139.15555, 35.144085: 10 Treatments

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Solenysa lanyuensis     Ballarin, Francesco, Liao, Hauchuan, Touyama, Zento & Eguchi, Katsuyuki, 2025, Review of the spider genus Solenysa Simon, 1894 in Western Japan and Central Ryukyu with the description of three new species (Araneae, Linyphiidae), ZooKeys 1232, pp. 97-130 : 97-130 97-130
Antipathozoanthus tubus   sp. nov.  Kise, Hiroki, Obuchi, Masami & Reimer, James Davis, 2021, A new Antipathozoanthus species (Cnidaria, Hexacorallia, Zoantharia) from the northwest Pacific Ocean, ZooKeys 1040, pp. 49-64 : 49 49
Ischnothyreus narutomii     Suzuki, Yuya, Hidaka, Ryota & Tatsuta, Haruki, 2023, Revision of goblin spiders (Araneae: Oonopidae) in the Nansei Islands, Southwest Japan, with description of a new species, Zootaxa 5323 (2), pp. 216-242 : 229-230 229-230
Chimaeriplana japonica   sp. nov.  Oya, Yuki & Hagiya, Morio, 2023, Description of a New Genus of Candimboididae (Polycladida: Acotylea) from the Coast of Sagami Bay, Species Diversity 28 (2), pp. 255-262 : 256-262 256-262
Ventrifossa garmani     Nakayama, Naohide, 2020, Grenadiers (Teleostei: Gadiformes: Macrouridae) of Japan and adjacent waters, a taxonomic monograph, Megataxa 3 (1), pp. 1-383 : 285-289 285-289
Hymenocephalus lethonemus     Nakayama, Naohide, 2020, Grenadiers (Teleostei: Gadiformes: Macrouridae) of Japan and adjacent waters, a taxonomic monograph, Megataxa 3 (1), pp. 1-383 : 210-213 210-213
Amathia brevisilva   sp. nov.  Hirose, M. & Gordon, D. P., 2020, New seriated Amathia species in Japan, with a redescription of A. acervata Lamouroux, 1824 (Bryozoa: Ctenostomata), Zootaxa 4742 (2), pp. 311-331 : 317-320 317-320
Coelichneumon falsificus     Riedel, Matthias & Watanabe, Kyohei, 2021, The genus Coelichneumon Thomson in Japan (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae), Zootaxa 4948 (4), pp. 501-545 : 521-522 521-522
Holthuija cognata   sp. nov.  Ng, Peter K. L. & Forges, Bertrand Richer De, 2015, Revision of the spider crab genus Maja Lamarck, 1801 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Majoidea: Majidae), with descriptions of seven new genera and 17 new species from the Atlantic and Indo-West Pacific, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 63, pp. 110-225 : 161-162 161-162
Trichosia (Trichosia) fumoranea   sp. nov.  Sutou, Mitsuaki & Menzel, Frank, 2025, The genera Mouffetina Frey and Trichosia Winnertz (Diptera, Sciaridae) in Japan with a key for the Japanese species and an updated world checklist, Contributions to Entomology 75 (1), pp. 167-182 : 167-182 167-182