129.67973, 28.41: 10 Treatments

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Helcogramma inclinata     Tashiro, Satokuni & Motomura, Hiroyuki, 2014, The Validity of Helcogramma ishigakiensis (Aoyagi, 1954) and a Synopsis of Species of Helcogramma from the Ryukyu Islands, Southern Japan (Perciformes: Tripterygiidae), Species Diversity 19, pp. 97-110 : 106-107 106-107
Fibularia coffea   sp. nov.  Tanaka, Hayate, Wakabayashi, Kaori & Fujita, Toshihiko, 2019, A new species of Fibularia from Japanese waters with a redescription of F. japonica and F. ovulum (Echinodermata: Echinoidea: Clypeasteroida), Zootaxa 4543 (2), pp. 241-260 : 244-251 244-251
Lepadichthys misakius     Fujiwara, Kyoji & Motomura, Hiroyuki, 2019, Validity of Lepadichthys misakius (Tanaka 1908) and redescription of Lepadichthys frenatus Waite 1904 (Gobiesocidae: Diademichthyinae), Zootaxa 4551 (3), pp. 275-298 : 279-288 279-288
Enneapterygius phoenicosoma   sp. nov.  Motomura, Hiroyuki, Ota, Ryohei, Meguro, Masatoshi & Tashiro, Satokuni, 2015, Enneapterygius phoenicosoma, a New Species of Triplefin (Tripterygiidae) from the Western Pacific Ocean, Species Diversity 20 (1), pp. 1-12 : 2-10 2-10
Howaia mogera     Ballarin, Francesco & Eguchi, Katsuyuki, 2023, Integrative taxonomic revision of the genera Nesticella and Howaia in Japan with the description of five new species (Araneae, Nesticidae, Nesticellini), ZooKeys 1174, pp. 219-272 : 219 219
Ephucilla yoshitakei   sp. nov.  Okayasu, Juriya, 2020, Velvet ants of the tribe Smicromyrmini Bischoff (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) of Japan, Zootaxa 4723 (1), pp. 1-110 : 66-71 66-71
Stactobiella kumejima   sp. nov.  Ito, Tomiko, 2020, The genus Stactobiella Martynov (Trichoptera, Hydroptilidae) in Japan, Zootaxa 4748 (3), pp. 561-571 : 567-568 567-568
Mimobdella japonica     Nakano, Takafumi, 2013, First Record of Mimobdella japonica (Hirudinida: Arhynchobdellida: Salifidae) from Okinawajima Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, with a Description of the Specimens from the Ryukyu Islands, Species Diversity 18, pp. 99-103 : 100-103 100-103
Solenysa shimatchu   sp. nov.  Ballarin, Francesco, Liao, Hauchuan, Touyama, Zento & Eguchi, Katsuyuki, 2025, Review of the spider genus Solenysa Simon, 1894 in Western Japan and Central Ryukyu with the description of three new species (Araneae, Linyphiidae), ZooKeys 1232, pp. 97-130 : 97-130 97-130
Theridiosoma dissimulatum     Suzuki, Yuya, Hiramatsu, Takehisa & Tatsuta, Haruki, 2022, Two new species and a new genus of ray spiders (Araneae, Theridiosomatidae) from the Ryukyu Islands, southwest Japan, with notes on their natural history, ZooKeys 1109, pp. 67-101 : 67 67