Psechrus argentatus ( Doleschall, 1857 )

Bayer, Steffen, 2012, The lace-sheet-weavers — a long story (Araneae: Psechridae: Psechrus), Zootaxa 3379 (1), pp. 1-170 : 15-20

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Felipe (2021-08-24 09:38:57, last updated 2024-11-29 10:24:50)

scientific name

Psechrus argentatus ( Doleschall, 1857 )


Psechrus argentatus ( Doleschall, 1857) View in CoL

Figs 2a–i View FIGURES 2 , 3a–i View FIGURES 3 , 4a–h View FIGURES 4 , 84a View FIGURES 84 , 87a View FIGURES 87 , 90a View FIGURES 90

Tegenaria argentata Doleschall 1857: 407 (Description of s.a. ♂ and ♀). [Syntype s.a. ♂ (SB 463) from INDONESIA: Maluku Province: Ambon Island; C. L. Doleschall leg. 1855–1857; ‘Eingang: 24.XII.1858, Akquisitions-Nummer: I. 26’; NHMW 12˙384, examined]. Doleschall 1859: 49, pl. 8, fig. 9 (Illustration of ♀). Van Hasselt 1877: 52 (Listing of ♀ sub Tegenaria View in CoL with question mark).

Note: All syntypes of T. argentata except the s.a. male listed above were formerly deposited in RMNH. Among these former syntypes there must have been at least one adult female, which was examined by Van Hasselt (1877), who noted its poor condition. Maybe the other syntypes were of similar bad condition at that point of time. Levi (1982) noted that the ‘holotype’ [sic.] of T. argentata is lost. According to a personal communication of Jeremy Miller and Karen van Dorp, the current curators of the arachnid collection in RMNH, there are no type specimens of T. argentata deposited there. It is possible that they got lost during the confusion of one of the world wars.

Psechrus argentatus View in CoL — Thorell 1878: 171 (Transfer from Tegenaria View in CoL , description of ♀). Thorell 1881: 207 (Description of ♂). Karsch 1891: 275. Simon 1892: 225, fig. 174 (Description of ♂ and ♀, illustration of ♂). Thorell 1897: 101. Simon 1906: 286. Kulczyṅski 1908: 562, pl. 23, fig. 30 (Illustration of ♀). Kulczyṅski 1911: 429. Strand 1911a: 7. Strand 1911b: 131. Berland and Berland 1914: 132. Hogg 1914: 56; 1915: 436. Strand 1915: 191. Sherriffs 1919: 223. Fage 1929: 359. Roewer 1938: 10. Homann 1950: 66. Chrysanthus 1967: 105. Lehtinen 1967: 260, 462, fig. 475 (Illustration of ♂). Robinson and Lubin 1979: 149. Levi 1982: 128, figs 1–6, 62–67 (Description of ♂ and ♀, illustration of ♂ and ♀). Davies and Gallon 1986: 236. Deeleman-Reinhold 2001: 38, fig. 17 (illustration of tarsal tip). Song et al. 2002: 373 (Erroneously listed as fauna element of Singapore). Griswold et al. 2005: 265, figs 164C–D (SEM-photos of ♀), 268, figs 167A–C (SEM-photos of ♂).

Uloborus flavolineatus Rainbow 1898: 333 (Description of ♀). [Holotype ♀ (SB 942) from PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Central Province: Boirave (at Orangerie Bay), 1500 ft.; A. Giulianetti leg. VII/1896; QM W3504; 3 ♀♀ paratypes (SB 943–945), two of which from same locality as holotype, one (not explicitly labelled) from Milne Bay Province: Rossel Island (Louisiade Group); QM W2505-3507, all type material examined via photos of dorsal habitus of the specimens (from holotype and one paratype photo of copulatory organ in detail), which were kindly provided by Robert Raven (QM), who also confirmed the adult nature of all paratype specimens]. Davies and Gallon 1986: 236 (Syn. proposed by V.T. Davies, formal transfer to Psechrus View in CoL ).

Psechrus castaneus Hogg 1914: 56 View in CoL (Description of ♀). [Syntypes: 2 ♀♀ (SB 224, 233), 1 ♂ (SB 225), 1 s.a. ♂ (SB 422), 1 juvenile (SB 423), all from INDONESIA: Papua Province (Southern part): Setakwa river; A.F.R. Wollaston leg. 1912–1913 (Wollaston Expedition in Dutch New Guinea); NHM 1921˙3˙24˙5–8, all type material examined]. Hogg 1915: 434, figs 22a–d (Description & illustration of ♀). Fage 1929: 360. Lehtinen 1967: 260 (Syn. with P. annulatus View in CoL , rejected by subsequent authors). Robinson and Lubin 1979: 149. Levi 1982: 128 (Syn.).

