnella, 1980 View in CoL —Blackbelly dwarfgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on WAM material (WAM P.31213-055). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Eastern Andaman Sea and Indonesia east to New Guinea, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to Chesterfield Islands. Found in sheltered reefs, 4– 20 m. Marine.

Eviota prasina (Klunzinger, 1871) View in CoL —Green bubble goby, rubble dwarfgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens observed at St. CTR 23; a specimen photographed by A. Berberian.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea and East Africa, Madagascar and Mascarenes east to Palau and Tuamotu Islands, north to southern Japan and Ogasawara Islands, south to Western Australia, Lord Howe and Norfolk islands, and Tonga. Found on coralline rock of reef flats, lagoon and seaward reefs, 0– 65 m. Marine. Eviota prasites ( Jordan & Seale, 1906) —Hairfin dwarfgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on USNM material (USNM 213891); specimens photographed by A. Berberian.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. East Africa east to Mariana Islands and Samoa, north to southern Japan and Ogasawara Islands, south to northern Australia, Lord Howe and Norfolk islands. Found in groups on coral rubble bottom, in coastal and seaward coral reefs, 0– 30 m. Marine.

Eviota punctulata Jewett & Lachner, 1983 —Dotted dwarfgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens photographed at St. CTR 0 6. WAM material (WAM P.30629-022).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Eastern Andaman Sea and Indonesia east to Caroline Islands and Fiji, north to Philippines, south to New Caledonia. Solitary on coral, rubble and algae, 0– 29 m. Marine.

Eviota queenslandica Jordan & Seale, 1906 —Queensland dwarfgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on USNM and WAM material (USNM 219192; WAM P.30350-014).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Andaman Sea and Indonesia east to Philippines and Vanuatu, north to southern Japan, south to northern Australia. Found on rubble and algae of dead reefs, 1– 6 m. Marine.

Eviota sebreei Jordan & Seale, 1906 —Sebree's dwarfgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens photographed at St. CTR 13, and another photographed by A. Berberian.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea east to Marshall Islands and Samoa, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found in coastal and seaward reefs, 1– 40 m. Marine.

Eviota shimadai Greenfield & Randall, 2010 —Shimada's dwarfgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen photographed by A. Berberian. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Indonesia east to Palau and New Guinea, north to Ryukyu Islands. Found in sheltered reefs, 3– 20 m. Marine.

Eviota spilota Lachner & Karnella, 1980 View in CoL —Spotted-fin dwarfgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen photographed during CPN. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Eastern Andaman Sea and Indonesia east to Philippines and New Guinea. Coral reefs, 0– 29 m. Marine.

Exyrias akihito Allen & Randall, 2005 View in CoL —Akihito's goby

STATUS AT MADANG. Reported from Madang in original description by Allen & Randall (2005: 233); a specimen photographed by A. Berberian. WAM material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Central Indonesia east to Papua New Guinea, north to Yaeyama Islands, south to Queensland ( Australia). Solitary on sand and rubble near corals, 10– 50 m. Marine.

Exyrias belissimus (Smith, 1959) —Beautiful goby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Parenti & Allen (1991: 318). Specimens observed and collected at St. CTR 0 6, CTR 11, CTR 17, CTR 23, CTR 36. AMS, CAS, MNHN and USNM material. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. East Africa east to Caroline Islands and Samoa, north to Yaeyama Islands, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found in silty coastal and lagoon reefs, 0– 30 m. Marine.

Exyrias ferrarisi Murdy, 1985 —Ferraris' goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang and New Guinea, based on a specimen photographed by A. Berberian.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Indonesia east to Philippines and Papua New Guinea. Solitary on silty inshore reefs, 1– 8 m. Marine.

Exyrias puntang (Bleeker, 1851) Puntang goby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang as Acentrogobius puntang by Kailola (1975: 208); record confirmed by Murdy (1985: 10–11). AMS, CAS, USNM and WAM material. Specimens observed at St. CTR 0 2. KFRS material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Sri Lanka east to Vanuatu, north to Philippines, south to New Caledonia. Found in mangrove habitats, estuaries and brackish lakes, 0– 3 m. Transitional water and marine.

