Helcogramma inclinata ( Fowler, 1946 )

Tashiro, Satokuni & Motomura, Hiroyuki, 2014, The Validity of Helcogramma ishigakiensis (Aoyagi, 1954) and a Synopsis of Species of Helcogramma from the Ryukyu Islands, Southern Japan (Perciformes: Tripterygiidae), Species Diversity 19, pp. 97-110 : 106-107

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Felipe (2021-11-29 22:50:13, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-08 08:44:26)

scientific name

Helcogramma inclinata ( Fowler, 1946 )


Helcogramma inclinata ( Fowler, 1946) View in CoL

[Standard Japanese name: Aya-hebigimpo] ( Figs 5E–F View Fig , 6C View Fig ; Table 2)

Enneapterygius inclinatus Fowler, 1946: 191 View in CoL , fig. 55 (type locality: Aguni-jima island , Ryukyu Islands) .

Helcogramma habena Williams and McCormick, 1990: 1020 View in CoL , figs 2, 6A–B, 8 (type locality: Batan Island , Batan Islands, Philippines).

Helcogramma ellioti View in CoL (not of Herre, 1944): Hayashi 1993: 944 (Ryukyu Islands); Hayashi 2000: 1079 (Ryukyu Islands); Kato 2011: 222, unnumbered fig. (Yaku-shima island, Ryukyu Islands).

Helcogramma fuscopinna View in CoL (not of Holleman, 1982): Aizawa 1997: 560, unnumbered fig. (Iriomote-jima island, Ryukyu Islands).

Helcogramma inclinatum: Fricke 1997: 446 View in CoL , fig. 91 (Ishigaki-jima island, Ryukyu Islands); Hayashi 2013: 1282, unnumbered fig. (Yaku-shima and Aguni-jima islands, Ryukyu Islands).

Helcogramma inclinata: Williams and Howe 2003: 164 View in CoL (Aguni-jima island, Ryukyu Islands); Senou et al. 2006: 84 (Ie-jima island, Ryukyu Islands); Motomura et al. 2006: 107, figs 2–4 (Satsuma Peninsula, Kyushu; Yaku-shima island, Ryukyu Islands); Yoshigou and Nakamura 2008: 70 (in part; HMNH-P 5739, 7425, 7426, 8625, and 9023 from Kume-jima and Okinawa-jima islands, Ryukyu Islands); Motomura et al. 2010: 188, fig. 434 (Yaku-shima island, Ryukyu Islands); Tashiro 2013: 294, unnumbered figs (Iou-jima and Take-shima islands, Ryukyu Islands).

Helcogramma nesion View in CoL (not of Williams and Howe, 2003): Yoshigou and Nakamura 2008: 71 (in part; HMNH-P 7945 from Okinawa-jima island, Ryukyu Islands).

Helcogramma sp. : Yoshigou and Nakamura 2008: 71 (in part; HMNH-P 7910 from Okinoerabu-jima island, Ryukyu Islands).

Type material examined. Enneapterygius inclinatus: ANSP 72067 (holotype), male, 26.1 mm SL, Aguni-jima island, Ryukyu Islands, E. Tinkham, 27 July 1945.

