Trebacosa europaea
Szűts, Tamás, Zalai, Béla, Villepoux, Olivier, Buchholz, Sascha, Eichardt, János, Zhukovets, Evgeni, Oger, Pierre & Szinetár, Csaba, 2017, On the identity of the Palearctic species of the wolf spider genus Trebacosa (Araneae: Lycosidae), Zootaxa 4216 (4), pp. 384-394
: 387-390
387-390 |
Bimastos rubidus
Shekhovtsov, Sergei V., Derzhinsky, Yevgeniy A., Ermolov, Sergei A., Kim-Kashmenskaya, Maria N., Poluboyarova, Tatiana V., Kotsur, Vladimir M. & Golovanova, Elena V., 2023, Earthworms of Belarus (Annelida: Megadrili), Zootaxa 5255 (1), pp. 38-61
: 52-54
52-54 |
Dendrobaena octaedra
Shekhovtsov, Sergei V., Derzhinsky, Yevgeniy A., Ermolov, Sergei A., Kim-Kashmenskaya, Maria N., Poluboyarova, Tatiana V., Kotsur, Vladimir M. & Golovanova, Elena V., 2023, Earthworms of Belarus (Annelida: Megadrili), Zootaxa 5255 (1), pp. 38-61
: 54-55
54-55 |
Aporrectodea caliginosa
Shekhovtsov, Sergei V., Derzhinsky, Yevgeniy A., Ermolov, Sergei A., Kim-Kashmenskaya, Maria N., Poluboyarova, Tatiana V., Kotsur, Vladimir M. & Golovanova, Elena V., 2023, Earthworms of Belarus (Annelida: Megadrili), Zootaxa 5255 (1), pp. 38-61
: 40-43
40-43 |
Aporrectodea rosea
Shekhovtsov, Sergei V., Derzhinsky, Yevgeniy A., Ermolov, Sergei A., Kim-Kashmenskaya, Maria N., Poluboyarova, Tatiana V., Kotsur, Vladimir M. & Golovanova, Elena V., 2023, Earthworms of Belarus (Annelida: Megadrili), Zootaxa 5255 (1), pp. 38-61
: 43-45
43-45 |
Pseudoplatylabus violentus
M, Alexander, 2015, Ichneumon flies of the tribe Joppocryptini of Palaearctic. Description of new genus Londokia nov. gen. and two new species L. kasparyani nov. sp. and L. leleji nov. sp. (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 47 (2), pp. 1865-1884
: 1869-1871
1869-1871 |
Eudasyphora cyanicolor
Makovetskaya, E. V. & Vikhrev, N. E., 2019, A preliminary list of the Fanniidae and Muscidae (Diptera) of Belarus, Russian Entomological Journal 28 (1), pp. 93-101
: 97
97 |
Octodrilus transpadanus
Shekhovtsov, Sergei V., Derzhinsky, Yevgeniy A., Ermolov, Sergei A., Kim-Kashmenskaya, Maria N., Poluboyarova, Tatiana V., Kotsur, Vladimir M. & Golovanova, Elena V., 2023, Earthworms of Belarus (Annelida: Megadrili), Zootaxa 5255 (1), pp. 38-61
: 52
52 |
Lumbricus rubellus
Shekhovtsov, Sergei V., Derzhinsky, Yevgeniy A., Ermolov, Sergei A., Kim-Kashmenskaya, Maria N., Poluboyarova, Tatiana V., Kotsur, Vladimir M. & Golovanova, Elena V., 2023, Earthworms of Belarus (Annelida: Megadrili), Zootaxa 5255 (1), pp. 38-61
: 46-48
46-48 |
Octolasion lacteum
Shekhovtsov, Sergei V., Derzhinsky, Yevgeniy A., Ermolov, Sergei A., Kim-Kashmenskaya, Maria N., Poluboyarova, Tatiana V., Kotsur, Vladimir M. & Golovanova, Elena V., 2023, Earthworms of Belarus (Annelida: Megadrili), Zootaxa 5255 (1), pp. 38-61
: 50-52
50-52 |