Favonigobius melanobranchus (Fowler, 1934) —Blackthroat goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen collected at St. PD 10. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Eastern Andaman Sea and Indonesia east to New Guinea, north to Philippines, south to northern Australia. Found on silty sand bottoms including seagrass habitats, 0– 5 m. Marine.

Fusigobius duospilus (Randall, 2001) —Twinspot sandgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on WAM material (WAM P.30622-013). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. East Africa east to Hawaiian Islands and Samoa, north to southern Japan and Ogasawara islands, south to northern Australia. Solitary on sand/rubble bottoms near reefs, 1– 46 m. Marine.

Fusigobius gracilis (Randall, 2001) —Slender sandgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens photographed by A. Berberian. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Philippines east to Fiji, south to New Caledonia. Solitary on sand/rubble bottoms near reefs, 6– 18 m. Marine.

Fusigobius inframaculatus ( Randall, 1994) View in CoL —Innerspotted sandgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen photographed by A. Berberian. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. East Africa and Persian Gulf east to Caroline Islands and Tonga, north to Taiwan, south to Queensland ( Australia). Solitary, on sand at base of overhanging corals, 5– 25 m. Marine.

Fusigobius melacron (Randall, 2001) View in CoL —Blacktip sandgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens photographed by A. Berberian. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Andaman Sea east to Palau and Fiji, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Solitary, on sand/rubble bottoms near reefs, 7– 31 m. Marine.

Fusigobius neophytus (Günther, 1877) View in CoL —Neophyte sandgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens collected at St. CTR 11. USNM material (USNM 342460, 342461).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. East Africa east to Marquesas and Tuamotu islands, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia and Lord Howe Island. Found on sand and rubble, in coastal coral reefs and lagoons, 0– 25 m. Marine.

Fusigobius signipinnis Hoese & Obika, 1988 —Signal-fin sandgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen photographed by A. Berberian. USNM and WAM material (USNM 263430; WAM P.30623-017).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Indonesia east to Fiji and Tonga, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia. Solitary, in lagoon and seaward reefs, 3– 30 m. Marine.

Gladiogobius ensifer Herre, 1933 View in CoL Gladiator View in CoL goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on CAS material (CAS 65414, 66722). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea and Seychelles east to Palau and Solomon Islands, north to southern Japan. In loose groups on sand or rubble of tidal pools, coastal reefs and estuaries, 0– 3 m. Transitional water and marine.

Glossogobius bicirrhosus (Weber, 1894) View in CoL —Barbel tank goby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang as Gnatholepis bicirrhosus by Parenti & Allen (1991: 318). USNM material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Indonesia east to Philippines and New Guinea, north to southern Japan, south to Queensland ( Australia). Adults in tidal creeks and estuaries, entering lower reaches of freshwater streams (larvae marine); 0– 3 m. Freshwater, transitional water and marine.

Glossogobius circumspectus (Macleay, 1883) —Circumspect goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on AMS and USNM material (AMS I.16669-009, I.16670-016; USNM 264417).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and New Guinea. Adults on mud, sand or gravel of estuaries and lower reaches of rivers and streams (larvae marine), 0– 2 m. Freshwater, transitional water and marine.

Glossogobius clitellus Hoese & Allen, 2012 View in CoL Clitellus View in CoL tank goby

STATUS AT MADANG. Reported from Madang in original description by Hoese & Allen (2012: 280); previously reported as Glossogobius celebius View in CoL (non Valenciennes in Cuvier View in CoL & Valenciennes, 1837) by Kailola (1975: 212). BMNH, CAS and KFRS material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Philippines south to New Guinea and Solomon Islands. Adults in tidal creeks (larvae marine), entering lower reaches of freshwater streams, 0– 3 m. Freshwater, transitional water and marine.

