Triaeris stenaspis Simon, 1891

Brescovit, Antonio D., Bonaldo, Alexandre B., Ott, Ricardo & Chavari, João L., 2019, To boldly go: on invasive goblin spiders in Brazil (Araneae, Oonopidae), Iheringia, Série Zoologia (e 2019033) 109, pp. 1-20 : 4-5

publication ID 10.1590/1678-4766e2019033

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Triaeris stenaspis Simon, 1891


Triaeris stenaspis Simon, 1891 View in CoL

( Figs 13, 14 View Figs 13-19 , 60 View Figs 60, 61 )

Triaeris stenaspis SIMON, 1891:561 View in CoL . Syntype female from Saint Vincent in MNHN and females syntypes from same locality in the BMNH; PLATNICK et al., 2012a:22 View Cited Treatment , figs 1-40.

Triaeris patellaris BRYANT,1940:268 View in CoL , fig.4. Female holotype from Soledad, Cienfuegos, Cuba, in MCZ; examined; CHICKERING, 1968b:358, figs 14-18 (Syn.).

Triaeris berlandi LAWRENCE, 1952:5 View in CoL , figs 3a-f. Female holotype from Thysville [= Mbanza-Ngungu], DR Congo, in Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, Tervuren; PLATNICK et al., 2012a:23 (Syn.)

Triaeris lepus SUMAN, 1965:235 View in CoL , figs 27-31. Female holotype from Puu Papaa Peak, Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii, in Bishop Museum; PLATNICK et al., 2012a:23 (Syn.).

Triaeris lacandona BRIGNOLI,1974a:208 View in CoL , figs 4A-F. Female holotype from Cueva de Yaxchilan, Peten, Guatemala, depository unknown; BRIGNOLI, 1975a:34, figs 1H-J; PLATNICK et al., 2012a:23 (Syn.).

Diagnosis. Triaeris stenaspis is known only by females, easily recognized by their orange color, genitalia occupying the greater part of the postepigastric scutum, with a median longitudinal slit and internally with sinuous and distally squiggled duct, visible by transparence ( Fig. 14 View Figs 13-19 ).

Description. Female, see PLATNICK et al., 2012a:22, figs 1-40

Biology. The taxonomic status of the pantropical goblin spider Triaeris stenaspis was defined by PLATNICK et al. (2012a). Presently, this species is well established in many parts of the world ( KOPONEN, 1997; KIELHORN, 2008; KORENKO et al., 2009; PLATNICK et al., 2012a) and apparently sustained populations are present in various continents. KORENKO et al. (2009) showed that at least one population from Czech Republic is parthenogenetic. Since no males were found with sampled females so far, including the 200 records here reported, parthenogenesis might actually be true for all known populations of this species. Triaeris stenaspis occur from north to south Brazil, being very common in the ground at urban parks. The invasion of this species in Brazilian territory might occurred long ago, giving its wide distribution in the country and the fact that it is not strictly peri-domiciliar, collected as well in forest litter and even in natural caves, but the first known record of this species in Brazil dates as recently as 1996. The large number of records reported here from natural caves in the states of Tocantins, Goiás and Minas Gerais might be cause for conservation concerns. Since this species appears to be a dominating faunistic component in those cavities, it may represent danger for autochthones species in these sensible environments.

Distribution. This Pantropical species have a wide distribution range in Brazil, occurring mainly in urban areas ( Fig. 60 View Figs 60, 61 ). PLATNICK et al. (2012a) hypothesized that Triaeris belongs to a West African sub-group of the Zyngoonops group of genera, a large putatively monophyletic lineage with representatives in both the Neotropics and Africa. Under this assumption, Triaeris stenaspis would be an African species in origin, which attained a Pantropical distribution.

