Sogana Matsumura, 1914

Constant, Jérôme & Pham, Hong Thai, 2019, The planthopper genus Sogana Matsumura, 1914 in Vietnam: Two new species, new records and identification key (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Tropiduchidae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 85, pp. 1-19 : 1-19

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13270845

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scientific name

Sogana Matsumura, 1914


Genus Sogana Matsumura, 1914 View in CoL

Sogana MATSUMURA, 1914: 268 View in CoL . Type species: Sogana hopponis Matsumura, 1914 View in CoL , by monotypy.

Sogana View in CoL – MELICHAR, 1914: 194; DISTANT, 1916: 54; METCALF, 1954: 130; TSAUR, 1990: 245; LIANG & WANG 2008: 30 View Cited Treatment ; CONSTANT 2010: 64 View Cited Treatment ; CONSTANT & PHAM 2013: 72; CONSTANT, 2019: 4 View Cited Treatment .



Sogana bachmana sp. nov. ( Vietnam)

Sogana baviana sp. nov. ( Vietnam)

Sogana chartieri Constant, 2019 View in CoL ( Cambodia)

Sogana clara Liang & Wang, 2008 View in CoL ( Laos)

Sogana condaoana Constant & Pham, 2013 View in CoL ( Vietnam)

Sogana cucphuongana Constant & Pham, 2013 View in CoL ( Vietnam)

Sogana extrema Melichar, 1914 View in CoL ( Myanmar)

Sogana floreni Constant, 2010 View in CoL (Borneo)

Sogana hopponis Matsumura, 1914 View in CoL (Taiwan)

Sogana longiceps Fennah, 1978 View in CoL ( Vietnam)

Sogana pseudohopponis Liang & Wang, 2008 View in CoL ( Laos)

Sogana robustocarina Liang & Wang, 2008 View in CoL (Borneo)

Sogana stimulata Melichar, 1914 View in CoL (Mentawai Islands)

Identification key to the species of Sogana View in CoL from Vietnam

1. Vertex more or less subquadrate ( Fig. 4 I; CONSTANT View Fig & PHAM, 2013, fig. 2 B), ratio LV/BV <0.85; apical margin of anal tube roundly notched apically in dorsal view ( Fig. 5 D View Fig ); aedeagus with strong, deeply furcate process on left side ( Fig. 5 F; CONSTANT View Fig & PHAM, 2013, fig. 4 D) .......................................................................................................... 2

-. Vertex elongate, ratio LV/BV> 0.85; apical margin of anal tube rounded or oblique apically in dorsal view, not notched; aedeagus without strong furcate process .................. 3

2. Tegmina more elongate, LTg/BTg = 3.8, with 18–19 apical cells ( Fig. 4 E View Fig ); vertex more elongate, LV/BV = 0.8 ( Fig. 4 I View Fig ); right dorsal process of aedeagus not furcate ( Fig. 5 E, G–H View Fig ); ventral process of periandrium ended in a hook ( Fig. 5 I View Fig ) .......... S. baviana View in CoL sp. nov.

-. Tegmina less elongate, LTg/BTg = 3.3, with 19–21 apical cells ( CONSTANT & PHAM, 2013, fig. 2 E); vertex shorter, LV/BV = 0.63 ( CONSTANT & PHAM, 2013, fig. 2 B); right dorsal process of periandrium furcate ( CONSTANT & PHAM, 2013, fig. 4 E); ventral process of periandrium strongly elongate and sinuate apically ............................................. ......................................................................... S. cucphuongana Constant & Pham, 2013 View in CoL

3. Vertex more elongate, ratio LV/BV = 1.15 ( Fig. 7 E View Fig ); aedeagus with two elongate dorsal processes ending in a single point ( Fig. 8 E–H View Fig ) ......................... S. longiceps Fennah, 1978 View in CoL