Glossogobius illimis Hoese & Allen, 2012 View in CoL Illimis View in CoL tank goby

STATUS AT MADANG. Reported from Madang in original description by Hoese & Allen (2012: 273). AMS, BMNH and CAS material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Philippines and New Guinea east to Caroline Islands, north to southern Japan, south to Queensland ( Australia). Adults in small, clear, freshwater streams, usually close to the sea (larvae marine), 0– 3 m. Freshwater, transitional water and marine.

Gobiodon ceramensis (Bleeker, 1853) —Ceram coral-goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen collected by W.-J. Chen, St. PB 34. NTUM material (NTUM 10077).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Eastern Indonesia east to Papua New Guinea, south to Queensland ( Australia). Found among branches of hard corals (family Pocilloporidae ), 2– 15 m. Marine.

Gobiodon citrinus (Rüppell, 1838) —Ceram coral-goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen photographed by A. Berberian. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea and East Africa east to Marshall Islands and Samoa, north to southern Japan, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found among branches of Acropora corals, 0– 15 m. Marine.

Gobiodon erythrospilos Bleeker, 1875 —Red-spotted coral-goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on AMS material (AMS I.16671-032). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. India east to Solomon Islands, south to Queensland ( Australia). Found on reef crests and in lagoon reefs, among branching corals, 0– 12 m. Marine.

Gobiodon heterospilos Bleeker, 1856 —Head-and-tailspotted coral-goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen photographed by G. R. Allen at Kranket Island lagoon. AMS and WAM material (AMS I.35854-002, I.35863-001; WAM P.29595-026). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Indonesia east to Pohnpei ( Caroline Islands), north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia. Found among branching corals, 0– 15 m. Marine.

Gobiodon histrio (Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837) —Broad-barred coral-goby STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on AMS material (AMS I.35854-004, I.35854-005, I.35859-006).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea east to Samoa, north to Philippines, south to northern Australia. Found among branching corals, on reef crests and in lagoons, 0– 15 m. Marine.

Gobiodon quinquestrigatus (Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837) —Five-lined coral-goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens collected by W.-J. Chen, St. PR 161. AMS, NTUM and WAM material (AMS I.35855-002, I.35856-001, I.35857-001, I.35860-002, I.35864-002, I.35864-003, I.35865-001; NTUM 10085; WAM P.30630-016).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Eastern Indonesia east to Solomon Islands, north to southern Japan, south to northern Australia. Found among branching corals, in coastal and sheltered seaward coral reefs, 1– 15 m. Marine.

Gobiodon rivulatus (Rüppell, 1830) —Multilined coral-goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on AMS material (AMS I.35853-001, I.35858-002, I.35858-003, I.35859-001, I.35859-002, I.35859-003, I.35860-003, I.35860-004, I.35860-005, I.35861-001, I.35861-007, I.35862-001, I.35862-002, I.35864-004, I.35864-005, I.35866-001).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea and East Africa east to Marshall Islands and Fiji, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia. Found among branching Acropora corals, in lagoon and coastal patch reefs, 0– 15 m. Marine.

Gnatholepis cauerensis (Bleeker, 1853) —Shoulderspot goby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang as Gnatholepis cauerensis cauerensis by Randall & Greenfield (2001: 7), record confirmed by Larson & Buckle (2012: 31). Specimens observed at St. CTR 23, CTR 26. BPBM, NTM, USNM and WAM material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. South and East Africa, Comores and Mascarenes east to Wake, Marshall, Line and Gambier islands, north to Ogasawara Islands, south to Western Australia, Lord Howe Island and Tonga. Found in sheltered sandy areas from reef flats and lagoons to seaward coral reefs; over sandy bottoms near pieces of rubble, rock, or coral, 0– 30 m. Marine.

