Sellaphora, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 33 Treatments

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Sellaphora mayrii   sp. nov.  García, M. Luján, Morales, Eduardo A., Mann, David G. & Maidana, Nora I., 2020, Sellaphora mayrii (Bacillariophyceae), a new diatom from the Argentinean Patagonia, Phytotaxa 437 (3), pp. 135-146 : 138-141 138-141
Sellaphora undetermined     Silva, Juliana Ferreira da, Salomoni, Saionara Eliane, Oliveira, Maria Angélica & Machado, Sérgio Luiz de Oliveira, 2017, DiAtomáceAs epilíticAs de sistemAs lóticos NA suB-BAciA hidrográficA do Arroio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, Iheringia, Série Botânica 72 (2), pp. 201-219 : 211 211
Sellaphora jiuzhaienis   sp. nov.  Sun, Geng, Levkov, Zlatko, Xiao, Weiyang, Moraj, Nikola, Udovič, Marija Gligora, Du, Jie, Chen, Qunlong & Plenković-Moraj, Anđelka, 2023, Sellaphora jiuzhaienis sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae) - A new diatom species from Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve, China, Phytotaxa 626 (4), pp. 259-268 : 261-264 261-264
Sellaphora smirnovii   sp. nov.  Chudaev, Dmitry A. & Gololobova, Maria A., 2015, Sellaphora smirnovii (Bacillariophyta, Sellaphoraceae), a new small-celled species from Lake Glubokoe, European Russia, together with transfer of Navicula pseudoventralis to the genus Sellaphora, Phytotaxa 226 (3), pp. 253-260 : 254 254
Sellaphora davoutiana   sp. nov.  Heudre, David, Wetzel, Carlos E., Moreau, Laura & Ector, Luc, 2018, Sellaphora davoutiana sp. nov.: a new freshwater diatom species (Sellaphoraceae, Bacillariophyta) in lakes of Northeastern France, Phytotaxa 346 (3), pp. 269-279 : 271-273 271-273
Sellaphora antarctica   sp. nov.  Zidarova, Ralitsa, Kopalová, Kateřina & Vijver, Bart Van De, 2016, Ten new Bacillariophyta species from James Ross Island and the South Shetland Islands (Maritime Antarctic Region), Phytotaxa 272 (1), pp. 37-62 : 50-51 50-51
Sellaphora pumilobaicalensis     Beauger, Aude, Wetzel, Carlos E., Voldoire, Olivier, Garreau, Alexandre & Ector, Luc, 2016, Sellaphora labernardierei (Sellaphoraceae, Bacillariophyta), a new epilithic species from French spring and four new combinations within the genus Sellaphora, Phytotaxa 260 (3), pp. 235-246 : 242 242
Sellaphora styxii   sp. nov.  Novis, Phil M., Braidwood, Jasmine & Kilroy, Cathy, 2012, Small diatoms (Bacillariophyta) in cultures from the Styx River, New Zealand, including descriptions of three new species, Phytotaxa 64 (1), pp. 11-45 : 34-36 34-36
Sellaphora vincentiana   sp. nov.  Alibert, Marie, Hamilton, Paul B., Pienitz, Reinhard & Antoniades, Dermot, 2023, Small naviculoid species of Kobayasiella Lange-Bertalot, Adlafia Moser, Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin, Nupela Vyverman & Compère and Sellaphora Mereschowsky from Tursujuq National Park, Hudson Bay region, Nunavik, Québec, Cryptogamie, Algologie 20 (9), pp. 157-187 : 176 176
Sellaphora antarctica     Ferreira da Silva, Juliana, Oliveira, Maria Angélica, Paidano Alves, Rodrigo, Vestena Cassol, Ana Paula, Ribeiro da Anunciação, Raylane, Pereira da Silva, Eduardo, Schünemann, Adriano Luis & Batista Pereira, Antônio, 2019, Geographic distribution of epilithic diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) in Antarctic lakes, South Shetland Islands, Maritime Antarctica Region, Check List 15 (5), pp. 797-809 : 806 806
