Mallota tricolor
Żóralski, Robert, Mielczarek, Łukasz, Skitek, Artur & Trzciński, Paweł, 2022, Review of the genus Mallota Meigen, 1822 (Diptera, Syrphidae) in Poland. Przegląd rodzaju Mallota Meigen, 1822 (Diptera, Syrphidae) w Polsce, Dipteron (Oxford, England) 38 (4), pp. 47-63
: 47-63
47-63 |
Meyer, Marc De, Goergen, Georg, Midgley, John & Jordaens, Kurt, 2024, On the identity of the Afrotropical species of Mallota Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 958 (1), pp. 242-290
: 268
268 |
Mallota florea
Montoya, Augusto L., 2016, FAMILY SYRPHIDAE, Zootaxa 4122 (1), pp. 457-537
: 496
496 |
Mallota eurasiatica
Mutin, V. A. & Barkalov, A. V., 2018, Hover-flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of the Bolshoi Khekhtsir Ridge, Khabarovskii krai, Russia, Far Eastern Entomologist 349, pp. 17-27
: 20
20 |
Mallota fuciformis
Vujić, Mihailo & Šćiban, Marko, 2024, Big-headed Lagoon Fly, Eristalinus megacephalus, found for the second time in Serbia, and new records of some rare Eristalini (Diptera: Syrphidae), Fragmenta entomologica 56 (2), pp. 257-260
: 260
260 |
Meyer, Marc De, Goergen, Georg, Midgley, John & Jordaens, Kurt, 2024, On the identity of the Afrotropical species of Mallota Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 958 (1), pp. 242-290
: 256
256 |
Meyer, Marc De, Goergen, Georg, Midgley, John & Jordaens, Kurt, 2024, On the identity of the Afrotropical species of Mallota Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 958 (1), pp. 242-290
: 248-249
248-249 |
Mallota wyatti
sp. nov.
Meyer, Marc De, Goergen, Georg, Midgley, John & Jordaens, Kurt, 2024, On the identity of the Afrotropical species of Mallota Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 958 (1), pp. 242-290
: 270-275
270-275 |
Meyer, Marc De, Goergen, Georg, Midgley, John & Jordaens, Kurt, 2024, On the identity of the Afrotropical species of Mallota Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 958 (1), pp. 242-290
: 249
249 |
Mallota hirsuta
Meyer, Marc De, Goergen, Georg, Midgley, John & Jordaens, Kurt, 2024, On the identity of the Afrotropical species of Mallota Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 958 (1), pp. 242-290
: 249-252
249-252 |
Mallota hircus
sp. nov.
Meyer, Marc De, Goergen, Georg, Midgley, John & Jordaens, Kurt, 2024, On the identity of the Afrotropical species of Mallota Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 958 (1), pp. 242-290
: 263-265
263-265 |
new species
Meigen, Johann Wilhelm, 1822, Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten. Dritter Theil, Schultz-Wundermann
: -1
-1 |
Mallota cimbiciformis
Vujić, Mihailo & Šćiban, Marko, 2024, Big-headed Lagoon Fly, Eristalinus megacephalus, found for the second time in Serbia, and new records of some rare Eristalini (Diptera: Syrphidae), Fragmenta entomologica 56 (2), pp. 257-260
: 259-260
259-260 |
Mallota cimbiciformis
Heimburg, Helge, Doczkal, Dieter & Holzinger, Werner E., 2022, A checklist of the hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of Austria, Zootaxa 5115 (2), pp. 151-209
: 170
170 |
Mallota fuciformis
Żóralski, Robert, Mielczarek, Łukasz, Skitek, Artur & Trzciński, Paweł, 2022, Review of the genus Mallota Meigen, 1822 (Diptera, Syrphidae) in Poland. Przegląd rodzaju Mallota Meigen, 1822 (Diptera, Syrphidae) w Polsce, Dipteron (Oxford, England) 38 (4), pp. 47-63
: 47-63
47-63 |
Pheidole mallota
new species
Wilson, E. O., 2003, Pheidole in the New World. A dominant, hyperdiverse ant genus., Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
: 449
449 |
Mallota fuciformis
Heimburg, Helge, Doczkal, Dieter & Holzinger, Werner E., 2022, A checklist of the hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of Austria, Zootaxa 5115 (2), pp. 151-209
: 170
170 |
Mallota cimbiciformis
Borodina, Olga & Borodin, Oleg, 2023, Syrphidae (Brachycera: Diptera) Of Latvia: Current Status Of Study In The Regional Aspect, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 23 (1), pp. 75-101
: 81
81 |
Mallota tricolor
Borodina, Olga & Borodin, Oleg, 2023, Syrphidae (Brachycera: Diptera) Of Latvia: Current Status Of Study In The Regional Aspect, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 23 (1), pp. 75-101
: 81
81 |
Mallota extrema
Meyer, Marc De, Goergen, Georg, Midgley, John & Jordaens, Kurt, 2024, On the identity of the Afrotropical species of Mallota Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 958 (1), pp. 242-290
: 268-270
268-270 |
Montoya, Augusto L., 2016, FAMILY SYRPHIDAE, Zootaxa 4122 (1), pp. 457-537
: 493
493 |
Mallota mystacia
Montoya, Augusto L., 2016, FAMILY SYRPHIDAE, Zootaxa 4122 (1), pp. 457-537
: 493
493 |
Mallota fuciformis
Pétremand, Gaël, Cosandey, Vivien, Freitag, Anne, Reymond, Alain, Walter, Florian & Breitenmoser, Stève, 2023, L’entomofaune de la réserve naturelle Pro Natura « Au Chevry » (Trélex, Vaud), Entomo Helvetica 16, pp. 145-172
: 153-155
153-155 |
Mallota dusmeti