Additional material examined (26 ♂♂, 90 ♀♀, 21 s.a. ♂♂, 22 s.a. ♀♀, 3 p. s.a. ♂♂, 18 p. s.a. ♀♀, 59 juveniles). INDONESIA: Sulawesi: Sulawesi Utara Province: Mt. Sapoetan (Soputan); C. T. Brues leg. VIII.1937; 1 ♀ ( SB 171 ), MCZ 82507 . Sulawesi Selatan Province: Banti, Moerang; C. T. Brues & B.B. Brues leg. VIII.1937; 1 juv. ( SB 558 ), MCZ 82509 . Sulawesi with no further details; 2 ♀♀ ( SB 571–572 ), MNHN AR179. New Guinea: Following material ‘ New Guinea’ (?) with no further details (could also be in Papua New Guinea State); 1 ♂ ( SB 575 ), 1 s.a. ♂ ( SB 576 ), MNHN AR182. 1 ♀ ( SB 701 ), 1 ♂ ( SB 702 ), 1 juv. ( SB 703 ), MIZ F˙792. ‘ Roewer Coll. ’, Roewer det. 1952; 1 ♀ ( SB 81 ), 1 s.a. ♀ ( SB 83 ), 1 p. s.a. ♀ ( SB 1119 ), SMF 10396. Dr. Smend [’ Institut für Schiffs- und Tropenkrankheiten’] leg., ded. 11.X.1907; 24 ♀♀ ( SB 1079–1093 , 1095–1103 ), 1 s.a. ♀ ( SB 1105 ), 1 p. s.a. ♀ ( SB 1104 ), ZMH . Papua Barat Province: Biak Island (near Manokwari); Pers. Kon. Marine; Father Chrysanthus det.; 1 ♂ ( SB104 ) , RMNH 8158. Manokwari, Dorey Bay; A. Raffray leg. 1877; E. Simon det.; 2 ♀♀ ( SB 12 , 573 ) , 1 juv. ( SB 574 ) , MNHN AR189. ‘ Iris-Spitze’; Dr. G. Duncker leg. 14.V.1909; 1 juv. ( SB 1074 ), ZMH. Papua Province: Teba; Dr. Moszkowski leg. 26.V.1910; 1 ♂ ( SB 804 ) , 1 ♀ ( SB 805 ) , 5 juvs ( SB 806–810 ) , ZMB. Jayapura, ‘ Humboldts Bay’; L.E. Cheesman leg. IV.1936; 1 ♂ ( SB 259 ) , NHM 1937˙12˙13˙485. ‘ Humboldts Bay’; G. Pijterka leg.; 1 s.a. ♂ ( SB 717 ) , MIZ. ‘ Humboldts Bay’; L.F. de Beaufort & H.A. Lorentz leg. III.– 17.V.1903; W. Kulczy ṅski det.; Coll. Kulczy ṅski; 1 ♀ ( SB 672 ) , 3 juvs ( SB 673–675 ) , MIZ 46/51U. Genyem (Hollandia); Van der Hammen leg. 13.I.1954; 1 ♀ ( SB 106 ) , RMNH 7213. Bawe; L.F. de Beaufort & H.A. Lorentz leg. 04. III.1903; Coll. Kulczy ṅski; 1 ♂ ( SB 713 ) , MIZ 46/51 U. Orum; L.F. de Beaufort & H.A. Lorentz leg. 21.–23.VII.1903; W. Kulczy ṅski det.; Coll. Kulczy ṅski; 1 ♀ ( SB 676 ) , MIZ 46/51 U. Wendesi; L.F. de Beaufort & H.A. Lorentz leg. 29.–30.VII.1903; W. Kulczy ṅski det.; Coll. Kulczy ṅski; 1 s.a. ♀ ( SB 677 ) , MIZ 46/51 U. Moaif; L.F. de Beaufort & H.A. Lorentz leg. 26.VI.–04.VII.1903; W. Kulczy ṅski det.; Coll. Kulczy ṅski; 1 s.a. ♂ ( SB 678 ) , MIZ 46/51U. Jendei (Ins. Row); 03. III.1903; 1 ♂ ( SB 684 ) , 2 ♀♀ ( SB 682 , 714 ) , 1 s.a. ♀ ( SB 683 ) , 2 s.a. ♂♂ ( SB 685–686 ) , 3 juvs ( SB 687 , 715–716 ) , MIZ F˙673, MIZ F˙793. Malu, „Hauptlager“; Dr. Bürgers leg. 20.I.1913; 1 s.a. ♂ ( SB 802 ) , ZMB. Mt. Nomo (Northern part of Papua Prov.), 600 ft.; L.E. Cheesman leg. II.1936; 1 ♀ ( SB 262 ) , NHM 