-. Vertex less elongate, ratio LV/BV = 0.9 ( Fig. 1 G View Fig ); aedeagus with dorsal processes with multiple teeth or crenulations apically ( Fig. 2 E–F, H; CONSTANT View Fig & PHAM, 2013, fig. 3 D–E)..................................................................................................................................... 4

4. Tegmina more elongate, LTg/BTg = 3.6 ( Fig. 1 E View Fig ); tegmina with 14 apical cells ( Fig. 1 E View Fig ); clypeus mostly pale yellow-brown ( Fig. 1 F View Fig ); dorsal processes of aedeagus with left one strongly sinuate and directed anteroventrally and right one spatulate apically and directed mostly dorsally ( Fig. 2 E–F, H View Fig ) ............................................ S. bachmana View in CoL sp. nov.

-. Tegmina less elongate, LTg/BTg = 3.0 ( CONSTANT & PHAM, 2013, fig. 1 E); tegmina with 18 apical cells ( CONSTANT & PHAM, 2013, fig. 1 E); clypeus mostly pale brown ( CONSTANT & PHAM, 2013, fig. 1 D); dorsal processes of aedeagus both nearly straight and directed anterodorsally ( CONSTANT & PHAM, 2013, fig. D–E)....................................... ............................................................................... S. condaoana Constant & Pham, 2013 View in CoL


Sogana bachmana View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 1–3 View Fig View Fig View Fig

ETYMOLOGY. The species epithet refers to the type locality, Bach Ma National Park in Central Vietnam .

TYPE MATERIAL. VIETNAM: holotype ♂: Coll. I . R. Sc.N.B., Vietnam, Bach Ma N.P., summit, 16°12’N 107°52’E, 15-16.VII.2011, day collecting, leg. J. Constant & J. Bresseel, I.G.: 31.933 ( RBINS) GoogleMaps . Dissected, genitalia in glycerine.

DIAGNOSIS. The species can be separated from the other Sogana species by the combination of the following characters:

1. median carina of vertex reduced to two convergent, brown carinae departing from basal margin and not joining, limited to basal 1/3 of vertex.

2. frons with six red transverse fasciae interrupted in the middle and an additional narrow one along frontoclypeal suture; median carina reaching ventral margin and interrupted before dorsal margin.

3. clypeus pale yellow-brown with sides black-brown apically.

4. tegmina with 14 apical cells.

5. anal tube elongate and narrow with apical margin oblique with angles rounded in dorsal view.

6. aedeagus with pointed processes dorsally; right dorsal process directed anterodorsally, spatulate and with margins crenulate; left dorsal process strongly sinuate and pointing anteroventrally with apex slightly flattened laterally and with margin crenulate.

7. periandrium ventrally with a broad, elongate, slightly sinuate and apically rounded process.

Additionally, in the key proposed by LIANG & WANG (2008) used with the addendum provided by CONSTANT (2010), the species runs to S. clara Liang & Wang, 2008 , from which it can be separated by the more elongate vertex (LV/BV = 0.9; in S. clara LV /BV = 0.82) and frons (LF/BF = 1.6; in S. clara LF /BF = 1.49) and by the shape of the dorsal processes of the aedeagus with the left process strongly sinuate and pointing anteroventrally and the right one directed anterodorsally (processes directed anteriorly in S. clara ).


Measurements and ratios: LT: ♂ (n = 1): 10.2 mm; LTg/BTg = 3.6; LV/BV = 0.9; LF/BF = 1.6.

Head: ( Fig. 1 F–I View Fig ) elongate with apex roundly pointed in dorsal view. Vertex excavate between carinae; latero-discal carinae oblique and strong, brown and joining lateral margin before half of eye length; median carina reduced to 2 convergent, brown carinae departing from caudal margin and not joining, limited to caudal 1/3 of vertex; vertex pale yellow-brown with C-shaped black-brown marking at laterobasal angles. Posterior face of head with 2 black-brown spots. Frons slightly sinuate in lateral view, with dorsal portion projecting anteriorly; median carina brown, extending to apex of clypeus but not reaching dorsal margin of frons; frons pale yellow-brown with 6 transverse red bands on each side of median carina, an additional very narrow band along fronto-clypeal suture; anterior margin of frons with 4 black-brown markings. Genae pale yellow-brown with narrow brown line along dorsal margin, slightly anteriorly to eye. Clypeus pale yellow-brown with sides brown towards apex.