Material examined. BRAZIL, Acre: Senador Guiomard, Reserva Extrativista Catuaba (10°12’51.4584”S - 67°45’17.1216”W), 5♀, 2002, E. Morato et al. leg. (IBSP 86836, 86850, 86873, 86879, 86920); Pará: Uruará (03°43’4”S - 53°44’13”W), 2♀, 2014, R. L. Cajaiba leg. (IBSP 166581); Tocantins: Dianópolis, Gruta Vozinha (11°27’36”S – 46°51’00”W), 3♀, 04-09.XII.2007, R. Andrade et al. leg. (IBSP 97622); Gruta Areia (11°27’36”S – 46°51’00”W), 4♀, 04-09.XII.2007, R. Andrade et al. leg. (IBSP 97640); Gruta 3 Morros III (11°27’36”S 46°51’00”W), ♀, 21-29.V.2008, F. Pellegatti Franco et al. leg. (IBSP 134439); Goiás: São Domingos, Lapa de São Bernardo II (16°34’31.26”S - 49°10’32.307”W), 5♀, 18.IX.1997, P. Gnaspini et al. leg. (IBSP 23729, 23730); Lapa de Terra Ronca II (16°34’31.26”S - 49°10’32.307”W), 2♀, 20. IX.1997, P. Gnaspini et al. leg. (IBSP 23741, 23743); 3♀ 4 imm., 19.IX.1997, P. Gnaspini et al. leg. (IBSP 23746); Parque Estadual de Terra Ronca, Caverna Angélica (16°34’31.26”S - 49°10’32.307”W), 9♀, 6 imm, 06-09. IX.2000, F. P. Franco leg. (IBSP 26050, 26053, 26054, 26070, 26072); Parque Estadual de Terra Ronca, Caverna Passa Três (16°34’31.26”S - 49°10’32.307”W), 7♀, 5 imm., 03-05.IX.2000, C. A. Rheims & F. P. Franco leg. (IBSP 26064, 26077, 26079, 26080); Morrinhos, Parque Ecológico Jatobá Centenário (17°43’36”S – 49°07’55”W), 2♀, XII.2006 - VIII.2007, R. C. Santana leg. (IBSP 140921); Mato Grosso, Primavera do Leste, Gruta KNL-1- S1EMAL004 (181326E - 8383239mN), ♀, 12-20.VIII.2014, Equipe Spelayon leg. (IBSP 166573); Mato Grosso do Sul: Campo Grande, Reserva UCDB (20°24’50.0256”S - 54°36’55.854”W); 2♀, 07.IV.1997, K. O. Vieira leg. (IBSP 38355); Inocência, Fazenda Lagoinha (19°17’03”S – 51°03’06”W), ♀, 18.XI.2004, J. Raizer leg. (IBSP 68030); Anastácio, Fazenda Jatiuca (20°31’54”S – 55°50’27”), ♀, 16-26.II.2008, R. Bessi leg. (IBSP 127638); Ivinhema (22°31’19.1856”S - 53°50’49.1676”W), 34♀, X.2004 - XII.2006, K. Anjos leg. (IBSP 92829, 92833, 92839‒92866); Bahia: Jaguaripe (13°10’01”S - 39°00’04”W), ♀, 02. III.2011, C. M. P. Leite leg. (IBSP 166609); Wenceslau GuimarÃes (13°34’32”S - 39°42’25”W), ♀, 21.I.2011, C. M. P. Leite leg. (IBSP 166610); Salvador, Baia do Aratu (12°47’32.8”S – 38°28’15.3”W), 5♀, 2008-2009, K. Benati (IBSP 126081, 126090, 126101, 126103, 126109); Ponte do Fernandinho (12°47’32.8”S – 38°28’15.3”W), 9♀, 13.IX.2004, K. Benati leg. (IBSP 58840‒58841, 58860, 58893; 58897, 58902, 58918, 58939, 59023); Itapetinga, Parque Municipal da Matinha (15°15’43.8618”S - 40°17’44.9376”W), ♀, III-IV.2003, J. P. S. Alves leg. (IBSP 66524); Una, Reserva Ecológica de Una (15°17’48”S - 39°04’28”W), 4♀, X.1999 - IX.2000, M. F. Dias leg. (IBSP 64221, 65268, 