Gnatholepis ophthalmotaenia (Bleeker, 1854) —Eyestreak goby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Larson & Buckle (2012: 44, fig. 22); previously reported as Gnatholepis anjerensis by Randall & Greenfield (2001: 5) and as Gnatholepis davaoensis (non Seale, 1909) by Randall & Greenfield (2001: 14). Specimens observed at St. CTR 23, CTR 26; a specimen collected by W.-J. Chen. AMS, BPBM, NTM, NTUM and WAM material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Cocos-Keeling Islands, Philippines, Taiwan, southern Japan, Indonesia, New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, 0– 12 m. Transitional water and marine.

Gobiopsis angustifrons Lachner & McKinney, 1978 —Narrow-nape barbelgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on WAM material (WAM P.30624-023). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Central Indonesia east to Solomon Islands, south to northern Australia. Cryptic on sand-rubble bottoms near coral reefs, 4– 18 m. Marine.

Gobiopsis aporia Lachner & McKinney, 1978 —Poreless barbelgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. Reported from Madang in original description by Lachner & McKinney (1978: 12–15). CAS, USNM and WAM material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Sri Lanka east to Philippines and Solomon Islands, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia and Loyalty Islands ( New Caledonia). Found on sand-rubble bottoms near coral reefs, 1– 30 m. Marine.

Gobiopsis arenaria (Snyder, 1908) —Patchwork barbelgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang and New Guinea, based on WAM material (WAM P.31213- 045).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Brunei and southern China to Taiwan and Ryukyu Islands; northwestern Australia; Papua New Guinea. Cryptic on sand-rubble bottoms near coral reefs, 5– 15 m. Marine.

Gobiopsis exigua Lachner & McKinney, 1979 — Island barbelgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang and New Guinea, based on WAM material (WAM P.30630- 021).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Comores and Amirantes; Papua New Guinea; Kiribati ( Gilbert Islands); Fiji. Cryptic on sand-rubble bottoms near coral reefs, 0– 22 m. Marine.

Istigobius decoratus (Herre, 1927) —Decorated sandgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens photographed at St. CTR 35, and by A. Berberian. AMS and WAM material (AMS I.1671 -023; WAM P.31213-031).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea and East Africa, Madagascar and Mascarenes east to Rotuma and Tonga, north to southern Japan, south to Lord Howe Island. Found on sand of clear lagoon and seaward coral and rocky reefs, 0– 20 m. Marine.

Istigobius goldmanni (Bleeker, 1852) —Goldmann's sandgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Murdy & Hoese (1985: 22). USNM and WAM material. Specimens collected at St. CTR 0 2.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. India east to Palau and Fiji, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found on sand bottoms of inshore reefs, 0– 10 m. Marine.

Istigobius ornatus (Rüppell, 1830) —Ornate sandgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Parenti & Allen (1991: 318). A specimen collected at St. CTR 23. AMS, CAS, SMF, USNM and WAM material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea and East Africa east to Marshall Islands and Samoa, north to Ryukyu and Ogasawara islands, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found in mangrove habitats and protected bays, 0– 5 m. Transitional water and marine.

Istigobius spence (Smith, 1947) —Reticulate sandgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Murdy & Hoese (1985: 22). Specimens observed at St. CTR 0 2. USNM material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. East Africa east to Palau, Pohnpei ( Caroline Islands) and New Guinea, north to Philippines, south to New Caledonia. Found among coral rubble or under stones, in turbid coastal reefs and estuaries, 0– 12 m. Transitional water and marine.

Koumansetta rainfordi Whitley, 1940 —Orange-striped goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens photographed by A. Berberian. WAM material (WAM P.30340-005).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Central Indonesia east to Marshall Islands and Fiji, north to Philippines, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found on sand bottoms near reefs, 1– 30 m. Marine.

Lobulogobius omanensis Koumans in Blegvad & Løppenthin, 1944 — Oman goby ( Fig. 22 View FIGURE 22 )

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen collected and photographed in Riwo waters on 7 Dec. 2012 by D. Uyeno (identification by H. K. Larson ).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Gulf of Aden and Oman east to Papua New Guinea, north to Vietnam, south to northern Australia. Possibly associated with a sessile invertebrate, 20– 45 m. Marine.

Lophogobius bleekeri Popta, 1921 —Bleeker's goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on AMS material (AMS I.16670-018, I.16671-056). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Malaysia; Papua New Guinea. In estuaries and lower reaches of rivers and streams, 0– 3 m. Freshwater, transitional water and marine.

Macrodontogobius wilburi Herre, 1936 —Largetooth goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on AMS, CAS, USNM and WAM material (AMS I.17089-042; CAS 65707; USNM 260674; 346630, 346633; WAM P.29595-030).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Seychelles and Maldives east to Line Islands and Samoa, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia and Lord Howe Island. Found on sand and silt bottoms near turbid coastal reefs, 0– 20 m. Marine.

Mahidolia mystacina (Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837) —Flagfin shrimpgoby STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens collected at St. CTR 23, CTR 26. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. East Africa east to Marshall Islands and New Guinea, north to southern Japan, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found on sine silt bottoms near coastal reefs, associated with alpheid shrimps, 5– 20 m. Marine.

Mugilogobius fusculus (Nichols, 1951) —Obscure goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on CAS material (CAS 63250, 63580). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Endemic to northern Papua New Guinea. Found in mangrove creeks, 0– 4 m. Freshwater and transitional water.

Mugilogobius mertoni (Weber, 1911) —Merton's goby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Larson (2001: 144) . NTM material. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Seychelles east to Philippines and Papua New Guinea, north to southern Japan, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Adults in mangrove estuaries, lower reaches of rivers and streams (larvae marine), 0– 4 m. Freshwater, transitional water and marine.

Oligolepis stomias (Smith, 1941) Stomias goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on USNM material (USNM 258782). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Papua New Guinea; Taiwan. Found in mangrove creeks, 0– 3 m. Freshwater and transitional water.

Oxyurichthys cornutus McCulloch & Waite, 1918 —Horned goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on AMS and USNM material (AMS I.1671 -077, I.16758-006, I.17067-004; USNM 238972, 261522).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Indonesia and New Guinea east to Fiji and Samoa, north to southern Japan, south to northern Australia. Found in mangrove habitats and tidal creeks, 0– 4 m. Freshwater, transitional water and marine.

Oxyurichthys ophthalmonema (Bleeker, 1856) —Eyebrow goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen collected at St. PD 0 2. AMS, SMF and USNM material (AMS I.16671-058, I.16671-077; SMF 34917; USNM 372813).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. South and East Africa east to Palau and New Guinea, north to southern Japan. Found in mangrove habitats and tidal creeks, 0– 4 m. Freshwater, transitional water and marine.

Pandaka rouxi (Weber, 1911) —Roux's pygmy goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on WAM material (WAM P.30374-015). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Found in mangrove habitats and brackish lakes, occasionally near coral reefs, 0– 2 m. Freshwater, transitional water and marine.

Paragobiodon echinocephalus (Rüppell, 1830) —Redhead coralgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on AMS and WAM material (AMS I.15866-001, I.15870-001, I.16671-026, I.35854-001, I.35855-003, I.35861-006; WAM P.30353-018).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea and East Africa east to Marquesas and Tuamotu islands, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia. Found among branching corals, 0– 10 m. Marine.

Paragobiodon lacunicolus (Kendall & Goldsborough, 1911) —Blackfin coralgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on WAM material (WAM P.29624-018).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. East Africa east to Line and Tuamotu islands, north to Ryukyu and Ogasawara islands, south to northern Australia and Lord Howe Island. Found among branching corals, 0– 10 m. Marine.

Paragobiodon melanosoma (Bleeker, 1853) —Black coralgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on AMS and WAM material (AMS I.35856-003, I.35861-005; WAM P.29624-066).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Indonesia east to Marshall and Solomon islands, north to Philippines, south to northern Australia. Among branches of Seriatopora corals, 4– 15 m. Marine.

