Ostorhinchus cheni
Yoshida, Tomohiro & Motomura, Hiroyuki, 2017, Distributional Range Extension and Live Coloration of the Indo-Pacific Deepwater Cardinalfish Ostorhinchus cheni (Perciformes: Apogonidae), Species Diversity 22, pp. 225-230
: 225-230
225-230 |
Zygantroides serpulidicola
sp. nov.
Oya, Yuki, Tsuyuki, Aoi & Kajihara, Hiroshi, 2020, A New Species of Zygantroides (Platyhelminthes: Polycladida) from Amakusa, Japan, Species Diversity 25, pp. 189-196
: 192-195
192-195 |
Armatoplana albomaculata
sp. nov.
Oya, Yuki, Tsuyuki, Aoi & Kajihara, Hiroshi, 2022, Descriptions of two new species of Armatoplana (Polycladida: Stylochoplanidae) from the coasts of Japan, with their phylogenetic positions in Leptoplanoidea, Zootaxa 5178 (5), pp. 433-452
: 437-440
437-440 |
Parascombrops philippinensis
Schwarzhans, Werner W. & Prokofiev, Artem M., 2017, Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae), Zootaxa 4260 (1), pp. 1-74
: 48-51
48-51 |
Claviramus kyushuensis
Garcia-Garza, Maria Elena, de Leon-Gonzalez, Jesus Angel & Tovar-Hernandez, Maria Ana, 2024, Catalogue of type specimens deposited in the Polychaeta Collection of the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon (Mexico), Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. 118576-118576
: 118576
118576 |
Leptosphaeroma gyoja
sp. nov.
Noda, Akari, Ariyama, Hiroyuki & Tomikawa, Ko, 2025, A new species of the genus Leptosphaeroma (Crustacea: Isopoda: Sphaeromatidae) from Japan, Journal of Natural History 59 (1 - 4), pp. 227-240
: 229-239
229-239 |
Antarctodius japonicus
Ariyama, Hiroyuki, 2021, Five species of the family Odiidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) collected from Japan with descriptions of a new genus and four new species, Zootaxa 5067 (4), pp. 485-516
: 513-515
513-515 |
Thuylamea shiranui
sp. nov.
Komai, Tomoyuki, 2018, A new species of the alpheid shrimp genus Thuylamea Nguyên, 2001 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) from Yatsushiro Sea, Kyushu, Japan, Zootaxa 4378 (3), pp. 387-396
: 388-395
388-395 |
Diognetus vernus
sp. nov.
Yasunaga, Tomohide, Schwartz, Michael D. & Chérot, Frédéric, 2023, Revision of the plant bug genus Diognetus, with descriptions of thirteen new species from the Oriental and Eastern Palearctic Regions (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae) 63 (1), pp. 1-55
: 52-53
52-53 |
Hebius vibakari
Gao, Zong-Yuan, Huang, Jun-Jie, Ding, Li, Jiang, Ke, Mao, Jie & Ren, Jin-Long, 2024, Taxonomic re-evaluation of the subspecies of Hebius vibakari (Boie, 1826) (Reptilia: Serpentes: Natricidae), with new evidence from central and northern China, Zootaxa 5474 (5), pp. 503-521
: 511-518
511-518 |
Pachysternum haemorrhoum
Fikáček, Martin, Jia, Fenglong & Prokin, Alexander, 2012, A review of the Asian species of the genus Pachysternum (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Sphaeridiinae), Zootaxa 3219, pp. 1-53
: 27-31
27-31 |