Anastatus Motschulsky, 1859
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Plazi (2020-04-28 07:47:23, last updated 2024-11-26 07:09:44) |
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Anastatus Motschulsky, 1859 |
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Anastatus Motschulsky, 1859 View in CoL View at ENA
Diagnosis. FEMALE. Mandibles bidentate, with truncate dorsoapical margin and small, acute, ventroapical tooth ( Fig. 10B View FIGURE 10 , insert]. Mesotibia anteroapically with mesotibial groove ( Fig. 3J View FIGURE 3 : mgr) between mesotibial apical pegs ( Fig. 3J View FIGURE 3 : map) and part of tibia above tarsus. Propodeum (e.g., Fig. 10A View FIGURE 10 , insert) with anterior margin V-like incised medially for reception of dorsellum and foramen broadly, ∩-like incurved almost to apex of V-like incision so as to differentiate more or less bowtie-like medial region formed by inclined surface of plical region on either side of very short medial region. Fore wing discal region infuscate with either hyaline cross-band (e.g., Fig. 1D View FIGURE 1 ) or anterior and posterior hyaline spots (e.g., Fig. 6H View FIGURE 6 ) with white setae behind marginal vein. Gaster with subbasal white band in dorsal and lateral views (e.g., Figs 3A, B View FIGURE 3 ), and syntergum apically reflexed into paler syntergal flange.
MALE. Mandible bidentate ( Figs. 17F View FIGURE 17 , 21C View FIGURE 21 ) similar to female ( Fig. 10B View FIGURE 10 , insert). Head with toruli inserted near lower margin of eyes, not distinctly closer to each other than to oral margin or to inner orbits, gena with subequally short setae, and maxillary palpus not conspicuously long (e.g., Fig. 5E View FIGURE 5 ). Antenna with short, subglobular pedicel lacking line of apically curved setae ( Fig. 5D View FIGURE 5 : pdl); flagellum of regional species robust-filiform (e.g., Figs 2E View FIGURE 2 , 5D View FIGURE 5 ) with first flagellomere so strongly reduced that at most seven funiculars clearly visible, the funiculars and clava variably long (cf. Figs 2E View FIGURE 2 , 5D View FIGURE 5 : clv), but all flagellomeres microsetose with multiple rows of multiporous plate sensilla ( Fig. 5D View FIGURE 5 : mps). Metapleuron bare. Fore wing hyaline, without or with variably large speculum (cf. Figs 5H View FIGURE 5 , 17I View FIGURE 17 : spc).
Remarks. The extensive generic synonymy of Anastatus was reviewed by Gibson (2020), who listed 16 junior synonyms. The key to genera based on females by Gibson (1995) can be used to differentiate females from those of other genera of Eulpelminae. Because of similar fore wing colour patterns, macropterous females of Chinese species of Anastatus could be mistaken for females of two other eupelmine genera, Zaischnopsis Ashmead, 1904 or some Mesocomys Cameron, 1905 . However, Zaischnopsis females have tridentate mandibles, the gaster lacks a subbasal white region, and propodeal structure is different ( Peng et al. 2018). Females of some Mesocomys species are superficially more similar to Anastatus females because they have similar bidentate mandibles, a subbasally white gaster, and similar fore wing colour patterns, but in addition to having a different propodeal structure are differentiated by the mesotibia lacking both an apical groove and apical pegs, among several other features detailed by Gibson (1995).
Males can also be identified to genus using the key to genera based on males in Gibson (1995), who keyed out males of Anastatus in eight different places, which reflects their morphological diversity, particularly in flagellar structure. Males of most species from China will key through couplet eight in the key of Gibson (1995) only with difficulty because the fore wing often has a large, quadrangular speculum between the parastigma and mediocubital fold (e.g., Figs 5H View FIGURE 5 , 9I View FIGURE 9 , 24I View FIGURE 24 : spc), which is otherwise characteristic of males of Eupelmus Dalman, 1820 and Xenanastatus Bouček, 1988 . However, males of these latter two genera have different flagellar structures than described for regional males of Anastatus , and males of the much more common of the two genera, Eupelmus , often have one seta on the gena that is much longer than the others and a more elongate-triangular pedicel with a line of apically curved setae ventrally (see figures in Gibson 2011; Gibson and Fusu 2016).
