164.81999, -20.5925: 10 Treatments

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Gossia angustifolia   sp. nov.  Snow, Neil, 2020, A revision of New Caledonian Gossia N. Snow & Guymer (Myrtaceae), Adansonia (3) 42 (7), pp. 131-177 : 138-139 138-139
Diplomphalus     Hausdorf, Bernhard, 2013, Revision of the endemic genera Diplomphalus and Pseudomphalus from New Caledonia (Gastropoda, Rhytididae), Zoosystema 35 (1), pp. 69-88 : 70-84 70-84
Caledomina paniensis   sp. nov.  Johanson, Kjell Arne, 2017, Description of three new species of Caledomina (Insecta, Trichoptera, Ecnomidae) from New Caledonia, European Journal of Taxonomy 352, pp. 1-12 : 2-4 2-4
Dendrobium camaridiorum     Pignal, Marc & Munzinger, Jérôme, 2020, Morphological and anatomical investigation of New Caledonian graminoid Dendrobium (Orchidaceae) with the description of two new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 633, pp. 1-26 : 7-11 7-11
Oecetis ovata   sp. nov.  Johanson, Kjell Arne, Mary, Nathalie Jeanne, Sjöberg, Tin & Malm, Tobias, 2020, Eighteen new species of Oecetis McLachlan 1877 (Trichoptera, Leptoceridae) from New Caledonia, Zootaxa 4809 (2), pp. 201-240 : 231-233 231-233
Oecetis flucta   sp. nov.  Johanson, Kjell Arne, Mary, Nathalie Jeanne, Sjöberg, Tin & Malm, Tobias, 2020, Eighteen new species of Oecetis McLachlan 1877 (Trichoptera, Leptoceridae) from New Caledonia, Zootaxa 4809 (2), pp. 201-240 : 226-227 226-227
Oecetis triramosa   sp. nov.  Johanson, Kjell Arne, Mary, Nathalie Jeanne, Sjöberg, Tin & Malm, Tobias, 2020, Eighteen new species of Oecetis McLachlan 1877 (Trichoptera, Leptoceridae) from New Caledonia, Zootaxa 4809 (2), pp. 201-240 : 224-226 224-226
Oecetis amphora   sp. nov.  Johanson, Kjell Arne, Mary, Nathalie Jeanne, Sjöberg, Tin & Malm, Tobias, 2020, Eighteen new species of Oecetis McLachlan 1877 (Trichoptera, Leptoceridae) from New Caledonia, Zootaxa 4809 (2), pp. 201-240 : 202-204 202-204
Oecetis loyolaensi   sp. nov.  Johanson, Kjell Arne, Mary, Nathalie Jeanne, Sjöberg, Tin & Malm, Tobias, 2020, Eighteen new species of Oecetis McLachlan 1877 (Trichoptera, Leptoceridae) from New Caledonia, Zootaxa 4809 (2), pp. 201-240 : 208 208
Dendrobium finetianum     Pignal, Marc, 2023, Two new species of Dendrobium Sw. from New Caledonia in the section Macrocladium Schltr. and a note about Dendrobium kanakorum Kraenzl., Adansonia (3) 45 (25), pp. 385-393 : 387-388 387-388