Tachytrechus insignis
Grichanov, I. Ya., 2019, Новые Указания Хищных Мух-Зеλенушек (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) Из Марокко, Amurian Zoological Journal XI (2), pp. 126-130
: 128
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Tachytrechus insignis
Pollet, Marc, Andrade, Rui, Gonçalves, Ana, Andrade, Pedro, Jacinto, Valter, Almeida, Jorge, Braekeleer, Anja De, Calster, Hans Van & Brosens, Dimitri, 2019, Dipterological surveys in Portugal unveil 200 species of long-legged flies, with over 170 new to the country (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), Zootaxa 4649 (1), pp. 1-69
: 58
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