1937˙12˙13˙182. Takam; Hifob leg. 10.IX.1959; Father Chrysanthus det.; 1 ♀ ( SB 103 ), RMNH 8160. Eastern part of Papua Prov.; Dr. P. Wirz leg. 1923; E. Reimoser det.; 1 p. s.a. ♂ ( SB 415 ) , 1 juv. ( SB 416 ) , ZMA. Mindiptana; Br. Monulf leg. 1958; Father Chrysanthus det.; 1 ♀ ( SB 105 ) , 1 s.a. ♀ ( SB570 ) , 3 s.a. ♂♂ ( SB 567–569 ) , 2 juvs ( SB 565–566 ), RMNH 8157. Nusa Tenggara Timur Province: Flores Island, East of Labuan Bajo, Tobedo, S 08°33'60'', E 120°00'02'', ca. 400 m, rainforest; S. Huber leg. 24. III.2009; 1 ♀ ( SB 138 ), SMF. Flores Island, Road to Mt. Kilimoto ; C.L. Deeleman & J.C. van Kempen leg. 16.VIII.1992; 1 ♀ ( SB 114 ) GoogleMaps , 1 ♂ ( SB 115 ) GoogleMaps , 1 p. s.a. ♀ ( SB 564 ) , Deeleman Coll. in RMNH. Sumba island ; 1 ♀ ( SB 258 ), NHM 1897˙5˙12˙16. Maluku Province: Ambon island (‘ Amboina’), [du Mus. Gen.]; Prof. Cel. O. Beccari leg. 1872–1877; T. Thorell det. 1877; 7 ♀♀ ( SB 594–595 , 597–601 ) , 2 ♂♂ ( SB 596 , 602 ) , 2 s.a. ♀♀ ( SB 592–593 ) , 2 s.a. ♂♂ ( SB 590–591 ) , 3 p. s.a. ♀♀ ( SB 587–589 ) , 2 p. s.a. ♂♂ ( SB 585–586 ) , 8 juvs ( SB 577–584 ) , MNHN AR192-1–2. Ambon, F.C. Muir leg. before 1908; 1 s.a. ♀ ( SB 557 ), MCZ 82517. Ambon , “Gazelle”; 3 juvs ( SB 789–791 ) , ZMB. Pulau Kai-besar ( Kai Islands ), ‘ Gross-Kei’, Elat; H. Merten leg. 11. IV.1908; 2 ♀♀ ( SB 78 , 1136 ), SMF 3129 . H. Merten leg. 02.VI.1908; 4 juvs ( SB 1137–1140 ), SMF 3124 . H. Merten leg. 1914; 1 ♀ ( SB 608 ) , 1 p. s.a. ♀ ( SB 609 ) , 1 juv. ( SB 610 ) , NHMB 631b. Between Elat & Ohilim; H. Merten leg. 08. II.1908; 1 p. s.a. ♀ ( SB 1135 ) , 1 juv. ( SB 1134 ), SMF 3125 . ‘ Kai Islands’, near Erlalaan; H. Merten leg. VI.1908; 1 ♀ ( SB 77 ) , 1 juv. ( SB 1133 ), SMF 3131 &3126. Aru Islands , Penambulei; H. Merten leg. 01. IV.1908; 1 ♀ ( SB 1122 ) , 1 s.a. ♂ ( SB 1123 ), SMF 3130 . Aru Islands, Maikoor & Batoe Bandera; H. Merten leg. 09. IV.1908; 9 juvs ( SB 1124–1132 ), SMF 3127 . PAPUA NEW GUINEA: New Ireland Province: Lemkamin, 900 m, in tree hole, “Noona Dan Exp.” 1961–62; leg. 18. IV.1962; Father Chrysanthus det.; 1 ♂ ( SB 1117 ), 1 p. s.a. ♀ (1118), ZMUC4553 . East Sepik Province: Sepik river (‘ Kaiserin Augusta-Fluss’), ‘ Lager 1’; Dr. J.G. Bürgers leg. 16. IV.1912; 2 ♂♂ ( SB 1107–1108 ) , 3 ♀♀ ( SB 1106 , 1109 , 1114 ) , 3 p. s.a. ♀♀ ( SB 1110–1112 ) , 1 juv. ( SB 1113 ) , ZMB. April river ; Dr. J.G. Bürgers leg. 16–19.XII.1912; 1 ♂ ( SB 803 ), ZMB. Madang Province: Madang (Friedrich-Wilhelm-Hafen); Biro leg. 1896; 1 ♀ ( SB 654 ) , 2 juvs ( SB 655–656 ) , MIZ. ‘Friedrich-Wilhelm-Hafen’; U. Schowe leg.; 1 ♀ ( SB 811 ) , 2 juvs ( SB 812–813 ), ZMB 