Macrothricidae Norman & Brady, 1867 sensu Smirnov, 1992

Escalante, Patricio De Los Rios & Kotov, Alexey A., 2015, A checklist of Branchiopoda (Anostraca and Cladocera) of Chilean continental waters, Zootaxa 4027 (3), pp. 366-388 : 374-375

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Macrothricidae Norman & Brady, 1867 sensu Smirnov, 1992


Family Macrothricidae Norman & Brady, 1867 sensu Smirnov, 1992 View in CoL

(42) Cactus cactus ( Vávra, 1900) (described as Macrothrix cactus Vávra, 1900 ). Punta Arenas (53° 09' S; 70° 55' W) ( Vávra 1900; Ruiz & Bahamonde 1989); Lago San Ricardo, Tierra del Fuego ( Smirnov & Kotov 2009). Listed for Chile by Villalobos (2006). This taxon is an endemic of the southernmost corner of South America and Tierra del Fuego.

(43) Macrothrix atahualpa Brehm, 1936 (syn. M. palearis Harding, 1955 , syn. Echinisca palearis ). Chungará lake (18°15' S; 69°10' W) (Domínguez 1983; Ruiz & Bahamonde 1989; Berrios & Sielfeld 2000), Salar de Lagunillas (19°59' S; 68° 54' W) (Kotov et al. 2010). Listed for Chile by Villalobos (2006).

Macrothrix ciliata Vávra, 1900 View in CoL . Junior synonym of M. oviformis ( Kotov 2007) View in CoL .

Macrothrix chevreuxi Guerne & Richard, 1892 View in CoL . Peña Blanca, Quilpué (33° 07' S; 71° 14' W), Valdivia (39° 49' S; 73° 15' W) ( Ekman 1900). It is regarded as junior synonym of M. triserialis ( Smirnov 1992) View in CoL . Even if M. chevreuxi View in CoL will be regarded as a valid taxon in the future, a chance to find this African taxon in South America is minimal keeping in mind already demonstrated non-cosmopolitanism of this group ( Dumont et al. 2002).

(44) Macrothrix goeldi Richard, 1897 View in CoL . "près de Concepción et à Lunache” (= Limache, 32° 59' S; 71° 17' W)" ( Richard 1897; Kotov & Ferrari 2010). A preliminary name for Macrothrix cf. spinosa King, 1853 View in CoL from South America. But this group needs to be accurately revised worldwide.

(45) Macrothrix hirsuticornis Norman and Brady, 1867 View in CoL . Manzanillo river (33° 26' S; 70° 28' S) ( Brehm 1936); Plateado reservoir (33° 04' S; 71° 39' W), Yeso reservoir (33° 39' S; 70° 07' W) ( Domínguez & Zúñiga 1976; Ruiz & Bahamonde 1989); Santiago, Antarctic Peninsula ( Berrios & Sielfeld 2000). Listed for Chile by Villalobos (2006). In reality, this determination is problematic. No M. hirsuticornis View in CoL is present in southern portion of South America, only M. oviformis ( Kotov 2007) View in CoL . But more northern populations need to be revised.

Macrothrix inflata Daday, 1902 View in CoL . Junior synonym of M. oviformis View in CoL .

(46) Macrothrix laticornis (Jurine, 1820) View in CoL s. lat. (described as Monoculus laticornis Jurine, 1820 ). El Peral (33° 30' S; 71° 35' W) ( Araya & Zúñiga 1985); Valparaiso (33° 04' S; 71° 38' W) ( Berrios & Sielfeld 2000). Listed for Chile by Villalobos (2006). A widely distributed group needs to be revised worldwide keeping in mind that even in Holarctic it is represented by several species ( Silva-Briano et al. 1999).

M. odontocephala Daday, 1902 . Junior synonym of M. oviformis View in CoL .

(47) Macrothrix oviformis Ekman, 1900 View in CoL (syn. M. ciliata Vávra, 1900 View in CoL ; M. inflata Daday, 1902 View in CoL ; M. odontocephala Daday, 1902 . Del Inca lagoon (32° 49' S; 70° 09' W), Peñuelas lagoon (33° 09' S; 71° 32' W) ( Araya & Zúñiga 1985; Ruiz & Bahamonde 1989; Berrios & Sielfeld, 2000), Laguna Melliza, Parque Nacional de las Torres del Paine (51° 03' S; 72° 57' W); grassy meadow, 8 km north of turnoff to Monte Aymond (52° 08' S; 69° 31' W) ( Kotov 2007); Salar de Lagunillas (19° 59' S; 68° 54' W) (Kotov et al. 2010). Listed for Chile by Villalobos (2006). A taxon widely distributed in southernmost portion of South America, Tierra del Fuego, Antarctic Peninsula and surrounding islands ( Kotov 2007).

Macrothrix palearis Harding, 1955 View in CoL . Junior synonym of M. atahualpa View in CoL .

(48) Macrothrix triserialis Brady, 1886 View in CoL Реñаblаnса close to Quilpué (33° 07' S; 71° 14' W); Valdivia (39° 49' S; 73° 15' W) ( Vávra 1900; Ruiz & Bahamonde 1989)."Valparaiso (33° 04' S; 71° 38' W) a Valdivia" ( Berrios & Sielfeld 2000). Most probably, these populations belong to M. elegans Sars, 1901 View in CoL , common in South America ( Dumont et al. 2002; Kotov et al. 2004).

