Eulibitia Roewer, 1912

Medrano, Miguel & Kury, Adriano B., 2017, Taxonomic revision of the Andean genus Eulibitia Roewer, 1912 (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cosmetidae), with the description of five new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 357, pp. 1-55 : 5-7

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Carolina (2020-05-20 18:08:02, last updated 2024-11-26 23:28:22)

scientific name

Eulibitia Roewer, 1912


Eulibitia Roewer, 1912 View in CoL

Eulibitia Roewer, 1912: 16 View in CoL (type species: Eulibitia maculata Roewer, 1912 View in CoL , by original designation).

Libitia (Messa) Sørensen in Henriksen, 1932: 412 View in CoL (junior homonym of Messa Leach, 1817(Hymenoptera) View in CoL and unavailable name because no type species was designated). Syn. nov.

Messa Mello-Leitão, 1933: 107 View in CoL , 112 (available because a type species was designated and a description provided, but still invalid due to homonymy; type species: Libitia (Messa) scalaris Sørensen, 1932 View in CoL , by original designation). Syn. nov.

Paramessa Mello-Leitão, 1933: 109 View in CoL (type species: Libitia (Messa) castanea Sørensen, 1932 View in CoL , by original designation). Syn. nov.

Brachylibitia Mello-Leitão, 1941: 166 View in CoL (junior subjective synonym of Cynorta C.L. Koch, 1839 View in CoL according to Goodnight & Goodnight (1953: 38); synonymy disclaimed by Kury (2003); junior subjective synonym of Platymessa Mello-Leitão, 1941 View in CoL according to Medrano & Kury (2016); type species: Brachylibitia ectroxantha Mello-Leitão, 1941 View in CoL , by original designation). Syn. nov.

Platymessa Mello-Leitão, 1941: 167 View in CoL (type species: Platymessa View in CoL h-inscripta Mello-Leitão, 1941, by original designation). Syn. nov.

Messatana Strand, 1942: 398 View in CoL (replacement name for Messa Mello-Leitão, 1933 View in CoL ). Syn. nov.

Eulibitia View in CoL – Roewer 1914: 127; 1923: 298; 1928: 547. — Mello- Leitão 1926: 331; 1932: 56; 1933: 106. — Kury 2003: 60. — Pinto-da-Rocha & Hara 2011: 10. — Medrano & Kury 2016: 52.

Messa View in CoL – Mello-Leitão 1935: 114. — Kury & Alonso-Zarazaga 2011: 50.

Platimessa View in CoL (incorrect original spelling) – Mello-Leitão 1941: 167.

Platymessa View in CoL – Roewer 1963: 52. — Kury 2003: 81. — Medrano & Kury 2016: 54 View Cited Treatment .

Brachylibitia View in CoL – Kury 2003: 38.

Messatana View in CoL – Kury 2003: 67. — Kury & Alonso-Zarazaga 2011: 50.

Paramessa View in CoL – Kury 2003: 80.


Outline of the dorsal scutum beta-shaped, with coda convergent posteriorly in males and almost parallel in females; protoglyphs shallow, with well-marked lateral triangular or rounded projections ( Figs 1 View Fig , 6A View Fig ). Posterior margin of scutum armed with two small paramedian tubercles (except for E. maculata ). Areas II and IV unarmed ( Figs 5–6 View Fig View Fig ). Yellowish white color markings of scutum as a ladder mask over dark brown background, blots dissociated sometimes to the point of having no white marking ( Fig. 20A View Fig , C–H). Spot as a yellowish band on posterior margin, posterior to paramedian tubercles, sometimes dissociated medially ( Figs 12A View Fig , 16A View Fig ). Coxa IV entirely visible in dorsal view, reaching posterior groove of scutal area III ( Figs 5A View Fig , 8A View Fig ). Chelicerae ( Figs 7F View Fig , 13A View Fig ) monomorphic, weak, with marginal rows of acuminate tubercles of varied size on posterior border. Movable and fixed fingers with blunt teeth ( Fig. 17A View Fig ). Pedipalpal femur with a dorsal keel formed by a row of tubercles ( Figs 10E View Fig , 17E View Fig ). Legs short and strong, Fe III and IV slightly arched to the inside ( Fig. 21 View Fig A–C); basitarsomeres of leg I of male thicker than distitarsomeres ( Fig. 2 View Fig ). Tarsal counts: 4–6; 6–14; 6–7; 6–9. Ventral plate of penis subrectangular laterally, with 6 pairs of MS, organized from base to top as follows: A1–A2, D1–D2, C1– C2; and ventrally: B basally and E1–E2 distally ( Figs 3 View Fig , 22 View Fig ; contrasting with Ambatoiella and Libitia , see Fig. 4A, E View Fig ). Microsetae of type T4, restricted to lateral margins of ventral side of VP as two parallel stripes from corners to MS B ( Fig. 30A View Fig , C–D).