34963. Erima; 1 ♂ ( SB 700 ) , 4 ♀♀ ( SB 663 , 689–691 ) , 1 s.a. ♂ ( SB 688 ) , 12 juvs ( SB 664–667 , 692–699 ) , MIZ. Stephansort; 1900; W. Kulczy ṅski det., Coll. Kulczy ṅski; 1 ♂ ( SB 719 ) , MIZ. Ramu river ; K. Lauterbach was header of “Ramu-Expedition” 1896–1899; 1 ♀ ( SB 1115 ), ZMB. Morobe Province: Sakar Island ; Dr. G. Duncker leg. 05.V.1909; 1 s.a. ♂ ( SB 1078 ) , ZMH. Huon Peninsula, Mongi Watershed, 1250–1300 m; E.O. Wilson leg. 11.–13. IV.1955; Father Chrysanthus det.; 1 ♀ ( SB 542 ), MCZ 82513. Finschhafen (Sattelberg); 20.–30.IX.1898; W. Kulczy ṅski det.; 2 ♀ ( SB 679 , 718 ) , 1 s.a. ♀ ( SB 681 ) , 1 s.a. ♂ ( SB 680 ) , MIZ F˙700, MIZ F˙261. Lae Botanical Gardens; J.E. Carico leg. 02.–03.VII.1982; 2 ♀♀ ( SB551–552 ) , 1 ♂ ( SB 555 ) , 1 s.a. ♂ ( SB 556 ) , 2 p. s.a. ♀♀ ( SB 553–554 ), MCZ 82512. Wau , Wau Ecological Institute; E.I. Schlinger leg. 17. II.1978; 1 juv. ( SB 976 ) , CAS 9032235. H. Levi, Y. Lubin & M. Robinson leg. III.1979; 1 ♀ ( SB 547 ) , 1 s.a. ♀ ( SB 548 ), MCZ 82504. J.E. Carico leg. 22.–29.VI.1982; 3 ♀♀ ( SB 174–176 ) , 2 s.a. ♂♂ ( SB 545–546 ) , 2 juvs ( SB 543–544 ), MCZ 82503. 30.VI.1982; 2 ♂♂ ( SB 169–170 ), MCZ 82502. Wau, Mt. Kaindi Rd. ; H. Levi, Y. Lubin & M. Robinson leg. 03. III.1979; 1 ♂ ( SB 549 ) , 1 s.a. ♂ ( SB 550 ), MCZ 82505. Mt. Kaindi , summit; J.E. Carico leg. 28.VI.1982; 1 ♂ ( SB 173 ), MCZ 82511 . Central Province: near Port Moresby, Waigani; D.L.F. de Beaufore leg. 04.I.1910; 3 ♂♂ ( SB 657 , 709–710 ) , 2 ♀♀ ( SB 704–705 ) , 1 s.a. ♀ ( SB 658 ) , 1 p. s.a. ♀ ( SB 659 ) , 2 juvs ( SB 660 , 703 ) , MIZ 7˙371, MIZ F˙661. New Britain: No further details; A.S. Wiley leg. 1897; 1 ♀ ( SB 257 ) , NHM 1898˙12˙5˙45. West New Britain Province: ‘ Bismark-Archipel’; Heinroth leg. III.1887; 2 ♀♀ ( SB 815–816 ), ZMB 34958 . East New Britain Province: Rabaul; E. Wolf leg. 1909; 1 ♀ ( SB 1121 ), SMF 2790 . ‘ Hanam-Hafen’ (North coast); Dr. G. Duncker leg. 29.XI.1908; 1 s.a. ♂ ( SB 1077 ) , ZMH. ‘ Möve-Hafen’ (South coast), near waterfall; Dr. G. Duncker leg. 20. II.–14.VII.1909; 2 ♂♂ ( SB 1061–1062 ) , 8 ♀♀ ( SB 1053–1055 , 1067–1071 ) , 2 s.a. ♂♂ ( SB 1059–1060 ) , 11 s.a. ♀♀ ( SB 1046–1052 , 1063–1066 ) , 1 p. s.a. ♀ ( SB 1056 ) , 7 juvs ( SB 1041–1045 , 1057–1058 ) , ZMH. ‘Putie- Bucht’; Dr. G. Duncker leg. 13.–14.XII.1908; 2 juvs ( SB 1072 , 1075 ) , ZMH. Vaisisi, “Noona Dan Exp.” 1961–62; leg. 09.VII.1962; 1 ♀ ( SB 1116 ) , ZMUC 5724. Ralum, Lowon; F. Dahl leg. 26.V.1896; 1 ♀ ( SB 814 ) , 1 p. s.a. ♀ ( SB 788 ), ZMB 34959. ‘ Vorangoi’ (South-East coast); Dr. G. Duncker leg. 28.–30.XII.1908; 1 p. s.a. ♀ ( SB 1076 ) , ZMH.

