13.113, -18.818: 10 Treatments

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Hycleus herero     Bologna, Marco A., Amore, Valentina & Pitzalis, Monica, 2018, Meloidae of Namibia (Coleoptera): taxonomy and faunistics with biogeographic and ecological notes, Zootaxa 4373 (1), pp. 1-141 : 78-80 78-80
Australytta     Bologna, Marco A., Amore, Valentina & Pitzalis, Monica, 2018, Meloidae of Namibia (Coleoptera): taxonomy and faunistics with biogeographic and ecological notes, Zootaxa 4373 (1), pp. 1-141 : 22-23 22-23
Digitonthophagus namaquensis   sp. nov.  Génier, François & Moretto, Philippe, 2017, Digitonthophagus Balthasar, 1959: taxonomy, systematics, and morphological phylogeny of the genus revealing an African species complex (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), Zootaxa 4248 (1), pp. 1-110 : 70-72 70-72
Digitonthophagus viridicollis   sp. nov.  Génier, François & Moretto, Philippe, 2017, Digitonthophagus Balthasar, 1959: taxonomy, systematics, and morphological phylogeny of the genus revealing an African species complex (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), Zootaxa 4248 (1), pp. 1-110 : 54-56 54-56
Homadaula albida     Mey, Wolfram, 2022, Unexpected diversity: ten new species of Homadaula Lower, 1899 from Africa and the Arabian Peninsula (Galacticoidea: Galacticidae), Metamorphosis 33 (1), pp. 21-33 : 22 22
Philodicus tenuipes     Londt, Jason G. H., 2015, A review of the genus Philodicus Loew, 1848 in southern Africa (Diptera: Asilidae), African Invertebrates 56 (3), pp. 747-747 : 762-765 762-765
Geron parvus     Greathead, David J., 2006, New records of Namibian Bombyliidae (Diptera), with notes on some genera and descriptions of new species, Zootaxa 1149 (1), pp. 1-88 : 31 31
Atherigona (Atherigona) lineata subsp. ugandae     Deeming, John C. & Kirk-Spriggs, Ashley H., 2024, A contribution to the knowledge of Namibian Atherigona Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae), with the descriptions of four new species and two new subspecies, Zootaxa 5536 (4), pp. 501-535 : 515-516 515-516
Syllegomydas brincki   n. sp .  Bequaert, Michel, 1959, Chapter XVIII. Diptera (Brachycera): Mydaidae, South African Animal Life (Results of the Lund University Expedition in 1950 - 1951), Lund: Almqvist and Wiksell, pp. 356-372 : 363-367 363-367
Doliogethes chionoleucus     Greathead, David J., 2006, New records of Namibian Bombyliidae (Diptera), with notes on some genera and descriptions of new species, Zootaxa 1149 (1), pp. 1-88 : 45 45