Pourtalesiidae, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 9 Treatments

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Pourtalesiidae     Karasatorre, Jose Kruz Arbilla & Forner, Enric, 2023, Galeaster bertrandi Seunes, 1889 (Echinoidea) espeziearen lehen aipamena Nafarroan, Nemus 13, pp. 136-147 : 139 139
Holasteroida   new species  Agassiz, A., 1879, Preliminary report on the Echini of the exploring expedition of H. M. S. " Challenger, " Sir C. Wyville Thomson chief of civilian staff, Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 14, pp. 190-212 : 204 204
Echinocrepis     Amon, Diva J, Ziegler, Amanda F, Kremenetskaia, Antonina, Mah, Christopher L, Mooi, Rich, O'Hara, Tim, Pawson, David L, Roux, Michel & Smith, Craig R, 2017, Megafauna of the UKSRL exploration contract area and eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone in the Pacific Ocean: Echinodermata, Biodiversity Data Journal 5, pp. 11794-11794 : 11794 11794
Cystocrepis     Amon, Diva J, Ziegler, Amanda F, Kremenetskaia, Antonina, Mah, Christopher L, Mooi, Rich, O'Hara, Tim, Pawson, David L, Roux, Michel & Smith, Craig R, 2017, Megafauna of the UKSRL exploration contract area and eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone in the Pacific Ocean: Echinodermata, Biodiversity Data Journal 5, pp. 11794-11794 : 11794 11794
Holasteroida   new species  Agassiz, A., 1879, Preliminary report on the Echini of the exploring expedition of H. M. S. " Challenger, " Sir C. Wyville Thomson chief of civilian staff, Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 14, pp. 190-212 : 206 206
Holasteroida   new species  Agassiz, A., 1879, Preliminary report on the Echini of the exploring expedition of H. M. S. " Challenger, " Sir C. Wyville Thomson chief of civilian staff, Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 14, pp. 190-212 : 205 205
Pourtalesia alcocki     Filander, Zoleka & Griffiths, Charles, 2017, Illustrated guide to the echinoid (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) fauna of South Africa, Zootaxa 4296 (1), pp. 1-72 : 55-56 55-56
Cystocrepis     Amon, Diva J, Ziegler, Amanda F, Kremenetskaia, Antonina, Mah, Christopher L, Mooi, Rich, O'Hara, Tim, Pawson, David L, Roux, Michel & Smith, Craig R, 2017, Megafauna of the UKSRL exploration contract area and eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone in the Pacific Ocean: Echinodermata, Biodiversity Data Journal 5, pp. 11794-11794 : 11794 11794
Echinocrepis     Amon, Diva J, Ziegler, Amanda F, Kremenetskaia, Antonina, Mah, Christopher L, Mooi, Rich, O'Hara, Tim, Pawson, David L, Roux, Michel & Smith, Craig R, 2017, Megafauna of the UKSRL exploration contract area and eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone in the Pacific Ocean: Echinodermata, Biodiversity Data Journal 5, pp. 11794-11794 : 11794 11794