Doubtful material examined. PAPUA NEW GUINEA: New Ireland Province: Lihir Island ; E. Wolf leg. 1909; 1 juv. ( SB 1120 ), SMF 2791 .

Revised diagnosis. Males and females similar to P. libelti Kulczy ṅski, 1908 (see diagnostic character states described for argentatus -group above). Males with conductor (C) less than half as long as embolus (E) ( Figs 2b,c View FIGURES 2 ). Females with median septum (MS) at most half as long as broad and with notches laterally ( Fig. 2g View FIGURES 2 ). Epigynal field (EF) more than three times longer than MS.

Description. Male:

Body and eye measurements. Carapace length 5.3–9.4, carapace width 3.8–6.7, anterior width of carapace 1.9–3.3, opisthosoma length 8.2–14.0, opisthosoma width 2.0–3.8. Eyes: AME 0.34–0.52, ALE 0.39–0.56, PME 0.40–0.53, PLE 0.41–0.54, AME–AME 0.15–0.28, AME–ALE 0.09–0.12, PME–PME 0.21–0.37, PME–PLE 0.32–0.51, AME–PME 0.38–0.60, ALE–PLE 0.36–0.73, clypeus height at AME 0.63–1.12, clypeus height at ALE 0.50–0.91.

Cheliceral furrow with three promarginal and four to five retromarginal teeth.

Measurements of palp and legs. Leg formula: mostly 1423 (rarely 1243). Palp 7.1–11.6 [2.4–4.0, 1.0–1.7, 1.0–1.3, 2.7–4.6], I 70.9–90.2 [19.2–24.1, 2.7–4.5, 19.5–25.1, 21.4–26.8, 8.1–9.7], II 51.4–69.7 [14.4–19.8, 2.3–3.8, 13.0–17.7, 15.4–20.1, 6.3–8.3], III 33.1–52.1 [9.8–14.6, 1.7–2.7, 8.2–13.6, 9.3–14.8, 4.1–6.4], IV 53.0–70.3 [14.7–20.0, 2.1–3.6, 13.0–17.7, 16.3–20.5, 6.9–8.5].

Spination. Palp: 131 (rarely 141), 110, 1101; legs (—except for patella— variable, only most common states noted): femur I 767, II 767 (766) III 756 , IV 766 (755); patella I–IV 000; tibia I– II 3038 (4038), III 3136 (3134), IV 3138 (3137); metatarsus I– II 3037 , III 3035 (3036), IV 3035 (3036). MC-I–II and MT-I in one specimen ( SB 259 ) completely absent.

Palpal femur modified with ventral extension. The latter rather pointed, but sometimes less distinct as in P. libelti ( Fig. 6e View FIGURES 6 ), some specimens with a rather blunt tip ( Fig. 2d View FIGURES 2 ).

Copulatory organ. As in diagnosis and general description for argentatus -group.


