24.340834, -32.2075: 12 Treatments

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Sisyrnodytes sericeus     Londt, Jason G. H., 2010, A review of Afrotropical Acnephalum Macquart, 1838, including the reinstatement of Sporadothrix Hermann, 1907 and descriptions of two new genera (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae), African Invertebrates 51 (2), pp. 431-482 : 442-448 442-448
Potamonautes karooensis   sp. nov.  Daniels, Savel R., Busschau, Theo, Gullacksen, Graeme, Marais, Hannes, Gouws, Gavin & Barnes, Aaron, 2023, Cryptic and widespread: a recipe for taxonomic misidentification in a freshwater crab species (Decapoda: Potamonautidae: Potamonautes sidneyi) as evident from species delimitation methods, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 197 (4), pp. 1005-1033 : 1019-1022 1019-1022
Cassida distinguenda     Borowiec, Lech & Świętojańska, Jolanta, 2022, A monograph of the Afrotropical Cassidinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Part 6. Revision of the tribe Cassidini 3, the genus Cassida L., Zootaxa 5171 (1), pp. 1-250 : 56-57 56-57
Afroholopogon uranopia   sp. nov.  Londt, Jason G. H., 2005, A review of afrotropical Afroholopogon Londt, 1994 with the description of a new genus and new species (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae), African Invertebrates 46 (1937), pp. 203-252 : 225-226 225-226
Afromochtherus kolodrilus   sp. nov.  Londt, Jason G. H., 2002, Afrotropical Asilinae (Asilidae): A provisional key to genera, with a review of the status of Neomochtherus Osten Sacken, 1878, and descriptions of new genera and species, African Invertebrates 43, pp. 11-92 : 32-33 32-33
Zyras (Camonia) solitarius     Pace, Roberto, 2008, Aleocharinae della Regione Etiopica al Naturkundemuseum di Erfurt (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 58 (2), pp. 357-397 : 380-386 380-386
Ischiolobos notios   sp. nov.  Londt, Jason G. H., 2005, A review of afrotropical Afroholopogon Londt, 1994 with the description of a new genus and new species (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae), African Invertebrates 46 (1937), pp. 203-252 : 236-237 236-237
Yponomeuta subplumbella     Agassiz, David J. L., 2019, The Yponomeutidae of the Afrotropical region (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutoidea), Zootaxa 4600 (1), pp. 1-69 : 13-14 13-14
Apiocera braunsi     D. K. Yeates, 1994, Revision of African Apiocera (Diptera: Apioceridae), Ann. Natal Mus. 35, pp. 123-131 : 127-128 127-128
Trichardis picta     Londt, Jason G. H., 2008, A review of Afrotropical Trichardis Hermann, 1906, and the description of the first Oriental representative of the genus (Diptera: Asilidae: Laphriinae), African Invertebrates 49 (2), pp. 171-171 : 195-197 195-197
Synolcus acrobaptus     Londt, Jason G. H., 2012, The genus Synolcus Loew, 1858, with descriptions of new species (Diptera: Asilidae), African Invertebrates 53 (2), pp. 661-661 : 665-670 665-670
Trichardis turneri     Londt, Jason G. H., 2008, A review of Afrotropical Trichardis Hermann, 1906, and the description of the first Oriental representative of the genus (Diptera: Asilidae: Laphriinae), African Invertebrates 49 (2), pp. 171-171 : 205-206 205-206