acanthodes, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 20 Treatments

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Spiromastigites acanthodes     Guo, Mingxia, Xing, Lida, Wang, Bo, Zhang, Weiwei, Wang, Shuo, Shi, Aimin & Bai, Ming, 2017, A catalogue of Burmite inclusions, Zoological Systematics 42 (3), pp. 249-379 : 253-254 253-254
Chaetonotus (Primochaetus) acanthodes     Kånneby, Tobias, 2013, New species and records of freshwater Chaetonotus (Gastrotricha: Chaetonotidae) from Sweden, Zootaxa 3701 (5), pp. 551-588 : 574-575 574-575
Spiromastigites acanthodes   new species  Poinar, George O., 2009, Description of an early Cretaceous termite (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) and its associated intestinal protozoa, with comments on their co-evolution, Parasites & Vectors 2, No. 12 : 1-17 (Fig. 8) 1-17 (Fig. 8)
Rutshurutrema acanthodes   new species  Baer, Jean Georges, 1959, Helminthes parasites., Exploration du Parc national Congo Belge Miss Baer & Gerber 1, pp. 1-80 : 44 44
Launaea acanthodes     Mehrparvar, Mohsen, 2024, Aphids of Iran: their host plants and distribution, Zootaxa 5516 (1), pp. 1-129 : 91 91
Euphorbia acanthodes     Pahlevani, Amir H., 2017, Four new species of Euphorbia sect. Pithyusa (subg. Esula, Euphorbiaceae) from SW Asia, Phytotaxa 312 (1), pp. 83-93 : 84 84
Acanthodes undetermined     Štamberg, Stanislav, Schneider, Jörg W. & Werneburg, Ralf, 2016, Fossil Fauna And Flora Of A Re-Discovered Locality In The Late Carboniferous Ploužnice Horizon Of The Krkonoše Piedmont Basin, Bohemian Massif, Fossil Imprint 72 (3 - 4), pp. 215-224 : 218 218
Careproctus acanthodes     Orr, James Wilder, Kai, Yoshiaki & Nakabo, Tetsuji, 2015, Snailfishes of the Careproctus rastrinus complex (Liparidae): redescriptions of seven species in the North Pacific Ocean region, with the description of a new species from the Beaufort Sea, Zootaxa 4018 (3), pp. 301-348 : 320-324 320-324
Scorpaeniformes   new species  Gilbert, Charles H. & Burke, C. V., 1912, New cyclogasterid fishes from Japan, Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 3 42, pp. 351-380 : 363 363
Acanthodes     Staines, C. L., 2005, Franz Spaeth: Publications and proposed taxa, Zootaxa 1035, pp. 1-49 : 46-49 46-49
Acanthodesia variegata   sp. nov.  Martino, Emanuela Di & Taylor, Paul D., 2018, Early Pleistocene and Holocene bryozoans from Indonesia, Zootaxa 4419 (1), pp. 1-70 : 7-8 7-8
Acanthodesia lamellosa     Martino, Emanuela Di & Taylor, Paul D., 2018, Early Pleistocene and Holocene bryozoans from Indonesia, Zootaxa 4419 (1), pp. 1-70 : 8-9 8-9
Acanthodesia irregulata   comb. nov.  Taylor, Paul D. & Tan, Shau-Hwai Aileen, 2015, Cheilostome Bryozoa from Penang and Langkawi, Malaysia, European Journal of Taxonomy 149, pp. 1-34 : 9 9
Acanthodesia falsitenuis   comb. nov.  Taylor, Paul D. & Tan, Shau-Hwai Aileen, 2015, Cheilostome Bryozoa from Penang and Langkawi, Malaysia, European Journal of Taxonomy 149, pp. 1-34 : 6-8 6-8
Acanthodesia perambulata   comb. nov.  Taylor, Paul D. & Tan, Shau-Hwai Aileen, 2015, Cheilostome Bryozoa from Penang and Langkawi, Malaysia, European Journal of Taxonomy 149, pp. 1-34 : 8 8
Acanthodesia     Taylor, Paul D. & Tan, Shau-Hwai Aileen, 2015, Cheilostome Bryozoa from Penang and Langkawi, Malaysia, European Journal of Taxonomy 149, pp. 1-34 : 6 6
Nassellaria   new genus  Müller, J., 1856, Über die Thalassicollen, Polycystinen und Acanthometren des Mittelmeeres, Monatsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie des Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1856, pp. 474-503 : 485 485
Acanthodesmiidae     Suzuki, Noritoshi, Caulet, Jean-Pierre & Dumitrica, Paulian, 2021, A new integrated morpho- and molecular systematic classification of Cenozoic radiolarians (Class Polycystinea) - suprageneric taxonomy and logical nomenclatorial acts, Geodiversitas 43 (15), pp. 405-573 : 484-487 484-487
Nassellaria     Suzuki, Noritoshi, Caulet, Jean-Pierre & Dumitrica, Paulian, 2021, A new integrated morpho- and molecular systematic classification of Cenozoic radiolarians (Class Polycystinea) - suprageneric taxonomy and logical nomenclatorial acts, Geodiversitas 43 (15), pp. 405-573 : 482-484 482-484
Acanthodesmus mortoni     Hollier, John, Stöckli, Eduard, Wesener, Thomas, Mesibov, Robert, Decker, Peter & Sierwald, Petra, 2020, An annotated list of the millipede (Diplopoda) species described by Johann Carl, Revue suisse de Zoologie 127 (1), pp. 183-240 : 217 217

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