Ricarte, Antonio, Marcos-García, M Angeles, Pérez-Bañón, Celeste & Rotheray, Graham E., 2007, The early stages and breeding sites of four rare saproxylic hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Spain, Journal of Natural History 41 (25 - 28), pp. 1717-1730
: 1721-1722
1721-1722 |
Mallota fuciformis
Speight, Martin C. D., Athanasiades, Anouk, Bessat, Marie, Carvalho, Abby - Gaëlle De, Faye, Jean - David, Fleury, Dominique, Monod, Vinciane, Nicolas, Karel, Passaseo, Aurelia, Petremand, Gaël, Rochefort, Sophie & Castella, Emmanuel, 2019, Révision de la liste des Diptères Syrphidae du canton de Genève, incluant cinq espèces nouvelles pour la Suisse, Entomo Helvetica 12, pp. 87-98
: 91
91 |
Mallota cimbiciformis
Schlüsslmayr, Gerhard, 2021, Erstnachweise und bemerkenswerte Funddaten von Fliegen (Diptera, Brachycera) für Österreich und seine Bundesländer III, Linzer biologische Beiträge 53 (1), pp. 293-412
: 324
324 |
Mallota fuciformis
Kočić, Anja, Vujić, Ante, Tot, Tamara, Milosavljević, Marina Janković & Groot, Maarten De, 2023, An updated checklist of the hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of Slovenia, Zootaxa 5297 (2), pp. 189-227
: 202
202 |
Mallota aperta
Meyer, Marc De, Goergen, Georg, Midgley, John & Jordaens, Kurt, 2024, On the identity of the Afrotropical species of Mallota Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 958 (1), pp. 242-290
: 253-256
253-256 |
new species
Hirooka, Takuto, Maruyama, Munetoshi & Thompson, F. Christian, 2015, Revision of the Flower Fly Genus Mallota Meigen, 1822 (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Japan, Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 21, No. 2, pp. 241-258
: 246
246 |
Mallota colombii
Montoya, Augusto L., 2016, FAMILY SYRPHIDAE, Zootaxa 4122 (1), pp. 457-537
: 493
493 |
new species
Hirooka, Takuto, Maruyama, Munetoshi & Thompson, F. Christian, 2015, Revision of the Flower Fly Genus Mallota Meigen, 1822 (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Japan, Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 21, No. 2, pp. 241-258
: 254
254 |
Mallota tricolor
Mutin, V. A. & Barkalov, A. V., 2018, Hover-flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of the Bolshoi Khekhtsir Ridge, Khabarovskii krai, Russia, Far Eastern Entomologist 349, pp. 17-27
: 20
20 |
Mallota bicolor
Mutin, V. A. & Barkalov, A. V., 2018, Hover-flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of the Bolshoi Khekhtsir Ridge, Khabarovskii krai, Russia, Far Eastern Entomologist 349, pp. 17-27
: 20
20 |
Mallota inversa
Montoya, Augusto L., 2016, FAMILY SYRPHIDAE, Zootaxa 4122 (1), pp. 457-537
: 493
493 |
Mallota meromacrimima
Meyer, Marc De, Goergen, Georg, Midgley, John & Jordaens, Kurt, 2024, On the identity of the Afrotropical species of Mallota Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 958 (1), pp. 242-290
: 252-253
252-253 |
Mallota aenigma
Meyer, Marc De, Goergen, Georg, Midgley, John & Jordaens, Kurt, 2024, On the identity of the Afrotropical species of Mallota Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 958 (1), pp. 242-290
: 265-267
265-267 |
Meyer, Marc De, Goergen, Georg, Midgley, John & Jordaens, Kurt, 2024, On the identity of the Afrotropical species of Mallota Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 958 (1), pp. 242-290
: 253
253 |
Mallota dasyops
Meyer, Marc De, Goergen, Georg, Midgley, John & Jordaens, Kurt, 2024, On the identity of the Afrotropical species of Mallota Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 958 (1), pp. 242-290
: 256-259
256-259 |
Mallota stipulata
sp. nov.
Meyer, Marc De, Goergen, Georg, Midgley, John & Jordaens, Kurt, 2024, On the identity of the Afrotropical species of Mallota Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 958 (1), pp. 242-290
: 280-285
280-285 |
Montoya, Augusto L., 2016, FAMILY SYRPHIDAE, Zootaxa 4122 (1), pp. 457-537
: 493
493 |
Mallota cimbiciformis
Żóralski, Robert, Mielczarek, Łukasz, Skitek, Artur & Trzciński, Paweł, 2022, Review of the genus Mallota Meigen, 1822 (Diptera, Syrphidae) in Poland. Przegląd rodzaju Mallota Meigen, 1822 (Diptera, Syrphidae) w Polsce, Dipteron (Oxford, England) 38 (4), pp. 47-63
: 47-63
47-63 |
Mallota glabra
sp. nov.
Meyer, Marc De, Goergen, Georg, Midgley, John & Jordaens, Kurt, 2024, On the identity of the Afrotropical species of Mallota Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 958 (1), pp. 242-290
: 259-263
259-263 |
Fuhrmann, Juares & Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Z., 2017, Macrodactylini (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae): primary types of type species and taxonomic changes to the generic classification, European Journal of Taxonomy 350, pp. 1-71
: 36
36 |
Mallotarsus spadiceus
Fuhrmann, Juares & Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Z., 2017, Macrodactylini (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae): primary types of type species and taxonomic changes to the generic classification, European Journal of Taxonomy 350, pp. 1-71
: 36-37
36-37 |