Sellaphora nana     Ferreira da Silva, Juliana, Oliveira, Maria Angélica, Paidano Alves, Rodrigo, Vestena Cassol, Ana Paula, Ribeiro da Anunciação, Raylane, Pereira da Silva, Eduardo, Schünemann, Adriano Luis & Batista Pereira, Antônio, 2019, Geographic distribution of epilithic diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) in Antarctic lakes, South Shetland Islands, Maritime Antarctica Region, Check List 15 (5), pp. 797-809 : 806 806
Sellaphora labernardierei   sp. nov.  Beauger, Aude, Wetzel, Carlos E., Voldoire, Olivier, Garreau, Alexandre & Ector, Luc, 2016, Sellaphora labernardierei (Sellaphoraceae, Bacillariophyta), a new epilithic species from French spring and four new combinations within the genus Sellaphora, Phytotaxa 260 (3), pp. 235-246 : 238-240 238-240
Sellaphora queretana   sp. nov.  Mora, Demetrio, Carmona, Javier, Jahn, Regine, Zimmermann, Jonas & Abarca, Nelida, 2017, Epilithic diatom communities of selected streams from the Lerma-Chapala Basin, Central Mexico, with the description of two new species, PhytoKeys 88, pp. 39-69 : 41-43 41-43
Sellaphora balashovae   sp. nov.  Andreeva, Svetlana, Kociolek, John P., Maltsev, Evgeniy, Dorofeyuk, Nadezhda, Kezlya, Elena, Shkurina, Natalia, Kuznetsova, Irina, Gusev, Evgeniy & Kulikovskiy, Maxim, 2018, Sellaphora balashovae (Bacillariophyta), a new species from Siberian mountain Lake Frolikha (Baikal region), Russia, Phytotaxa 371 (2), pp. 73-83 : 76 76
Sellaphoraceae     Beauger, Aude, Wetzel, Carlos E., Voldoire, Olivier, Garreau, Alexandre & Ector, Luc, 2016, Sellaphora labernardierei (Sellaphoraceae, Bacillariophyta), a new epilithic species from French spring and four new combinations within the genus Sellaphora, Phytotaxa 260 (3), pp. 235-246 : 238 238
Sellaphora undetermined     Park, Joon Sang, Lobban, Christopher S. & Lee, Kyun-Woo, 2018, Diatoms associated with seaweeds from Moen Island in Chuuk Lagoon, Micronesia, Phytotaxa 351 (2), pp. 101-140 : 123 123
Sellaphora saugerresii     Amaral, Mailor Wellinton Wedig, Medeiros, Gabriela, Daufenbach, Vanessa, Sampaio, Silvio Cesar, Reis, Ralpho Rinaldo Dos, Ludwig, Thelma Alvim Veiga & Bueno, Norma Catarina, 2024, Taxonomy of epilithic diatoms and teratological forms under the presence of metals in surface sediment, Phytotaxa 647 (3), pp. 237-273 : 253 253
Sellaphora baicalominima     Beauger, Aude, Wetzel, Carlos E., Voldoire, Olivier, Garreau, Alexandre & Ector, Luc, 2016, Sellaphora labernardierei (Sellaphoraceae, Bacillariophyta), a new epilithic species from French spring and four new combinations within the genus Sellaphora, Phytotaxa 260 (3), pp. 235-246 : 242 242
Sellaphora tanghongquii     Ni, Hong-Ping, Guo, Ji-Shu, Tang, Zheng-Bin, Huang, Ying-Yan, Kociolek, John Patrick & Li, Yan-Ling, 2022, Sellaphora tanghongquii sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta, Sellaphoraceae), a new diatom species from the Southern China, Phytotaxa 573 (1), pp. 103-114 : 106-108 106-108
Sellaphora pseudoventralis   comb. nov.  Chudaev, Dmitry A. & Gololobova, Maria A., 2015, Sellaphora smirnovii (Bacillariophyta, Sellaphoraceae), a new small-celled species from Lake Glubokoe, European Russia, together with transfer of Navicula pseudoventralis to the genus Sellaphora, Phytotaxa 226 (3), pp. 253-260 : 254 254
Sellaphora pauxilla   comb. nov.  Beauger, Aude, Wetzel, Carlos E., Voldoire, Olivier, Garreau, Alexandre & Ector, Luc, 2016, Sellaphora labernardierei (Sellaphoraceae, Bacillariophyta), a new epilithic species from French spring and four new combinations within the genus Sellaphora, Phytotaxa 260 (3), pp. 235-246 : 242 242
