Pastirčáková, Katarína & Shin, Hyeon-Dong, 2017, Contribution to the pathogenic fungi on woody plants in North Korea

Pastirčáková, Katarína & Shin, Hyeon-Dong, 2017, Contribution to the pathogenic fungi on woody plants in North Korea, Phytotaxa 299 (2), pp. 185-198

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Phyllostictaceae     186
Mycosphaerellaceae     186-187
Erysiphaceae     187-189
Sclerotiniaceae     189
Rhytismataceae     189-190
Dermateaceae     189
Didymellaceae     189
Physalacriaceae     190
Glomerellaceae     190
Schizophyllaceae     190
Plectosphaerellaceae     190
Corticiaceae     191
Hymenochaetaceae     191-192
Amylocorticiaceae     191
Auriculariaceae     191
Gloeophyllaceae     191
Fomitopsidaceae     192
Ganodermataceae     192-193
Polyporaceae     193-194
Meruliaceae     193
Cronartiaceae     194
Melampsoraceae     194
Coleosporiaceae     194
Phakopsoraceae     194-195
Mikronegeriaceae     194
Pucciniaceae     195-196
Phragmidiaceae     195
Pileolariaceae     195
Pucciniastraceae     196
Raveneliaceae     196
Hericiaceae     196
Peniophoraceae     196
Uropyxidaceae     196
Stereaceae     196-197