8 Thorax: ( Fig. 1 F–I View Fig ) pronotum pale yellow-brown with irregular light brown markings on disc and behind eyes; anterior and posterior margins emarginate; median carina sharp, weakening anteriorly, reaching anterior margin; black impressed point on each side of median carina; carinae brown; lateral carinae strong; paranotal lobes rounded. Mesonotum pale yellow-brown with median and discal carinae brown; discal carinae joining anteriorly, median carina not reaching anterior and posterior margins; 4 black-brown spots along posterior margin; base of scutellum black-brown; tegulae pale yellow-brown; lateral pleura of mesothorax with black-brown markings forming a line with the markings on anterior coxae and clypeus.

Tegmina: ( Fig. 1 A, D–E View Fig ) elongate, subhyaline; weak black-brown marking near base of postcostal cell, extending in a brown patch at base of radial cell; vein CuA 2 dark brown on basal 1/3; elongate black-brown marking at apical angle of clavus; apex of PCu with dark brown marking. Veins ScP+R and MP not forked before nodal line; CuA forked once before nodal line. 7 subapical and 14 apical cells; apical cells 6–11 infuscate on distal 2/3.

Hind wings: hyaline with veins mostly dark brown; postclaval margin emarginate and infuscate along vein CuP.

Legs: ( Fig. 1 A–D View Fig ) pale yellow-brown with base of pro- and mesotibiae slightly infuscate; all femora with dark brown ante-apical ring and with dorsal portion partly brown on basal half; base of procoxae black-brown; metatibiae with 3 lateral and 7 apical spines; first hind tarsomere with 9 apical spines. Metatibiotarsal formula: (3) 7/9/2.

Abdomen: brown; terminalia dark brown.

Terminalia ♂: ( Fig. 2 View Fig ) pygofer narrow with posterior margin roundly projecting on dorsal 2/3; anterior and posterior margins sinuate in lateral view ( Fig. 2 A–B View Fig ); posterior margin deeply V-shaped notched in dorsal view. Gonostyli ( Fig. 2 A–D View Fig ) very elongate, laterally compressed, with apex narrowly rounded; 3 hooked processes on dorsal margin slightly posteriorly to half length. Aedeagus ( Fig. 2 E–I View Fig ) elongate and narrow, with 2 processes dorsally, with left one more posterior than right one; right dorsal process directed dorsally and slightly anteriorly, laterally compressed, slightly spatulate with margin crenulate on apical half; left dorsal process strongly sinuate, curved ventrolaterad on distal half, more or less round in cross section with distal ¼ laterally compressed and with small teeth ventrally; dorsal ear-shaped process at apex; periandrium strongly asymmetrical, ventrally with left side elongate in a broad smoothly sinuate dorsoventrally flattened process rounded apically. Anal tube ( Fig. 2 A–B, D View Fig ) elongate and narrow, slightly more developed to the right side in dorsal view, with sides subparallel and apical angles roundly angular; slightly sinuate in lateral view; anal column situated slightly beyond half length.

BIOLOGY. The specimen was collected in mountain tropical evergreen forest, at 1200–1400m in altitude.

DISTRIBUTION. Vietnam: Thua Thien-Hue Province, Bach Ma National Park ( Fig. 3 View Fig ).


Sogana baviana sp. nov.

Figs 3–6 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig

ETYMOLOGY. The species epithet refers to the type location: Ba Vi National Park in North Vietnam .