Non-type material examined. 107 specimens, 13.5–51.5 mm SL. SATSUMA PENINSULA, KYUSHU: KAUM –I. 4246, female, 50.0 mm SL, Kurose Beach , Kasasa, Minamisatsuma, 31°22′29″N, 130°10′09″E, 2 m depth, M GoogleMaps . Ito , 28 May 2007; KAUM –I . 6522, male, 50.9 mm SL, KAUM –I. 6576, male, 43.0 mm SL, Kurose Beach , Kasasa, Minamisatsuma, 31°22′29″N, 130°10′09″E, 2 m depth, M GoogleMaps . Ito , 9 September 2007 . TAKE-SHIMA ISLAND: KAUM –I . 29668, male, 43.9 mm SL, KAUM –I. 29669, male, 42.5 mm SL, KAUM –I. 29683, male, 13.8 mm SL, KAUM –I. 29684, female, 15.2 mm SL, off south coast of Ombozaki , 30°48′32″N, 130°24′33″E, 5–20 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 29 May 2010; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 37989, male, 45.6 mm SL, off south coast of Ombozaki , 30°48′32″N, 130°24′33″E, 5–20 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 18 May 2011 GoogleMaps . IOU-JIMA ISLAND: KAUM –I . 29529, male, 13.5 mm SL, off west coast, 30°47′04″N, 130°15′42″E, 5–20 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 25 May 2010; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 29592, male, 17.9 mm SL, off west coast, 30°47′04″N, 130°15′42″E, 5–20 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 28 May 2010; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 30625, female, 49.2 mm SL, KAUM –I. 30626, male, 31.3 mm SL, off west coast, 30°47′04″N, 130°15′42″E, 2–22 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 27 June 2010; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 37834, male, 44.2 mm SL, Harumase , 30°46′19″N, 130°16′51″E, 10–15 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 16 May 2011 GoogleMaps . YAKU-SHIMA ISLAND: KAUM –I . 34, male, 44.3 mm SL, Isso , 30°27′26″N, 130°29′18″E, 3 m depth, S GoogleMaps . Harazaki , 20 January 2006; KAUM –I . 11189, male, 43.1 mm SL, KAUM –I. 11190, female, 42.7 mm SL, KAUM –I. 11242, female, 44.0 mm SL, KAUM –I. 11243, female, 41.0 mm SL, KAUM –I. 11763, male, 32.3 mm SL, south of Kamazenohana , Kurio, 30°16′03″N, 130°24′52″E, 0–3 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 10 August 2008; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 11424, male, 50.8 mm SL, KAUM –I. 11425, female, 50.3 mm SL, KAUM –I. 11426, male, 34.4 mm SL, KAUM –I. 11427, female, 36.5 mm SL, KAUM –I. 11428, female, 24.9 mm SL, KAUM –I. 11731, female, 28.0 mm SL, KAUM –I. 11732, female, 46.6 mm SL, KAUM –I. 11733, female, 36.5 mm SL, KAUM –I. 11734, female, 32.2 mm SL, KAUM –I. 11735, female, 42.7 mm SL, KAUM –I. 11736, female, 51.5 mm SL, KAUM –I. 11737, female, 26.5 mm SL, KAUM –I. 11738, female, 25.5 mm SL, KAUM –I. 24443, male, 21.7 mm SL, west of Kamazenohana , Kurio, 30°15′57″N, 130°24′47″E, 0–3 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 12 August 2008; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 11472, female, 26.1 mm SL, KAUM –I. 11473, female, 22.9 mm SL, KAUM –I. 11474, male, 29.9 mm SL, KAUM –I. 11478, male, 23.9 mm SL, Isso , 30°27′23″N, 130°29′59″E, 1–5 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 13 August 2008; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 20192, male, 28.8 mm SL, KAUM –I. 20209, male, 34.8 mm SL, tide pool at west of Yudomari Port , Yudomari, 30°13′58″N, 130°28′19″E, 0–3 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 29 October 2008; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 20348, male, 28.0 mm SL, KAUM –I. 20350, male, 30.6 mm SL, KAUM –I. 20351, male, 39.7 mm SL, southeast of Cape Yahazu , Isso, 30°27′27″N, 130°30′02″E, 1–3 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 31 October 2008; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 21857, male, 24.8 mm SL, KAUM –I. 21858, female, 23.3 mm SL, west of Kamazenohana , Kurio, 30°15′57″N, 130°24′47″E, 0–4 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 30 July 2009; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 38696, male, 41.9 mm SL, south of Yudomari Port , Yudomari, 30°13′55″N, 130°28′19″E, 1–5 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 11 June 2011 GoogleMaps . NAKANO-SHIMA ISLAND: YCM-P 26990, tidepool at Funakura, M . Hayashi , 3 May 1992 . TAKARA- JIMA ISLAND: KAUM – I. 2037, male, 39.4 mm SL, 25 March 1965. AMAMI-OSHIMA ISLAND: KAUM –I . 4126, male, 35.1 mm SL, 4 May 1965; KAUM –I . 17495, male, 44.1 mm SL, KAUM –I. 17496, female, 44.1 mm SL, tidepool at Tsuchihama , Kasari, 28°24′34″N, 129°40′31″E, 0.5–1 m depth, M GoogleMaps . Meguro and T . Yoshida , 27 March . 