Etymology Eulibitia : from Greek εὖ (rightful, proper, good) + pre-existing generic name Libitia (with origin

obscure, but sounds like an Ancient Roman woman’s name). Gender feminine. Messa : from a city name in Ancient Greece. Gender feminine. Paramessa : from Greek παρά (beside) + pre-existing genus Messa . Gender feminine. Brachylibitia : from Greek βραχύς (short) + pre-existing generic name Libitia . Gender feminine. Platymessa : from Greek πλατύ- (flattened) + pre-existing generic name Messa . Gender feminine. Messatana : variation of pre-existing genus Messa . Gender feminine.

Included species

Eulibitia maculata Roewer, 1912 (type species), E. scalaris (Sørensen, 1932) comb. nov., E. h-inscriptum ( Mello-Leitão, 1941) comb. nov., E. ectroxantha ( Mello-Leitão, 1941) comb. nov., E. castor sp. nov., E. clytemnestra sp. nov., E. helena sp. nov., E. leda sp. nov. and E. pollux sp. nov.

Key to the species of Eulibitia View in CoL (males only)

1. Scutal area I without tubercles, coxa IV without clavi inguines ( Figs 8A View Fig , 9A View Fig ).................................2

– Scutal area I with two paramedian tubercles, coxa IV with clavi inguines ( Figs 12A View Fig , 16A View Fig )..............5

2. Scutal area III with two paramedian tubercles ....... E. ectroxantha ( Mello-Leitão, 1941) View in CoL comb. nov.

– Scutal area III without two paramedian tubercles ( Figs 9A View Fig , 20A View Fig )....................................................3

3. Scutum entirely unarmed ( Figs 19 View Fig , 20A View Fig ) ................................................. E. maculata Roewer, 1912 View in CoL

– Posterior margin of scutum with two paramedian tubercles ( Fig. 20A View Fig ).........................................4

4. Posterior margin of scutum with two paramedian tubercles, separated and rounded ( Fig. 8 View Fig A–B); lateral margins of DS smooth ( Fig. 9A View Fig ); penial MS D2 large and straight ( Fig. 9 View Fig B–C) ................... ....................................................................................................................... E. clytemnestra View in CoL sp. nov.

– Posterior margin of scutum with paramedian tubercles, contiguous and acuminate ( Fig. 23A View Fig ); lateral margins of DS with an irregular row of tubercles ( Fig. 24A View Fig ); penial MS D2 minute ( Fig. 26B View Fig ) .......................................................................................................................... E. pollux View in CoL sp. nov.

5. Ladder mask reaching lateral margins of DS (see Medrano & Kury 2016: figs 10–18) ................... ............................................................................. E. h-inscriptum ( Mello-Leitão, 1941) comb. nov.

– Ladder mask confined to mesotergum ( Fig. 28 View Fig C–H).....................................................................6

6. Posterior margin of scutum with two acuminate paramedian tubercles slanted backward ( Fig. 5E View Fig ) .................................................................................................................................. E. castor View in CoL sp. nov.

– Posterior margin of scutum with two rounded, erect paramedian tubercles ( Figs 11E View Fig , 15E View Fig )......7

7. Ladder mask overflowing the scutal grooves to reach areas I, II and III ( Figs 11 View Fig , 12A View Fig ); femur IV straight, with a large dorso-apical spine ( Fig. 12 View Fig C–D) .......................................... E. helena View in CoL sp. nov.

– Ladder mask confined to the scutal grooves ( Figs 15A View Fig , 16A View Fig ); femur IV curved, without a large dorso-apical tubercle or spine ( Fig. 17 View Fig G–I)....................................................................................8

8. Coda short, with constriction poorly marked, dorsal apophysis of coxa IV acuminate and with few minute granules ( Figs 15A View Fig , 16A View Fig ), patella of pedipalpus with a mesal keel without tubercles ( Fig. 17F View Fig ) .................................................................................................................... E. leda View in CoL sp. nov.