Body and eye measurements. Carapace length 5.7–10.7, carapace width 4.1–7.7, anterior width of carapace 2.4–4.5, opisthosoma length 10.0–17.8, opisthosoma width 3.6–7.1. Eyes: AME 0.35–0.56, ALE 0.37–0.63, PME 0.39–0.58, PLE 0.38–0.60, AME–AME 0.20–0.42, AME–ALE 0.09–0.15, PME–PME 0.24–0.44, PME–PLE 0.33–0.58, AME–PME 0.47–0.72, ALE–PLE 0.43–0.82, clypeus height at AME 0.76–1.34, clypeus height at ALE 0.64–1.25.

Cheliceral furrow with three promarginal and four to five retromarginal teeth.

Measurements of palp and legs. Leg formula: 1423. Palp: 7.3–12.5 [2.5–4.2, 1.0–1.9, 1.3–2.3, 2.5–4.1]; Legs: I 47.2–72.3 [13.4–20.5, 2.5–4.9, 13.1–19.8, 12.5–20.0, 5.7–7.1], II 35.0–55.1 [10.4–16.2, 2.0–4.3, 9.2–14.1, 9.4–14.8, 4.0–5.7], III 24.5–38.8 [7.7–12.3, 1.6–3.2, 5.9–9.4, 6.3–10.1, 3.0–3.8], IV 36.4–56.4 [10.8–16.7, 2.0–4.0, 9.5–14.0, 9.6–15.6, 4.5–6.1].

Palpal claw with 13–16 teeth.

Spination. Palp: 131 (rarely 141), 110, 1101, 1014; legs (—except for patella— variable, only most common states noted): femur I 767 (877), II 667 (665) III 656, IV 655 (755); patella I–IV 000; tibia I 3038 (4038), II 3038, III 3136 (3134), IV 3134; metatarsus I–II 3037, III 3037 (3035), IV 3036 (3034,3035).

Copulatory organ (see also diagnosis and general description of argentatus -group). Slit sense organs and epigynal muscle sigilla mostly within EF or associated with EF, respectively.

Primordial copulatory organ. Pre-epigyne: Short pre-MS ( Fig. 4d View FIGURES 4 ), pre-EF separated in two parts.

Pre-vulva: Pre-copulatory ducts already distinctly large, larger than pre-spermathecae ( Fig. 4e View FIGURES 4 ). Prespermathecal heads (SH) still without stalks.

Colouration of male and female. See description for argentatus -group and Psechrus .

Variation of copulatory organs. Male pedipalp with little variation. In some specimens embolus and conductor in relation to tegulum somewhat shorter ( Figs 3d–f View FIGURES 3 ) or subtegulum in ventral view more clearly visible than in others ( Figs 2a–c View FIGURES 2 cf. Figs 3a–c View FIGURES 3 ). Female copulatory organ more variable. MS in rare cases with broad posterior notch ( Fig. 4a View FIGURES 4 ). Shape of lateral notches of MS differs ( Figs 2g View FIGURES 2 , 3i View FIGURES 3 , 4a–c View FIGURES 4 ). Anterior boundary of EF variable ( Figs 4b View FIGURES 4 cf. 4c). Direction of spermathecal base (SBA) and SH differing slightly ( Figs 2h View FIGURES 2 , 3h View FIGURES 3 , 4f–h View FIGURES 4 ), the same with the size of copulatory ducts (CD) ( Figs 4f View FIGURES 4 cf. 4h).

Distribution. Indonesia [Sulawesi, Flores, Moluccas, Aru Islands, West-Papua], Papua New Guinea (incl. New Britain and New Ireland), Australia (Northern part of Queensland; see Platnick 2011) ( Figs 100–101 View FIGURE 100 View FIGURE 101 ).

Remarks. Deeleman-Reinhold (2001: p. 38, fig. 17) illustrated the tip of a tarsus of one of the legs of P. argentatus . The shape of the superior claws is well depicted (though the size of the superior claws and the claw tufts in relation to the width of the tarsus is a bit too small), but not so for the inferior claw (middle-hook), which appears longer, less curved than naturally, and the additional, proximal tooth (see Levi 1982, fig. 6) is not depicted. Basally at the tip of the tarsus she also depicts modified setae beneath the middle-hook, which are not serrated in Psechrus . In my opinion, the gap between the middle-hook and those setae was a bit too large in her illustration. However, this is a helpful illustration to understand one of the diagnostic characters for Psechridae , the three tarsal claws plus claw tufts. Generally, in all Psechrus species the tarsus tip looks like in P. argentatus . Griswold et al. (2005: p. 240, fig.139c) provided a SEM photo of the tarsal tip of P. argentatus from orthogonal view.

