Trichosurus cunninghami Lindenmayer, Dubach & Viggers, 2002

Parnaby, Harry E., Ingleby, Sandy & Divljan, Anja, 2017, Type Specimens of Non-fossil Mammals in the Australian Museum, Sydney, Records of the Australian Museum 69 (5), pp. 277-420 : 328

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Trichosurus cunninghami Lindenmayer, Dubach & Viggers, 2002


Trichosurus cunninghami Lindenmayer, Dubach & Viggers, 2002 View in CoL View at ENA

Aust. J. Zool. 50(4): 385, fig. 8. (14 November 2002).

Common name. Mountain Brush-tailed Possum.

Current name. Trichosurus cunninghami Lindenmayer, Dubach & Viggers, 2002 ; following Jackson & Groves (2015). Helgen & Jackson (2015) treat this entity as a full species but suggest that subspecific status within T. caninus might be more appropriate in view of slight genetic and morphological differences.

Holotype. M.35866 by original designation. Female adult, Field no. 1, skull ( Fig. 25 View Figure 25 ), study skin, skinned body in alc., frozen tissue; collected by David Lindenmayer on 18 March 2002; registered 18 April 2002.

Condition. Cranium missing rear margin of palate, otherwise complete. Both dentaries complete. Study skin in good condition, missing left ear tip (probably removed for DNA analysis).

Cranial measurements (mm). M.35866: GL, 86.14; ConL, 84.17; BasL, 79.17; NasL, 33.87; NasB, 12.65; UC1–C1 (alv.), 15.76; DIL, 14.40; APV, 6.52; UPM (alv.), 5.85; UMR (alv.), 18.46; ZB, 53.13; POC, 9.02; MB, 42.81; DL (condyl.), 64.56; LPM (alv.), 5.63; LMR (alv.), 21.17.

Type locality. Tommy’s Bend Rd, 37°30'S 145°49'E, alt. 900 m, Cambarville region, Victoria, Australia. [“200 m from Yarra Tk from Marysville-Woods Point Rd”]. GoogleMaps

Paratypes. (4, by original designation): all captured in cage traps [on Big Tree walking track] in Cumberland Creek area 37°33'S 145°53'E, alt. 800 m, Cambarville, Victoria, same date and collector as holotype, frozen tissues for all four: M.35867, male, skull, study skin, skinned body in alc.; GoogleMaps M.35868, female, body in alc.; M.35869, female, body in alc.; M.35870, female, body in alc .

Comments. A total of four paratypes are indicated in the description but registration numbers are inadvertently given for five: M.35871 cited in the paper should be M.35870 as no specimen is registered for this species with the number M.35871.

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