Bombus Latreille, 1802

Júnior, José Eustáquio Santos, Santos, Fabrício R. & Silveira, Fernando A., 2015, Hitting an Unintended Target: Phylogeography of Bombus brasiliensis Lepeletier, 1836 and the First New Brazilian Bumblebee Species in a Century (Hymenoptera: Apidae), PLoS ONE 10 (5), pp. 1-21 : 13-14

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Valdenar (2019-12-05 17:58:04, last updated 2024-11-28 08:54:51)

scientific name

Bombus Latreille, 1802


KeytofemalesofBrazilianspeciesof Bombus Latreille, 1802 View in CoL . (Modifiedfrom [ 23])

1. - Pilosityentirelyblack, exceptforapically-palehairsonventralpartsofbody ........ 2

- Pilosity at least partially yellow on mesosoma, metasoma or both, forming bands or entirely covering one or more terga .......................................................... 4

2. - Malararealongerthanitsapicalwidth; posteriorglabrousareaondiscofmesoscutum well delimited, micro-reticulate and dull .... B. morio (Swederus, 1787) View in CoL

- Malar area shorter than its apical width; posterior glabrous area on disc of mesoscutum poorly or well delimited but never micro-reticulate and shiny ........... 3

3. - Micro-punctateregiononupperparaoculararea, nearupperinner-marginofcompound eyes wide, as wide as or wider than mid-ocellar diameter, occupying half of ocellorbital distance; pilosity relatively dense, velvety, especially dorsally on mesoscutum of queens ....... ................... B. brevivillus Franklin, 1913 View in CoL *

- Micro-punctateregiononupperparaoculararea, nearupperinner-marginofcompound eyes narrow, narrower than mid-ocellar diameter, generally occupying one third of ocellorbital distance; pilosity looser, not velvety ................................... ......................................................... pauloensis Friese, 1913 View in CoL (black form)

4. - Pilosityofpronotum, mesoscutumandscutellumlight-yellowtoyellowish-brown, without black intertegular hair-band; pilosity on T4-T6 ferruginous ................................... ......................................................... B. bellicosus Smith, 1879 View in CoL

- Yellow pilosity on pronotum, mesoscutum and scutellum relatively well developed, but always with an intertegular black band; T3 generally with yellow hair band; T4-T6 blackhaired ................................................................................. 5

5. - Yellowpilosityonmesosomanevertotallycoveringmesoandmetepisterna, whichare black haired on lower half, including venter ........................................... 6

- Yellow pilosity entirely covering meso and metepisterna, frequently reaching venter of mesosoma ...................................................................................... 7

6. - Posteriorglabrousareaondiscofmesoscutumill-defined, withsparsepuncturesreaching its middle; pilosity on pronotum, scutellum and T3 deep yellow, black intertegular band narrower than pronotal band ........ B. transversalis (Olivier, 1789) View in CoL

- Posterior glabrous area on disc of mesoscutum well defined, with no punctures on its middle; yellow pilosity entirely light; intertegular hair band wider than pronotal band ........................................... B. pauloensis Friese, 1913 View in CoL (yellow-banded form)

7. - T1 coveredwithyellowpilosity ......................... B. brasiliensis Lepeletier, 1836 View in CoL

- T1 covered with black pilosity, frequently intermingled with yellow or partially yellow hairs mid-apically ................ B. bahiensis Santos Júnior & Silveira View in CoL sp. n.

* Probably a compound species (see text).

23. Moure JS, Sakagami SF (1962) As mamangabas sociais do Brasil (Bombus Latreille) (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Stud. Entomol 5: 65 - 194.









