-96.8966, 19.2101: 10 Treatments

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Epeolus nomadiformis   sp. nov.  Onuferko, Thomas M., 2019, A review of the cleptoparasitic bee genus Epeolus Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the Caribbean, Central America and Mexico, European Journal of Taxonomy 563, pp. 1-69 : 38-41 38-41
Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) mexicanorum     Mérida-Rivas, Jorge A., Hinojosa-Díaz, Ismael A., Ayala-Barajas, Ricardo, Pozo, Carmen & Vandame, Rémy, 2022, Revision of carpenter bees of the subgenus Neoxylocopa Michener (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from Mexico and Mesoamerica, Zootaxa 5158 (1), pp. 1-67 : 27-30 27-30
Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) nautlana     Mérida-Rivas, Jorge A., Hinojosa-Díaz, Ismael A., Ayala-Barajas, Ricardo, Pozo, Carmen & Vandame, Rémy, 2022, Revision of carpenter bees of the subgenus Neoxylocopa Michener (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from Mexico and Mesoamerica, Zootaxa 5158 (1), pp. 1-67 : 22-26 22-26
Anicius maddisoni   sp. nov.  Guerrero-Fuentes, Dariana R. & Francke, Oscar F., 2019, Taxonomic revision of Anicius Chamberlin, 1925 (Araneae: Salticidae), with five new species of jumping spiders from Mexico, Zootaxa 4638 (4), pp. 485-506 : 501-502 501-502
Symplocos limoncillo     Kelly, Lawrence M., Almeda, Frank & Fritsch, Peter W., 2016, A taxonomic revision of Mexican and Central American Symplocos (Symplocaceae), Phytotaxa 264 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Monstera acuminata     Croat, Thomas B., Cedeño-Fonseca, Marco & Ortiz, Orlando O., 2024, Revision of Monstera (Araceae: Monsteroideae) of Central America, Phytotaxa 656 (1), pp. 1-197 : 16-20 16-20
Mahonia sagrana   sp. nov.  Harber, Julian & Bécquer, Eldis R., 2023, MAHONIA SAGRANA, A NEW SPECIES FROM CUBA, AND LECTOTYPIFICATION OF MAHONIA TENUIFOLIA AND BERBERIS FRAXINIFOLIA FROM MEXICO, Edinburgh Journal of Botany 80 (1961), pp. 1-17 : 4-14 4-14
Justicia amplifolia   nom. nov.  Daniel, Thomas F., 2019, New and Reconsidered Mexican Acanthaceae XIII. Justicia, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 66 (3), pp. 61-85 : 78-83 78-83
Symplocos coccinea     Kelly, Lawrence M., Almeda, Frank & Fritsch, Peter W., 2016, A taxonomic revision of Mexican and Central American Symplocos (Symplocaceae), Phytotaxa 264 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Myrmelachista mexicana     Longino, J. T., 2006, A taxonomic review of the genus Myrmelachista (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Costa Rica., Zootaxa 1141, pp. 1-54 : 39-40 39-40