Ashmead, W. H. (1904) Descriptions of new Hymenoptera from Japan. II. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 12, 146 - 165, pls. 7 - 8.
Boucek, Z. (1988) Australasian Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). A biosystematic revision of genera of fourteen families, with a reclassification of species. Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International, Wallingford, 832 pp.
Gibson, G. A. P. (1995) Parasitic wasps of the subfamily Eupelminae: classification and revision of world genera (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea, Eupelmidae). Memoirs on Entomology, International 5. Associated Publishers, Gainesville, Florida, 421 pp.
Gibson, G. A. P. (2011) The species of Eupelmus (Eupelmus) Dalman and Eupelmus (Episolindelia) Girault (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) in North America north of Mexico. Zootaxa, 2951 (1), 1 - 97. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 2951.1.1
Gibson, G. A. P. & Fusu, L. (2016) Revision of the Palaearctic species of Eupelmus (Eupelmus) Dalman (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae). Zootaxa, 4081 (1), 1 - 331. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4081.1.1
Gibson, G. A. P. (2020) Redescription of Anastatus mantoidae Motschulsky, the type species of Anastatus Motschulsky 1859, and Anastatus echidna (Motschulsky), the type species of Cacotropia Motschulsky 1863, with respect to taxonomy of Anastatus (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae: Eupelminae). Zootaxa, 4748 (3), 485 - 513. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4748.3.5
Peng, L. F., Xiang, J. & Liu, Q. (2018) Three new species of Zaischnopsis Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae) from Southern China, with redescription of Zaischnopsis tubatius (Walker). Zootaxa, 4524 (2), 200 - 212. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4524.2.4
FIGURE 1. Anastatus (Anastatus) bifasciatus female. A, Dorsal habitus (2018-72); B, lateral habitus (2018-72); C, antenna (2018-72) [insert: pedicel and basal two flagellomeres]; D, fore wing (2018-73); E, frontal head (2018-72); F, base of fore wing (2018-73); G, mesonotum (2018-72); H, profemur, posterior view (2018-82); I, mesotibial apical spur and mesotarsus (2018-82).Abbreviations: aod = longitudinal diameter of anterior ocellus, bac = basal cell, cua = cubital area, flx = flagellomere number, mcf = mediocubital fold, mdf = medial fold, osd = distance between anterior ocellus and scrobal depression, pdl = pedicel, vna = vanal area.
FIGURE 2. Anastatus (Anastatus) bifasciatus male. A, Dorsal head and mesosoma (2018-75); B, lateral habitus (2018-74); C, frontal head (2018-75); D, lateral mesosoma (2018-74); E, head and antennae (2018-74); F, fore wing (2018-75); G, costal cell (2018-74). Abbreviations: ac = acropleuron, epm = mesepimeron, eps = mesepisternum, mll = mesoscutal lateral lobe, mml = mesoscutal medial lobe, not = notaulus, spc = speculum.
FIGURE 3. Anastatus (Anastatus) colemani female. A, Dorsal habitus (2018-81); B, lateral habitus (2018-80); C, frontal head (2018-80); D, base of antenna (USNM syntype); E, dorsal mesosoma (2018-81); F, fore wing (2018-80); G, lateral mesosoma (2018-80); H, fore wing base (2018-80); I, profemur, posterior view (2018-80) [arrow points to denticle]; J, mesotibial apical spur and mesotarsus (2018-80). Abbreviations: ac = acropleuron, acs = acropleural sulcus, aml = anterior, convex region of mesoscutal medial lobe, flx = flagellomere number, map = mesotibial apical pegs, mgr = mesotibial apical groove, mll = mesoscutal lateral lobe, mpc = mesopectus, not = notaulus, pdl = pedicel, pml = posterior, concave region of mesoscutal medial lobe, pre = prepectus.