TYPE MATERIAL. VIETNAM: holotype ♂: Coll. I . R. Sc.N.B., Vietnam, Hanoi prov., BaVi N.P., 21°4’4”N 105°21’30”E, 25-29. GoogleMaps VI.2015, leg. J. Constant & J. Bresseel, I.G.: 33.092 ( RBINS). Dissected, genitalia in glycerine; right hind wing mounted, glued on cardboard.

DIAGNOSIS. The species can be separated from the other Sogana species by the combination of the following characters:

1. median carina of vertex reduced to two convergent, brown carinae departing from basal margin and joining at about half length of vertex.

2. frons with six red transverse fasciae interrupted in the middle and an additional narrow one along frontoclypeal joint, and median carina reaching basal margin and interrupted before apical margin.

3. clypeus pale yellow-brown with sides black-brown apically.

4. tegmina with 18–19 apical cells.

5. anal tube elongate and narrow with apical margin roundly notched in dorsal view.

6. aedeagus with right dorsal process laminate and folded anteriorly, with margins crenulate; left dorsal process strongly furcate and directed anteroventrally with ventral portion more developed, pointed apically and with ventral margin crenulate, and with dorsal portion pointed dorsally with dorsal margin oblique and crenulate.



12 7. periandrium ventrally with elongate, laminate, slightly sinuate process strongly hooked apically.

Additionally, in the key proposed by LIANG & WANG (2008) used with the addendum provided by CONSTANT (2010), the species runs to S. clara Liang & Wang, 2008 View in CoL , from which it can be separated by the more numerous apical cells of the tegmina (18–19; 14 in S. clara View in CoL ) and red bands of frons (6; 5 in S. clara View in CoL ) and by the shape of the left dorsal processes of the aedeagus strongly furcate and directed anteroventrally (not furcate and directed anteriorly in S. clara View in CoL ).


Measurements and ratios: LT: ♂ (n = 1): 11.7 mm; LTg/BTg = 3.8; LV/BV = 0.8; LF/BF = 1.45.

Head: ( Fig. 4 G–J View Fig ) elongate with apex broadly rounded in dorsal view. Vertex excavate between carinae; latero-discal carinae oblique and rather strong, extensively red and joining lateral margin slightly before half of eye length; median carina reduced to 2 convergent, brown carinae departing from basal margin and joining at about half length of vertex; vertex pale yellow-brown with slightly oblique black-brown marking at laterobasal angles. Posterior face of head with 2 weak brown markings. Frons nearly straight in lateral view, with dorsal portion slightly projecting anteriorly; median carina brown, extending to apex of clypeus but not reaching dorsal margin of frons; frons pale yellow-brown with 6 transverse red bands on each side of median carina, an additional very narrow band along fronto-clypeal suture and a narrow red longitudinal line along median carina and along lateral margins; anterior margin of frons with 3 black-brown markings, central one larger. Genae entirely pale yellow-brown. Clypeus pale yellow-brown with sides brown towards apex.

Thorax: ( Fig. 2 G–J View Fig ) pronotum pale yellow-brown with brown marking along anterior margin between peridiscal carinae; anterior and posterior margins emaginate; median carina sharp, weakening anteriorly, reaching anterior margin, brown on anterior 1/3 and with posterior 2/3 reddish brown; peridiscal carinae light brown, black on anterior half; black impressed point on each side of median carina; black dot betweeen peridiscal and lateral carinae; lateral carinae black along anterior half; paranotal fields infuscate in middle. Mesonotum pale yellow-brown with median carina reddish brown and discal carinae pale brown; discal carinae joining anteriorly, median carina not reaching anterior and posterior margins; 4 black-brown spots along posterior margin; base of scutellum black-brown; scutellar groove rather strong; tegulae pale yellow-brown; lateral pleura of mesothorax with black-brown markings forming an interrupted line with the markings on anterior coxae and clypeus.