Paragobiodon xanthosoma (Bleeker, 1853) —Golden coralgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen photographed at St. CTR 35. AMS, USNM and WAM material (AMS I.17089-040, I.35854-007, I.35856-004, I.35856-007, I.35861-004; USNM 341312, 341313; WAM P.29624-065).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. East Africa east to Marshall Islands and Samoa, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to Lord Howe Island. Found among branching corals, 2– 10 m. Marine.

Paratrypauchen microcephalus (Bleeker, 1860) —Comb goby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang as Ctenotrypauchen microcephalus by Munro (1958: 277). Specimens collected by W.-J. Chen, St. PD 83, PR 73. CSIRO material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. South and East Africa east to Philippines, north to southern Japan and Korea, south to New Guinea. Buried in mud and shingle, including estuaries, 0– 5 m. Transitional water and marine.

Periophthalmus argentilineatus Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837 —Barred mudskipper

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Murdy (1989: 33); previously reported as Periophthalmus barbarus (non Linné, 1766) by Herre (1933: 12). AMS, MCZ, SU and USNM material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Southern Red Sea to South Africa, east to the Marianas and Samoa; north to Ryukyu Islands, south to western Australia and New Caledonia. Amphibious air-breather that spends most of its time out of the water; able to meet its oxygen requirements as long as it stays wet; typically resting on mud, or rocks, with their tails dipped in the water, 0– 1 m. Freshwater, transitional water and marine.

Pleurosicya elongata Larson, 1990 View in CoL —Fan-sponge goby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen photographed by A. Berberian. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Central Indonesia east to Solomon Islands, south to northern Australia. Found on large fan sponges, 10– 40 m. Marine.

Pleurosicya micheli Fourmanoir, 1971 View in CoL —Michel's ghostgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens photographed by A. Berberian. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Amirantes ( Seychelles) and Réunion east to Hawaiian Islands and Tonga, north to southern Japan, south to New Caledonia. Found on live hard corals, sometimes on the mantle of clams, and eggs are usually laid on ascidians, 1– 50 m. Marine.

Pleurosicya mossambica Smith, 1959 View in CoL — Mozambique ghostgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on specimens photographed by A. Berberian. WAM material (WAM P.30635-010).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Red Sea and East Africa east to Marshall and Marquesas islands, north to southern Japan, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found on a variety of hosts, 2– 30 m. Marine.

Pleurosicya plicata Larson, 1990 View in CoL —Folded ghostgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. Reported from Madang in original description by Larson (1990: 42) View in CoL . Specimens photographed at St. CTR 17. USNM material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. East Africa and Oman east to Pohnpei ( Caroline Islands) and New Guinea, north to Philippines. Commensal with sponges, 10– 30 m. Marine.

Priolepis agrena Winterbottom & Burridge, 1993 View in CoL —Network reefgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on a specimen collected at St. CTR 17. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Philippines south to Queensland ( Australia). Reef crevices, 11– 29 m. Marine.

Priolepis cincta (Regan, 1908) View in CoL —Girdled reefgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on ROM, USNM and WAM material (ROM 67045; USNM 295103, 295122; WAM P.30623-010).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. East Africa east to Marshall Islands and Tonga, north to southern Japan, south to northern Australia. Crevices of coastal and seaward reefs, 1– 70 m. Marine.

Priolepis fallacincta Winterbottom & Burridge, 1992 —Eightbar reefgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on WAM material (WAM P.30362-011). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Central Indonesia east to Philippines and Fiji, north to Taiwan, south to Queensland ( Australia). Crevices of coral reefs, 1– 37 m. Marine.

Priolepis kappa Winterbottom & Burridge, 1993 View in CoL Kappa View in CoL reefgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on ROM material (ROM 67046, 67105). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Comores east to Wake Island, Fiji and Rotuma, north to Taiwan, south to Queensland ( Australia). Cryptic in crevices of coral reefs, 1– 19 m. Marine.

