167.91434, -44.6435: 10 Treatments

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Pseudophycis barbata     Gomon, Martin, Struthers, Carl & Kemp, Jodie, 2021, A review of the Australasian genus Pseudophycis (Gadiformes: Moridae), redescribing its four species and resurrecting the name Physiculus palmatus Klunzinger, 1872, for the Australian Red Cod, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 80, pp. 59-99 : 94 94
Pachycerianthus fiordlandensis   sp. nov.  Stampar, Sérgio N., Mills, V. Sadie & Keable, Stephen J., 2020, Ceriantharia (Cnidaria) from Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica with Descriptions of Four New Species, Records of the Australian Museum 72 (3), pp. 81-100 : 83-85 83-85
Phylladiorhynchus nui   sp. nov.  Schnabel, Kareen E. & Ahyong, Shane T., 2019, The squat lobster genus Phylladiorhynchus Baba, 1969 in New Zealand and eastern Australia, with description of six new species, Zootaxa 4688 (3), pp. 301-347 : 320-329 320-329
Tormus posticalis     Fikáček, Martin, Minoshima, Yûsuke, Vondráček, Dominik, Gunter, Nicole & Leschen, Richard A. B., 2013, Morphology of adults and larvae and integrative taxonomy of southern hemisphere genera Tormus and Afrotormus (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 53 (1), pp. 75-126 : 110-113 110-113
Ushanaia fervens   gen. et sp. nov.  Kessel, Gustav M., Alderslade, Philip, Bilewitch, Jaret P., Schnabel, Kareen E., Norman, Jerry, Potts, Romana Tekaharoa & Gardner, Jonathan P. A., 2022, Dead man’s fingers point to new taxa: two new genera of New Zealand soft corals (Anthozoa, Octocorallia) and a revision of Alcyonium aurantiacum Quoy & Gaimard, 1833, European Journal of Taxonomy 837, pp. 1-85 : 56-62 56-62
Latrunculia (Latrunculia) triverticillata     Samaai, Toufiek, Gibbons, Mark J. & Kelly, Michelle, 2006, Revision of the genus Latrunculia du Bocage, 1869 Porifera: Demospongiae: Latrunculiidae) with descriptions of new species from New Caledonia and the Northeastern Pacific (, Zootaxa 1127 (1), pp. 1-71 : 43-44 43-44
Miotopus richardsi   sp. nov.  Fitness, Josephine L., Morgan-Richards, Mary, Hegg, Danilo & Trewick, Steven A., 2018, Reinstatement of the New Zealand cave wētā genus Miotopus Hutton (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae) and description of a new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 468, pp. 1-24 : 13-20 13-20
Pharmacus cochleatus subsp. fiordensis   subsp. nov.  Hegg, Danilo, Morgan-Richards, Mary & Trewick, Steven A., 2022, High alpine sorcerers: revision of the cave wētā genus Pharmacus Pictet & de Saussure (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae: Macropathinae), with the description of six new species and three new subspecies, European Journal of Taxonomy 808 (1), pp. 1-58 : 31-34 31-34
Pharmacus cristatus   sp. nov.  Hegg, Danilo, Morgan-Richards, Mary & Trewick, Steven A., 2022, High alpine sorcerers: revision of the cave wētā genus Pharmacus Pictet & de Saussure (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae: Macropathinae), with the description of six new species and three new subspecies, European Journal of Taxonomy 808 (1), pp. 1-58 : 35-38 35-38
Natatolana aotearoa   sp. nov.  Keable, Stephen J., 2006, Taxonomic Revision of Natatolana (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae), Records of the Australian Museum 58 (2), pp. 133-244 : 152-155 152-155