Berland, J. & Berland, L. (1914) Description d'un Psechrus nouveau de Chine (Araneae: Cribellatae). Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France, 1914, 131 - 133.

Chrysanthus, O. F. M. (1967) Spiders from South New Guinea IX. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 110 (afl. 1), 89 - 105.

Davies, V. T. & Gallon, J. A. (1986) Type specimens of spiders (Araneae) in the Queensland Museum. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 22 (2), 225 - 236.

Deeleman-Reinhold, C. L. (2001) Forest spiders of South East Asia: with a revision of the sac and ground spiders (Araneae: Clubionidae, Corinnidae, Liocranidae, Gnaphosidae, Prodidomidae and Trochanterriidae [sic]). Brill, Leiden, 591 pp.

Doleschall, C. L. (1857) Bijdrage tot de Kennis der Arachniden van den Indischen Archipel. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie, 13, 399 - 434.

Doleschall, C. L. (1859) Tweede Bijdrage tot de Kennis der Arachniden van den Indischen Archipel. Verhandelingen der Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indie, 5, 1 - 60.

Fage, L. (1929) Fauna of the Batu Caves, Selangor. X. Arachnida: Pedipalpi (Part) and Araneae. Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums, 14, 356 - 364.

Griswold, C. E., Ramirez, M. J., Coddington, J. A. & Platnick, N. I. (2005) Atlas of phylogenetic data for entelegyne spiders (Araneae: Araneomorphae: Entelegynae) with comments on their phylogeny. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 56 (Suppl. II), 1 - 324.

Hasselt van, A. W. M. (1877) Araneae exoticae, quas quondam in India Orientali (praesertim insula Amboina) collegit Cel. Dr. C. L. Doleschall, AC, pro Museo Lugdunensi. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 20 (1), 51 - 56.

Hogg, H. R. (1914) Spiders collected by the Wollaston and British Ornithological Union Expeditions in Dutch New Guinea. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (Series C Abstracts), 137, 56 - 58.

Hogg, H. R. (1915) Report on the spiders collected by the British Ornithologists' Union Expedition and the Wollaston Expedition in Dutch New Guinea. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 20 (14), 425 - 484.

Homann, H. (1950) Die Nebenaugen der Araneen. Zoologische Jahrbucher, Abteilung fur Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere, 71, 56 - 144.

Karsch, F. (1891) Arachniden von Ceylon und von Minikoy, gesammelt von den Doctoren P. und F. Sarasin. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, 36 (2), 267 - 310.

Lehtinen, P. T. (1967) Classification of the Cribellate Spiders and some allied families, with notes on the evolution of the suborder Araneomorpha. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 4, 199 - 468.

Levi, H. W. (1982) The spider genera Psechrus and Fecenia (Araneae: Psechridae). Pacific Insects, 24 (2), 114 - 138.

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FIGURES 2a–i. Psechrus argentatus from Indonesia. a–d ♂ SB 602 from Ambon. e–f ♀ SB 676 from Irian Jaya Tengah Prov. g–i ♀ SB 598 from Ambon. a–c ♂ palp (a prolateral, b ventral, c retrolateral view). d ♂ right palpal femur, retrolateral view. e Labium and gnathocoxae, ventral view. f Sternum, ventral view. g Epigyne, ventral view. h Vulva, dorsal view. i Schematic course of internal duct system. C: Conductor; CD: Copulatory duct; E: Embolus; EF: Epigynal field. EM: Epigynal muscle silliga; FD: Fertilisation duct; LL: Lateral lobe; MS: Median septum; SBA: Spermathecal base; SD: Sperm duct; SH: Spermathecal head; SO: Slit sense organ; ST: Subtegulum; T: Tegulum.

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FIGURES 3a–i. Psechrus argentatus from Indonesia, Papua Prov. a–c, g ♂ SB 225, h–i ♀ SB 224 (both syntypes of P. castaneus). d–f ♂ SB 259. a–c, d–f ♂ palp (a, d prolateral, b, e ventral, c, f retrolateral view). g ♂ left palpal femur, retrolateral view. i Epigyne, ventral view. h Vulva, dorsal view.