– Coda large, with constriction well marked, dorsal apophysis of coxa IV rounded and widely granulated ( Figs 27A View Fig , 28A View Fig ), patella of pedipalpus with a mesal keel with a row of small setiferous tubercles ( Fig. 29E View Fig ) ................................................................ E. scalaris (Sørensen, 1932) View in CoL comb. nov.

Although no material of the species E. ectroxantha has been examined in this project, the description and illustrations provided by Mello-Leitão (1941) are sufficient and appropriated for this key, taking into account the characteristics listed for the other species in this section.

Goodnight C. J. & Goodnight M. L. 1953. The opilionid fauna of Chiapas, Mexico, and adjacent areas (Arachnoidea, Opiliones). American Museum Novitates 1610: 1 - 81.

Henriksen K. L. 1932. Descriptiones Laniatorum (Arachnidorum Opilionum Subordinis) fecit William Sorensen. Opus posthumum recognovit et edidit Kai L. Henriksen. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs skrifter, Naturvidenskabelig og Mathematisk Afdeling, Series 9, 3 (4): 197 - 422.

Kury A. B. 2003. Annotated catalogue of the Laniatores of the New World (Arachnida, Opiliones). Revista Iberica de Aracnologia, Volumen especial monografico 1: 1 - 337.

Kury A. B. & Alonso-Zarazaga M. - A. 2011. Addenda and corrigenda to the Annotated catalogue of the Laniatores of the New World (Arachnida, Opiliones) . Zootaxa 3034: 47 - 68.

Medrano M. & Kury A. B. 2016. Characterization of Platymessa with redescription of the type species and a new generic synonymy (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cosmetidae). Zootaxa 4085 (1): 52 - 62. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4085.1.2

Mello-Leitao C. F. de 1926. Notas sobre Opiliones Laniatores sul-americanos. Revista do Museu Paulista 14: 327 - 383.

Mello-Leitao C. F. de 1932. Opilioes do Brasil. Revista do Museu Paulista 17 (2): 1 - 505.

Mello-Leitao C. F. de 1933. Notas sobre os opilioes do Brasil descritos na obra postuma de Sorensen: Descriptiones Laniatorum . Boletim do Museu Nacional 9 (1): 99 - 114.

Mello-Leitao C. F. de 1935. Algumas notas sobre os Laniatores. Archivos do Museu Nacional 36 (4): 87 - 116.

Mello-Leitao C. F. de 1941. Alguns opilioes novos da Colombia. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 13 (3): 165 - 171.

Pinto-da-Rocha R. & Hara M. 2011. Redescription of Platygyndes Roewer 1943, a false Gonyleptidae, (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cosmetidae). ZooKeys 143: 1 - 12. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 143.1916

Roewer C. F. 1912. Die Familie der Cosmetiden Opiliones-Laniatores. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, Abteilung A 78 (10): 1 - 122.

Roewer C. F. 1914. Arachnida Opiliones. In: Academie des Sciences (ed.) Mission du Service Geographique de l'Armee pour la Mesure d'un Arc de Meridien equatorial en Amerique du Sud: 121 - 141. Vol. 10 (Entomologie, Botanique), Issue 2 (Opiliones. Dipteres. Myriapodes). Gauthier-Villars et Cie, Paris.

Roewer C. F. 1923. Die Weberknechte der Erde. Systematische Bearbeitung der bisher bekannten Opiliones. Gustav-Fisher, Jena.

Roewer C. F. 1928. Weitere Weberknechte II. (2. Erganzung der Weberknechte der Erde, 1923.) Abhandlungen der Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein zu Bremen 26 (3): 527 - 632.

Roewer C. F. 1963. Opiliones aus Peru und Colombien. (Arachnida Arthrogastra aus Peru V.) Senckenbergiana Biologica 44 (1): 5 - 72.

Strand E. 1942. Miscellanea nomenclatoria zoologica et Paleontologica X. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica 11 (1): 386 - 402.

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Fig. 1. Schematic outline of DS of Eulibitia Roewer, 1912 (beta), Ambatoiella Mello-Leitão, 1943 (alpha), Libitia Simon, 1879 (alpha) and Cumbalia Roewer, 1963 (kappa).

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Fig. 6. Eulibitia castor sp. nov., ♂, holotype (ICN-AO 79). A. Habitus, dorsal view. B–C. Apical portion of the penis: B. Dorsal view. C. Lateral view. Scale bars: A = 1 mm; B–C = 0.1 mm.