2009. OKINOERABU-JIMA ISLAND: HMNH-P 7910 , male, 41.1 mm SL, female, 37.8 mm SL, Okidomari Beach, Tina, 2 May 2004; KAUM – I . 2002, male, 49.1 mm SL, July 1962. YORON-JIMA ISLAND: KAUM –I . 40069, male, 20.1 mm SL, off Udonosu Beach , 27°03′43″N, 128°25′02″E, 0.3–1 m depth, M GoogleMaps . Matsunuma , 14 August 2011; KAUM –I . 40103, male, 20.9 mm SL, KAUM –I. 40397, male, 41.5 mm SL, KAUM –I. 44370, male, 32.3 mm SL, KAUM –I. 44371, male, 26.1 mm SL, KAUM –I. 44372, female, 24.9 mm SL, KAUM –I. 44373, male, 24.6 mm SL, KAUM –I. 44374, female, 21.8 mm SL, off southwest coast, 27°01′48″N, 128°24′37″E, 2–10 m depth, M. Meguro and E . Katayama , 17 August 2011; KAUM –I . 45757, male, 33.1 mm SL, off Tomori Fishing Port , 27°01′54″N, 128°24′29″E, 5–10 m depth, M GoogleMaps . Yamashita and T . Yoshida , 15 April 2012; KAUM –I . 45832, male, 34.8 mm SL, off Maehama Beach , 27°01′13″N, 128°24′29″E, 5 m depth, H GoogleMaps . Motomura , 16 April 2012; KAUM –I . 45861, male, 36.8 mm SL, KAUM –I. 45895, male, 35.1 mm SL, KAUM –I. 45896, male, 31.3 mm SL, off Maehama Beach , 27°01′13″N, 128°24′29″E, 3–10 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 17 April 2012; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 47823, male, 42.2 mm SL, off Maehama Beach , 27°01′13″N, 128°24′29″E, 2–8 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 13 August 2012; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 47878, male, 39.8 mm SL, Chabana , 27°03′40″N, 128°25′02″E, 2 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 13 August 2012; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 48144, male, 28.5 mm SL, off Maehama Beach , 27°01′13″N, 128°24′29″E, 1 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 19 August 2012; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 50844, male, 22.8 mm SL, KAUM –I. 50848, male, 26.7 mm SL, KAUM –I. 50850, female, 23.0 mm SL, KAUM –I. 50851, female, 23.0 mm SL, KAUM –I. 50852, male, 20.9 mm SL, Chabana , 27°03′40″N, 128°25′02″E, 2–3 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 20 August 2012; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 50863, male, 38.0 mm SL, Chabana , 27°03′40″N, 128°25′02″E, 15–17 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 21 August 2012; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 51239, female, 30.1 mm SL, KAUM –I. 51243, female, 31.3 mm SL, off Maehama Beach , 27°01′13″N, 128°24′29″E, 3–5 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 23 October 2012; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 51241, male, 37.6 mm SL, Chabana , 27°03′40″N, 128°25′02″E, 2 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 23 October 2012; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 51339, male, 27.4 mm SL, off Ritcho , 27°01′20″N, 128°25′47″E, 10 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 24 October 2012; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 51376, female, 29.7 mm SL, Chabana , 27°03′40″N, 128°25′02″E, 8 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 25 October 2012; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 51399, male, 34.1 mm SL, KAUM –I. 51400, male, 25.5 mm SL, KAUM –I. 51401, male, 24.1 mm SL, Chabana , 27°03′40″N, 128°25′02″E, 8 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 26 October 2012; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 51455, female, 31.4 mm SL, KAUM –I. 51456, female, 28.6 mm SL, KAUM –I. 51457, female, 27.8 mm SL, KAUM –I. 51458, female, 23.5 mm SL, KAUM –I. 51558, male, 32.8 mm SL, KAUM –I. 51559, male, 36.7 mm SL, KAUM –I. 51560, male, 34.5 mm SL, KAUM –I. 51586, male, 39.0 mm SL, off Maehama Beach , 27°01′13″N, 128°24′29″E, 2–8 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 29 October 2012; KAUM –I GoogleMaps . 51470, female, 30.5 mm SL, Chabana , 27°03′40″N, 128°25′02″E, 8 m depth, KAUM Fish Team, 27 October 2012 GoogleMaps . OKINAWA-JIMA ISLAND: HMNH-P 5515 , male, 32.6 mm SL, Giizabanda , Asato , Yaese , 10 August 2002; HMNH-P 7425 , female, 42.7 mm SL, HMNH-P 7426 , male, 30.0 mm SL, Komesu Beach, Itoman, 27 December 2003; HMNH-P 8625 , 2 males, 36.4–45.7 mm SL, 3 females, 32.0– 40.5 mm SL, Odo Beach, Itoman, 12 December 2004; HMNH-P 9023 , 3 females, 34.3–38.2 mm SL, Akasaki Beach, Kunigami, 31 December 2005 . KUME-JIMA ISLAND: HMNH-P 5739 , male, 22.1 mm SL, beach near Kume Airport, 13 August 2002 .