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FIGURES 4a–h. Psechrus argentatus, ♀ primordial and adult copulatory organ. a, g ♀ SB 174 from Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov. b, h ♀ SB 257 from Papua New Guinea, New Britain. d–e s.a. ♀ SB 593 from Indonesia, Ambon. c ♀ SB 171, f ♀ SB 571 both from Indonesia, Sulawesi. a–c Epigyne, ventral view. f–h Vulva, dorsal view. d Pre-epigyne, ventral view. e Prevulva, dorsal view.

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FIGURES 6a–e. Psechrus libelti, ♂ palp and palpal femur. a–c, e ♂ SB 612 from India?, Nicobar Islands? d ♂ SB 203 from Thailand, Songkhla Prov. a–d ♂ palp (a prolateral, b, d ventral, c retrolateral view). e ♂ left palpal femur, retrolateral view. Remark: In Fig. 6d tegulum deformed (specimen presumably died directly after final moult).

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FIGURES 84a–i. Psechrus spp., photos of left ♂ palp, ventral view. a P. argentatus. b–c P. libelti. d P. kinabalu. e P.mulu. f P. ulcus sp. nov. g P. decollatus sp. nov. h P. singaporensis. i P.elachys sp. nov. a ♂ SB 1107 from Papua New Guinea. b s.a. ♂ syntype SB 339 from Indonesia, Sumatera Selatan Prov. c ♂ SB 203 from Thailand, Song Khla Prov. d ♂ holotype SB 237 from Malaysia, Borneo, Sabah Prov. e ♂ holotype SB 242 from Malaysia, Borneo, Sarawak Prov. f ♂ holotype SB 141 from Indonesia, Kalimantan Selatan Prov. g ♂ paratype SB 857 from Indonesia, Jawa Timur Prov. h ♂ SB 507 (syntype of P. curvipalpis) from Malaysia, Selangor Prov. i ♂ paratype SB 862 from Thailand, Satun Prov.

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FIGURES 87a–k. Psechrus spp., photos of epigyne, ventral view. a P. argentatus. b P. libelti. c P. mulu. d P. borneo. e P. annulatus. f P. aluco sp. nov. g P. decollatus sp. nov. h P. singaporensis. i P. elachys sp. nov. j P.norops sp. nov. k P. arcuatus sp. nov. a ♀ SB 608 from Indonesia, Maluku Prov. b ♀ SB 969 from Brunei Darussalam. c ♀ paratype SB 239 from Malaysia, Borneo, Sarawak Prov. d ♀ holotype SB 279 from Indonesia, Kalimantan Timur Prov. e ♀ lectotype SB 829 from Indonesia, Jawa Tengah Prov. f ♀ holotype SB 123 from Indonesia, Jawa Barat Prov. g ♀ holotype SB 501 from Indonesia, Jawa Timur Prov. h ♀ SB 864 from Malaysia, Selangor Prov. i ♀ holotype SB 861 from Thailand, Satun Prov. j ♀ holotype SB 860 from Malaysia, Pahang Prov. k ♀ holotype SB 333 from Indonesia, Sumatera Barat Prov.

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FIGURES 90a–k. Psechrus spp., photos of vulva, dorsal view. a P. argentatus. b P. libelti. c P. mulu. d P. borneo. e P. annulatus. f P. aluco sp. nov. g P. decollatus sp. nov. h P. singaporensis. i P. elachys sp. nov. j P.norops sp. nov. k P. arcuatus sp. nov. a ♀ SB 551 from Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov. b ♀ SB 87 from Indonesia, Sumatra, Mentawei Islds. c ♀ SB 253 from Malaysia, Borneo, Sarawak Prov. d ♀ holotype SB 279 from Indonesia, Kalimantan Timur Prov. e ♀ lectotype SB 829 from Indonesia, Jawa Tengah Prov. f ♀ holotype SB 123 from Indonesia, Jawa Barat Prov. g ♀ holotype SB 501 from Indonesia, Jawa Timur Prov. h ♀ SB 220 from Singapore. i ♀ holotype SB 861 from Thailand, Satun Prov. j ♀ holotype SB 860 from Malaysia, Pahang Prov. k ♀ holotype SB 333 from Indonesia, Sumatera Barat Prov.

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FIGURE 100. Distribution of Psechrus in eastern Malaysia and central Indonesia. Symbols (unicoloured): species belonging to the annulatus-group. Symbols (black, filled with light colour): species belonging to the mulu-group. Arrows: species belonging to the argentatus-group.

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FIGURE 101. Distribution of Psechrus argentatus in New Guinea and adjacent islands.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


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