FIGURE 5. Anastatus (Anastatus) dexingensis. A, Female antenna (2018-86) [insert: apical three funiculars and clava, vertical lines indicate length of antennomeres]; B, female base of fore wing (2018-85); C, female mesotibial apical spur and mesotarsus; D, male antenna (2018-47) [insert: pedicel and ventral view of basal flagellomeres]; E, male frontal head (2018-49); F, male lateral habitus (2018-48); G, male dorsal head and mesosoma (2018-47); H, male fore wing (2018-47); I, male costal cell (2018- 47).Abbreviations: cuf = cubital fold, fl2 = second flagellomere, mcf = mediocubital fold, mdf = medial fold, mps = multiporous plate sensilla, pdl = pedicel, spc = speculum.
FIGURE 6. Anastatus (Anastatus) echidna female. A, Dorsal habitus (2019-64); B, lateral habitus (L. Peng image); C, antenna (2019-64) [insert: apical four funiculars and clava, vertical lines indicate length of antennomeres]; D, mesotibial apical spur and mesotarsus (2019-64); E, dorsal mesosoma (2019-64); F, frontal head (L. Peng image); G, base of antenna (2019-64); H, fore wing (L. Peng image); I, base of fore wing (L. Peng image). Abbreviations: pdl = pedicel, flx = flagellomere number.
FIGURE 9. Anastatus (Anastatus) formosanus. A, Female profemur, posterior view (2018-90) [arrow points to denticle]; B, female mesotibial apical spur and mesotarsus (2018-77); C, male lateral habitus (2018-83); D, male lateral mesosoma (2018- 83); E, male dorsal head and mesosoma (2018-83); F, male antenna (2018-83) [insert: ventral view of pedicel and basal flagellomeres (2018-94)]; G, male frontal head (2018-84); H, male fore wing (2018-83); I, male basal region of fore wing (2018-83). Abbreviations: fml = femoral line, mps = multiporous plate sensilla, spc = speculum, tsl = transepisternal line.
FIGURE 10. Anastatus (Anastatus) fulloi female. A, Dorsal habitus (2019-13) [insert: propodeum]; B, lateral habitus (2019- 12) [insert: mandibles]; C, head frontal (2019-15); D, antenna (2019-14) [insert: apical two funiculars and clava, vertical lines indicate length of antennomeres]; E, dorsal mesosoma (2019-13); F, lateral mesosoma (2019-12); G, fore wing (2019-14); H, mesotibial apical spur and mesotarsus (2019-12). Abbreviations: aod = longitudinal diameter of anterior ocellus, osd = distance between anterior ocellus and scrobal depression.
FIGURE 17. Anastatus (Anastatus) japonicus male. A, Lateral habitus (A. japonicus syntype); B, lateral habitus (A. flavipes paratype); C, lateral habitus (2019-25); D, dorsal head and mesosoma (A. japonicus syntype); E, antenna (2019-25); F, head and antenna (A. japonicus syntype). G, apical three funiculars and clava (2019-25); H, apical three funiculars and clava (A. japonicus syntype). I, fore wing (A. japonicus syntype); J. mesotibia and tarsus (A. japonicus syntype). Abbreviations: clv = clava, flx = flagellomere number, spc = speculum.
FIGURE 21. Anastatus (Anastatus) orientalis male. A, Dorsal head and mesosoma (2019-52); B, lateral habitus (2019-50); C, frontal head (2019-51); D, frontovertex (2019-51); E, lateral mesosoma (2019-53) [arrows point to pale bands on mesepisternum]; F, fore wing (2019-52); G, antenna (2019-51); H, base of fore wing (2019-52). Abbreviations: fml = femoral line, spc = speculum, tsl = transepisternal line.
FIGURE 24. Anastatus (Anastatus) shichengensis male. A, Lateral habitus (2019-74); B, dorsal head and mesosoma (2019-73); C, head frontal (2019-72); D, lateral mesosoma (2019-74); E, antenna (2019-74); F, apical three funiculars and clava (2019- 74); G, metanotum and propodeum (2019-73); H, fore wing (2019-71); I, base of fore wing (2019-71). Vertical lines in E and F indicate length of clava and apical two funiculars. Abbreviations: mcuf = mediocubital fold, spc = speculum.
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