Diagnosis. A species of Helcogramma with the following combination of characters: 13–16 (rarely 13; usually 15) second dorsal-fin spines; 22–35 pored lateral-line scales; 5–10 symphyseal mandibular pores; anterior nostril tentacle unbranched; orbital tentacle simple; nape scaled; lower half of head (area bounded by snout, ventral margin of orbit, and preopercular margin) black; bright blue stripe extending from anterior part of upper lip, through ventral margin of orbit, to preopercular margin; all fins and body black (all color descriptions for mature males only).

Distribution. Helcogramma inclinata is distributed in the western Pacific Ocean, where it ranges from southern Japan to the Philippines ( Fricke 1997; Williams and Howe 2003). In Japan, this species has been collected from the Satsuma Peninsula in southern Kyushu and from Takeshima, Iou-jima, Yaku-shima, Nakano-shima, Takara-jima, Yoron-jima, Okinawa-jima, and Kume-jima islands in the Ryukyu Islands. In addition, this species has been recorded elsewhere in the central and southern Ryukyu Islands: i.e., Ie-jima ( Senou et al. 2006), Aguni-jima ( Fowler 1946), Ishigaki-jima ( Fricke 1997), and Iriomote-jima ( Aizawa 1997) islands. Helcogramma inclinata usually inhabits rocky reefs at depths of 3– 8 m.

Remarks. Helcogramma inclinata , belonging to the H. fuscopinna species group (sensu Fricke 1997), is distinguished from all other members of the group by its usually having 15 second dorsal-fin rays, 5–10 symphyseal mandibular pores, and a scaled nape, and by its mature male coloration (e.g., lower head, body, and all fins black).

Motomura et al. (2006) reported H. inclinata from the southern end of the Satsuma Peninsula, on the basis of an underwater photograph only, as the northernmost record for the species. Two of our specimens (KAUM–I. 4246, 50.0 mm SL; KAUM–I. 6522, 50.9 mm SL) collected from Kasasa, Minamisatsuma, on the west coast of Satsuma Peninsula, represent a northward distributional range extension for H. inclinata .

Aizawa, M. 1997. Tripterygiidae. Pp. 559 - 560, Okamura, O. and Amaoka, K. (Eds) Sea Fishes of Japan. Yama-kei, Tokyo. [In Japanese]

Fowler, H. W. 1946. A collection of the fishes obtained in the Riu Kiu Islands by Captain Ernest R. Tinkham, A. U. S. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 98: 123 - 218.

Fricke, R. 1997. Tripterygiid Fishes of the Western and Central Pacific (Teleostei). Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein, ix + 607 pp.

Hayashi, M. 1993. Tripterygiidae. Pp. 944 - 948, 1351 In: Nakabo, T. (Ed.). Fishes of Japan with Pictorial Keys to the Species. Tokai University Press, Tokyo. [In Japanese]

Hayashi, M. 2000. Tripterygiidae. Pp. 1077 - 1086, 1600 - 1601 In: Nakabo, T. (Ed.). Fishes of Japan with Pictorial Keys to the Species. Second Edition. Tokai University Press, Tokyo. [In Japanese]

Hayashi, M. 2013. Tripterygiidae. Pp. 1280 - 1290, 2097 - 2099 In: Nakabo, T. (Ed.). Fishes of Japan with Pictorial Keys to the Species. Third Edition. Tokai University Press, Tokyo. [In Japanese]

Herre, A. W. C. T. 1944. Notes on fishes in the Zoological Museum of Stanford University. XVII. New fishes from Johore and India. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 57: 45 - 51.