Sellaphora rhombica   comb. nov.  Mora, Demetrio, Carmona, Javier, Jahn, Regine, Zimmermann, Jonas & Abarca, Nelida, 2017, Epilithic diatom communities of selected streams from the Lerma-Chapala Basin, Central Mexico, with the description of two new species, PhytoKeys 88, pp. 39-69 : 43 43
Sellaphora constrictum     You, Q-M., Kociolek, J. P., Cai, M-J., Lowe, R. L., Liu, Y. & Wang, Q-X., 2017, Morphology and ultrastructure of Sellaphora constrictum sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta), a new diatom from southern China, Phytotaxa 327 (3), pp. 261-268 : 262-263 262-263
Sellaphora protracta     Beauger, Aude, Wetzel, Carlos E., Voldoire, Olivier, Garreau, Alexandre & Ector, Luc, 2016, Sellaphora labernardierei (Sellaphoraceae, Bacillariophyta), a new epilithic species from French spring and four new combinations within the genus Sellaphora, Phytotaxa 260 (3), pp. 235-246 : 242 242
Sellaphora gracillima   sp. nov.  Zidarova, Ralitsa, Kopalová, Kateřina & Vijver, Bart Van De, 2016, Ten new Bacillariophyta species from James Ross Island and the South Shetland Islands (Maritime Antarctic Region), Phytotaxa 272 (1), pp. 37-62 : 51-52 51-52
Lacuneolimna novagallia   sp. nov.  Tudesque, Loïc, Cohu, René Le, Coste, Michel & Lange-Bertalot, Horst, 2015, Lacuneolimna gen. nov., Lacuneolimna zalokariae comb. nov. and Lacuneolimna novagallia spec. nov. (Bacillariophyceae) from the French Guiana diatom freshwater flora, Phytotaxa 231 (1), pp. 19-30 : 24 24
Lacuneolimna   gen. nov.  Tudesque, Loïc, Cohu, René Le, Coste, Michel & Lange-Bertalot, Horst, 2015, Lacuneolimna gen. nov., Lacuneolimna zalokariae comb. nov. and Lacuneolimna novagallia spec. nov. (Bacillariophyceae) from the French Guiana diatom freshwater flora, Phytotaxa 231 (1), pp. 19-30 : 21-24 21-24
Pleurosigma     Grizancic, Lana, Baricevic, Ana, Smodlaka Tankovic, Mirta, Vlasicek, Ivan, Knjaz, Mia, Podolsak, Ivan, Kogovsek, Tjasa, Pfannkuchen, Martin Andreas & Maric Pfannkuchen, Daniela, 2023, A metabarcode based (species) inventory of the northern Adriatic phytoplankton, Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 106947-106947 : 106947 106947
Sellaphoraceae     Novis, Phil M., Braidwood, Jasmine & Kilroy, Cathy, 2012, Small diatoms (Bacillariophyta) in cultures from the Styx River, New Zealand, including descriptions of three new species, Phytotaxa 64 (1), pp. 11-45 : 33-34 33-34
Microcostatus meridionalis   sp. nov.  Rybak, Mateusz, Kochman-Kedziora, Natalia & Peszek, Lukasz, 2021, Description of four new terrestrial diatom species from Luticola and Microcostatus genera from South Africa, PhytoKeys 182, pp. 1-26 : 1 1
Pleurosigma intermedium     Grizancic, Lana, Baricevic, Ana, Smodlaka Tankovic, Mirta, Vlasicek, Ivan, Knjaz, Mia, Podolsak, Ivan, Kogovsek, Tjasa, Pfannkuchen, Martin Andreas & Maric Pfannkuchen, Daniela, 2023, A metabarcode based (species) inventory of the northern Adriatic phytoplankton, Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 106947-106947 : 106947 106947
Sellaphoraceae     Grizancic, Lana, Baricevic, Ana, Smodlaka Tankovic, Mirta, Vlasicek, Ivan, Knjaz, Mia, Podolsak, Ivan, Kogovsek, Tjasa, Pfannkuchen, Martin Andreas & Maric Pfannkuchen, Daniela, 2023, A metabarcode based (species) inventory of the northern Adriatic phytoplankton, Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 106947-106947 : 106947 106947
Fallacia fawensis   sp. nov.  Al-Handal, Adil Y., Al-Shaheen, Maitham A., Al-Saedy, Rehab N. & Wulff, Angela, 2022, Fallacia fawensis sp. nov., a new brackish water diatom (Bacillariophyceae) from Southern Iraq, Phytotaxa 550 (1), pp. 71-78 : 73-75 73-75

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