Phora Latreille

Ament, Danilo César & Brown, Brian V., 2016, FAMILY PHORIDAE, Zootaxa 4122 (1), pp. 414-451 : 436

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Plazi (2016-06-14 07:42:00, last updated 2024-11-28 12:30:30)

scientific name

Phora Latreille


Genus Phora Latreille View in CoL

Phora Latreille, 1796: 125 View in CoL (no species); 1802: 464 (des. of genotype). Type species, Musca aterrima Fabricius, 1794 (preocc. by M. aterrima Villers, 1789 = Trineura atra Meigen, 1804 ) (subs. mon. Latreille, 1802). Refs.: Latreille, 1805: 394; Becker, 1901: 6 (p. p.); Brues, 1915a: 107; 1950: 44; Lundbeck, 1922: 186; Schmitz, 1918: 117, 119; 1920: 110; Schmitz & Wirth, 1954: 114; Borgmeier, 1963a: 99 (key); 1968: 42 (cat.); 1971: 182 (cat.); Beyer, 1965: 21; Brown, 1992: 47; Disney, 1994: 286.

Trineura Meigen, 1803: 276 View in CoL . Type species, Musca aterrima Fabricius, 1794 (subs. des. Brues, 1906). Refs.: Meigen, 1804: 312; Fallén, 1823: 7; Zetterstedt, 1848: 2890; Schiner, 1864: 347; Becker, 1901: 78; Brues, 1904: 339; 1906: 7; Schmitz, 1940: 102; 1953b: 309.

Philodendria Rondani, 1856: 136. Type species, Tephritis aterrima Fabricius (orig. des.; = Musca aterrima Fabricius, 1794 ).

Becker, T. (1901) Die Phoriden. Abhandlungen der zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 1, 1 - 100.

Beyer, E. M. (1965) Phoridae (Diptera Brachycera). Exploration du Parc National Albert, Mission G. F. De Witte (1933 - 1935), 99, 1 - 211.

Borgmeier, T. (1963 a) Revision of the North American phorid flies. Part I. The Phorinae, Aenigmatiinae and Metopininae, except Megaselia (Diptera, Phoridae). Studia Entomologica, 6, 1 - 256.

Brues, C. T. (1904) A monograph of the North American Phoridae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 29 (1903), 331 - 403.

Brues, C. T. (1906) Diptera, Family Phoridae. In: Wytsman, P. (Ed.), Genera insectorum. Vol. 44. Verteneuil & Desmet, Bruxelles, pp. 1 - 18.

Brues, C. T. (1915 a) A synonymic catalogue of the dipterous family Phoridae. Bulletin of the Wisconsin Natural History Society, 12 (1914), 85 - 152.

Disney, R. H. L. (1994) Scuttle flies: The Phoridae. Chapman & Hall, London, 467 pp.

Fabricius, J. C. (1794) Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta. Vol. 4. Hafniae (= Copenhagen), 472 pp.

Fallen, C. F. (1823) Phytomyzides et Ochtidiae Sveciae. Berling, Lund, 10 pp.

Latreille, P. (1796) Precis des caracteres generiques des Insectes, disposes dans un ordre naturel. Paris, xiii + 179 pp.

Latreille, P. A. (1802) Histoire naturelle, generale et particuliere, des Crustaces et des Insectes. In: Sonnini, C. S. (Ed.), Histoire naturelle par Buffon. Vol. 3. Dufart, Paris, pp. 1 - 467.

Latreille, P. A. (1805) Histoire naturelle, generale et particuliere des Crustaces et des Insectes. In: Sonnini, C. S. (Ed.), Histoire naturelle par Buffon. Vol. 14. Dufart, Paris, pp. 1 - 432.

Lundbeck, W. (1922) Pipunculidae, Phoridae. In: Diptera Danica. Part IV. G. E. C. Gad, Copenhagen, 455 pp.

Meigen, J. W. (1803) Versuch einer neuen Gattungseintheilung der europaischen zweiflugeligen Insekten. Magazin fur Insektenkunde, 2, 259 - 281.

Meigen, J. W. (1804) Beschreibung der europaischen zweiflugeligen Insekten (Diptera Linn.). Vol. I. Braunschweig (= Brunswick), xxviii + 314 pp.

Rondani, C. (1856) Dipterologiae Italicae prodromus. Vol. 1. A. Stoschi, Parmae, 228 pp.

Schiner, J. R. (1864) Ueber das Fluegelgeaeder der Dipteren. Abhandlungen der zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 14, 193 - 200.

Schmitz, H. (1918) Die Phoriden von Hollaendisch Limburg. Mit Bestimmungstabellen aller bisher kenntlich beschriebenen europaeischen Phoriden. I and II Teil. Jaarboek van het Natuurhistorisch Genootschap in Limburg, 1917, 79 - 150.

Schmitz, H. (1940) Kritisches Verzeichnis der palaearktischen Phoriden mit Angabe ihrer Verbreitung. Natuurhistorisch Maandblad, 29, 96, 101 - 104, 118 - 120, 127 - 129.

Schmitz, H. & Wirth, W. W. (1954) A review of the North American species of the genus Phora Latreille. The Wasmann Journal of Biology, 12, 113 - 127.

Villers, C. J. de (1789) Caroli Linnaei entomologia, faunae suecicae descriptionibus aucta. Vol. 3. Lugduni (= Lyon), 472 pp.

Zetterstedt, J. W. (1848) Diptera Scandinaviae disposita et descripta. Vol. 7. ex Officina Lundbergiana, sumtibus auctoris, Lundae, 354 pp. [pp. 2581 - 2934]