Holleman, W. 1982. Three new species and a new genus of tripterygiid fishes (Blennioidei) from the Indo-West Pacific Ocean. Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums (Natural History) 14 (4): 109 - 137.

Kato, S. 2011. Marine Fishes Illustrated. Seibundo-Shinkosha, Tokyo, 303 pp. [In Japanese]

Motomura, H., Harazaki, S. and Senou, H. 2006. Assessment of standard Japanese names of two triplefins, Helcogramma inclinata and H. nesion (Tripterygiidae), with the northernmost record and newly-recognized diagnostic characters of H. inclinata. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 53 (1): 106 - 109. [In Japanese]

Motomura, H., Kuriiwa, K., Katayama, E., Senou, H., Ogihara, G., Meguro, M., Matsunuma, M., Takaya, Y., Yoshida, T., Yamashita, M., Kimura, S., Endo, H., Murase, A., Iwatsuki, Y., Sakurai, Y., Harazaki, S., Hidaka, K., Izumi, H. and Matsuura, K. 2010. Annotat- ed checklist of marine and estuarine fishes of Yaku-shima Island, Kagoshima southern Japan. Pp. 65 - 247. In: Motomura, H. and Matsuura, K. (Eds), Fishes of Yaku-shima Island - A World Heri- tage Island in the Osumi Group, Kagoshima Prefecture, Southern Japan. National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo.

Senou, H., Kodato, H., Nomura, T. and Yunokawa, K. 2006. Coastal fishes of Ie-jima Island, the Ryukyu Islands, Okinawa, Japan. Bulletin of the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum (Natural Science) 35: 67 - 92.

Williams, J. T. and McCormick, C. J. 1990. Two new species of the triplefin fish genus Helcogramma (Tripterygiidae) from the western Pacific Ocean. Copeia 1990: 1020 - 1030.

Williams, J. T. and Howe, J. C. 2003. Seven new species of the triplefin genus Helcogramma (Tripterygiidae) from the Indo-Pacific. Aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology 7: 151 - 176.

Yoshigou, H. and Nakamura, S. 2008. Cataloge [sic] of fish total specimens preserved in Hiwa Museum for Natural History. Material Reports of the Hiwa Museum for Natural History 8: 1 - 111.

Gallery Image

Fig. 5. Color photographs of fresh (A, C–J) and preserved (B) specimens of Helcogramma in the Ryukyu Islands. Helcogramma aquila, A, HMNH-P 9144, male, 35.0mm SL, B, HMNH-P 4409, female, 32.5mm SL; H. fuscipectoris, C, KAUM–I. 63398, male, 22.6mm SL, D, KAUM–I. 63399, female, 24.2mm SL; H. inclinata, E, KAUM–I. 29669, male, 42.5mm SL, F, KAUM–I. 30625, female, 49.2mm SL; H. rhinoceros, G, KAUM–I. 51381, male, 27.2mm SL; H, KAUM–I. 63467, female, 29.4mm SL; H. striata, I, KAUM–I. 37748, male, 38.5mm SL, J, KAUM–I. 29515, female, 33.5mm SL.

Gallery Image

Fig. 6. Mandibular sensory pore system of species of Helcogramma in the Ryukyu Islands. A, Helcogramma aquila (HMNH-P 9148, male, 34.4mm SL); B, H. fuscipectoris (KAUM–I. 24444, male, 28.7mm SL); C, H. inclinata (KAUM–I. 6522, male, 50.9mm SL); D. H. ishigakiensis (KAUM–I. 17519, male, 50.0mm SL); E, H. rhinoceros (KAUM–I. 32332, male, 26.9mm SL); F, H. striata (KAUM–I. 30110, male, 37.1mm SL). Scale bars 2mm.


Kagoshima University Museum


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics











