Stratiomys Geoffroy

Fachin, Diego Aguilar & Assis-Pujol, Cristiane Vieira De, 2016, FAMILY STRATIOMYIDAE, Zootaxa 4122 (1), pp. 312-341 : 328-329

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Plazi (2016-06-14 07:13:21, last updated by Valdenar 2020-10-27 17:37:03)

scientific name

Stratiomys Geoffroy


Genus Stratiomys Geoffroy

Stratiomys Geoffroy, 1762: 449 , 475. Type species, Linnaeus, 1758 (sub. des. of I.C.Z.N., 1957 b: 123).

Hirtea Scopoli, 1763: 367 . Type species, Hirtea longicornis Scopoli, 1763 (mon.).

Stratiomiis Scopoli, 1777: 408 , error.

Ssratiomys Panzer, 1792: 14 , error.

Stratiomyx Rossi, 1794: 60 , error.

Stratiomis Walckenaer, 1802: 377 , error.

Stratyomis Schellenberg, 1803: 34 , error.

Stratyomys Griffith & Pidgeon, 1832: 700 , error.

Stratiomyia Macquart, 1838: 179 , error.

Hoplomyia Zeller, 1842: 828 [misprinted “ 882 ”] (nom. nov. for Stratiomys Geoffroy, 1762 ). Type species, Musca chamaeleon Linnaeus, 1758 .

Stratiomyia Agassiz, 1846: 354 , emend. of Stratiomys Geoffroy, 1762 .

Hoptomyia Loew, 1846: 467 , error.

Thyreodontha Rondani, 1863: 77 . Type species, Stratiomys strigata Fabricius, 1781 = Hirtea longicornis Scopoli, 1763 (orig. des.).

Strutiomys Walker, 1864: 203 , error.

Stratiomya Schiner, 1868 b: 51 , error.

Thyreodonta Marschall, 1873: 348 , error.

Stratiotomyia Rye, 1879: 188 , emend. of Stratiomys Geoffroy, 1762 .

Stratomyia Bigot, 1887 b : CCV, error.

Stratiomia Hunter, 1900: 130 , error.

Thyreodonta Bezzi, 1903: 16 , emend. of Thyreodontha Rondani, 1863 .

Oreomyia Pleske, 1922: 326 . Type species, Stratiomys concinna Meigen, 1822 (sub. des. of Lindner, 1937 a: 73).

Holopyrrhoceromyia Pleske, 1922: 326 . Type species, Stratiomys pyrrhocera Loew, 1869 = Stratiomys ruficornis Zetterstedt, 1842 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of Oreomyia .

Hemipyrrhoceromyia Pleske, 1922: 326 . Type species, Stratiomys concinna Meigen, 1822 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of Oreomyia .

Laternigera Pleske, 1922: 327 . Type species, Stratiomys furcata Fabricius, 1794 = Musca singularius M. Harris, 1778 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of Stratiomyia .

Eustratiomyia Pleske, 1922: 327 . Type species, Musca chamaeleon Linnaeus, 1758 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of Stratiomyia .

Amauromyia Pleske, 1922: 328 . Type species, Stratiomys lugubris Loew, 1871 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of Stratiomyia .

Poecilothorax Pleske, 1922: 329 . Type species, Stratiomys nobilis Loew, 1871 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of Stratiomyia .

Diademomyia Pleske, 1922: 329 . Type species, Stratiomys cenisia Meigen, 1822 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of Stratiomyia .

Metastratiomyia Pleske, 1922: 330 . Type species, Stratiomys equestris Meigen, 1835 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of Stratiomyia .

Electrolophidion Pleske, 1922: 331 . Type species, Stratiomys zarudnyi Pleske, 1899 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of Stratiomyia .

Parastratiomyia Pleske, 1922: 331 . Type species, Stratiomys ventralis Loew, 1847 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of Stratiomyia .

Stereoxantha Pleske, 1922: 332 . Type species, Stratiomyia sinensis Pleske, 1901 (orig. des.) Described as subgenus of Stratiomyia .

Stiatiomyia Pleske, 1922: 332 , error.

Stratioyms Ôuchi, 1940: 272 , error.

Stratiomyis Ôuchi, 1940: 272 , error.

Strariomyia Shi, 1992: 1116 , error.

Comm.: We do not agree at all with the opinion of Woodley (2001: 346, footnote 126) on the synonymy of Stratiomicrodon Pujol-Luz & Papavero, 1998 with Stratiomys Geoffroy, 1762 . Stratiomicrodon erected for Stratiomys convexa Wulp, 1881 has important diagnostic features when compared with other species of Stratiomys , especially by its four flagellomeres of the antenna and the scutellar spines very close on the scutellum, exclusive conditions of the genus. Therefore, we recognize the genus Stratiomicrodon as valid, with a single species Stratiomicrodon convexus ( Wulp, 1881) .

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