Sisyrnodytes sericeus
Londt, Jason G. H., 2010, A review of Afrotropical Acnephalum Macquart, 1838, including the reinstatement of Sporadothrix Hermann, 1907 and descriptions of two new genera (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae), African Invertebrates 51 (2), pp. 431-482
: 442-448
442-448 |
Enica adelphe
sp. nov.
Rollinson, Lisa & Cabrero, Allan, 2025, Species discovery in Southern African bee flies (Diptera, Bombyliidae): A new species in the revised genus Enica Macquart, 1834, African Invertebrates 66 (1), pp. 73-115
: 73-115
73-115 |
Scrapter albifumus
Davies, G. B. P., Eardley, C. D. & Brothers, D. J., 2005, Eight new species of Scrapter (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Colletidae), with descriptions of S. albifumus and S. amplispinatus females and a major range extension of the genus, African Invertebrates 46, pp. 141-141
: 173-174
173-174 |
Afroptera cylindrata
sp. nov.
Abdalla, Ishtiag H., Mansell, Mervyn W. & Sole, Catherine L., 2019, Revision of the southern African genera Nemopterella Banks and Nemia Navás (Neuroptera: Nemopteridae: Nemopterinae), with descriptions of new genera and species, Zootaxa 4635 (1), pp. 1-89
: 37-39
37-39 |
Nemopterella kabas
sp. nov.
Abdalla, Ishtiag H., Mansell, Mervyn W. & Sole, Catherine L., 2019, Revision of the southern African genera Nemopterella Banks and Nemia Navás (Neuroptera: Nemopteridae: Nemopterinae), with descriptions of new genera and species, Zootaxa 4635 (1), pp. 1-89
: 14-17
14-17 |
Enica syrticola
comb. nov.
Rollinson, Lisa & Cabrero, Allan, 2025, Species discovery in Southern African bee flies (Diptera, Bombyliidae): A new species in the revised genus Enica Macquart, 1834, African Invertebrates 66 (1), pp. 73-115
: 73-115
73-115 |
Pachydactylus haackei
Conradie, Werner, Branch, William R. & Watson, Gillian, 2019, Type specimens in the Port Elizabeth Museum, South Africa, including the historically important Albany Museum collection. Part 2: Reptiles (Squamata), Zootaxa 4576 (1), pp. 1-45
: 15-16
15-16 |
Pedomyia melanothrix
sp. n .
Londt, Jason G. H., 1994, Afrotropical Asilidae (Diptera) 25. A key to the genera of the subfamily Stenopogoninae with new synonymy and descriptions of six new genera, ANNALS OF THE NATAL MUSEUM 35, pp. 71-96
: 89
89 |
Coleophora richtersveldi
sp. nov.
Baldizzone, Giorgio, 2021, On the taxonomy of Afrotropical Coleophoridae (VI). New species of the genus Coleophora Hübner, 1822 from South Africa (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae), Zootaxa 5071 (2), pp. 167-205
: 181
181 |
Afroholopogon undefined-a
Londt, Jason G. H., 2005, A review of afrotropical Afroholopogon Londt, 1994 with the description of a new genus and new species (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae), African Invertebrates 46 (1937), pp. 203-252
: 229
229 |