Priolepis nocturna (Smith, 1957) View in CoL —Black-barred reefgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Allen & Erdmann (2012: 930). WAM material. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Seychelles, Maldives; Sabah ( Malaysia) and eastern Indonesia east to Phoenix and Marquesas Islands, south to Papua View in CoL New Guinea. Found in crevices of coral reefs, 8– 30 m. Marine.

Priolepis nuchifasciata Winterbottom & Burridge, 1992 View in CoL —Threadfin reefgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. New record from Madang, based on WAM material (WAM P.30630-028). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Indonesia east to Philippines, north to Taiwan, south to northern Australia. Cryptic in crevices of coral reefs, 5– 30 m. Marine.

Priolepis pallidicincta Winterbottom & Burridge, 1993 View in CoL —Pale-barred reefgoby

STATUS AT MADANG. Reported from Madang in original description by Winterbottom & Burridge (1993: 2071). CAS material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Central Indonesia east to Pohnpei and Fiji, north to Philippines, south to Queensland ( Australia). Cryptic in crevices of coral reefs, 1– 56 m. Marine.

Psammogobius biocellatus View in CoL (Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837) —Sleepy goby STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang as Glossogobius biocellatus by Kailola (1975: 212). AMS, KFRS and SU material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. South Africa east to Guam and Vanuatu, north to southern Japan, south to northern Australia. Found in estuaries and adjacent marine habitats, especially among mangroves, entering lower reaches of freshwater streams and rivers, 0– 3 m. Freshwater, transitional water and marine.

Pseudogobius poicilosoma (Bleeker, 1849) —Mangrove goby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Larson (2001: 203) . BPBM material. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. India east to Philippines and Papua New Guinea, south to northern Australia. Adults in estuaries and lower reaches of rivers and streams, 0– 4 m. Freshwater and transitional water.

Redigobius bikolanus (Herre, 1927) —Speckled goby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Parenti & Allen (1991: 318). CAS and WAM material. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Indonesia east to Philippines and Vanuatu, north to southern Japan, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found in creeks, rivers, brackish estuaries and adjacent marine habitats, 0– 5 m. Freshwater, transitional water and marine.

Sicyopterus longifilis (Beaufort, 1912) —Threadfin goby

STATUS AT MADANG. First record from Madang by Parenti & Allen (1991: 318). CAS material. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Eastern Indonesia east to Philippines and New Guinea. Found in lower reaches of clear coastal creeks and streams; larvae in adjacent marine habitats, 0– 5 m. Freshwater, transitional water and marine.

* Sicyopterus ocellaris View in CoL Keith, Allen & Lord in Keith, Allen, Lord & Hadiaty, 2012 —Ocellated goby STATUS AT MADANG. Originally described from Madang by Keith, Allen & Lord in Keith et al. (2012: 304, figs. 4–6), based on MNHN and WAM material.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. Endemic to Madang District, Papua New Guinea. Found in lower reaches of clear coastal creeks and streams; larvae in adjacent marine habitats, 0– 5 m. Freshwater, transitional water and marine.

Allen, G. R. & Munday, P. L. (1995) Description of four new gobies (Gobiidae) from the western Pacific Ocean. Revue francaise d'Aquariologie Herpetologie, 22 (3 - 4), 99 - 104.

Allen, G. R. & Randall, J. E. (2005) Exyrias akihito, a new species of coral-reef goby (Gobiidae) from the western Pacific. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 53 (2), 231 - 235.

Allen, G. R. & Randall, J. E. (2011) Two new species of shrimp-associated gobies (Gobiidae: Cryptocentrus) from the western Pacific. Marine Biology Research, 7 (6), 554 - 564. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 17451000.2010.530545

Allen, G. R. & Erdmann, M. V. (2012) Reef fishes of the East Indies. Vol. I - III. Tropical Reef Research, Perth, pp. x + 1 - 424 + end note, pp. 425 - 855 & preface + map + contents + pp. 857 - 1260.]

