Vulsellidae, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 11 Treatments

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Vulsella hersilia     Pacaud, Jean-Michel, 2007, Nouveautés nomenclaturales et taxinomiques introduites par Alcide d’Orbigny dans le Prodrome (1850, 1852) pour les espèces du Paléocène et de l’Éocène, Geodiversitas 29 (1), pp. 17-85 : 56 56
Vulsellidae     Simone, Luiz Ricardo L., 2024, New species, misidentifications and problematic taxonomy of some Atlantic South American marine mollusks: a review, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 64, pp. 1-104 : 76-77 76-77
Vulsella     Tëmkin, Ilya, 2006, Morphological perspective on the classification and evolution of Recent Pterioidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 148 (3), pp. 253-312 : 310 310
Vulsellidae     Coan, Eugene V., Pacaud, Jean-Michel & Kabat, Alan R., 2024, Gérard-Paul Deshayes (1796 - 1875) and his taxa, Geodiversitas 46 (16), pp. 553-930 : 710 710
Electroma glessaria     Darragh, Thomas A., 2024, A checklist of Australian marine Cenozoic Mollusca, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 83, pp. 37-206 : 154 154
Vulsella laevigata     Darragh, Thomas A., 2024, A checklist of Australian marine Cenozoic Mollusca, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 83, pp. 37-206 : 154 154
Electroma alacorvi     Tëmkin, Ilya, 2006, Morphological perspective on the classification and evolution of Recent Pterioidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 148 (3), pp. 253-312 : 309-310 309-310
Crenatula modiolaris     Tëmkin, Ilya, 2006, Morphological perspective on the classification and evolution of Recent Pterioidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 148 (3), pp. 253-312 : 310 310
Vulsella vulsella     Lam, Katherine, Morton, Brian & Leung, K. F., 2008, Shell-bearing Mollusca (Bivalvia and Gastropoda) from submarine caves in Hong Kong, Journal of Natural History 42 (9 - 12), pp. 927-952 : 937 937
Electroma fuscopurpurea     Oliver, P. Graham, Holmes, Anna, Killeen, Ian, Light, Janice & Wood, Harriet, 2004, Annotated checklist of the marine Bivalvia of Rodrigues, Journal of Natural History 38 (23), pp. 3229-3272 : 3240 3240
Vulsella undetermined     Darragh, Thomas A., 2024, A checklist of Australian marine Cenozoic Mollusca, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 83, pp. 37-206 : 154 154