Bollmania, Silvestri, 1896

Stoev, Pavel & Enghoff, Henrik, 2005, A new cave-dwelling millipede of the genus Bollmania Silvestri, 1896 from Yunnan, China, with remarks on the reduction of the second female leg-pair (Diplopoda: Callipodida: Caspiopetalidae), Journal of Natural History 39 (21), pp. 1875-1891 : 1884-1886

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Felipe (2021-08-18 05:51:36, last updated by GgImagineBatch 2021-08-18 05:52:31)

scientific name



Bollmania females from Afghanistan

Lindberg’s collection from Afghanistan contains two Bollmania species , both unfortunately represented only by females. To facilitate future work we give below a brief description of the examined material.

Bollmania sp. 1

( Figure 12)

Bollmania sp. : Lindberg 1961, p 34; 1962, p 11.

Material examined

Two adult females, two juveniles, Afghanistan, small cave in landslide granite, 15 km south of Faïzabad (Badakhchan), 1330 m alt., 15 July 1959, K. Lindberg leg. ( NMG) .

Description Length (adult female): 41–42 mm; 64–66 pleurotergites+telson. Antennae short, reaching the end of third or the anterior part of fourth pleurotergite; brown, somewhat lighter laterally. Head convex, covered with fine, dense setae. Vertex with two light spots. Ocelli ca 36 in six to seven rows. Prozonites pale blue-greyish anteriorly, dark brown posteriorly. Metazonites dark brown with lighter yellowish spots beginning from sixth crests downwards; crests 1–5 dark brown, 6 yellow-brownish, bearing ozopore on the top; crests 7–10 brownish, laterally with large yellowish spots. Size of crests: 6.8510.254. The lighter medial band on the dorsum, usually present in Bollmania , is missing. The median dorsal pleurotergite suture is pale brown-yellowish contrasting to brown pro- and metazonites. Hypoproct divided into three sclerites, with four stout setae. Legs pale yellowish; tibiae and tarsalia darker. Second leg-pair of adult females reduced ( Figure 12).


This species resembles B. oblonga , having a similar shape of the second female leg-pair (compare Figure 12 with Figure 15). It was found ca 230 km east of the Babatag Mt, the type locality of B. oblonga .

Bollmania sp. 2

( Figure 13)

Bollmania sp. : Lindberg 1962, p 11.

Material examined

Subadult female, Afghanistan, Sabz Tchachmeh, approximately 200 km north-north-east of Qandahar , between Orozgan and Bareki , limestone cliff in the gorge, shallow cave below the source, under stone, 3030 m alt., 16 June 1960, K. Lindberg leg. ( NMG) .

Description Length: ca 35 mm; 56 pleurotergites+telson. Head: medial part dark brown with two large,

lighter spots; vertex, stipes and cardo marbled brown. Antennae: as in Bollmania sp. 1 . All crests (except the first) dark brown, contrasting with brown-yellowish pro- and metazonites. First crests yellowish. A light medial band on the dorsum. Crests: 6.8510.254. Ozopores on crest 6. Hypoproct divided into three sclerites, with four stout setae. Second leg-pair normal ( Figure 13).

Key for identification of the species of Bollmania (based on that provided by Golovatch


1 (12) Gonopod solenomere with a process at very base (fs in Lohmander 1933; Tt in Attems 1951)................... 2

2 (3) Basal process of solenomere thick, stout, with evidence of torsion (fs in Lohmander 1933, Figures 30–32)..... B. orientalis (Silvestri) (including B. orientalis ajderensis Lohmander, 1933 , described by Lohmander as a ‘‘Form’’ of uncertain rank)

3 (2) Basal process of solenomere more or less thin, slender, without evidence of torsion..................... 4

4 (7) Basal process of solenomere quite short, about as long as one-fifth of the total length of solenomere................. 5

5 (6) Basal process of solenomere baton-shaped, surmounted by a couple of setae (Tt in Attems 1951, Figure 37)......... B. nematogona (Attems)

6 (5) Basal process of solenomere blade-shaped, without apical setae (Figure 56c in Attems 1936)............. B. kohalana (Attems)

7 (4) Basal process of solenomere much longer, slender........ 8

8 (9) Apical part of gonofemur without porous process (k); apical part of solenomere with branches of equal size (Figures 42, 43 in Lohmander 1933)........................ B. serrata Lohmander

9 (8) Apical part of gonofemur with a porous process (k); apical part of solenomere with branches of different sizes.............. 10

10 (11) Apical part of gonofemur with only a small porous process (k in Golovatch 1983, Figure 1); basal process of solenomere straight, more than half as long as solenomere.............. B. gracilis Golovatch

11 (10) Apical part of gonofemur with a well-developed porous process (k, Figures 9, 10); basal process of solenomere as long as half of solenomere, directed upwards................ B. beroni sp. n.

12 (1) Solenomere without a basal process........... 13

13 (14) Gonopods minute; distal process of solenomere long; ip apically swollen; gonofemoral apex with a field of minute setae; head in both sexes without a knob............... B. oblonga Golovatch

14 (13) Gonopods large; distal process of solenomere short; ip apically sharpened, not swollen; gonofemoral apex with lateral and apical denticles; head in adult males with a knob............ B. nodifrons Lohmander

Attems C. 1936. Diplopoda of India. Memoirs of the Indian Museum 11 (4): 133 - 323.

Attems C. 1951. Myriopoden vom Iran gesammelt von der Expedition Heinz Loffler und Genossen 1949 / 50. Sitzungsberichte der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Abteilung I 160: 387 - 426.

Golovatch S. 1983. A contribution to the millipede fauna of Iran (Diplopoda). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 85 B: 157 - 169.

Lindberg K. 1961. Recherches biospeleologiques en Afghanistan. Lunds Universitets Arsskrift, N. F. Avd. 2 57 (1): 1 - 39.

Lindberg K. 1962. Recherches biospeleologiques en Afghanistan II. Lunds Universitets Arsskrift, N. F. Avd. 2 58 (2): 1 - 15.

Lohmander H. 1933. Uber Diplopoden aus Zentralasien. Arkiv for Zoologi 25 A (6): 1 - 71.


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