Greenfield, D. W. & Suzuki, T. (2012) Eviota atriventris, a new goby previously misidentified as Eviota pellucida Larson (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Zootaxa, 3197, 55 - 62.

Herre, A. W. C. T. (1933) A check list of fishes known from Madang, New Guinea. Journal of the Pan-Pacific Research Institution, 8 (4), 12.

Hoese, D. F. & Allen, G. R. (2012) A review of the amphidromous species of the Glossogobius celebius complex, with description of three new species. Cybium, 35 (4) (for 2011), 169 - 284.

Kailola, P. J. (1975) A catalogue of the fish reference collection at the Kanudi Fisheries Research Laboratory, Port Moresby. Department of Agriculture, Stock & Fisheries, Port Moresby, Research Bulletin, 16, 1 - 277.

Keith, P., Allen, G. R., Lord, C. & Hadiaty, R. (2012) Five new species of Sicyopterus (Gobioidei: Sicydiinae) from Papua New Guinea and Papua. Cybium, 35 (4), 299 - 318. [for 2011]

Lachner, E. A. & Karnella, S. J. (1980) Fishes of the Indo-Pacific genus Eviota with descriptions of eight new species (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 315, i - iii + 1 - 127. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 00810282.315

Larson, H. K. (1990) A revision of the commensal gobiid fish genera Pleurosicya and Luposicya (Gobiidae), with descriptions of eight new species of Pleurosicya and discussion of related genera. The Beagle, Occasional Papers of the Northern Territory Museum of Arts and Sciences, 7 (1), 1 - 53.

Larson, H. K. (2001) A revision of the gobiid fish genus Mugilogobius (Teleostei: Gobioidei), and its systematic placement. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement, 62, i - iv + 1 - 233.

Larson, H. K. & Buckle, D. J. (2012) A revision of the goby genus Gnatholepis Bleeker (Teleostei, Gobiidae, Gobionellinae), with description of a new species. Zootaxa, 3529, 1 - 69.

Munro, I. S. R. (1958) The fishes of the New Guinea region. Fishery Bulletin, Territory of Papua and New Guinea, Port Moresby, 1, 97 - 369.

Murdy, E. O. & Hoese, D. F. (1985) Revision of the gobiid fish genus Istigobius. Indo-Pacific Fishes, 4, 1 - 41, pls. 1 - 3.

Murdy, E. O. (1989) A taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of the oxudercine gobies (Gobiidae: Oxudercinae). Records of the Australian Museum, Supplement, 11, 1 - 93. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.3853 / j. 0812 - 7387.11.1989.93

Parenti, L. R. & Allen, G. R. (1991) Fishes of the Gogol River and other coastal habitats, Madang Province, Papua New Guinea. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 1, 307 - 320.

Allen, G. R., Kuiter, R. H. & Randall, J. E. (1994) Descriptions of five new species of cardinalfishes (Apogonidae: Apogon) from Maumere Bay, Flores, Indonesia and surrounding regions. Revue francaise d'Aquariologie Herpetologie, 21 (1 - 2), 27 - 38.

Randall, J. E. & Greenfield, D. W. (2001) A preliminary review of the Indo-Pacific gobiid fishes of the genus Gnatholepis. Ichthyological Bulletin of the J. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, 69, 1 - 17.

Shibukawa, K., Yoshino, T. & Allen, G. R. (2010) Ancistrogobius, a new cheek-spine goby genus from the West Pacific and Red Sea, with descriptions of four new species (Perciformes: Gobiidae: Gobiinae). Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science (A) Supplement, 4, 67 - 87.

Winterbottom, R. & Burridge, M. (1993) Revision of Indo-Pacific Priolepis species possessing a reduced transverse pattern of cheek papillae, and predorsal scales (Teleostei; Gobiidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 71, 2056 - 2076. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1139 / z 93 - 291

Gallery Image

FIGURE 22. Lobulogobius omanensis (Gobiidae), Madang Lagoon, Riwo waters, D Uyeno, 7 Dec. 2012.











