Renocila Miers, 1880

Ravichandran, S., Vigneshwaran, P. & Rameshkumar, G., 2019, A taxonomic review of the fish parasitic isopod family Cymothoidae Leach, 1818 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cymothooidea) of India, Zootaxa 4622 (1), pp. 1-99 : 72

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Plazi (2019-06-26 09:02:23, last updated 2024-11-29 10:00:31)

scientific name

Renocila Miers, 1880


Genus Renocila Miers, 1880 View in CoL View at ENA

Renocila Miers, 1880: 464 View in CoL .— Gerstaecker, 1882: 232.— Schiöedte & Meinert, 1884: 415.—Stebbing, 900: 610.— Barnard, 1936: 160.— Bowman & Mariscal, 1968: 100.— Brusca, 1981: 46.— Bruce, 1987c: 169–170.

Rosca Schiöedte & Meinert, 1881: 85 View in CoL .—Stebbing, 1924: 10.

Type species. Renocila ovata Miers, 1880 , by monotypy.

Diagnosis. A detailed diagnosis was given by Bruce (1987c).

Remarks. Characters that separate Renocila from related body surface infesting cymothoids genera are: antennula longer and more robust than antenna; rostrum not projecting between antennulas; pleonites 1 and 2 with ventrolateral margins not produced; posterolateral margins of pereonites 6 and 7 produced; uropods held concealed beneath pleotelson. In addition, Renocila are wider than most Anilocra , although at least two species of Anilocra ( Anilocra amboinensis Schiöedte & Meinert, 1881 and Anilocra pomacentri Bruce, 1987 ) approach the shape shown by Renocila .

Barnard, K. H. (1936) Isopods collected by the R. I. M. S. Investigator . Records of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, 38, 147 - 191.

Bowman, T. E. & Mariscal, R. N. (1968) Renocila heterozota, a new cymothoid isopod, with notes on its host, the anemone fish Amphiprion akallopsis, in the Seychelles. Crustaceana, 14, 97 - 104. https: // doi. org / 10.1163 / 156854068 X 01204

Bruce, N. L. (1987 c) Australian Renocila Miers, 1880 (Isopoda: Cymothoidae), crustacean parasites of marine fishes. Records of the Australian Museum, 39 (3), 169 - 182. https: // doi. org / 10.3853 / j. 0067 - 1975.39.1987.168

Bruce, N. L. (1987 a) Australian Pleopodias Richardson, (1910, and Anilocra Leach, 1818 (lsopoda, Cymothoidae), Crustacean Parasites of Marine Fishes. Records of the Australian Museum, 39, 85 - 130. https: // doi. org / 10.3853 / j. 0067 - 1975.39.1987.166

Brusca, R. C. (1981) A monograph on the Isopoda Cymothoidae (Crustacea) of the eastern Pacific. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 73, 117 - 199. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1096 - 3642.1981. tb 01592. x

Gerstaecker, A. (1882) Sechste Ordnung. Isopoda Asseln [Part]. In: Bronn, H. G. (Ed.), Klassen und Ordnung des ThierReichs, wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild. Flinfter Band n. Abtheilung. Gliederfussler, Arthropoda. Crustacea, Zweite Halfte (Malacostraca), pp. 97 - 278.

Miers, E. J. (1880) On a collection of Crustacea from the Malaysian Region Part 4. Penaeidae, Stomatopoda, Isopoda, Suctoria and Xiphosura. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 5, 457 - 467.

Schioedte, J. C. & Meinert, F. (1881) Symbolae ad monographium Cymothoarum crustaceorum isopodum familiae. Anilocridae. Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift, 12, 1 - 166.

Schioedte, J. C. & Meinert, F. (1884) Symbolae ad monographium Cymothoarum crustaceorum isopodum familiae. IV. Cymothoidae Trib. II. Cymothoinae. Trib. III: Lironecinae. Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift, 14, 221 - 454.