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Fig. 5. Eulibitia castor sp. nov., ♂, holotype (ICN-AO 79), habitus. A. Dorsal view. B. Panoramic, dorsal view. C. Frontal view. D. Posterior view. E. Lateral view. F. Detail of apical apophysis of coxa IV. Scale bars: 1 mm.

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Fig. 20. Eulibitia maculata Roewer, 1912. A. Habitus, dorsal view, ♂ (ICN-AO 93). B. Left metatarsus and tarsomeres of leg I, prolateral view (ICN-AO 93). C–H. Variation of spot pattern on dorsal scutum. C. ♂ (ICN-AO 784). D. ♀ (ICN-AO 100). E. ♀ (ICN-AO 875). F. ♂, holotype (SMF 471). G–H. ♂♂ (ICN-AO 93). Scale bars: 1 mm.

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Fig. 12. Eulibitia helena sp. nov., ♂, holotype (IAvH 45). A. Habitus, dorsal view. B–D. Left femur and trochanter. B. Dorsal view. C. Prolateral view. D. Ventral view. E. Left metatarsus and tarsomeres of leg I, prolateral view. Scale bars: 1 mm.

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Fig. 16. Eulibitia leda sp. nov., ♂, holotype (ICN-AO 1165). A. Habitus in dorsal view. B. Left Mt and Ta of leg I, prolateral view. Scale bar: 1 mm.

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Fig. 8. Eulibitia clytemnestra sp. nov., ♂, holotype (ICN-AO 1148), habitus. A. Dorsal view. B. Frontal view. C. Posterior view. D. Panoramic, dorsal view. E. Lateral view. F. Detail of apical distal part of femur IV and trochanter. Scale bars: 1 mm.

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Fig. 7. Eulibitia castor sp. nov., ♂, holotype (ICN-AO 79). A. Left femur and trochanter IV, dorsal view. B. Same, prolateral view. C. Same, ventral view. D. Left pedipalpus, tibia and tarsus in ventral view. E. Same, femur and patella in mesal view. F. Left chelicera, dorsal view. G. Left tibia and tarsomeres of leg I, prolateral view. Scale bars: 1 mm.

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Fig. 13. Eulibitia helena sp. nov., ♂, paratype (IAvH 38). A. Left chelicera, dorsal view. B. Detail of tarsus and tarsal claw of left pedipalpus, ventro-apical view. C. Left pedipalpus, mesal view. Scale bars: A = 200 µm; B–C = 500 µm.

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Fig. 17. Eulibitia leda sp. nov., ♂, paratype (ICN-AO 1165.1). A. Fingers of hand of right chelicera. B. Right basichelicerite, dorsal view. C. Patella and tibia of right pedipalpus, dorsal view. D. Left pedipalpal tarsus. E. Femur of right pedipalpus, ectal view. F. Left pedipalpus, mesal view. G. Femur and patella of left leg, ventral view. H. Same, prolateral view. I. Same, dorsal view. J. Same, detail of distal part, prolateral view. Scale bars: A–B, D =100 µm; C, F, J = 500 µm; E = 200 µm (E); G–I = 1 mm.

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Fig. 10. Eulibitia clytemnestra sp. nov., ♂, holotype (ICN-AO 1148). A. Left femur and trochanter IV, dorsal view. B. Same, prolateral view. C. Same, ventral view. D. Left pedipalpus, tibia and tarsus in ventral view. E. Same, femur and patella in mesal view. F. Left chelicera, dorsal view. G. Left tibia and tarsomeres of leg I, prolateral view. Scale bars: 1 mm.

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Fig. 21. Eulibitia maculata Roewer, 1912, ♂ (ICN-AO 875). A. Trochanter, femur and patella of leg IV, dorsal view. B. Same, prolateral view. C. Same, ventral view. D. Left pedipalpus, mesal view. E. Same, ectal view. F. Left chelicera, dorsal view. Scale bars: A–C = 1 mm; D–E = 500 µm; F = 200 µm.

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Fig. 2. Metatarsus and tarsomeres of legs I, III and IV of the cosmetine genera treated here, showing the proportions and thickening of the articles. Each pair of legs contains depiction of male above and female below. Scale bars: 1 mm.

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Fig. 3. Penis of Eulibitia maculata Roewer, 1912 (ICN-AO 875), dorsal and lateral view (from left to right) showing parts and interpretation of macrosetae, labeled with letters A–E.

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Fig. 22. Eulibitia maculata Roewer, 1912, ♂ (ICN-AO 875, different specimen than used in Fig. 2A–B), distal part of penis. A. Dorsal view. B. Ventral view. C. Lateral view. Scale bars: 100 µm.

