dariae, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 6 Treatments

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Echiniscus dariae     Lisi, Oscar, Daza, Anisbeth, Londono, Rosana & Quiroga, Sigmer, 2017, Echiniscidae from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, new records and a new species of Bryodelphax Thulin, 1928 (Tardigrada), ZooKeys 703, pp. 1-14 : 2 2
Varioporospongia dariae   new species  Świerczewska-Gładysz, Ewa, 2006, Late Cretaceous siliceous sponges from the Middle Vistula River Valley (Central Poland) and their palaeoecological significance., Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 76, pp. 227-296 : 264-265 264-265
Macrobiotus dariae   sp. nov.  Pilato, Giovanni & Bertolani, Roberto, 2004, Macrobiotus dariae sp. n., a new species of eutardigrade (Eutardigrada, Macrobiotidae) from Cyprus, Zootaxa 638, pp. 1-7 : 2-5 2-5
Alvinonemertes dariae   gen. et sp. nov.  Sagorny, Christina, Döhren, Jörn von, Rouse, Greg W. & Tilic, Ekin, 2022, Cutting the ribbon: bathyal Nemertea from seeps along the Costa Rica margin, with descriptions of 2 new genera and 9 new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 845 (1), pp. 132-174 : 153-155 153-155
Echiniscus dariae     Kaczmarek, Łukasz, Michalczyk, Łukasz & Mcinnes, Sandra J., 2015, Annotated zoogeography of non-marine Tardigrada. Part II: South America, Zootaxa 3923 (1), pp. 1-107 : 15 15
Eranina dariae   sp. nov.  Nearns, Eugenio H., Swift, Ian P. & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2023, Three new species of longhorned beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) with notes on additional taxa, Zootaxa 5228 (2), pp. 137-156 : 148-150 148-150