(49) Streblocerus serricaudatus (Fischer, 1849) View in CoL . Isla Margarita ( Löffler 1961); Lago Llanquihue (41° 15' S; 73° 01' W) ( Thomasson 1963); Lago Todos los Santos ( Zúñiga & Domínguez 1977; Ruiz & Bahamonde 1989); Former Lakes district (current River and Lakes districts: 39° 48' S – 45° 48' W) ( Berrios & Sielfeld 2000). Listed for Chile by Villalobos (2006). S. cf. serricaudatus View in CoL from South America is very similar to those from Eurasia ( Paggi 1976; Smirnov 1992), but this taxon must be revised according to new standards of morphological analysis.

Araya, J. M. & Zuniga, L. R. (1985) Manual taxonomico del zooplancton lacustre de Chile. Boletin. Limnologico, Universidad Austral de Chile, 8, 1 - 110.

Berrios, V. & Sielfeld, W. (2000) Superclase Crustacea. Guias de Identificacion y Biodiversidad Fauna Chilena. Apuntes de Zoologia, Universidad Arturo Prat, Iquique, Chile, 32 pp.

Brehm, V. (1936) Mitteilungen von den Forschungsreisen Prof. Rahms. Mitteilung VI. Uber die Cladocerenfauna des Titicaca und uber einige neue Fundstellen bereits bekannter Copepoden. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 114, 157 - 159.

Daday, E. (1902) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Susswasser-Mikrofauna von Chile. Termeszetrakzi. Futezek, 25, 436 - 447.

Dominguez, P. & Zuniga, L. (1976) Analisis fenologico de los cladoceros limneticos (Crustacea: Entomostraca) de la laguna El Plateado (Valparaiso). Anales del Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaiso, 9, 35 - 44.

Dumont, H. J., Silva-Briano, M. & Babu, K. K. S. (2002) A re-evaluation of the Macrothrix rosea-triserialis group, with the description of two new species (Crustacea Anomopoda: Macrothricidae). Hydrobiologia, 467, 1 - 44. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1023 / a: 1014933227259

Ekman, S. (1900) Cladoceren aus Patagonien, gesammelt von der schwedischen Expedition nach Patagonien 1899. Zoologische Jahrbucher. Abteilung fur Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere, 14, 62 - 84.

Harding, J. P. (1955) Percy Sladen Trust expedition. XIX. Crustacea: Cladocera. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, 1 (3), 329 - 354.

Kotov, A. A., Garfias-Espejo, T. & Elias-Gutierrez, M. (2004) Separation of two Neotropical species: Macrothrix superaculeata (Smirnov, 1982) versus M. elegans Sars, 1901 (Macrothricidae, Anomopoda, Cladocera). Hydrobiologia, 517, 61 - 88. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1023 / B: HYDR. 0000027337.57305. b 0

Kotov, A. A. (2007) Revision of the hirsuticornis - like species of Macrothrix Baird, 1843 (Cladocera: Anomopoda: Macrothricidae) from Subantarctic and temperate regions of the southern hemisphere. Journal of Natural History, 41, 2569 - 2620. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222930701689937

Loffler, H. (1961) Zur Systematik und Okologie der chilenischen Susswasserentomostraken. Beitrage Neotropicischen Fauna, 2, 145 - 222.

Paggi, J. C. (1976) Cladoceros Macrothricidae nuevos para la fauna Argentina. Physis, Buenos Aires, Seccion B, 35 (91), 103 - 112.

Richard, J. (1892) Sur les Entomostraces des eaux douces du Chili. Actes de la Societe Scientifique du Chili, 2 (2), 188 - 189.

Richard, J. (1897) Entomostraces de l'Amerique du Sud, recueillis par MM. U. Deiters, H. von Ihering, G. W. Muller et C. O. Poppe. Memoires de la Societe zoologique de France, 10, 263 - 301.

Ruiz, L. R. & Bahamonde, N. N. (1989) Cladoceros y copepodos limnicos en Chile y su distribucion geografica. Lista sistematica Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago, Chile, Publicacion Ocasional, 45, 5 - 48.

Sars, G. O. (1901) Contributions to the knowledge of the fresh-water Entomostraca of South America, as shown by artificial hatching from dried material. 1. Cladocera. Archiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab, 23, 1 - 102.

Silva-Briano, M., Dieu, N. Q. & Dumont, H. J. (1999) Redescription of Macrothrix laticornis (Jurine, 1820), and description of two new species of the M. laticornis - group. Hydrobiologia, 403, 39 - 61. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1023 / A: 1003776325401

Smirnov, N. N. (1992) The Macrothricidae of the world. Guides to the identification of the microivertebrates of the Continental Waters of the world. Vol. 1. SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague, 143 pp.

Smirnov, N. N. & Kotov, A. A. (2009) Morphological radiation with reference to the carapace valves of the Anomopoda (Crustacea: Cladocera). International Review of Hydrobiology, 94, 580 - 594. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1002 / iroh. 200811121

Thomasson, K. (1963) Araucanian lakes. Plankton studies in North Patagonia with notes on terrestrial vegetation. Acta Phytogeographica Suecica, 47, 1 - 139.

Vavra, W. (1900) Suswasser Cladoceren. Hamburger Magalhaensische Sammelreise, 5,1 - 25.

Villalobos, L. (2006) Estado del conocimiento de los crustaceos zooplanctonicos dulceacuicolas de Chile. Gayana, 70, 31 - 39. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.4067 / S 0717 - 65382006000100007

Zuniga, L. R. & Dominguez, P. (1977) Observaciones sobre el zooplancton de lagos chilenos. Anales del Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaiso, 10, 107 - 120.