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Fig. 4. Structures of presumed related species. – Libitia cordata (Gervais, 1844). A. Distal part of the penis, dorsal view (ICN-AO 413). B. Fingers of the hand of left chelicera (ICN-AO 1040). C. Left basichelicerite, dorsal view (ICN-AO 1040). – Ambatoiella vigilans Mello-Leitão, 1943. D. Left basichelicerite, dorsal view (MNRJ 2524). E. Distal part of the penis, dorsal view (MNRJ 19236). F. Fingers of the hand of left chelicera (MNRJ 2524). Macrosetae colors: fuchsia = MS C, yellow = MS D, aqua blue = MS A. Scale bars: A, E = 50µm; F = 100µm; B–D = 200µm.

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Fig. 30. Eulibitia scalaris (Sørensen in Henriksen, 1932) comb. nov., ♂ (ICN-AO 1208), distal part of penis. A. Lateral view. B. Dorsal view. C. Ventral view. D. Detail of MS C, MS D1, MS E1 and microsetae, ventral view. Scale bars: A, C = 50 µm; B = 20 µm; D = 10 µm.

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Fig. 9. Eulibitia clytemnestra sp. nov., ♂, holotype (ICN-AO 1148). A. Habitus, dorsal view. B–C. Apical portion of penis. B. Dorsal view. C. Lateral view. Scale bars: A = 1 mm; B–C = 0.1 mm.

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Fig. 19. Eulibitia maculata Roewer, 1912, ♂ (ICN-AO 93), habitus. A. Dorsal view. B. Panoramic, dorsal view. C. Frontal view. D. Posterior view. E. Lateral view. Scale bars: 1 mm.

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Fig. 23. Eulibitia pollux sp. nov., ♂, paratype (MNRJ 19369), habitus. A. Dorsal view. B. Left lateral view. C. Panoramic, dorsal view. D. Frontal view. E. Posterior view. F. Detail of another paratype with a single spine on posterior margin of scutum. Scale bars: 1 mm.

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Fig. 24. Eulibitia pollux sp. nov., ♂, paratype (MNRJ 19369). A. Habitus, dorsal view. B. Left metatarsus and tarsomeres of leg I, prolateral view. C–F. Variation of spot pattern on dorsal scutum. C. ♂ (MNRJ 19369). D. ♀ (ICN-AO 422). E. ♂ (ICN-AO 422). F. ♂ (IAvH 97). Scale bars: 1 mm.

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Fig. 26. Eulibitia pollux sp. nov., ♂ (MNRJ 19369), distal part of penis. A. Dorsal view. B. Lateral view. C. Ventral view. Scale bars: 50 µm.

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Fig. 28. Eulibitia scalaris (Sørensen in Henriksen, 1932) comb. nov. (MNRJ 17948). A. ♂, habitus, dorsal view. B. Left metatarsus and tarsomeres of leg I, prolateral view. C–F. Variation of spot pattern on dorsal scutum. C–E, G–H: ♀♀. F: ♂. Scale bars: 1 mm.

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Fig. 11. Eulibitia helena sp. nov., ♂, holotype (IAvH 45), habitus. A. Dorsal view. B. Panoramic, dorsal view. C. Frontal view. D. Posterior view. E. Left lateral view. Scale bars: 1 mm.

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Fig. 15. Eulibitia leda sp. nov., ♂, holotype (ICN-AO 1165), habitus. A. Dorsal view. B. Panoramic, dorsal view. C. Frontal view. D. Posterior view. E. Lateral view. Scale bars: 1 mm.

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Fig. 27. Eulibitia scalaris (Sørensen in Henriksen, 1932) comb. nov., ♂ (MNRJ 17948), habitus. A. Dorsal view. B. Panoramic, dorsal view. C. Frontal view. D. Posterior view. E. Lateral view. Scale bars: 1 mm.

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Fig. 29. Eulibitia scalaris (Sørensen in Henriksen, 1932) comb. nov., ♂ (ICN-AO 1208). A. Trochanter and femur of leg IV, dorsal view. B. Same, prolateral view. C. Same, ventral view. D. Left pedipalpus, ectal view. E. Same, mesal view. F. Fingers of the hand of left chelicera, dorsal view. G. Left chelicera, dorsal view. Scale bars: A–C = 1 mm; D– E = 500 µm; F–G = 200 µm.

















