Russula subrutilans Y. K. Li & J. F. Liang, 2015

Li, Yang Kun, Zhang, Xin, Yuan, Ye, Cao, Zheng & Liang, Jun Feng, 2015, Morphological and molecular evidence for a new species of Russula (Russulaceae) from southern China, Phytotaxa 202 (2), pp. 94-102 : 97-99

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.202.2.2

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scientific name

Russula subrutilans Y. K. Li & J. F. Liang

sp. nov.

Russula subrutilans Y. K. Li & J. F. Liang View in CoL , sp. nov.

Fig. 2–4 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 .

MycoBank: MB 809523

Etymology: “subrutilans ”refers to the pink color of the pileus in Latin.

Type:— CHINA. Guangdong Province: Guangzhou City, Tianluhu Park, 11 September 2012, Xin Zhang 300 (RITF1874, holotype!).

Basidiomata ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 & 4) small to medium sized. Pileus 24–50 mm in diam., hemispherical, sometimes with a low umbo, margin incurved when young, expanding to applanate or concave, slightly depressed or even shallow infundibuliform with age, margin straight and undulate, sometimes dehiscent, often glabrous; color cream white to pale olive-buff (XL21’’f), and center somtimes with pale yellow-green (VI31f) tints when young, buff-pink (XXVIII11’’d) to light congo-pink (XXVIII7’’d) at center and gradual paler towards the margin, pale vinaceous-pink (XXVIII9’’f) to pale congo-pink (XXVIII7’’f) or pale brownish-vinaceous at margin; sometimes, the colors are easily washed out by rain, with the end result of a whitish pileus with pale green tinges at center, for which the pinkish color is more soluble than green tinges; slightly viscid when moist, vinaceous-tawny (XXVIII11’’) to onion-skin pink (XXVIII11’’b) when dried; pellis somtimes with small part exfoliating. Lamellae adnate to subadnexed, ventricose to subventricose, first subcrowed, moderately distant or distant when mature, lamellulae rare or absent, ocassionally forked near stipe, white to cream, turning to yellow when bruised or injured by insects, chamois (XXX19’’b) to salmo color (XIV9’d) when dried. Stipe 15–35 × 5–9 mm, cylindrical to subcylindrical, solid, somewhat curved at lower part, tapers to the base, white, amaranth purple (XII69i) in SV. Annulus absent. Context thin, whitish. Spore print cream color (XVI19’f). Taste mild or few acrid. Odor a little sweet or beany.

Basidiospores ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ) [140/7/6] (6.0) 6.2–8.5 (9.4) × (5.7) 6.2–7.8 (8.5) μm [Q=(1.0) 1.02–1.13 (1.15), avQ = 1.07 ± 0.07], globose to subglobose or broadly ellipsoid, with a small hilar appendage, ornamentation amyloid, warts bluntly conical, joined basally by fine amyloid ridges and forming a partial reticulum, or occasionally isolated, plage indistinct and amyloid, hyaline in 5% KOH. Basidia ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ) (29.5) 32.5–48.5 (60.5) × 10.5–16.0 μm, clavate, slightly bulbous in the upper half, 4 sterigmata or 2-spored, sterigmata up to 9 μm. Cheilocystidia ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ) 40.5–51.5 (54.5) × 8.8–13.0 μm, rare, clavate or narrowly clavate, somtimes with a bluntly acuminate tip. Pleurocystidia ( Fig. 2D View FIGURE 2 ) 41.5–75.8 × 9.9–13.9 μm, clavate to subclavate, common, apices obtuse or bluntly acuminate, sometimes with a macronate tip. Caulocystidia ( Fig. 2E View FIGURE 2 ) 63.0–136.5 × 7.5–10.2 μm, common, narrow clavate to clavate. Pileipellis ( Fig. 2F View FIGURE 2 ) composed of erect and cylindrical hyphae, often branched and interwoven, septate, light phlox purple (XI65d) in SV, terminal elements 10.5–27.0 × 2.2–5.0 μm, cylindrical, with obtuse and often tapered ends. Pileocystidia ( Fig. 2G View FIGURE 2 ), common, 11.5–38.0 × 4.0–8.5 (10.0) μm, clavate, septate, with crystal contents, often amaranth pink (XII69d) and rare grayish in SV, apices obtuse. Clamp connections absent.

Habitat and distribution: Solitary to dispersed, terrestrial, under the coniferous and broad leaf forests, dominated by Castanopsis sp. , Pinus sp. , Acacia sp. , in summer and autumn. So far only found from type locality.

Additional specimens examined: China. Guangdong Province: Guangzhou city, Tianluhu Park , 7 September 2012, Xin Zhang 291 ( RITF1865 , paratype!) ; 11 September 2012, Xin Zhang 297 ( RITF1871 , paratype!) ; Xin Zhang 299 ( RITF1873 , paratype!) ; 27 May 2014 Yang-Kun Li 1 ( RITF2502 , paratype!) ; 27 May 2014 Yang-Kun Li 3 ( RITF2504 . paratype!) .

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