Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 302-304
302-304 |
Platynaspis flavoguttata
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 304-306
304-306 |
Platynaspis khalaa
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 306
306 |
Platynaspis lewisii
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 306-307
306-307 |
Platynaspis octoguttata
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 307-308
307-308 |
Platynaspis samcha
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 310
310 |
Platynaspis saundersii
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 312-314
312-314 |
Platynaspis variegata
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 314
314 |
Platynaspis trimaculata
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 316-317
316-317 |
Platynaspis wittmeri
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 317
317 |
Platynaspis angulimaculata
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 317
317 |
Platynaspis ocellimaculata
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 317
317 |
Platynaspis angulimaculata
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 325
325 |
Platynaspis flavoguttata
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 325
325 |
Platynaspis khalaa
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 325
325 |
Platynaspis lewisii
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 325
325 |
Platynaspis ocellimaculata
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 325
325 |
Platynaspis octoguttata
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 325
325 |
Platynaspis samcha
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 325
325 |
Platynaspis saundersii
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 325
325 |
Platynaspis trimaculata
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 325
325 |
Platynaspis variegata
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 325
325 |
Platynaspis wittmeri
Poorani, J., 2023, A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh, Zootaxa 5256 (4), pp. 301-328
: 325
325 |
Platynaspis luteorubra
Najajrah, Mohammad H., Swaileh, Khalid M. & Qumsiyeh, Mazin B., 2019, Systematic list, geographic distribution and ecological significance of lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) from the West Bank (Central Palestine), Zootaxa 4664 (1), pp. 1-46
: 19
19 |
Platynaspis flavoguttata
Poorani, J., 2014, Redescription of Platynaspisflavoguttata (Gorham) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) and notes on nomenclature of Platynaspiskapuri Chakraborty & Biswas, Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1096-1096
: 1096
1096 |
Platynaspis luteorubra
Fernández, José Manuel Diéguez & Valcárcel, Javier Pérez, 2019, FRAGMENTA ENTOMOLOGICA Datos inéditos de Coleoptera de Galicia (N. O. de la Península Ibérica)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 21, pp. 93-101
: 96
96 |
Platynaspis luteorubra
Wargé, Laurent, 2022, Les Coccinellidae du secteur écologique sambro-condrusien (Belgique, Région wallonne). État des connaissances et premiers résultats de prospections (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 131, pp. 1-71
: 12-13
12-13 |
Platynaspis capicola
Hounkpati, Kwevitoukoui, McHugh, Joseph V., Niang, Abdoul Aziz & Goergen, Georg, 2020, Documenting museum records of West African Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) in Benin and Senegal, Biodiversity Data Journal 8, pp. 47340-47340
: 47340
47340 |
Platynaspis kapuri
Poorani, J., 2014, Redescription of Platynaspisflavoguttata (Gorham) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) and notes on nomenclature of Platynaspiskapuri Chakraborty & Biswas, Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1096-1096
: 1096
1096 |
Hydraena platynaspis
Ertorun, Nesil, Jäch, Manfred A., Kasapoġlu, Ahmet & Darilmaz, Mustafa C., 2011, Checklist of the Hydraenidae (Coleoptera) of Turkey, with notes on distribution, Zootaxa 3055 (1), pp. 22-42
: 25-26
25-26 |
Platynaspis pilosa
Hounkpati, Kwevitoukoui, McHugh, Joseph V., Niang, Abdoul Aziz & Goergen, Georg, 2020, Documenting museum records of West African Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) in Benin and Senegal, Biodiversity Data Journal 8, pp. 47340-47340
: 47340
47340 |
Platynaspis flavoguttata
Poorani, J., 2014, Redescription of Platynaspisflavoguttata (Gorham) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) and notes on nomenclature of Platynaspiskapuri Chakraborty & Biswas, Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1096-1096
: 1096
1096 |
Platynaspis luteorubra
Klausnitzer, Bernhard, 2007, R K (1902 - 1946) und seine grundlegenden Arbeiten über Coccinellidae und die Larven der Coleoptera *, Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 57 (2), pp. 401-418
: 413-418
413-418 |
Platynaspis ferruginea
Hounkpati, Kwevitoukoui, McHugh, Joseph V., Niang, Abdoul Aziz & Goergen, Georg, 2020, Documenting museum records of West African Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) in Benin and Senegal, Biodiversity Data Journal 8, pp. 47340-47340
: 47340
47340 |
Platynaspis kapuri
Poorani, J., 2014, Redescription of Platynaspisflavoguttata (Gorham) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) and notes on nomenclature of Platynaspiskapuri Chakraborty & Biswas, Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1096-1096
: 1096
1096 |
Platynaspis luteorubra
SZAWARYN, Karol, CERYNGIER, Piotr & ROMANOWSKI, Jerzy, 2018, New data on the distribution of ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in the eastern part of the Baltic Coast region in Poland, Fragmenta Faunistica 61 (1), pp. 39-53
: 49
49 |
Platynaspis vittigera
Hounkpati, Kwevitoukoui, McHugh, Joseph V., Niang, Abdoul Aziz & Goergen, Georg, 2020, Documenting museum records of West African Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) in Benin and Senegal, Biodiversity Data Journal 8, pp. 47340-47340
: 47340
47340 |
Platynaspis rufipennis
Hounkpati, Kwevitoukoui, McHugh, Joseph V., Niang, Abdoul Aziz & Goergen, Georg, 2020, Documenting museum records of West African Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) in Benin and Senegal, Biodiversity Data Journal 8, pp. 47340-47340
: 47340
47340 |
Platynaspis kollari
Hounkpati, Kwevitoukoui, McHugh, Joseph V., Niang, Abdoul Aziz & Goergen, Georg, 2020, Documenting museum records of West African Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) in Benin and Senegal, Biodiversity Data Journal 8, pp. 47340-47340
: 47340
47340 |
Hydraena platynaspis
Ertorun, Nesil, Jäch, Manfred A., Kasapoġlu, Ahmet & Darilmaz, Mustafa C., 2011, Checklist of the Hydraenidae (Coleoptera) of Turkey, with notes on distribution, Zootaxa 3055 (1), pp. 22-42
: 32
32 |
Platynaspis obscura
Hounkpati, Kwevitoukoui, McHugh, Joseph V., Niang, Abdoul Aziz & Goergen, Georg, 2020, Documenting museum records of West African Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) in Benin and Senegal, Biodiversity Data Journal 8, pp. 47340-47340
: 47340
47340 |