Xiphydria ogasawarai Matsumura, 1927

Alshanberi, Asim M, Mousa, Ahmed H, Hashim, Sama A, Almutairi, Reem S, Alrehali, Sara, Hamisu, Aisha M, Shaikhomer, Mohammed & Ansari, Shakeel A, 2022, New Collection and Host Plant Records for Six Xiphydriidae (Hymenoptera) from Japan, Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology 48 (2), pp. 85-88 : 87-88

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Felipe (2024-06-17 16:58:59, last updated 2024-11-27 09:22:03)

scientific name

Xiphydria ogasawarai Matsumura, 1927


Xiphydria ogasawarai Matsumura, 1927

( Fig. 1 View Fig )

Xiphydria ogasawarai Matsumura, 1927: 205 ; Shinohara, 2019: 533 View Cited Treatment . See Shinohara (2019) for more synonyms and references.

Specimens examined. HONSHU: Hyogo Pref.: 1 ♀, Onzui-keikoku, Onzui, Haga-cho, Shisoshi , 20. VII. 2021, R. Okano. GoogleMaps Okayama Pref.: 2 ♀, Ushiro-yama , Higashiawakura-son, Aidagun , Okayama, 13. VI. 1992, A. Watanabe; GoogleMaps 2 ♀, Darugamine Rindo , 1,075 m, 35°12′38″N 134°22′23″E, Ôgaya, Nishiawakura, 2. VIII. 2021, A. Shinohara; GoogleMaps 1♀, same data except A. Watanabe GoogleMaps .

Host plants. Juglandaceae : Juglans mandshurica Maxim. var. sachalinensis (Komatsu) Kitam. , Pterocarya rhoifolia Siebold et Zucc. Sapindaceae : Acer sieboldianum Miq. , Acer palmatum Thunb. , Aesculus turbinata Blume. Araliaceae : Kalopanax septemlobus (Thunb.) Koidz. (Shinohara & Hara, 2020). Rosaceae : Sorbus commixta Hedl. (new record).

Remarks. The female specimen from Onzui-keikoku listed above represents the second published record of this species from Hyogo Prefecture ( Naito et al., 2004; Shinohara, 2019). This species is already known from Okayama Prefecture ( Konchu Bukai, 2019), but apparently no collection data have been published. Perhaps, the record ( Konchu Bukai, 2019) refers to the collection data of ″ X. palaeanarctica ‶ (= X. nagasei , see discussion above) by Kondo & Miyake (1976), who used the Japanese name Higejirokubinagakibachi. This Japanese name was formerly used for both X. palaeanarctica and X. ogasawarai , which were once treated as synonyms ( Watanabe, 1956).

One of the females from Darugamine Rindo listed above was ovipositing on a tree of Sorbus commixta ( Fig. 1 View Fig ), when I found it on August 2, 2021. The female was found on the trunk at about 1.5m above the ground of the half dead tree of about five meters high and with some dead and shriveled leaves. This is the first record of Sorbus commixta as the host plant of X. ogasawarai .

Konchu Bukai [= Insect Section], 2019. [Insects.] In [Research Group of Wildlife of Okayama Prefecture] (ed.): [Catalog of Fauna and Flora of Okayama Prefecture 2019 ver. 1.2.] Available from: http: // www. pref. okayama. jp / page / 602836. html (in Japanese, accessed 14 February 2022).

Kondo, T. and M. Miyake 1976. [Symphyta of Okayama Prefecture 2.] Suzumushi, Kurashiki (113): 1 - 13 (in Japanese).

Matsumura, S. 1927. Summary of the Japanese Xiphydria - species. Insecta Matsumurana 1: 202 - 206.

Naito, T., H. Yoshida, H. Nakamine, T. Morita, T. Ikeda, H. Suzuki and A. Nakanishi 2004. Species diversity of sawflies in Hyogo Prefecture, central Japan. Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo, Monograph of Natural History and Environmental Science (1), [1 - 2] + [pls. 1 - 10] + 1 - 85 (in Japanese).

Shinohara, A. 2019. The Xiphydria palaeanarctica group from Japan (Hymenoptera, Xiphydriidae). Zootaxa 4608: 531 - 542.

Watanabe, C. 1956. Notes on Xiphydriidae of Japan (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Insecta Matsumurana 20: 6 - 10.

Gallery Image

Fig. 1. Xiphydria ogasawarai, female, ovipositing on the trunk of Sorbus commixta, Darugamine Rindo, Okayama Prefecture, August 2, 2021.











