-5.577778, 54.39389: 10 Treatments

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Acanthochitona discrepans     Voncina, Katarzyna, Mikkelsen, Nina Therese, Morrow, Christine, Ang, Rory & Sigwart, Julia D., 2023, Clarification of the taxonomic status of Acanthochitona discrepans (Brown, 1827) with new data for the North-East Atlantic Acanthochitona (Polyplacophora, Acanthochitonidae), Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 109554-109554 : 109554 109554
Stelligera stuposa     Morrow, Christine, Cárdenas, Paco, Boury-Esnault, Nicole, Picton, Bernard, Mccormack, Grace, Soest, Rob Van, Collins, Allen, Redmond, Niamh, Maggs, Christine, Sigwart, Julia & Allcock, Louise A., 2019, Integrating morphological and molecular taxonomy with the revised concept of Stelligeridae (Porifera: Demospongiae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 187, pp. 31-81 : 44 44
Nebalia kocatasi     McCormack, Edward & Ashelby and David McGrath, Christopher W., 2016, A review of the Leptostraca of the British Isles with discussion of the genus Sarsinebalia Dahl, Nauplius (e 2016006) 24, pp. 1-19 : 5-6 5-6
Clausia lubbockii     Kim, Il-Hoi, Sikorski, Andrey, O’Reilly, Myles & Boxshall, Geoff A., 2013, Copepods associated with polychaete worms in European seas, Zootaxa 3651 (1), pp. 1-62 : 8-12 8-12
Mesnilia cluthae     Kim, Il-Hoi, Sikorski, Andrey, O’Reilly, Myles & Boxshall, Geoff A., 2013, Copepods associated with polychaete worms in European seas, Zootaxa 3651 (1), pp. 1-62 : 12-15 12-15
Rhodinicola rugosum     Kim, Il-Hoi, Sikorski, Andrey, O’Reilly, Myles & Boxshall, Geoff A., 2013, Copepods associated with polychaete worms in European seas, Zootaxa 3651 (1), pp. 1-62 : 19-23 19-23
Pontocrates arcticus     Myers, Alan A. & Ashelby, Christopher W., 2022, A revision of the genus Pontocrates Boeck, 1871 (Amphipoda, Oedicerotidae) with the description of P. moorei sp. nov. and the re-establishment of P. norvegicus (Boeck, 1860), Zootaxa 5115 (4), pp. 582-598 : 583-586 583-586
Melinnacheres steenstrupi     Boxshall, Geoff A., O’Reilly, Myles, Sikorski, Andrey & Summerfield, Rebecca, 2019, Mesoparasitic copepods (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) associated with polychaete worms in European seas, Zootaxa 4579 (1), pp. 1-69 : 37-39 37-39
Herpyllobius cluthensis   sp. nov.  Boxshall, Geoff A., O’Reilly, Myles, Sikorski, Andrey & Summerfield, Rebecca, 2019, Mesoparasitic copepods (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) associated with polychaete worms in European seas, Zootaxa 4579 (1), pp. 1-69 : 14-16 14-16
Nebalia reboredae     McCormack, Edward & Ashelby and David McGrath, Christopher W., 2016, A review of the Leptostraca of the British Isles with discussion of the genus Sarsinebalia Dahl, Nauplius (e 2016006) 24, pp. 1-19 : 6-7 6-7