Cymbella affinis subsp. var. var. excisa
Silva, Weliton Jose da, Jahn, Regine, Ludwig, Thelma Alvim Veiga, Hinz, Friedel & Menezes, Mariangela, 2015, Typification and taxonomic status re-evaluation of 15 taxon names within the species complex Cymbella affinis / tumidula / turgidula (Cymbellaceae, Bacillariophyta), PhytoKeys 53, pp. 1-25
: 3-4
3-4 |
Cymbella affinis
Silva, Weliton Jose da, Jahn, Regine, Ludwig, Thelma Alvim Veiga, Hinz, Friedel & Menezes, Mariangela, 2015, Typification and taxonomic status re-evaluation of 15 taxon names within the species complex Cymbella affinis / tumidula / turgidula (Cymbellaceae, Bacillariophyta), PhytoKeys 53, pp. 1-25
: 3
3 |
Cymbella affinis subsp. var. var. angusta
comb. nov.
Silva, Weliton Jose da, Jahn, Regine, Ludwig, Thelma Alvim Veiga, Hinz, Friedel & Menezes, Mariangela, 2015, Typification and taxonomic status re-evaluation of 15 taxon names within the species complex Cymbella affinis / tumidula / turgidula (Cymbellaceae, Bacillariophyta), PhytoKeys 53, pp. 1-25
: 5
5 |
Cymbella affinis subsp. var. var. neoprocera
nom. nov.
Silva, Weliton Jose da, Jahn, Regine, Ludwig, Thelma Alvim Veiga, Hinz, Friedel & Menezes, Mariangela, 2015, Typification and taxonomic status re-evaluation of 15 taxon names within the species complex Cymbella affinis / tumidula / turgidula (Cymbellaceae, Bacillariophyta), PhytoKeys 53, pp. 1-25
: 4-5
4-5 |
Cymbella affinis subsp. var. var. subcapitata
comb. nov.
Silva, Weliton Jose da, Jahn, Regine, Ludwig, Thelma Alvim Veiga, Hinz, Friedel & Menezes, Mariangela, 2015, Typification and taxonomic status re-evaluation of 15 taxon names within the species complex Cymbella affinis / tumidula / turgidula (Cymbellaceae, Bacillariophyta), PhytoKeys 53, pp. 1-25
: 5-6
5-6 |