Eupithecia subfuscata, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 6 Treatments

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Eupithecia subfuscata     Aistleitner, E., 2012, Blütenspanner aus Vorarlberg, Austria occ., dem Fürstentum Liechtenstein und dem angrenzenden Graubünden (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Eupitheciini) Zum Gedenken an den Vorarlberger Amateur-Entomologen Johann Battisti, 1898 - 1979, Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (2), pp. 885-926 : 909-910 909-910
Eupithecia subfuscata     Schmidt, Olga, 2016, Records of larentiine moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) collected at the Station Linne in Sweden, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 7304-7304 : 7304 7304
Eupithecia subfuscata     Manceñido-González, David César, 2020, Catálogo actualizado y nuevos datos de los macroheteróceros de la provincia de León (NO España), VI (Insecta: Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 22, pp. 53-75 : 68 68
Eupithecia subfuscata     Schmidt, Olga, 2020, The structure and musculature of male terminalia in the Palaearctic and Indo- Australian species of the eupitheciine genera Eupithecia Curtis, Gymnoscelis Mabille, and Pasiphila Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Larentiinae), Zootaxa 4896 (2), pp. 224-238 : 225-226 225-226
Eupithecia subfuscata     Mironov, Vladimir & Galsworthy, Anthony, 2014, A survey of Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Larentiinae) in Mongolia with descriptions of two new species, Zootaxa 3774 (2), pp. 101-130 : 128 128
Eupithecia subfuscata     Schmidt, Olga, 2016, Records of larentiine moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) collected at the Station Linne in Sweden, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 7304-7304 : 7304 7304