Pseudochirus cooki bassianus Le Souef, 1929

Parnaby, Harry E., Ingleby, Sandy & Divljan, Anja, 2017, Type Specimens of Non-fossil Mammals in the Australian Museum, Sydney, Records of the Australian Museum 69 (5), pp. 277-420 : 323

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Pseudochirus cooki bassianus Le Souef, 1929


Pseudochirus cooki bassianus Le Souef, 1929

Aust. Zool. 5(4): 330. (24 March 1929).

Common name. Eastern Ring-tailed Possum.

Current name. Pseudocheirus peregrinus convolutor ( Schinz, 1821) , following Jackson & Groves (2015).

Holotype. M.4450 by original designation. Male, skull, study skin, presented by A. S. Le Souef, registered November 1928, “ Flinders Island , Bass Strait ”, collection date not provided.

Condition. Cranium, dentaries and study skin complete and in good condition. Cranium missing tip of right paroccipital process; right dentary missing anterior part of the crown of the last molar. Study skin has bald patch on the snout and two bald patches on the ventral surface, and missing tail tip.

Type locality. Flinders Island, Bass Strait, Tasmania, Australia. A more precise location was not provided.

Paratypes. (2, 1 by subsequent determination). M.4449 by original designation. Female (allotype), skull, study skin, details as per holotype. M.4397 by subsequent determination, male, skull, study skin, Lady Barren, Flinders Island , Bass Strait, presented by A. S. Le Souef, registered September 1928 .

Comments. Le Souef states that the description is based on two males and a female from Flinders Island collected in 1928. He cited registration numbers for the holotype and allotype but not for one of the two males; this specimen is marked as a paratype in the register.

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