65350); Minas Gerais: Prudente de Morais, Fazenda Sapé (19°28’8.2344”S - 44°5’31.7328”W), 2♀, 13.X.2001, É. S. S. Álvares leg. (IBSP 44224, 44232); Uberlândia, Estação Ecológica do Panga (19º11’10”S - 49º23’30”W), 3♀, IV.2005 - II.2006, M. F. Mineo leg. (IBSP 92663-92665); Belo Horizonte, Estação Ecológica da UFMG (19°52’S - 43°58’W), 8♀, I.2001, É. S. S. Álvares leg. (IBSP 66796, 66798, 66800); Estação Ecológica da UFMG, Mata do Sossego (19°52’S - 43°58’W), ♀, II.2001, É. S. S. Álvares, E. O. Machado & C. S. Azevedo leg. (IBSP 68573); Belo Horizonte, COPASA (20°10’S - 44°21’W), ♀, IV.2002, Equipe Biota (IBSP 136439); Jaboticatubas, Serra do Cipó, Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó (19°15’S - 43°31’W), 40♀, 2002-2003, Equipe Biota leg. (IBSP 68258-68294); Mariana, Gruta FN-12 (20°10’18.3684”S - 43°25’13.029”W), 2♀, 16-21.I.2009, R. Andrade et al. leg. (IBSP 146210, 146216); Mina Alegria (20°10’18.3684”S - 43°25’13.029”W), 2♀, 16-17.IV.2009, R. Bessi et al. leg. (IBSP 149764); Prados, Gruta S3_HOL_010 (596862E - 7657188N), ♀, 29.VII.2014, L. T. Fonseca leg. (IBSP 166568); Córrego Fundo: Gruta MC_SM_ 015 (20°26’32”S; 45°35’57”W), ♀, 19-21.V.2014, Santos et al. leg. (IBSP 166569); Gruta MC_SM_016 (20°26’33”S; 45°35’56”W), ♀, 08-20.I.2014, Equipe Spelayon leg. (IBSP 166570); Pains (20°22’15”S; 45°39’39”W): ♀, 31.VII.2014, F. Bondezan leg. (IBSP 166571); Gruta Loca dos Negros (20°26’06”S; 45°39’33”W), ♀, 20.III.2009, R. Zampaulo leg. (IBSP 166584); Gruta Tamafi (20°23’39”S; 45°40’48”W), ♀, 09.III.2009, R. Zampaulo leg. (IBSP 166585); Gruta SPA_015 (20°17’53”S; 45°25’38”W), ♀, 24.I.2014, M. Barcelos leg. (IBSP 166587); Cave SPA_030 (20°18’24”S; 45°35’48”W), ♀, 05.II.2014, N. T. Pimentel & T. F. Ferreira leg. (IBSP 166588); Cave SPA_037 (20°18’26”S; 45°35’45”W), ♀, 05.II.2014, F. O. Borges & M. Barcelos leg. (IBSP 166589); Cave SM-68 (20°20’47”S; 45°36’09”W), 2♀, 12.III.2012, Equipe Spelayon leg. (IBSP 166590); Cave SM-180 (20°22’21”S; 45°35’34”W), ♀, 13.II.2014, Equipe Spelayon leg. (IBSP 166591); Cave SM-287 (20°21’46”S; 45°35’51”W), ♀, 20.II.2014, Equipe Spelayon leg. (IBSP 166592), Cave SM-103 (20°21’40”S; 45°36’12”W), ♀, 18.VIII.2012, Equipe Spelayon leg. (IBSP 166596); Cave SM-246 (20°21’51”S; 45°35’46”W), ♀, 20.II.2014, Equipe Spelayon leg. (IBSP 166597); Cave SM-42 (20°21’50”S; 45°35’58”W), 2♀, 21.III.2012, Equipe Spelayon leg. (IBSP 166593); Cave SM-258 (20°21’52”S; 45°35’43”W), 2♀, 19.IX.2013, Equipe Spelayon leg. (IBSP 166602); Cave SM-153 (20°22’03”S; 45°35’38”W), ♀ (IBSP 166594); Cave SM-236 (20°22’11”S; 45°35’51”W), ♀ (IBSP 166595); Cave SM-178 (20°22’20”S; 45°35’23”W), ♀ (IBSP 166598); Cave SM-205 (20°22’23”S; 45°35’40”W), ♀ (IBSP 