Tegmina: ( Fig. 4 A, D–E View Fig ) elongate, subhyaline; black-brown marking near base of postcostal cell, small black spot at base of median cell; no black-brown marking at apical angle of clavus; apex of PCu with dark brown marking. Veins ScP+R and MP not forked before nodal line; CuA forked once before nodal line. 6–7 subapical and 18–19 apical cells; apical cells 6 or 7–12 or 13 extensively infuscate.

Hind wings: hyaline with basal black-brown marking and with veins mostly dark brown; postclaval margin emarginate and infuscate along vein CuP.

Legs: ( Fig. 1 A–D View Fig ) pale yellow-brown with base of pro- and mesotibiae slightly infuscate; all femora slightly reddish with dark brown ante-apical ring; base of coxae with black-brown marking; pro- and mesotarsi brown; metatibiae with 3 lateral and 7 apical spines; first hind tarsomere with 9 apical spines. Metatibiotarsal formula: (3) 7/9/2.

13 Abdomen: pale brown with darker markings dorsally; terminalia dark brown.

Terminalia ♂: ( Fig. 5 View Fig ) pygofer narrow with posterodorsal angle roundly angular in lateral view; anterior and posterior margins sinuate in lateral view ( Fig. 5 A–B View Fig ); posterior margin deeply V-shaped notched dorsally ( Fig. 5 D View Fig ). Gonostyli ( Fig. 5 A–D View Fig ) very elongate, laterally compressed, with apex narrowly rounded; 3 hooked processes on dorsal margin at about 2/3 of gonostylus length; dorsal margin excavate at hooked processes. Aedeagus ( Fig. 5 E–I View Fig ) elongate and narrow, with 2 processes dorsally, with left one more posterior and larger than right one, and one lateral process on right side; right dorsal process strongly folded anteriorly, dorsoventrally flattened and with right margin crenulate; left dorsal process projecting anteroventrally, strongly furcate with ventral portion larger than dorsal one, ventral margin of

14 ventral portion rounded and crenulate, dorsal margin of dorsal portion oblique and crenulate, apex of both dorsal and ventral portions pointed ( Fig. 5 E–G View Fig ); right lateral process more or less round in cross section directed posteroventrally, then curved posterodorsally, narrowing regularly towards apex and slightly inflated anteapically, apex pointed ( Fig. 5 E, H View Fig ); apex of aedeagus with twisted ear-shaped process ( Fig. 5 E, G–I View Fig ). Periandrium with laminate incurved process on left side ( Fig. 5 F View Fig ) and strong lateral process largely curved lateroanteriorly on right side ( Fig. 5 G–I View Fig ); elongate, dorsoventrally flattened process ventrally not reaching apex of aedeagus and ended in a narrow strongly curved hook ( Fig. 5 E–F, I View Fig ). Anal tube ( Fig. 5 A– B, D View Fig ) elongate and narrow, slightly more developed to the right side in dorsal view, with sides subparallel and apical angles roundly notched; slightly sinuate in lateral view; anal column slightly posterior to half length.

BIOLOGY. The specimen was sitting on the ground near the swimming pool situated near the National Park guest houses ( Fig. 6 C View Fig ) at an altitude of about 400 m. The vegetation at this place is a garden with ornamental and wild shrubs and small trees as well as palm trees, with a rather dense ground cover.

DISTRIBUTION. Vietnam: Hanoi Province, Ba Vi National Park ( Fig. 3 View Fig ).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute












Sogana Matsumura, 1914

Constant, Jérôme & Pham, Hong Thai 2019

Sogana MATSUMURA, 1914: 268

MATSUMURA S. 1914: 268


CONSTANT J. 2019: 4
CONSTANT J. & PHAM H. T. 2013: 72
CONSTANT J. 2010: 64
LIANG A. - P. & WANG R. R. 2008: 30
TSAUR S. - C. 1990: 245
METCALF Z. P. 1954: 130
DISTANT W. L. 1916: 54
MELICHAR L. 1914: 194
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF