Bollmania, Silvestri, 1896

Stoev, Pavel & Enghoff, Henrik, 2005, A new cave-dwelling millipede of the genus Bollmania Silvestri, 1896 from Yunnan, China, with remarks on the reduction of the second female leg-pair (Diplopoda: Callipodida: Caspiopetalidae), Journal of Natural History 39 (21), pp. 1875-1891 : 1884-1886

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Felipe (2021-08-18 05:51:36, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 02:40:46)

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Bollmania View in CoL females from Afghanistan

Lindberg’s collection from Afghanistan contains two Bollmania species , both unfortunately represented only by females. To facilitate future work we give below a brief description of the examined material.

Bollmania sp. 1

( Figure 12 View Figures 8–12 )

Bollmania sp. : Lindberg 1961, p 34; 1962, p 11.

Material examined

Two adult females, two juveniles, Afghanistan, small cave in landslide granite, 15 km south of Faïzabad (Badakhchan), 1330 m alt., 15 July 1959, K. Lindberg leg. ( NMG) .

Description Length (adult female): 41–42 mm; 64–66 pleurotergites+telson. Antennae short, reaching the end of third or the anterior part of fourth pleurotergite; brown, somewhat lighter laterally. Head convex, covered with fine, dense setae. Vertex with two light spots. Ocelli ca 36 in six to seven rows. Prozonites pale blue-greyish anteriorly, dark brown posteriorly. Metazonites dark brown with lighter yellowish spots beginning from sixth crests downwards; crests 1–5 dark brown, 6 yellow-brownish, bearing ozopore on the top; crests 7–10 brownish, laterally with large yellowish spots. Size of crests: 6.8510.254. The lighter medial band on the dorsum, usually present in Bollmania , is missing. The median dorsal pleurotergite suture is pale brown-yellowish contrasting to brown pro- and metazonites. Hypoproct divided into three sclerites, with four stout setae. Legs pale yellowish; tibiae and tarsalia darker. Second leg-pair of adult females reduced ( Figure 12 View Figures 8–12 ).


This species resembles B. oblonga , having a similar shape of the second female leg-pair (compare Figure 12 View Figures 8–12 with Figure 15 View Figures 13–18 ). It was found ca 230 km east of the Babatag Mt, the type locality of B. oblonga .

Bollmania sp. 2

( Figure 13 View Figures 13–18 )

Bollmania sp. : Lindberg 1962, p 11.

Material examined

Subadult female, Afghanistan, Sabz Tchachmeh, approximately 200 km north-north-east of Qandahar , between Orozgan and Bareki , limestone cliff in the gorge, shallow cave below the source, under stone, 3030 m alt., 16 June 1960, K. Lindberg leg. ( NMG) .

Description Length: ca 35 mm; 56 pleurotergites+telson. Head: medial part dark brown with two large,

lighter spots; vertex, stipes and cardo marbled brown. Antennae: as in Bollmania sp. 1 . All crests (except the first) dark brown, contrasting with brown-yellowish pro- and metazonites. First crests yellowish. A light medial band on the dorsum. Crests: 6.8510.254. Ozopores on crest 6. Hypoproct divided into three sclerites, with four stout setae. Second leg-pair normal ( Figure 13 View Figures 13–18 ).

Key for identification of the species of Bollmania (based on that provided by Golovatch


1 (12) Gonopod solenomere with a process at very base (fs in Lohmander 1933; Tt in Attems 1951)................... 2

2 (3) Basal process of solenomere thick, stout, with evidence of torsion (fs in Lohmander 1933, Figures 30–32)..... B. orientalis (Silvestri) View in CoL (including B. orientalis ajderensis Lohmander, 1933 View in CoL , described by Lohmander as a ‘‘Form’’ of uncertain rank)

3 (2) Basal process of solenomere more or less thin, slender, without evidence of torsion..................... 4

4 (7) Basal process of solenomere quite short, about as long as one-fifth of the total length of solenomere................. 5

5 (6) Basal process of solenomere baton-shaped, surmounted by a couple of setae (Tt in Attems 1951, Figure 37)......... B. nematogona (Attems) View in CoL

6 (5) Basal process of solenomere blade-shaped, without apical setae (Figure 56c in Attems 1936)............. B. kohalana (Attems) View in CoL

7 (4) Basal process of solenomere much longer, slender........ 8

8 (9) Apical part of gonofemur without porous process (k); apical part of solenomere with branches of equal size (Figures 42, 43 in Lohmander 1933)........................ B. serrata Lohmander View in CoL

9 (8) Apical part of gonofemur with a porous process (k); apical part of solenomere with branches of different sizes.............. 10

10 (11) Apical part of gonofemur with only a small porous process (k in Golovatch 1983, Figure 1 View Figures 1–3 ); basal process of solenomere straight, more than half as long as solenomere.............. B. gracilis Golovatch View in CoL

11 (10) Apical part of gonofemur with a well-developed porous process (k, Figures 9, 10 View Figures 8–12 ); basal process of solenomere as long as half of solenomere, directed upwards................ B. beroni View in CoL sp. n.

12 (1) Solenomere without a basal process........... 13

13 (14) Gonopods minute; distal process of solenomere long; ip apically swollen; gonofemoral apex with a field of minute setae; head in both sexes without a knob............... B. oblonga Golovatch View in CoL

14 (13) Gonopods large; distal process of solenomere short; ip apically sharpened, not swollen; gonofemoral apex with lateral and apical denticles; head in adult males with a knob............ B. nodifrons Lohmander View in CoL

Attems C. 1936. Diplopoda of India. Memoirs of the Indian Museum 11 (4): 133 - 323.

Attems C. 1951. Myriopoden vom Iran gesammelt von der Expedition Heinz Loffler und Genossen 1949 / 50. Sitzungsberichte der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Abteilung I 160: 387 - 426.

Golovatch S. 1983. A contribution to the millipede fauna of Iran (Diplopoda). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 85 B: 157 - 169.

Lindberg K. 1961. Recherches biospeleologiques en Afghanistan. Lunds Universitets Arsskrift, N. F. Avd. 2 57 (1): 1 - 39.

Lindberg K. 1962. Recherches biospeleologiques en Afghanistan II. Lunds Universitets Arsskrift, N. F. Avd. 2 58 (2): 1 - 15.

Lohmander H. 1933. Uber Diplopoden aus Zentralasien. Arkiv for Zoologi 25 A (6): 1 - 71.

Gallery Image

Figures 8–12. (8–11) Bollmania beroni sp. n. (8) Gonopods, position in situ, caudal view. (9) Gonopod, mesal view. (10) gonopod, lateral view. (11) female: leg-pair 2, posterior view. (12) Bollmania sp. 1 from Afghanistan: leg-pair 2, posterior view.

Gallery Image

Figures 13–18. (13) Bollmania sp. 2 from Afghanistan: leg-pair 2, posterior view. (14) B. nodifrons, female: leg-pair 2, posterior view. (15) B. oblonga, female: leg-pair 2, posterior view. (16)Callipus foetidissimus, female: leg-pair 2, posterior view. (17) Apfelbeckia lendenfeldii, female: leg-pair 2, posterior view. (18) Callipodella fasciata, female: legpair 3, posterior view.

Gallery Image

Figures 1–3. Bollmania beroni sp. n., male paratype. (1) Habitus, total length 35 mm. (2, 3) Close-ups of anterior end in lateral and ventral views, showing swollen gonopodal region and long protruding gonopods in situ.


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