166599); Cave SM-157 (20°21’53”S; 45°35’39”W), ♀ (IBSP 166600); Cave SM-195 (20°22’23”S; 45°35’37”W), ♀ (IBSP 166601), all collected in 13.II.2014 by Equipe Spelayon; Matozinhos, Cave 100, 4♀, VI.2014, F. Bondezan leg. (IBSP 166575 - IBSP 166578); Cordisburgo, Gruta da Morena (19°8’25.584”S - 44°21’20.5272”W), ♀, 12.IX.2001, P. Gnaspini leg. (IBSP 71833); Lavras (21°13’43.9638”S - 44°58’1.6608”W), 17♀, 16-19.VI.2000, M. Andreizza leg. (IBSP 86329-86330, 86337-86339, 86342, 86346-86347, 86349-86350, 86352- 86355, 86357, 86359, 86361); ♀, 2000, A. Almeida leg. (IBSP 121445); Rio de Janeiro: Rio de Janeiro, Bairro Laranjeiras, Parque Guinle (22°55’50.38”S - 43°11’1.12”W), 2♀, 20.X.2001, R. Baptista leg. (MNRJ 3759); Volta Redonda, Floresta da Cicuta (22°33’2.016”S - 44°5’31.7328”W), ♀, 11.III.2002, E. Folly leg. (IBSP 39605); 4♀, 04-11.III.2002 - 11-18.VI.2001, Equipe Biota (IBSP 136199-136202); Pinheiral, Fazenda Santa Helena, Fazenda Regional de Criação (Posto Zootécnico) (22°34’S - 44°21’W), ♀, 05.11. XI/1999, A. D. Brescovit leg. (IBSP 66897); São Paulo: Jacareí, Campus Vila Branca, Univap (23°12’28.7886”S - 45°56’52.746”W), ♀, 2007, N. M. C. Velho leg. (IBSP 143942); Cotia, Caucaia do Alto, Reserva do Morro Grande (23°40’52.4742”S - 46°59’25.4472”W), 2♀, III.2003, Equipe Biota leg. (IBSP 136732, 136733); São Paulo, Campus USP, Mata do Cuaso (23°33’54.9432”S - 46°43’43.9608” W), 16♀, 14-21.IX.1999, D. Candiani leg. (IBSP 69027-69032, 69034, 69036-69040); 10♀, 16-23. II.2000, D. F. Candiani leg. (IBSP 42154, 42156, 68768- 68769); Parque da Previdência (23°34’47.9886”S - 46°43’38.8236”W), 19♀, 16-23.VIII.1999, D. F. Candiani leg. (IBSP 42159, 42162, 68785, 68787, 68797, 68806); 146♀, 14-21/IX/1999 - 19/XII/1999, D. Candiani leg. (IBSP 69041-69047, 69049-69082, 69084-69103); ♀, V.2000 - II.2001, D. F. Candiani (IBSP 76545); 7♀, 2000-2001, D. F. Candiani et al. leg. (IBSP 117046); 5♀, 1999, D. Candiani leg. (IBSP 69083, PBI_OON 10912); Parque dos Príncipes (23°34’24.0162”S - 46°46’17.5944”W); ♀, 05-12.X.2004, P.A. M. Goldoni & S. Guizze leg. (IBSP 48525); Reservatório Guarapiranga, Jardim Ângela, Ilha dos Eucaliptos (23°45’9.5286”S - 46°44’23.3082”W), 17♀, 07-13.X.2003, I. Cizauskas & C. R. M. Garcia leg. (IBSP 61400-61413); Parque EcolÓgico Guarapiranga, 2♀, 2009, I. Cizauskas leg. (IBSP 155047-155048); Parque do Estado (23°39’8.625”S - 46°36’57.9924”W), ♀, 21-28.I.2003, J. Valvassori leg. (IBSP 68057); Itapevi, Condomínio TransUrb (23°35’28.284”S - 46°58’29.121”W), ♀, 30.IV.1999, V. C. Onofrio leg. (IBSP 67591); Louveira (23°05’11”S – 46°57’02”W), 2♀, 16.I.1996, A. E. C. Farinha leg. (IBSP 12067); Pindamonhangaba (22°55’26”S – 45°27’42”W), ♀, 08-10.IV.1998, R. Martins & I. Knysak leg. (IBSP 20066); Peruíbe, Estação Ecológica Juréia-Itatins (24°33’015”S – 7°13’292”W), 2♀, 26.IX-03.V.1999, A. D. Brescovit et al. leg. (IBSP 25696, 25791); Iporanga, Parque Estadual TurísticoAlto do Ribeira, (24°30’1.3968”S - 48°35’8.415”W), ♀, R. Andrade leg. (IBSP 29414); Dois CÓrregos, SÍtio Guedes (22°19’5.3436”S - 48°21’45.6912”W), ♀, 01-06. IV.2002, G. Q. Romero leg. (IBSP 34974); Teodoro Sampaio, Parque Estadual do Morro do Diabo (22°31’S - 52°18’W), ♀, 24-31.III.2003, Equipe Biota leg. (IBSP 60189); ApiaÍ, Parque Estadual Turístico Alto do Ribeira, Núcleo Santana (24°27’36”S - 48°36’0”W), 4♀, 08-14.XII.2002, Equipe Biota leg. (IBSP 136440, 136515-136517); Jaboticabal (21°14’54.6288”S - 48°16’9.7278”W), 8♀, III‒IV.2004 (IBSP 55862, 55909); Ubatuba, Parque Estadual da Ilha Anchieta (23°32’S – 45°03’W), 2♀, 23-30.VII.2001, Equipe Biota leg. (IBSP 56408, 56413); Paraná: Foz do Iguaçu, Parque Nacional de Foz do Iguaçu (25°36’S - 54°25’W), 8♀, 03-12. III.2002, Equipe Biota leg. (IBSP 60249, 60256, 136460- 136465); Londrina, Parque Estadual Mata dos Godoy (23°27’1.0656”S - 51°14’11.0646”W), 6♀, 13.IV.1999 - 07. II.2000, J. Lopes leg. (IBSP 38208, 38240, 38258, 38266, 38269); Cornélio Procópio, Parque Estadual Mata São Francisco (23°9’30.2826”S - 50°33’52.416”W), 3♀, 08.V.2009, N. G. Cípola leg. (IBSP 150237, 150289, 150294); Santa Catarina: Brusque (27°05’53”S - 48°55’03”W), Bairro Bateias, campus Empresa Buettner, 10♀, 2014, D. L. Ronchi leg. (IBSP 166603-166608); Blumenau, Parque Natural Municipal Nascentes do Rio Garcia (26°55’10.7862”S - 49°05’36.5748”W), ♀, 23.I.2005, R. C. Francisco leg. (IBSP 68394); Palhoça (27°38’42”S - 48°40’04”W), Serra do Tabuleiro, ♀, I.2003, Equipe Biota leg. (IBSP 136435); Paulo Lopes, Parque Estadual da Serra do Tabuleiro (27°55’S - 48°42’W), ♀, 10-20.I.2003, Equipe Biota leg. (IBSP 60491); Santo Amaro da Imperatriz (27°41’0.9018”S - 48°43’50.9442”W), ♀, 2004, J. Steiner leg. (IBSP 91114).














Triaeris stenaspis Simon, 1891

Brescovit, Antonio D., Bonaldo, Alexandre B., Ott, Ricardo & Chavari, João L. 2019

Triaeris lacandona

PLATNICK, N. I. & DUPERRE, N. & UBICK, D. & FANNES, W. 2012: 23
BRIGNOLI, P. M. 1975: 34
BRIGNOLI, P. M. 1974: 208

Triaeris lepus

PLATNICK, N. I. & DUPERRE, N. & UBICK, D. & FANNES, W. 2012: 23
SUMAN, T. W. 1965: 235

Triaeris berlandi

PLATNICK, N. I. & DUPERRE, N. & UBICK, D. & FANNES, W. 2012: 23
LAWRENCE, R. F. 1952: 5

Triaeris patellaris

CHICKERING, A. M. 1968: 358
BRYANT, E. B. 1940: 268

Triaeris stenaspis SIMON, 1891:561

PLATNICK, N. I. & DUPERRE, N. & UBICK, D. & FANNES, W. 2012: 22
SIMON, E. 1891: 561
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